Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thank You S.F. Liberals - You Die Last [Must see update!]

What do you think is the message of this protester who was seen at a San Francisco anti-Israel rally back in 2005 (guessing on the date)?

Notice what the man holding the sign is wearing. Can you tell what image is on the other man's red t-shirt?

What are your thoughts about such a blatant display? Comments?

Update: Just saw a video over at JammingWearingFool blog that made my jaw drop in disbelief! My heart sank as I witnessed a liberal left LUNATIC screaming at an old Holocaust survivor at the Ground Zero protest. It brought tears to my eyes! How could ANYONE BE SO CRUEL?? WARNING: TERRIBLE LANGUAGE. One of the reasons why I could not bring myself to post it here. You MUST SEE:

JammieWearingFool -
Ground Zero Mosque Supporter Curses Out Holocaust Survivor: 'Obviously He Didn't Learn His Lesson' - (LANGUAGE WARNING)Obviously a Michael Bloomberg and Barack Obama supporter. Classy guy. He calls the old man an unpatriotic, treasonous piece of garbage. A s...

And, if you missed it the second time I posted it here, you MUST view the following YouTube video (Viewed over 2 million times already!)

Of Mosques and Men: Reflections on the Ground Zero Mosque

And, if you missed it the first time I posted it here, you MUST view the following YouTube video and listen to the Sean Hannity interview between Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs and Michael Ghouse of the Muslim American Congress.

YouTube Video: Sean Hannity Show: Pamela Geller Debates Michael Ghouse (Muslim American Congress) 911 Mega Mosque

Tolerance is a crime when applied to evil (Thomas Mann).

(H/T - Atlas Shrugs)


Some links to see:

The Post & Email
Is Obama effecting an Islamic takeover of the United States? - CELEBRATING RAMADAN, HOSTING IFTAR DINNERS, AND SUPPORT OF THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE REVEAL OBAMA’S MUSLIM AGENDA by Sharon Rondeau (Aug. 24, 2010) —In 2007, ...

Nice Deb
Radical GZ Mosque Imam Claims Obama’s Cairo Speech Borrowed Talking Points From Cordoba Initiative. - Obama’s Muslim speech in Cairo was delivered to usher in a new era of peace and understanding between the United States and the Muslim world. But many par...

Ron Paul is wrong, GZM is not a Muslim right - According to Newsmax “Ron Paul unleashed a lengthy and at times angry statement on his website Friday that supports the rights of Muslims to build what’s...

VotingFemale Speaks!
ABC network actually thinks they have the power of Sharia Jedi Mind Control? hahaha Silly Socialists! ;) - From Media Research Center: ABC Works to Rehabilitate Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s Reputation After Pining for George W. Bush

Thinking Christian
Islam in America: Are We Ready? - We Christians have a bad habit of not paying attention. It has hurt us in the past, and it’s about to do it again. Our big social concern in the 1990s was ...

The Bumbling Genius
Religions Rule - How can it be that so many who are ardent enemies of religion are now siding with those who want to build a Mosque near Ground Zero? Considering also that ...

Jihad Watch
State Dept "aware" of Ground Zero Imam Rauf's Islamic supremacist remarks, but doesn't care - The renowned "moderate" Imam of the Ground Zero mega-mosque is suffering from some cracks in his facade of moderation. Pamela Geller broke the story here: ...

Investigating Obama
Listen to & Read Christine Brim’s Expose’ of Imam Rauf's Cordoba Initiative & Obama’s Complicity - The tweet: #IMGB Follow the Sharia & unholy alliance w/ globalists, Marxists, w/ Christine Brim – Tonight On Fan The Fire You can lis...

Atlas Shrugs
On the bus...... - [image: Ground zero bus motion]

Answering Muslims
Pastor Haytham Abi-Haydar and the Road to Dhimmitude - I'm not surprised when Muslims condemn us, or when Muslims lie about us. Islam commands Muslims to subjugate unbelievers, through violence if necessary, an...

Wake up America
The Truth Behind The Ground Zero Mosque - By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle The ruins of the World Trade Center and the ground that they occupied are considered by many people (myself included)...

ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations
Secret Life of “Taqiyya” B. Obama – America Does Not Believe Obama or Media – Obama’s a Moral Relativist (Every Behavior Can Be Rationalized – Exempli Gratia Man’s Country) – American Thinker – Father Morris – Obama Born in Muslim Country – The BOPAC Report - The BOPAC Report The Secret Life of “Taqiyya” B. Obama – When it comes to what people believe about Obama, the American Thinker has it about right. Le...

Works and Days
America — Compared to What? - While America debates whether a “bridge-building” Imam Rauf should erect his $100-million, 13-story outreach “Islamic complex” (is the name “Cordoba House”...

News and Buzz Links of the Day - Obama's Point of No Return Advocating for the Ground Zero mosque Why Is It 'Bigoted' To Criticize Religion? Is it OK to condemn Mormons but not Muslims? Lo...

Hat tips to all links.


  1. The instant I found a link to this unbelievable hilarious Yes We Scam! B.S. We Can Believe In! Obama Approval Plummets editorial I thought that Talk Wisdom's commenters really should be able to pass judgement on this:

  2. Re the question at the side which reads: "HOW CAN A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN’S STATUS BE “GOVERNED” BY GREAT BRITAIN?'

    Dual citizenship has no effect on Natural Born Citizen status. That holds for current dual citizens, and it holds even more for former dual citizens.

    The writers of the Constitution did not believe in divided loyalties. They believed that a person could have only one loyalty, to the country where he was born. This is what Blackstone thought, and so did Madison. He said:

    "It is an established maxim, that birth is a criterion of allegiance. Birth, however, derives its force sometimes from place, and sometimes from parentage; but, in general, place is the most certain criterion; it is what applies in the United States.'

    As you can see, there is only one criterion of allegiance, the place where a person was born. Obama was born in Hawaii, as his official birth certificate from Hawaii shows, and the facts on that document were confirmed twice by the officials in Hawaii and most recently by the governor of Hawaii, a Republican. Obama's Kenyan grandmother never said that he was born in Kenya. She said repeatedly in the taped interview that he was born in Hawaii. And, she said in another interview that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama's birth was in a letter from Hawaii.

  3. I stopped by JamieWearingFool and watched the video. Man-O-man, it's very good ol' Steve wasn't there. I cannot tolerate a bully, and that guy swearing at the old man ... well, I'd locate a place in his anatomy for one of my western boots if I'd have witnessed that. What an idiot!

  4. Thanks Cammie! That was very funny! I needed a laugh today!

    Have you seen some of the up and coming t-shirts for the 2012 election? One says:

    GTF (with the Obama symbol in the "O" at the end crossed out). I wanted to pretend I didn't know what the "GTF" stood for.

    People are SO ANGRY at Obama and his Marxo-Islamo-Fascist regime!

  5. TellerIP -

    Obama has not released his "official birth certificate" - a.k.a. COLB. Why do you think that all of these lawsuits have been filed? At least two are still active. Lt. Col. Lakin's trial may end up causing Obama to reveal his COLB.

    The so-called "birth certificate" that has been posted online is a fraud. Do a search and you will find out why.

  6. Steve,

    How old do you think that liberal raving lunatic is? 50's?? How shameful for someone who was probably born during the "baby boom" after WWII (from the Greatest Generation) to insult a person who escaped with his life from the Holocaust??

    When I was growing up - I noticed several groups. There were the druggie, "free love" hippie radicals (Woodstock, anti-military types), the J.C.'s (junior collegiate), the Jocks (healthy and sports oriented) and the beatniks (today's goths). Some grew out of their hippie and/or beatnik radicalism, others never did - they GOT WORSE! What's worse - some J.C.'s were "intellectually radicalized" by the Communist propagandists employed in the colleges and universities here in America.

    We are now witnessing the hippie/druggie/radical/Marxist/Nazi/pro-Islam/anti-Christian/tyrannical people running (no - RUINING) our country!

  7. The Certification of Live Birth is the official birth certificate of Hawaii. Thousands of people use it to get their birth certificates every year. Moreover, it is the ONLY birth certificate that Hawaii has sent out since 2001. Hawaii no longer sends out copies of the original birth certificate.

