Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Willing Vessel Of Love For Reconciliation [Update 4]

UPDATE 4: Great news! The Restoring Honor event will be broadcast live on Facebook tomorrow! Go here for more information:

Glenn - Watch Restoring Honor Live on Facebook

August 27, 2010 - 22:59 ET

8/28 Live! – Saturday, 10a-1p ET
Yes, 8/28 will be broadcast live on Facebook. We want as many people as possible to have the chance to view this event which is why it will be streamed FREE. Checkout our Facebook page on 8/28 to watch this event LIVE! Remember 10a ET. If you can’t be in Washington DC, join us on Facebook to watch it live!
8/28 Quick Links

Praying for safety and a great event for faith, hope, and charity to shine through despite all of the terrible vitriol that the left is spewing about Glenn Beck's 8/28/10 event - Restoring Honor rally in Washington D.C. this Saturday. I wish I could be there, but family obligations prevent me from attending. I will keep a close eye on the coverage of the event.

I find the criticisms of the rabid left against Glenn Beck, his guests, the distortions of his "reasons" for holding the event and the ugly rhetoric against him for having it at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s great speech there very disturbing, disheartening and quite sad.

Glenn interviewed Alveda King, Dr. Martin Luther King's niece on his show today. I cried throughout the program. How did our country become so messed up and mean spirited? To hear how she is being treated so horribly by the left is disgusting. She appears to be a wonderful, faithful Christian woman who is pro-life and runs an organization encouraging life for the unborn. Of course, she represents everything that the rabid left hates - including being a willing vessel of love for reconciliation between the races and all people.


To watch today's show with guest Alveda King, go here:

Watch Glenn Beck: August 26, 2010 - Restoring Honor

Glenn Beck Show- August 26, 2010

Tonight: Glenn continues from D.C. as less than 40 hours remain until the Restoring Honor Rally. Tonight, Glenn will prepare you and lay out the real message behind the rally (despite what you might have heard in the media). Joining Glenn tonight for a good portion of the program is Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She has faced an enormous amount of criticism for agreeing to take part in and supporting the rally. We should keep her and all of those who have taken great risks to stand with Glenn in our prayers.

Update 2:

A few weeks ago, I heard that Laura Ingraham may attend the rally on Saturday. I am currently reading her book, "The Obama Diaries" (it is EXCELLENT!) and on pages 324-325 she writes exactly why we need to keep up with the non-violent protests against the radical government agenda being hoisted upon us:

The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

It is interesting that the very people who foment the anger in the country, the Democrats, are the ones wailing when the public reacts to their mischief. What did they think was going to happen when they refused to acknowledge the public outcry during the health-care debate?

It is hard to watch the persistent, radical agenda rolling out of this White House, whether it be health-care policy, immigration reform, cap-and-trade legislation, or the endless new taxes being proposed, without thinking that there is some plan underway. They are maliciously provoking a reaction, hoping for a violent response from the people, so they can use it to tarnish all dissent and finally silence criticism of their flawed policies. It is a textbook Saul Alinsky tactic.

Radical leftists thrive in conflict and chaos. In Rules for Radicals, Alinsky writes, "When those prominent in the status quo turn and label you an 'agitator,' they are completely correct, for that is, in one word, your function - to agitate to the point of conflict." In the midst of their premeditated conflicts, these leftists can do incredible damage. They will miss no opportunity to use the self-generated moments of strife to demonize their critics, restrain the people's freedom, and destroy their liberty. Should violence erupt or any social unrest break out as a result of their heinous policies, the liberals will proclaim themselves our protectors, and use the chaos as a justification to claim even greater control over our lives and our freedoms. For this reason, and so many others, violence must always be condemned and rejected, while every peaceful means of resistance should be utilized.

P.S. This blog post is currently listed here on the google blog search list, but I think that as posts on the Restoring Honor rally are added, the page number where it is listed may change.

I read some of the headlines and sentences from other blogs. The left-wing ones are doing EXACTLY what Laura Ingraham describes as the typical Saul Alinsky tactic (see quote and excerpt above in update 2) to cause the demonization of Beck and all who want to attend the event.

Knowing their tactics are a bogus attempt to cause strife and agitation takes the power away from their arguments and condemnation.


Update 3:

I had to go three posts from the bottom of page 3 (at 9:15 a.m. PT) in order to find a blog post that wasn't disparaging the 8/28 Restoring Honor rally. What are these people so afraid of??

Will post the positive blog posts as I find them.

