Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America

I have found another book that I must read! Just read about it on Mark Levin's Facebook page.

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America
The real threat to the United States is not terrorism. The real threat is Islamism, whose sophisticated forces have collaborated with the American Left not only to undermine U.S. national security but also to shred the fabric of American constitutional democracy—freedom and individual liberty. ...

What is interesting to note is the following copy of a review of the book by a PERSON who was raised in a Muslim country in a Muslim family and society! [Note: The author of the review has chosen not to capitalize "islam," "muslim," and "mohammad."]

Here is a copy of the review:

88 of 92 people found the following review helpful:
As one raised in islam, I am amazed that a westerner finally gets islam & terrorist connections, May 24, 2010
By LOVE "TRUTH-Seeker" (Kirkland, WA USA) - See all my reviews

This review is from: The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America (Hardcover)
As one who was raised in a muslim country in a muslim family and society, I often find books by westerners trying to describe islam through western paradigms to fail to grasp the reality of islam. Finally someone breaks through all the political correctness and presents true islam as clearly compatible with Jihad. To the surprise of many westerners, for 1300+ years, since the prophet of islam, mohammad himself practiced jihad as he took out 600+ Jews and beheaded them in front of the faithful muslim leaders following mohammad's understanding of God.

This author rightly presents the reality that many wonderful muslim neighbors do not want sharia law! They are muslim culturally because their parents were muslims, but they want to be able to walk in public with members of opposite sex, play chess, play soccer, have a drink every now & then, have fun and live a happy life. True Islamic sharia law practiced by muslims for centuries requires the mullahs or imams of the nation to tell all muslims what they can and cannot do. If mohammad can take a 6 year old girl as a bride along with his other teenage wives and concubines and slaves, then muslims are taught that it is right for all muslims. If mohammad told us to hate all nonmuslims, including his final words prior to his surprise death, that we are all to hate Christians and Jews and behead all who will not submit to sharia law, then all faithful muslims are supposed to accept mohamamad's words as divine and imitate his lifestyle.

Under modern nonrestrictive interpretations of first amendment, the author rightly points out that the mastermind of the 1993 NY bombing under Clinton, laid out his case that as a muslim religious ruler, he was free to issue Islamic fatwas to destroy the lives of innocent nonmuslims. Shockingly, ACLU & liberal westerners are falling for this argument now more than ever . Under President Bush, even the muslims who succeeded in blowing up the towers on 9/11 were given muslim freedoms to continue to read the quran and live by the islamic sharia law while in prison. Subsequently, when some of the muslims were released from American prisons, they immediately went back to fulfill their Islamic call to destroy all infidels. Sadly, under hussein obama , we have accelerated our downfall as president obama has opened the door for muslim terrorists to believe they now have the strong upper hand and multiple terrorist attacks in America only failed because of The Grace of God. Shockingly hussein obama told the world that America is one of the largest muslim nations in the world and disavowed all Christian connections of the early founders of America.

The author of this book lays out a strong logical case for the reality of islam and the fact that majority of all muslims around the world who would not personally murder others, are fully in support of the muslim jihad terrorists; and the few that do not support the Islamic sharia law but call themselves "muslim" are only culturally Islamic, while walking against Islamic law as practiced by mohammad and muslims for 1300+ years.

This book will trouble the politically correct and western minded intellectuals who do not understand islam or those who are fooled by quotes of earlier quran revelations that were abrogated/overruled by the prophet of islam himself once he had the power to establish sharia law.

Every American and westerner should read this book and look up quran and hadith and Islamic history to determine the real Islamic threat so we can deal with the problem of terrorism at its root, rather than make up false causes for muslim inspired terrorists like poverty or illiteracy. As everyone knows by now, muslim terrorists were engineers, doctors psychiatrists and professors of islam and often very well off. They simply followed the iman/faith where islam led them. For us to win the battle against terror, we must first agree on the honest root cause well documented in this book, so we can finally address the tough needed solution for peace in our lands for all people! To have our troops die on the battlefield only to then establish sharia law and even open a center to promote sharia law where 9/11 muslims succeeded is utter foolishness that will lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocent around the world. Hope we wake up before that time! This book helps get us on the right starting point.

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