    It is the birth certificate that Hawaii sent to Obama in 2007. Yes, there was an original birth certificate sent out, and Obama's family must have had one (Obama even recalls seeing it), but obviously they or he lost it, so he asked for a copy in 2007, and Hawaii sent him the COLB, which is what it sends to everyone.

    To repeat, the COLB is now the official and only birth certificate. It is often alleged that COLBs are sent to anyone, even people born outside of Hawaii. But, first, that was not the case in 1961 when Obama was born. Only births in Hawaii were registered, and Obama's birth was registered in Hawaii.

    Second, even today, now that Hawaii allows births outside of Hawaii to be registered in Hawaii, it does not allow a birth document of any kind to be issued saying that the person was born in Hawaii unless there was proof that the person was born in Hawaii. Obama's birth certificate says that he was born IN Hawaii (Honolulu, Oahu Island, Honolulu County) and that fact has been confirmed twice by the heads of the Department of Health and the Department of Vital Records of Hawaii, and most recently by the governor of Hawaii.

    Why were the cases filed? Because there are people who hate Obama, just as those that filed Hollister v McCain filed their lawsuit because they hated McCain. The fact that people who hate you file a lot of lawsuits against you does not mean anything. They have found that filing lawsuits draws publicity and may convince a few weak-headed people, and that is why they do it. (By the way, most of the cases were to stop the election or stop the Electoral College from voting, or to stop the confirmation of the election by Congress).

    Larkin's case is actually not a lawsuit against Obama. It is a military trial over whether a US officer obeyed a legal order given by a superior officer. Since Obama was not the superior officer, and since the order to go to Afghanistan is perfectly legal (the war having been approved by Congress in the bush Administration), the issue has nothing to do with Obama's citizenship. If Obama had given the order, it might have, but since he didn't, it doesn't. Them military court will not ask for proof of Obama's citizenship, and it almost certainly will convict Larkin because he disobeyed a perfectly legal order.

    Re; the document being allegedly forged. This is another manufactured myth. Only two guys who will not give their real names have ever said that the document was forged. No official or former official has ever said such a thing.

    Hawaii, which is under a Republican administration, would have investigated if it thought that one of its documents were forged. Mccain's campaign did investigate the allegations of forgery, and found that they were false.

    Equally important, it is the FACTS on the birth document that really count. Even if the posted document were forged (and it wasn't), the fact that he was born in Hawaii is what determines his eligibility. And, the officials in Hawaii have repeatedly confirmed the facts on the birth document. Moreover, there is this witness, who recalls writing home to her father, whose first name was Stanley, about a birth that day in Hawaii to a woman named Stanley (

    And, as I said, Obama's Kenyan grandmother never said that he was born in Kenya. She said repeatedly on the tape that he was born in Hawaii, where his father was studying. And, she said in another interview that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama's birth was in a letter FROM HAWAII.

  8. The Certification of Live Birth is the official birth certificate of Hawaii. Thousands of people use it to get their birth certificates every year. Moreover, it is the ONLY birth certificate that Hawaii has sent out since 2001. Hawaii no longer sends out copies of the original birth certificate.

    It is the birth certificate that Hawaii sent to Obama in 2007. Yes, there was an original birth certificate sent out, and Obama's family must have had one (Obama even recalls seeing it), but obviously they or he lost it, so he asked for a copy in 2007, and Hawaii sent him the COLB, which is what it sends to everyone.

    To repeat, the COLB is now the official and only birth certificate. It is often alleged that COLBs are sent to anyone, even people born outside of Hawaii. But, first, that was not the case in 1961 when Obama was born. Only births in Hawaii were registered, and Obama's birth was registered in Hawaii.

    Second, even today, now that Hawaii allows births outside of Hawaii to be registered in Hawaii, it does not allow a birth document of any kind to be issued saying that the person was born in Hawaii unless there was proof that the person was born in Hawaii. Obama's birth certificate says that he was born IN Hawaii (Honolulu, Oahu Island, Honolulu County) and that fact has been confirmed twice by the heads of the Department of Health and the Department of Vital Records of Hawaii, and most recently by the governor of Hawaii.

