Monday, July 05, 2010

Kerchner v. Obama - All Is Not Lost

Thank you to my friends who emailed me encouraging messages today. I really appreciated reading what each of you wanted to share with me. Don't worry. I'm not losing heart - because my heart belongs to Jesus Christ! It's just that my grief over the Obama ineligibility issue being stalled, then dismissed due to the made up and over-used term of "lack of standing" really irks me! Plus, the close to two million dollars being spent to defend the usurper is disgusting! He has been lawyered-up into secrecy oblivion! The blockage of bringing this very important Constitutional crisis to trial is quite frustrating. Fortunately, there are several lawyers with cases that refuse to give up!

The other night, my depressed feelings came about after reading these two posts:

1. A Place to Ask Questions to Get the Right Answers:The Third Circuit Court of Appeals Affirms the Dismissal of the Kerchner v. Obama/Congress Case for Lack of Standing and Orders Attorney Apuzzo to Show Cause Why He Should Not Be Assessed Damages and Costs.

2. The Post & Email: July 4, Day of Former Independence

But then, I read this today:

3. Dr Kates View: Judges Impeach Themselves

And in the comment section, I found a link to this blog post:

Give Us Liberty: Kerchner v Obama- All Is Not Lost

After reading that article, it was then that I realized that the quick decision in the Third Circuit Court would mean that the case of Kerchner et al vs. Obama et al would FINALLY get to the Supreme Court - which is precisely where Attorney Mario Apuzzo figured it would one day end up - and ultimately be decided.


What was bad, besides the whole process of mucking around with this Usurper business, is the clownish Catch-22 the appeals court gave as their justification to dismiss. In essence they said we dismissed the Berg case for lack of standing, and this is just another identical case of "no standing". But if you read the ruling against Berg, you'll see the reason for dismissing his case was not related to the Kerchner case as stated Friday.

The Berg case was thrown out for lack of standing because the ruling stated "any person has a right to run for president, irregardless of their eligibility status, the test of eligibility cannot be applied unless and until that person actually wins the election and takes the oath. Therefore Berg was dismissed because he filed in October 2008, a month before the election. The appeals court wanted to ensure every jackalope and freak in the country weren't impinged upon in their efforts to be the prez.

Mario Appuzzo took that timing issue into account, he didn't file his case until January 20, 2009. His time stamp on his electronic filing indicates it was filed as Obama was actually taking the oath of office. Hmmm no standing as in Berg v Obama? It sure doesn't ring true. Not as written by the 3rd circuit appeal when you hold up both cases side by side.

A cute Catch-22 the 3rd circuit dreamed up. You can't be heard before someone is elected, but on the other hand once that person gets elected now you can't be heard because now the prior case's dismissal precludes it. Sounds like a case of judicial PMS, one bitchy irrational thought, justified by another equally bitchy irrational thought.

We've got November and we've still got a future ruling from the Supreme Court due us. We also must press our state governments to pass eligibility legislation enforceable prior to the 2012 election.

I DO pray that it doesn't get ugly or that people have to resort to taking up arms in order to finally protect WE THE PEOPLE. Many Americans are highly concerned about the lack of the rule of law against all of the ongoing lawlessness we are experiencing. The obvious trashing of the Constitution of the United States that has occurred in order to get Obama elected and kept in power is becoming more and more evident as time goes by.

I did like what blogger Steve said at the end of his post:

I've mentioned a couple of our hopes in this endeavor to wrest America from the hands of the Usurper, now I'll close by listing our greatest strength. We've got God.

As I have stated many times before, our timing is flawed, but God's timing is always perfect!

And then there is this!

Globe Magazine: Obama Presidency Illegal!

I know what you must be thinking. The Globe is just a "rag" magazine. However, the formerly entitled "rag" magazine - The Enquirer - broke the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal! And one of these two "rags" also broke the John Edwards infidelity scandal.

The good news is that people are REALLY LOOKING into the issue now, and not just dismissing the "birthers" claims anymore. Heck! Links in my stats have included searches for "Where is Obama's birth certificate" almost every day! The Yahoo search includes over 8 million similar searches! That's a lot of people searching for that particular information from just one search engine!

Although Phil Berg apparently filed his lawsuit too soon - before Obama assumed the pResidency, the facts are piling up against the usurper. Take another look at an old video (that I remember seeing in the past) which has most likely been updated. Pay close attention to the very beginning of the video and note what Obama says at (what appears to be) a town hall meeting:

Hat Tips to all links!

