Thursday, July 05, 2007

Got Yer "Bunch O' Hooey" Detectors On?

ACLU Sues City Over Jesus Painting

Most ridiculous quote of the day in article:

"We did not file this lawsuit because the ACLU is anti-religion ... We did file this lawsuit because we believe this display is clearly in violation of the law," said Vincent Booth, president and acting executive director of the Louisiana ACLU chapter."

"We did not file this lawsuit because the ACLU is anti-religion ..."

Yeah...right! And I'm the reigning Mrs. America!!

Why is it ridiculous? Why is it a bunch o' hooey? (Not me claiming to be the reigning Mrs. America, mind you (but actually that is too! heh heh) ...but what is ridiculous and so blatantly dishonest is the ACLU quote above.

How can we see the disingenous, smarmy, anti-religious bigots as blatantly anti-religious (in general) as well as anti-Christian (in particular)?

Because of this paragraph:

The painting has been on display at the courthouse for nearly a decade and hadn't provoked any complaints prior to the ACLU's recent objections, said Michael Johnson, senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, a Christian civil rights group representing the city and parish.

Thank God for the Alliance Defense Fund!


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