  9. Why were the cases filed? Because there are people who hate Obama, just as those that filed Hollister v McCain filed their lawsuit because they hated McCain. The fact that people who hate you file a lot of lawsuits against does not mean anything. They have found that filing lawsuits draws publicity and may convince a few weak-headed people, and that is why they do it.

    Larkin's case is actually not a lawsuit against Obama. It is a military trial over whether a US officer obeyed a legal order given by a superior officer. Since Obama was not the superior officer, and since the order to go to Afghanistan is perfectly legal (the war having been approved by Congress), the issue has nothing to do with Obama's citizenship. If Obama had given the order, it might have, but since he didn't, it doesn't. Them military court will not ask for proof of Obama's citizenship, and it almost certainly will convict Larkin because he disobeyed a perfectly legal order.

    Re; the document being allegedly forged. This is another manufactured myth. Only two guys who will not give their real names have ever said that the document was forged. No official or former official has ever said such a thing.

    Hawaii, which is under a Republican administration, would have investigated if it thought that one of its documents were forged. Mccain's campaign did investigate the allegations of forgery, and found that they were false.

    Equally important, it is the FACTS on the birth document that really count. Even if the posted document were forged (and it wasn't), the fact that he was born in Hawaii is what determines his eligibility. And, the officials in Hawaii have repeatedly confirmed the facts on the birth document. Moreover, there is this witness, who recalls writing home to her father, whose first name was Stanley, about a birth that day in Hawaii to a woman named Stanley (

    And, as I said, Obama's Kenyan grandmother never said that he was born in Kenya. She said repeatedly on the tape that he was born in Hawaii, where his father was studying. And, she said in another interview that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama's birth was in a letter FROM HAWAII.

  10. TellerIP,

    You are missing the point. The birth certificate posted online IS A FORGERY!

    Please see The Obama File which has all of the information about Obama's ineligibility problem.

    The section on Obama's Fraudulent Certificate of LIve Birth (COLB) has lots of information and will also give you links to the proof that Obama has not presented a genuine COLB.

  11. Chrisine;
    Yes ma'am, the bully is probably about 50 I'd say also. I mean come on, if a 50 year old guy can't control his emotions with an 82 year old, he needs to be put in his place. He needs to learn what respect is.
    You're so right about the 'weasels' running the country now. I remember the groups you named very well ...

    I hate to say it, but TellerIP has his/her wires crossed, and is doing nothing but repeating the 'after-birther' talking points. Not worth the effort to go much farther, just needed to get that off my chest.

    I'm wondering about something; I go to Debbie Schlussel's web site occasionally, and I've noticed she has major problems with Pamela Geller, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, etc. I can understand the problem with Hannity and the Fox News folks as they mouth the anti-mosque talking points yet at the same time get paid partly by Saudi Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal, as he is a major share holder. But I'm wondering what her problem with Atlas Shrugs is? I'm thinking of emailing her and see what she says ... but I dunno.
    If you know about it, let me know.

  12. I forgot one group. We call them "thugs" now, but I can't recall what they were called back in the 60's in New Jersey! I'm gettin' old! LOL!

    I agree about TellerIP. Must be an ObamaBorgBot getting paid to cruise the blogs and post counter-arguments against birthers. I'm proud to be called a birther! I share the facts with all who will listen! The Obama File is the best reference source on the eligibility issue.

    I recently read a blog post where the writer mentioned that he thought Obama was once in the CIA. Could that be the reason why his records are sealed? Wish I could remember which blog posted that information. It makes sense that Obama could use his past as an excuse to hide his COLB and records. Too convenient - I might add.

    I don't know what the feud is between Schlussel and Geller. If I find out, I will share it with you. Did a quick search and only found a satirical feud posting.

  13. Re: "You are missing the point. The birth certificate posted online IS A FORGERY! "

    Answer: It is not a forgery. Only two guys who will not give their real names have said that it is a forgery. No official or former official has said that it is a forgery. If it were a forgery, Hawaii's police and its Republican Atty. Gen. would have taken action. After all, it is a Hawaiian document. But they have not taken any action. McCain's campaign looked into the allegation of the document being forged, and found that it was false.

    More importantly, it is the FACTS on the document that are critical, and the officials in Hawaii--who are members of a Republican governor's administration, and the Republican governor herself--have repeatedly confirmed the fact that Obama was born in Hawaii.