Also see the latest ad:

Washington Times National Weekly: Hawaii Sr. Elections Clerk: Obama Was NOT Born in Hawaii.

And this breaking news:



  1. 999 misses, 1 probable hit. Just what I'd expect from the Globe--and you.

    WHO is spending 'almost two million dollars' to 'defend the usurper'? Given that Oily Taintz, Philip Berg, and various other wackos have spent so much money and effort trying to invalidate him, it's certain that Obama has spent some money in his fees, at least. But millions? Unlike Sarah Palin's 'defense fund', Obama has none (legal or illegal). So where has the money come from?

    Let's see...the 'government official' cited by the Globe turns out to be Tim Adams, the government temp who worked in Honolulu during the summer of '08, and who burned brightly in Birthastan as recently as six weeks ago, but hasn't been heard from since. The other government officials the article mentions say otherwise; Glen Takahashi, administrator of the Honolulu City Clerk’s Office, says that Adams had no access to birth records, and Dr. Chiyome Fukino of the Hawaii State Department of Health says that she has seen the official records and can verify that Obama was born in Honolulu.

    BTW, “lack of standing” is not a made-up term. You're plugged in to all those birfer sites, so look it up and quit your whining.

  2. About the 2 million dollars being spent. Look up Perkins & Coie.

    The "lack of standing" excuse is being misused! See my new post.

    Did you view the video? Doesn't it bother you that so many people - including Obama himself (and his wife - in the beginning of the video) admits that Obama was born in Kenya?

    Some patriotic veteran you turned out to be.

    When you are exposed as a person who allows his liberal ideology to trump allegiance to our laws and the United States Constitution - which you have sworn to uphold - then it's truly a sad day.

    BTW, nothing to say about the video of LTC Allen West? Are you going to call be a bigot and racist because I support the TEA Party members...oh wait...that's right - LTC West just happens to be black! There goes your ridiculous theory about my "racism."

    If this hiding of the long form birth certificate was about a conservative - like Sarah Palin - I'm sure you wouldn't be so willing to dismiss all of the accumulating evidence.


  3. CJW: About the 2 million dollars being spent. Look up Perkins & Coie.
    All right, but don't expect me to put links in again if you're too lazy to do it.

    The "lack of standing" excuse is being misused! See my new post.
    First you claim it's made up, now you claim it's misused. Still sounds like whining.

    When you are exposed as a person who allows his liberal ideology to trump allegiance to our laws and the United States Constitution - which you have sworn to uphold - then it's truly a sad day.
    You swear fealty to an absolute dictator in some distant realm every day, and would subvert our laws to his, yet somehow I'm the one who doesn't support the Republic? That's funny!

    BTW, nothing to say about the video of LTC Allen West? Are you going to call be a bigot and racist because I support the TEA Party members...oh wait...that's right - LTC West just happens to be black! There goes your ridiculous theory about my "racism."
    Uh...hostess, isn't Louis Farrakhan a racist? Doesn't he also happen to be black? Melanin count aside, the two of you share this in common: a fear of loss. Farrakhan believes that blacks are losing what small place they have in the country because whites are holding them back. Whites (i.e. some of the teabaggers/birfers) feel that they are “losing the America [they] grew up in”.
    When you're driven by fear, you naturally see enemies everywhere.
    Why didn't you cite Alan Keyes, instead? Not black enough for you?

    ”If this hiding of the long form birth certificate was about a conservative - like Sarah Palin - I'm sure you wouldn't be so willing to dismiss all of the accumulating evidence.”
    What's to hide? The COLB is acceptable in all the states, at all levels of government, as a legal document. Always has been. Also, I'd be more favorably disposed toward the birfers if it weren't all conservatives who are pushing for Obama's 'revelation'.
    I have never actually seen my own birth certificate. I suppose that means you'll want me investigated, now!
    Boy, that link about the Palin Defense Fund must have really annoyed you. Not to worry; she's started a new one, and this one's all legal.

    Yeah, right. Don't forget to check your mirror now and then.

    Yes, you are.

  4. CJW: About the 2 million dollars being spent. Look up Perkins & Coie.
    All right, but don't expect me to put links in again if you're too lazy to do it.

    The "lack of standing" excuse is being misused! See my new post.
    First you claim it's made up, now you claim it's misused. Still sounds like whining.

    When you are exposed as a person who allows his liberal ideology to trump allegiance to our laws and the United States Constitution - which you have sworn to uphold - then it's truly a sad day.
    You swear fealty to an absolute dictator in some distant realm every day, and would subvert our laws to his, yet somehow I'm the one who doesn't support the Republic? That's funny!

