Wednesday, October 12, 2005

God Blog Conference tomorrow!

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let the regulars here know that I will be attending the first ever (at least that I know of) GodBlog Conference this Thursday through Saturday (October 13th - 15th, 2005) at Biola University.

I may not have access to a computer for two of those three days, but I will be sure to write about the conference when I return late Saturday afternoon. If, by chance, any of you plan to attend the conference and you recognize me from my picture or spot my name badge, come up and say hello!

Below, I have included some additional information about the conference that I received in an email this morning.

God bless!


P.S. I intend to get one or two blog posts in and reply to any comments posted before I depart on Thursday afternoon, so please continue to check back for that! I just wanted to get this blog post announcement in early on Wednesday in case anyone reading might like to attend any of the one day events.


Copy of email letter:

Dear GodBlogCon Registrants,

We at the Torrey Honors Institute of Biola University are extremely excited to have you on our campus this Thursday! GodBlogCon has been a long time in coming, and as it has drawn near, our anticipation has increased immensely!! We are ecstatic about the line-up of speakers and events that we have for you. I wanted to send each of you an email prior to your arriving to let you know a few updates regarding GodBlogCon.

Most of these updates have been mentioned on [ ] the blog (which has been updated far more frequently of late than at its inception). It would be extremely helpful for us if you would consider advertising these updates on your own blogs.

First, there are some seats open to the public for the Friday night dialogue between Hugh Hewitt, John Mark Reynolds, Mark Roberts, and TodBolsinger.

Second, we have advertised a one-day only fee of $35 for Saturday. If you could advertise this, that would be great!

Third, registration on Thursday will occur in the courtyard of Sutherland Hall from 2:00-5:00 p.m. There will be coffee available during this time as well, so you are welcome to come at any point!

Fourth, courtesy of Grace Hill Media, we are offering a pre-screening of [ ] Elizabethtown for all GodBlogCon attendees. Grace Hill Media has requested us to ask attendees to mention this fact on their blogs. Some of you may remember that Grace Hill Media was one of the first companies to market movies through the blogging community (which they still do). By providing GodBlogCon attendees with a pre-screening they are continuing their aim of using GodBlogs to affect Hollywood. Please do them a favor and mention the film on your blog!!!

Finally, I would personally like to extend an invitation to contact me at any point throughout the convention if you have questions or urgent concerns. There will be a volunteer staff present to help you, but I would simply like to make myself available to each of you during the convention. I want to make sure your time at Biola is as enjoyable as it is constructive!

Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you on Thursday!!!!

Yours ever,
Matt Anderson GBC Coordinator


  1. Have a wonderful time my "little" sister and my "intensely eager" West Coast friend!

    Looking forward to your report on this conference. Much love. (ss)

  2. Thank you Susan!

    It will be fun for several reasons.
    First, of course, all that I will learn attending the breakout sessions. Second, I will get to see my two children when we all meet to go out to dinner on Thursday night! :-)

    I am hoping that maybe my daughter could attend the Elizabethtown movie screening with me. She isn't registered for the conference because she has school, but she could attend the movie.

    I sent in an email and posted a blog post asking if we can bring guests to the movie. I would be very willing to pay the movie price ticket for her to come with me! I'll just have to wait and see if they have the space and allow additional guests to attend.

    Love in Christ,

  3. We will simply believe together that God will show you favor and your daughter can attend the movie. As Stephen Bennett said: "I do know this: if it is His will - it will happen. If not, it won't." Praise the Lord, we know who is in complete control...

    You know I am not one content with "eating grass" so I expect a thorough update on this outing! In the Joy of the Lord. (ss)

  4. Oh how I wish I could go to this. It sounds like something I would really enjoy. What is this movie about? I am believing with you and Susan that your daughter will attend the movie. (hi Susan!!)

  5. Jojo, you are a blessing! "...a threefold cord is not quickly broken." (see ECC 4:12)

    Hope you are well and in good spirit.

    Yours in Christ. (ss)


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