  14. Re: "Could that be the reason why his records are sealed?"

    His records are not sealed. They are simply private like everyone's birth records and college records. Obama did not order his records to be sealed. They were private before he became president and are just as private now.

  15. TellerIP,

    You obviously did not read the links that I provided in my previous comment.

    At the second link, scroll down to "COLBs for everyone" and view the certificate for Sun Yat-Sen:

    It belongs to Sun Yat-Sen, the Father of Modern China, who was born in China.

    This Certificate of Hawaiian Birth, dated March 14, 1904, was issued after Dr. Sun signed a raggedy type-written statement affirming that he was born in Hawaii on Nov. 24, 1870.

    Sun Yat-sen was born on November 12, 1866, to a peasant family in the village of Cuiheng, Xiangshan county , Guangzhou prefecture, Guangdong province (26 km or 16 miles north of Macau), not Hawaii, as this document affirms.

    We know Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama's sister has a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth too, and she was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. You can be born anywhere and get one.

    Anna Dunham may not have been America's #1 booster, but, gypsy that she was, she made sure her kids were well-anchored in the good ole USA.

  16. A person who has nothing to hide would show the public (and a judge in a courtroom) their COLB and not spend close to 2 million dollars to prevent disclosure.

    The Obama file:

    8. It should also be noted that in the face of all this litigation, the simple presentation of Obama’s vault birth records would put the questions to rest.

    9. Obama has not taken this approach to a single one of the cases, but instead has hired legal counsel across the country at no small expense, much of it illegally from his campaign, to defend the claims with motions to dismiss on standing and similar procedural grounds.

    10. Such response to the request for proof that he is qualified to serve as President of the United States of America only serves to raise more questions about this election.

  17. CJW: “I recently read a blog post where the writer mentioned that he thought Obama was once in the CIA. Could that be the reason why his records are sealed? Wish I could remember which blog posted that information. It makes sense that Obama could use his past as an excuse to hide his COLB and records. Too convenient - I might add.”

    That's easy to test: exercise your rights under the FOIA and ask to see the records on George Herbert Walker Bush, who at one time was Director of the CIA. Let us know how many of his records are released to you, okay?

  18. Re: The Birth Certificate for Sun Yat Sen.

    That was in 1904. Obama's was provided in 1961. What was the difference between 1904 and 1961? Fifty-seven years.

    Did you know that there was a time when you could buy the whole of Manhattan Island for $24?

    In the fifty-seven years Hawaii became a state and tightened its regulations. Moreover, Obama was just an ordinary baby, not a famous person who got special treatment like Sun. Hawaii did not in 1961 allow the birth certificate of a foreign country to be filed. That was not allowed until 1982. The Hawaii officials have said that there is an original birth certificate in his file. That could not, by the way, be a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth, which is always referred to by its full name and not as an original birth certificate.

    So there is an original Hawaii birth certificate in the file. In the second of the two confirmations, the Hawaii officials said that the document in the files VERIFIES that Obama was born in Hawaii. So the document must say on it "born in Hawaii." We know that Hawaii does not allow now, nor did it in 1961 obviously, allow a birth certificate to be issued that says on it that a person was born in Hawaii unless there was proof that the person was born in Hawaii. The officials say that the document in the files, which is an original birth certificate, says that Obama was born in Hawaii. And there is a witness who recalls being told of Obama's birth. And, his Kenyan grandmother never said that he was born in Kenya. She said repeatedly in the taped interview that he was born in Hawaii. And, she said in another interview, that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama's birth was in a letter from Hawaii.

  19. Re: "A person who has nothing to hide would show the public (and a judge in a courtroom) their COLB and not spend close to 2 million dollars to prevent disclosure."

    THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A LAWSUIT AGAINST OBAMA FOR THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE. The lawsuits you are referring to were mainly to stop the election. Then there were lawsuits to stop the Electoral College from voting and to stop the Congress from certifying the election and to stop the Inauguration. That makes up at least 90% of the sum spent. The remaining lawsuits asked the courts to declare that Obama was not the valid president and asked him to show a grab-bag of things including his Kindergarten records (which probably do not exist anymore), where he lived in college (which would affect the privacy of the people that he lived with). In our system you have to fight every lawsuit, no matter how stupid.

