Wednesday, July 21, 2010

You Don't Need To Be a Weatherman...

OH MY!!! No matter what you personally may think about Glenn Beck, he certainly does the kind of research that the media of mass deception refuses to do or expose! I have been listening to Glenn's radio show this morning, and he thinks that he has found the manifesto that the ObaMARXIST administration is currently using to tear down our Constitutional Republic and replace it with socialism.

Glenn You don't need to be a Weatherman...


July 21, 2010 - 13:05 ET

Glenn Beck is seen here on the Insider Extreme broadcast, an exclusive feature available only to Glenn Beck Insider Extreme members. Learn more...
GLENN: All right, You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows (Link). I told you last week that I've been doing research on something and I love it when a plan comes together. I've been doing some research on things and I think I have found their manifesto. If you want to understand what is happening in this country, if you understand how this is all coming together and what their designs are, all you have to do is read You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows and here's what I would like you to do. We're going to go over some of this and Jeffy and Stu and Pat I would like you to join me on this. In fact I have asked everybody to read this and I was checking everybody's homework a minute ago. I've asked the newsroom and everybody to read it and then show me what sticks out to them, and show me the things that have already been done. So what I want you to do while I'm reading this, you can find it online at, it's free (Link).
This is the Weatherman's manifesto. Their plan to destroy the United States of America. I want you to read it. Then I want you to e-mail tips to us on where you see the connections, where you see president-day things happening. I read it and it was breathtaking to me. I bought it in the next day and said you guys have to read this, and I brought it in to Stu, Pay and Jeffy. Do you all agree, am I taking it out of context, because I won't want to behave like the White House or the NAACP. Am I taking this out of context to say you guys were blown away by this as well.

Since I don't have the time to comment further right now, let's just say that in this case - the truth will set you free!!

Aw heck! Why don't I just post the entire transcript segment posted at Glenn's site?

Here ya go:

STU: Yeah to see it in action written out like that, it's amazing.

GLENN: Because when you say the Weatherunderground and blown away context matters.

STU: There is no explosion in my bedroom.

GLENN: OK. Jeffy do agree that this is the manifesto for the president, or the people around him?

JEFFY: The people around him. Once you start reading about and get into it there's is a lot in here that has taken place and is about to take place.

GLENN: Agree Pat?

PAT: Oh yeah.

GLENN: OK. I'm just going to go through some of the highlights here, and I'd like to you read this and tip us off on what you think so we can put this case together and build it on television next week. So here it is, the first part of the international revolution. You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows. First of all, I guess before we get into that, we see it was submitted by Bill Ayres, who is friends with the president, no matter what they say. Bernadine Dohrn, his wife, who is part of the Free Gaza movement. You have Jeff Jones, who is currently working for ACORN and the state of New York on trying on to help the state of New York's finances. So these are the people who won this. So we already have ties to the White House and to the extreme organizations of George Soros.

The contradictions between the revolutionary peoples of Asian, African, and Latin America and the imperialist headed by the United States is the principle contradiction in the contemporary world. The development of this contradiction is promoting the struggle of the people of the whole world against U.S. imperialism and its lackees. People ask, what is the nature of the revolution we talk about? Who will it be made by and for and what are its goals and strategy? The overriding consideration in answering these questions is the main struggle going on in the world today between U.S. imperialism and the national liberation struggles against it. National liberation struggles, this goes again to liberation theology. It is necessary to defining political matters in the whole world because it is by far the most powerful. Every other empire and petty dictator in the long run is dependent on the U.S. imperialism, which has unified, allied with, and defended all the reactionary forces of the whole world.

STU: Yeah, the U.S. is responsible for all the evil in the world. That's the starting point here and this is paragraph two.

GLENN: From the Soviet imperialism or the Israeli imperialism to workers struggles in France and Czechoslovakia, we determine who our friends are and enemies are, according to whether they help U.S. imperialism or fight to help defeat it.

What does that mean? This is why free GAZA is important. This is why it doesn't matter who they stand with. They can stand with Vladimir Putin. They can stand with Mao, they can stand with the biggest dictators in the Middle East, if those dictators are trying to destroy us. They withstand Chavez, and Castro, and Ahmadinejad, a guy you would think the left has nothing in common with. You want to talk about a theocracy, there it is. A theocracy, you want to talk about the rights of homosexuals. They kill homosexuals and you wonder how do they do it? They do it because they stand against the imperialist nation of America. That's critical. It answers questions also about opening the doors of Gitmo and yet, sign assassination orders on American citizens. So if you're standing against the United States, that's why I truly believe they're so strongly against the Tea Party. Because the Tea Party is not a -- we're a bigger threat than the Republicans are, because the Republican party, they are still progressives. They'll get it one way or another they just want it now. That's their fall back plan is the Republican Party. The Tea Party is a restoration party. Small government. So the very first question, quoting now from this report again, from the manifesto. For the very first question, people of the country must ask considering the question of revolution is where they stand in relation to the United States as an oppressor nation and where they stand in relation to the masses of people throughout the word, whom U.S. imperialism is oppressing. That's the first question you have to ask.