1. Mediaite: Glenn Beck Responds to Al Sharpton - What Part of Honor Are You Against?

2. MichNews: Black Conservatives Support Glenn Beck Event on MLK Anniversary

3. No Apologies

4. Facts Not Fairies: Glenn Beck 8/28 Rally - Its a Matter of Honor

5. Capitol Hill Blue (both positive and negative discussions).

6. Sirius XM News: Sirius XM Patriot to Broadcast Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally Live

7. Booker Rising: Lloyd Marcus on Glenn Beck Rally

More later...


  1. For those who are worrying that this event is a "religious" one, I would say that it will be more of a cultural American event. The kind that allows people of different faiths to join together and agree that our country needs to be saved from the terrible direction it is being taken towards and that the way out of this dilemma is to restore honor. It is a fact that we need God to help us in our times of need. Why not now? We need honor restored in We The People, our government representatives, our courts, our schools, our various churches - you name it! We shouldn't get bogged down in one person's religious beliefs. All people of any faith can be involved in restoring honor to our nation.

    The Manhattan Declaration is another example of getting people together to restore honor in this nation.

  2. Update 2:

    A few weeks ago, I heard that Laura Ingraham may attend the rally on Saturday. I am currently reading her book, "The Obama Diaries" (it is EXCELLENT!) and on pages 324-325 she writes exactly why we need to keep up with the non-violent protests against the radical government agenda being hoisted upon us:

    The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

    It is interesting that the very people who foment the anger in the country, the Democrats, are the ones wailing when the public reacts to their mischief. What did they think was going to happen when they refused to acknowledge the public outcry during the health-care debate?

    It is hare to watch the persistent, radical agenda rolling out of this White House, whether it be health-care policy, immigration reform, cap-and-trade legislation, or the endless new taxes being proposed, without thinking that there is some plan underway. They are maliciously provoking a reaction, hoping for a violent respoinse from the people, so they can use it to tarnish all dissent and finally silence criticism of their flawed policies. It is a textbook Saul Alinsky tactic.

    Radical leftists thrive in conflict and chaos. In Rules for Radicals, Alinsky writes, "When those prominent in the status quo turn and label you an 'agitator,' they are completely correct, for that is, in one word, your function - to agitate to the point of conflict." In the midst of their premeditated conflicts, these leftists can do incredible damage. They will miss no opportunity to use the self-generated moments of strife to demonize their critics, restrain the people's freedom, and destroy their liberty. Should violence erupt or any social unrest break out as a result of their heinous policies, the liberals will proclaim themselves our protectors, and use the chaos as a justification to claim even greater control over our lives and our freedoms. For this reason, and so many others, violence must always be condemned and rejected, while every peaceful means of resistance should be utilized.

  3. There has been some concern in Christian circles that this event -Restoring Honor - is not something that Bible-based Christians should be participating in.


    Reasons vary.

    I have read that it must be rejected because Beck is a Mormon. Others claim that mixing people with different faiths at one event fulfills end times prophecy regarding the "one religion" scenario. Hey - if you personally want to believe that - fine. But I don't.

    Have you ever been to an event where a rabbi shares a prayer, then a Catholic, then a Christian? I have. And I chose to sit quietly through them all and pray when I agreed with the prayer - because it was biblical.

    People are unusually uncomfortable when God is being discussed. It just goes to show how far removed many people are from our Judeo-Christian heritage.

    When it comes to cultural issues and our desire as Americans to restore our nation back to the Constitutional Republic that our Founders started for us, I think that the more people involved the better. It doesn't mean that I embrace another person's religion - it just means that I am tolerating (in the original sense of the word) it for the purpose of uniting for our country's sake.

    Similarly, I went through this regarding the Manhattan Declaration. I had Christian brothers and sisters who refused to sign it (which is fine - to each his own) and I had Christian brothers and sisters who were with me on the issue and signed the Declaration. One favorite pastor signed it, another chose not to. One favorite Christian apologist and writer signed it, another chose not to. So be it!

    However, I refuse to keep a blogger on my blog list who disparages someone (like Sarah Palin) for participating because he thinks that Glenn Beck is a tool of the Obama administration and/or the left. Are you kidding me??? The guy must have been drunk. This person went on to criticize other conservative talk radio hosts and blathered some of their sins in the past in order to make his so-called point. Well, the photoshop picture that he placed on the ranting blog post was just too much to bear and I deleted his blog from my list.

    OK - now that I have gotten that off of my chest I can report that in the latest update, you will find out that the Restoring Honor event will be broadcast live on Facebook - free.

    See the original blog post for details and links.


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