Saturday, August 14, 2010

Muslims Smile in Our Faces While Cursing Us in Their Hearts [Update]

Aerial photo of World Trade Center Ground Zero following Sept. 11 attacks. Red square to right of Ground Zero marks former Burlington Coat Factory and proposed location of Cordoba House.
It should be mentioned that part of one of the hijacked planes went through the building in question. That makes it very much a part of Ground Zero.

[Thanks to Arlen at Gulag Bound and AIP News for photo.]

Think that title is too harsh? Well...before you condemn me for posting such a title, please view this video:

The Smile that is Really a Curse

Update: For a better view of the video, you might want to go to the Youtube site:

Youtube: Of Mosques and Men: Reflections on the Ground Zero Mosque

Everyone should watch this eye opening video. It's shocking if you don't understand the goals. Don't delete until you have watched it. Then, pass it on. We must be aware of how this works. And, work it does. Just take a good look at history and what is happening in today's world. Many influential people are being misled. We cannot be. Be informed. The building of a mosque near the site of the world trade center bombing is tantamont to a muslim dance of victory.

After you view the video, can you please tell me how (or why) you think that the idea of Islamic groups headed up by a radical Islamic imam building a mosque near Ground Zero should not be deemed, in reality, as anything but a smile on the faces of Muslims while cursing us in their hearts?

Hat Tip: Kelly via email.



See more videos: Of Mosques and Men: Reflections on the Ground Zero Mosque

Spokesperson at end of first video:

"Come out of the cave America - it's dark in there."


See Answering Muslims: Of Mosques and Men: Reflections on the Ground Zero Mosque

Also visit Gulag Bound: Seeing The Ground Zero Mosque As Militant Muslims Do [With thanks to Arlen for linking to my post.]


Update: New Zeal: Interview With Muslim Fanatic


  1. That statement sums it all up. Now that BO has made the same said statement, all in the name of freedom of religion of course, does it not demonstrate how he smiles in our faces, while going over seas and cursing us in his heart. My my how we live in dangerous times.

  2. Perfect video Christine! The "dual Muslim nature" is exactly what we are contending against. Smiling at us, all the while cursing us...
    I surely don't get it though. How could anyone want to accept Islam as a way of life? There is no hope for salvation. Where is the promise or hope of eternal life or forgiveness of sins? How is the cold and stony heart broken via Islam?
    I seriously think Islam is an idea designed to keep women and weak men under oppression. There's nothing to uplift the soul or comfort the troubled. I see only domination through intimidation and violence.

  3. Thank you, Chris. I coupled much of your entry with an areal photograph of the location, from AIP News:

  4. Madmath1 -

    That's a really good point. Obama certainly does smile in our faces and curses us (often openly - overseas) in his heart. It is so obvious to most conservatives that Obama hates America - our history, our Constitutional Republic, our military, our Judeo-Christian ethics and values, our Capitalism based economy, and our patriotism. I can't recall him ever using the words "win the war" or "patriots of America." He only mocks most of America because we are those with whom he disagrees.

    Prior to your comment, I never thought of him "smiling in our faces and cursing us in his heart." But I think that you hit the nail on the head!

  5. Steve -

    I agree with everything that you wrote! It shows just how very different Islam is as a political "religion," bend on violence, repression and jihad; whereas Christianity does all that you mentioned that Islam avoids and/or ignores:

    With faith in Jesus Christ, there is hope for salvation. Jesus provides the promise and hope of eternal life for the forgiveness of sins. Our cold and stony hearts are mercifully broken via the grace of redemption through the cross of Christ!

    You put it perfectly:

    I seriously think Islam is an idea designed to keep women and weak men under oppression. There's nothing to uplift the soul or comfort the troubled. I see only domination through intimidation and violence.

    Those who follow Islam follow a violent religious system that follows an evil and false dead prophet.

    Christian follow the risen Savior - a fact of history - Jesus Christ.

    All we can do is try and point them in the right direction towards Christ. But it is difficult to convert a Muslim to Christianity. The threat of death is real and the fear they must have of leaving the religion must be great, indeed.

  6. Arlen,

    Thanks for recognizing my post over at Gulag Bound. I have included your blog in my blogroll here. The aerial photo you shared shows just how close (and significant) that area of land is to the Ground Zero spot. There can be no doubt that Muslims would look at it as a second victory over the 9/11 attack. How any thinking American could EVER agree to allow a mosque being built there is totally insane and unconscionable!


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