    (concluded below)

  5. BTW, nothing to say about the video of LTC Allen West? Are you going to call be a bigot and racist because I support the TEA Party members...oh wait...that's right - LTC West just happens to be black! There goes your ridiculous theory about my "racism."
    Uh...hostess, isn't Louis Farrakhan a racist? Doesn't he also happen to be black? Melanin count aside, the two of you share this in common: a fear of loss. Farrakhan believes that blacks are losing what small place they have in the country because whites are holding them back. Whites (i.e. some of the teabaggers/birfers) feel that they are “losing the America [they] grew up in”.
    When you're driven by fear, you naturally see enemies everywhere. But it's difficult to believe all this is going on while a non-white president just happens to be in office.
    Why didn't you cite Alan Keyes, instead? Not black enough for you?

    ”If this hiding of the long form birth certificate was about a conservative - like Sarah Palin - I'm sure you wouldn't be so willing to dismiss all of the accumulating evidence.”
    What's to hide? The COLB is acceptable in all the states, at all levels of government, as a legal document. Always has been. Also, I'd be more favorably disposed toward the birfers if it weren't all conservatives who are pushing for Obama's 'revelation'.
    I have never actually seen my own birth certificate. I suppose that means you'll want
    me investigated, now!
    Boy, that link about the Palin Defense Fund must have really annoyed you. Not to worry; she's started a new one, and this one's all legal.

    Yeah, right. Don't forget to check your mirror now and then.

    Yes, you are.

  6. BTW, nothing to say about the video of LTC Allen West? Are you going to call be a bigot and racist because I support the TEA Party members...oh wait...that's right - LTC West just happens to be black! There goes your ridiculous theory about my "racism."
    Uh...hostess, isn't Louis Farrakhan a racist? Doesn't he also happen to be black? Melanin count aside, the two of you share this in common: a fear of loss. Farrakhan believes that blacks are losing what small place they have in the country because whites are holding them back. Whites (i.e. some of the teabaggers/birfers) feel that they are “losing the America [they] grew up in”.
    When you're driven by fear, you naturally see enemies everywhere. But it's difficult to believe all this is going on while a non-white president just happens to be in office.
    Why didn't you cite Alan Keyes, instead? Not black enough for you?

    ”If this hiding of the long form birth certificate was about a conservative - like Sarah Palin - I'm sure you wouldn't be so willing to dismiss all of the accumulating evidence.”
    What's to hide? The COLB is acceptable in all the states, at all levels of government, as a legal document. Always has been. Also, I'd be more favorably disposed toward the birfers if it weren't all conservatives who are pushing for Obama's 'revelation'.
    I have never actually seen my own birth certificate. I suppose that means you'll want
    me investigated, now!
    Boy, that link about the Palin Defense Fund must have really annoyed you. Not to worry; she's started a new one, and this one's all legal.

    Yeah, right. Don't forget to check your mirror now and then.

  7. BTW, nothing to say about the video of LTC Allen West? Are you going to call be a bigot and racist because I support the TEA Party members...oh wait...that's right - LTC West just happens to be black! There goes your ridiculous theory about my "racism."
    Uh...hostess, isn't Louis Farrakhan a racist? Doesn't he also happen to be black? Melanin count aside, the two of you share this in common: a fear of loss. Farrakhan believes that blacks are losing what small place they have in the country because whites are holding them back. Whites (i.e. some of the teabaggers/birfers) feel that they are “losing the America [they] grew up in”.
    When you're driven by fear, you naturally see enemies everywhere. But it's difficult to believe all this is going on while a non-white president just happens to be in office.
    Why didn't you cite Alan Keyes, instead? Not black enough for you?

    ”If this hiding of the long form birth certificate was about a conservative - like Sarah Palin - I'm sure you wouldn't be so willing to dismiss all of the accumulating evidence.”
    What's to hide? The COLB is acceptable in all the states, at all levels of government, as a legal document. Always has been. Also, I'd be more favorably disposed toward the birfers if it weren't all conservatives who are pushing for Obama's 'revelation'.
    I have never actually seen my own birth certificate. I suppose that means you'll want
    me investigated, now!

    Yeah, right. Don't forget to check your mirror now and then.

  8. The Globe? Well, if this is true then he will be impeached and Republicans will finally stand up for their country by declaring he cannot be president. I am still waiting for at least ONE to do that. Otherwise, our President, elected by the majority of the people, will continue to be President.


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