Sunday, September 12, 2010

In The Mirror of God's Eyes

Written by Guest Blogger Rocky Chambers

1 Cor 13:12 - For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

This world is full of smoke and illusion. Like Paul writes, we see through a glass darkly. While this world seems painfully real it is only a manifestation of the world that truly lies beneath, the spiritual world. Everything has a spiritual root.

From time to time we get a glimpse into this real world beneath. We see it in an act of kindness, a gesture of peace, a sacrament of love, an act of faith, or in hoping against hope. Still, we see darkly. Our vision is clouded. Our view obscured. By what? By the darkness of our own minds.

We sometimes pride ourselves in the fact that we at least are a good person. I didn’t commit this sin or that sin. While perhaps you are better than others, there is always somebody better than you. And if we examine ourselves closely enough we will find a word spoken in hate, a grumbling that led to strife or a doubt that blossomed into the sin of worry! Yes, worry is a sin, doesn’t the scripture tell us not to worry! Doesn’t Jesus Himself express this when He says, ‘why do you give thought to what you will wear, what you will eat, do not worry for your Father in heaven knows you need these things!’

What we often view as sin, adultery, murder, theft, and so on, are really the manifestations of sin. They are the dark fruit of evil seed that has matured and given birth to death. The scripture says do not covet, but what is at the root of your coveting? Why do you desire to have what somebody else has? What is the seed of this sin? Is it jealousy? Is it fear? Is it doubt?

But love conquers all. But too often we try to manufacture love rather than allow God to grow it. But I get ahead too much.

The darkness of our minds leads us astray. This darkness is a cloud of dark thoughts, wrong thoughts, lies we believe and hold on to. When we see the fruit of these dark thoughts as evil then we are faced with the choice of seeking to weed our garden on our own, or seeking the help of God. This is the moment when we can come face to face. We know in part, but we do not know fully until He reveals us to our self! THEN I shall know as I am fully known!

The only power the enemy truly has is the corruption of faith hope and love. Every sin has at it’s root this corruption. And as Jesus reveals to us the truth, the darkness we have fallen into, we suddenly see clearly.

Everyone has had at least one of these moments. They may not admit it was God who opened their eyes, but it was. You can call it an epiphany, an inspiration, an ‘a-ha’ moment when the light went on. It is a moment when the smudge on that dark glass was cleared for a moment for you to see through, to see clearly.

We can rub on that glass ourselves and only smudge it up more. Or we can call on Christ to clean it for us. It may take effort on our part. Effort in prayer, effort in listening, effort in studying the scriptures, effort in waiting patiently. But we are promised if we will seek we will find. Most importantly, keep looking in that mirror. It may be dark and you may not see yourself as well as you think you do. But if you gaze steadily into it with the help of Christ…you will see face to face and you will know even as you are known. The mark of a saint is not in his good deeds. Nor is it found in his goodness. It is found in his determination to look into that glass to see face to face.

Don’t allow the illusions of this darkened world divert you but rather pierce the darkness with the help of the Lord. Let Him teach you who you really are. Only then can you be light to others. But be warned, many will see your light as darkness because they do not see what you see.

Gaze into the dark glass and you will find yourself gazing upon Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. He longs to show you who you really are, that you are worthwhile to Him. Enough so that He would give Himself for you. As you see that, it will change you, transform you.

Often God is seen as a potter, and we are the clay. This is how He molds us, forms us, into an image He has in His own heart. That is the you He wants you to know, it’s the one He knows.

I think, no I know, that is why John often referred to himself as ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved’. He saw himself in God’s eyes. Yeah, now isn't that a beautiful thought…to see yourself in the reflection, the mirror of God's eyes. Face to face, to know as I am known.

Hat Tip:

Rocky Chambers via email.

Thank you so much Rocky! This is beautifully stated!


  1. Hey Christine;
    Very good stuff. I think if I had only the sin of "worry" to "worry" about I'd be in good shape.
    I was thinking this morning about the rest we're (at least the ones keeping His commandment) promised to enter into.
    Many years ago I thought the "rest" Paul was talking about was Heavenly rest, in Heaven. But I've been thinking there is also a 'rest' for the saints here on earth. Thinking of these scriptures:

    For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.

    There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.

    (and the key)

    For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

    To me it's when someone has finally "ceased from his own works", the "rest" in God is attained here on earth.

    I'm just kind of 'skimming' my thoughts as there is much more.
    What do you think? I'd like to hear your thoughts on the subject.

  2. Hi Steve,

    Ha ha! Only the sin of worry...

    It seems strange to label it a sin. However, Jesus did speak about it a lot. Recall how he claimed that Mary chose "the better way" - to sit at his feet and learn from Him rather than Martha who worried about everything temporal at the moment.

    Also, he rebuked the disciples when they worried about the storm while Jesus was sleeping. Ye of so little faith.

    Worry seems the opposite of faith then. And aren't we all guilty of worrying? Count me twice in that! Ha!

    I need to see the context of that Scripture by reading what is written before and after the verses. If you have a chance, can you give me the chapter and verse?

    I do know that when we find Him - more accurately He finds us through the nudging of the Holy Spirit - and we become born again in Jesus through the Cross of Calvary, then we will find rest for the soul in this world of chaos.

    That's the beauty of faith in Jesus. When we rely completely on Him and His promises, what is there to worry about?

  3. Oh, I'm sorry, I should have included the book and chapter and verses of what I put on there. Here they are:

    Hebrews chapeter 4 verses 8,9,10.

    Chapter 3 leads into it and it continues in chapter 4. But the point I was making is contained in the verses I supplied.
    I know what I said sounds lame, but I respect your point of view, and would like to know what you think.

  4. I like to view the commentaries over at the Blue Letter Bible website.

    Here is what Chuck Smith writes about Hebrews 4:1-13


    v.1-4 When we enter into the rest God has for us, we are able to relax and stop worrying. We have more time to set our minds on Him and to rejoice and praise Him.

    v.4-8 The children of Israel had one day to make the choice to enter into the rest God had for them. When they tried to go in the next day by their own strength, it was too late.

    v.9-10 After God created the world, He "rested" (ceased) from His acts of Creation, but His work in the world was not finished. When man fell short of God's ideal, it was necessary that God do a work of redemption to bring unrighteous man into fellowship with a righteous God. Jesus came to finish the work of redemption on the cross (John 4:34, John 19:30, Isaiah 53:6-10, 2 Corinthians 5:21). The righteousness of Christ is now imputed to us because of our belief in what He has done (Philippians 3:8,9). We do not need to struggle and labor to increase our righteousness because God is satisfied with the righteousness of Christ that He has given to us. When we learn to rest and trust in what Jesus has done for us on the cross, we glory in Him and have no chance to boast about our own righteousness.We have to work at staying in the place of rest in God because Satan will attack and try to destroy our rest.

    v.11 The children of Israel are the example of unbelief that we should learn from, for they were not allowed into God's rest because of their unbelief. God's word helps us to know ourselves and to recognize our motivations (John 15:7; Psalm 119:9; Psalm 139:1-6; Matthew 6:1-8).

    v.13 The New Testament emphasis is on attitude more than actions. Our righteousness depends on our attitude toward Christ.

    I think that what he had to say about verses 1-8 are similar to what you pointed out.

    I like what Smith pointed out about Christ's righteousness. Our "righteousnesses are as filthy rags" - wrote Isaiah. Quite humbling and true. We can only face the fact that man's righteousness only depends on our attitude towards (and acceptance of) Christ's righteousness!


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