    The point is that to claim that Obama spent the money to hide his birth certificate, which he has shown, is wrong. Obama has already shown the only birth certificate that he can show because it is the only one that Hawaii has sent to anyone since 2001.

  20. Re: "We know Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama's sister has a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth too, and she was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. You can be born anywhere and get one.'

    This has been specifically disproven by Leo Donfrio, a birther writer, who did the equivalent of an FOIA request for that file from Hawaii and showed that there is NO file in Hawaii for Obama's sister.

    She does not have a Hawaiian birth certificate of any kind. Obama, however, does have both a file and a birth certificate. The original birth certificate is in the file, but Hawaii has not sent out original birth certificates since 2001.

    Obama has, and has shown, the new official birth certificate of Hawaii, the Certification of Live Birth, and the facts on that document have been confirmed by the officials in Hawaii.

  21. TellerIP,

    I can continue to post all of the comments you want, but there are active lawsuits that have points to counter all that you are writing.

    Please see A Place to Ask Questions to Get the Right Answers and read everything on the sidebar. Mario Apuzzo can counter everything that you are claiming much better than I.

    In addition, there is the question about the social security number Obama is using.

    See this YouTube video:

    The Steady Drip: AKA Obama's Cloak of "Secrecy" Coming Unraveled

  22. I have debated with Mario many times. He simply cuts off the comments of anti-birthers.

    He is wrong, but he refuses to admit it. However, I think that he no longer believes the claim that Obama was born in Kenya. That is simply crazy.

    If a person were born in Kenya, she or he would need a US travel document to get to the USA. That would be either a US visa on a foreign passport or the change to his mother's US passport to include him. One or the other would have had to have been applied for at a US Consulate in Kenya and granted before the child would be allowed to enter the USA.

    If such a document existed, it would be easy to find because the records of the application for the visa or for the change to the mother's passport would still be in the files of the US State Department, filed under applications for visas and applications for changes to passports in Kenya in 1961. The Republicans were in charge of the US State Department until January 2009. No such document has been found. No such document exists.

    Mario tends to focus on his impression that to be a Natural Born US Citizen requires two citizen parents. He says that that is based on the writings of Vattel, a Swiss philosopher. But Vattel recommended some things that the writers of the Constitution did not adopt, such as that every country should have a state religion, and it can be shown easily that all the AMERICAN writers at the time of the writing of the Constitution used the phrase "Natural Born" to mean "born in the country."

    I think the next discussion may well be over whether Obama lost his citizenship while he was in Indonesia. That allegation is easy to disprove; all you have to do is call up the Indonesian Embassy in Washington, and they will tell you that Obama was never a citizen of Indonesia.

    "Then what passport did he travel on when he went to Pakistan?" Answer, a US passport. He had a US passport from the time that he returned from Indonesia. (That is easy to show. If he did not have a US passport, he would have needed a US visa on a foreign passport, and there is no record of him applying for one.) He had a US passport and Pakistan was not on any "no travel list."

    I appreciate that you are unlike Mario and that you allow the facts of Obama's birth in Hawaii to be posted.

  23. Teller IP,

    Whether what you have written are facts or just opinions remains to be seen.

    I am of the opinion that Barack Hussein Obama cannot possibly be a natural born citizen if, in fact, his biological father was Barack Sr. A natural born citizen is a child born to two American citizen parents. Obama Sr. was NEVER a citizen of the United States. Therefore, Obama Jr. could not possibly be a natural born citizen - which is required for the position of POTUS here in America - no matter whether he was actually born in Hawaii or elsewhere.

  24. Teller IP,

    If you have already "debated" Mario Apuzzo, then you already know why the Founders included the natural born citizen clause in the Constitution and that except for the grandfather clause, future presidents were to be born on U.S. soil by two citizen parents. The fact that the courts won't touch this issue means that it will eventually be decided at the Supreme Court.

    It has been pointed out that I broke my own blogging rules by posting your comments here. The original post is not about the ineligibility issue swirling around Obama so I think it is best to close off any further discussion about it here.


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