Friday, May 28, 2010

The Sestak Scandal

See the following blogs for information about the Sestak Scandal:

The Sestak Scandal: Obama Blames Bill, Coordinates with Sestak’s Brother, Claims Position “Unpaid”
posted by Phil at The Right Side of Life - 1 hour ago
Cue Michelle Malkin quote (emphasis original): And I ask again: What did Bob “The Silencer” Bauer know, when did he know it, and how long does the Most Transparent Administration Ever plan to play dodgebal...

Continuously Updating - It was Bill Clinton, Woops (not good enough) um... Sestak's Brother? ...It Was Just a Volunteer Job!
posted by (Arlen Williams) at Investigating Obama - 1 hour ago
Listening to the joint Obama/Sestak story now, on Fox News. They think this will pass the sniff test of honest news watchers, whether conservative, moderate, or even liberal? After all this time for Obama...

Sestak's Lose-Lose Dilemma -- Nan Matthis
posted by (Arlen Williams) at Investigating Obama - 2 hours ago
See also today's articles: "The Silence of the Sestak: The Big Me involved?; Update: WH memo released," by Ed Morrissey, HotAir "White House Asked Bill Clinton to Urge Sestak to Drop Out of Senate Race," ...

Karl Rove: Joe Sestak Is Lying Or Protecting a Felon in the White House
posted by Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit - 2 hours ago
It looks like the Sestak scandal is not going away any time soon for the Obama White House. And if Karl Rove is right, this won’t have a happy ending for the Obama corruptocrats. Andrew Malcolm at The LA T...

Rahm Emanuel Directed Bill Clinton to Offer Joe Sestak a Job
posted by (Maggie Thornton) at Maggie's Notebook - 3 hours ago
A bribe via Rahm Emanuel, via former President Bill Clinton: If Sestak is smart, he will come clean, quickly and face the consequences, which will be few if he steps up now. I understand a Sestak press co...

Obama Promises a Sestak Explanation “Shortly;” Outright Denies Offer to Romanoff -- Phil, TRSoL
posted by (Arlen Williams) at Investigating Obama - 3 hours ago
See also today's articles: "The Silence of the Sestak: The Big Me involved?; Update: WH memo released," by Ed Morrissey, HotAir "White House Asked Bill Clinton to Urge Sestak to Drop Out of Senate Race,"...

Expect A Friday News Dump From White House On Sestak (with updates)
posted by nicedeb at Nice Deb - 3 hours ago
Byron York spoke to Darrell Issa, the ranking Republican on the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, who had this to say about Obama’s curt answer to Major Garrett’s Sestak question, yesterd...

Dick Morris Joe Sestak: Dick Morris Suggestion to make White House and Sestak Talk
posted by (Maggie Thornton) at Maggie's Notebook - 17 hours ago
Deck Morris suggests, via an idea gleaned from Fox News' Judge Andrew Napolitano, that Pennsylvania Attorney General, Tom Corbett, convene a grand jury, bring in Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA), maybe Rahm Emanuel,...

Hat Tips to all links.


  1. Christine, thanks so much for the two lovely links. I'm honored.It seems there is so much news, I certainly can't keep up. I suppose it will be this way through November.

    Wishing you and yours a blessed Memorial Day.

  2. You are most welcome, Maggie! I agree wholeheartedly that there is just TOO MUCH information and news nowadays that it is difficult for each blogger to keep up with it all! That's why I love to read your blog and link to your excellent posts!

    Have a blessed Memorial Day. What an honor it is to remember those who died so that we could live in freedom. As Jesus said, there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends. May God bless and protect all of those serving in our armed forces all around the world today.


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