Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Greg Gutfeld: You Mecca Me Hot!

For those of you who didn't watch The Glenn Beck show on the Fox News Channel at 2:00 p.m Pacific Time (5:00 p.m. Eastern) you would have missed one of the funniest and politically incorrect (totally!!) segments ever!

The following bloggers have the story:

"You Mecca Me Hot!", "Jihot", "Jihunk", "Grind Zero's"
posted by Trevor Loudon at New Zeal - 12 hours ago
Soo funny. Greg Gutfeld tells Glenn Beck about his proposal for an "Islam friendly" Gay Bar, next to the proposed "Ground Zero" mosque.

Video: Greg Gutfeld Pitches His Ground Zero Gay Bar Idea To Glenn Beck

posted by nicedeb at Nice Deb - 13 hours ago
video via Townhall. The entire Twitter back and forth between Gutfeld and Mosque organizers, Park51, is here. But this right here says it all: @park51 Hey, how do you feel about my gay Muslim bar set to b...

A Gay Muslim Bar Next To WTC Mosque? Greg Gutfeld Vows To Make It Happen
posted by Lady Liberty at Gateway Pundit - 15 hours ago
Red Eye’s Greg Gutfeld vowed this week to build a gay Muslim bar next to the Cordoba mosque near Ground Zero. Brilliant. Via Hot Air: Here’s the Beck segment. It’s disappointing insofar as it devotes more ...

Red Eye’s Greg Gutfeld vowed this week to build a gay Muslim bar next to the Cordoba mosque near Ground Zero.

Apparently, Greg's letters to the mosque organizers went unanswered. However, they did respond to a tweet:

The Ground Zero mosque spokesman’s response:

“You’re free to open whatever you like. If you won’t consider the sensibilities of Muslims, you’re not going to build dialog.”

Gutfeld did say he will offer 72 Virgin cocktails. I call that sensitive!

Greg is on Glenn's radio show right now (9:26 a.m. PT), in fact!

Hat Tips to all links.

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