STU: The determining factor of if you're good or bad is do you oppose the United States or not.

GLENN: As an oppressor.

STU: Yeah, you have to recognize there are an oppressor first of all.

GLENN: Correct, and why is the word "Oppressor" important?

STU: Lots of O's and S's.

GLENN: Liberation theology. You're either a victim or you're an oppressor. So that's why they say, there's no shades of good in that. It's whether you're against the oppressor. That's how you can stand with the Black Panthers because they're against the oppressor. How do you not recognize they're bad guys? It doesn't matter, they're against the oppressor.

STU: That's why you can substitute any one of their arguments. If it's not race, it's class, if it's not that it's money, it doesn't matter what it is there is always an oppressor and the oppressed.

GLENN: Yeah, there is a victim or oppressor.

PAT: And that's how they can justify the potential killing of 25 million people if they thought they had to. If they had won and wanted to re-educate all of America, and people wouldn't be re-educated, they would be fine with eliminating 25 million. They're oppressors.

GLENN: Their words, the primary task of revolutionary struggle is to solve this principle contradiction on the side of the people of the world. It is the oppressed peoples of the world who have of created the wealth of this empire and it is to them that it belongs. Here's your first part of redistribution of wealth. The goal of revolutionary struggle must be the control and the use of this wealth in the interest of the oppressed people of the world. This is why they can take the wealth and then the leaders decide what's going to happen with that wealth. That's why they don't have a problem saying, you know, it's like in the Middle East, these Imams who say you've got to martyr yourself. Well, they don't martyr themselves. How come the leaders don't martyr themselves? Well, because they have to distribute it because they know best. They have to tell you where to blow yourself up. That's why they will get rich and nobody has a problem with Al Gore being worth a quarter of a billion dollars. Nobody has a problem with that.

No they have a problem with my wealth, but not his, because my wealth, as Theodore Roosevelt said, well we have to make sure it's for the common good and it that it was earned and was for the common good. That requires somebody to decide what is the common good. It is in this context, we must exam the revolutionary struggles in the United States. We are within the heartland of a worldwide monster, a country so rich from its worldwide plunder, that even the crumbs doled out to the enslaved masses, with its borders, provide for material existence very much above the conditions of the masses of the people of the world. This is why it is global redistribution of wealth. The U.S. empire as a worldwide system channels wealth, based on the labor and resources of the rest of the world, into the United States. The relative affluence existing in the United States is directly dependent on the labor and natural resources of the Vietnamese and blah, blah, blah. You can change these countries to anything you want, and it becomes -- what is that film done by the Tides Foundation? The History of Stuff or the Story of Stuff. This reads like that cartoon that we had been playing for you, The Story of Stuff that is played in classrooms all across the country. Showing America as an oppressor, taking stuff from all of the other countries and we must stop doing that, and giving it to other countries. All of the United Airline Astro jets, all of the Holiday Inns, all of the Hertz automobiles, your television sets, car, wardrobe, already belong to a large degree to the people of the rest of the world. Gang, this is their manifesto.

[NOTE: Transcript may have been edited to enhance readability - audio archive includes full segment as it was originally aired]

I can't wait to finish my errands and come back to read You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows


My comment at Glenn's site:

Congratulations Glenn! You certainly figured out their intentions - and NONE of it is good! However, I also think that they have underestimated WE THE PEOPLE and how we now know what to do to peacefully combat their ugly and destructive agenda. The forced resignation of Shirley Sherrod has exposed their intentions to keep the harmful rhetoric of blacks vs. whites going in this nation. The racial hatred being instigated by ObaMARXIST and his cronies through their various groups (e.g. NAACP, Black Panthers) in order to keep Americans from joining together in love (thank you Alveda King!) to heal racial divides WILL NOT WORK and WILL NOT STAND!

Glenn, America will be forever grateful to you for your foresight and vision in figuring out how these political elites intend to ruin our beloved nation. I will spread this important information far and wide - hoping that people will FINALLY wake up!

Hat tips to all links.


I did read some of the reviews at the manifesto link (above), and this comment made me sad, angry and totally disgusted!!!

Reviewer: PeoplesRepublican - - July 21, 2010
Subject: The SIRHAN SIRHAN connection
For a bit more background on Mr. Ayers and his gang, visit to read excerpts of the Weathermen's other "manifesto" titled Prairie Fire. Although the entire document is nauseating, the item that most triggered my gag reflex was the discovery that this book was dedicated to SIRHAN SIRHAN. For those too young to remember, Mr. Sirhan was the Arab malcontent who murdered Robert Kennedy in June, 1968. Although RFK was a liberal democrat, the Weathermen viewed him as just another enemy of the revolution, and therefore saw fit to pay homage to his killer.

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