Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oh My! Dr. David Jeremiah Gets Call From White House! [2nd Update]

IMPORTANT! The second link LISTED in this search [NOTE: THIS SEARCH LINK IS SAFE!] for my Talk Wisdom blog post about this story is labeled as "ch82.com" and my anti-virus settings warns that the link is UNSAFE!. As you can see, it includes information about my blog post here. Any techies out there that can inform me why this has happened? Is it an attempt to prevent people from coming to this blog and reading this story? Of course, the first link (which is a direct link to my Talk Wisdom blog) is ENTIRELY SAFE, AS ALWAYS.


OneNewsNow story prompts White House call
Chris Woodward and Jody Brown - OneNewsNow - 10/25/2010 11:50:00 AM

A Southern California pastor with a national radio following says he's expecting to chat today with a White House representative over comments last week in which the pastor described President Obama as a "dangerous" man.

Dr. David Jeremiah's remarks came during an interview last week with OneNewsNow about his new book, The Coming Economic Armageddon: What Bible Prophecy Warns about the New Global Economy. In that interview, Jeremiah was asked about the direction the country is going under Barack Obama's leadership.

"I do not believe he has been an asset to our country; I don't believe he's moved us forward in a good direction, and frankly, I am praying, along with many other believers, that in this mid-term election we will find a way to slow down this train that seems to be moving us toward socialism and away from our historical moorings," Dr. Jeremiah explained. "I'm really frightened about that, and I think in that respect, I believe he's a dangerous person."

Continue reading Here.

Take a look at the results from the following poll!

Results from our related poll

What's the most likely reason the White House is concerned about what Dr. Jeremiah has to say about Barack Obama's economic policies?

The elections next week could be a referendum on those policies....25.05%

3,492 votes

Dr. Jeremiah carries great respect in the Christian community....16.05%

2,237 votes

The White House fears that most Americans agree with Dr. Jeremiah....58.9%

8,210 votes


Hat Tip:




One News Now.com: Dr. Jeremiah, White House 'agree to disagree'

Copy of article:

Dr. Jeremiah, White House 'agree to disagree'
Jody Brown - OneNewsNow - 10/26/2010 10:00:00 AM

While "cordial," yesterday's dialogue between a well-known evangelical pastor and the White House brought little agreement on the ultimate consequences of Barack Obama's economic policies.

Pastor David Jeremiah says he and President Obama's liaison to the faith-based community had a "very cordial conversation" on Monday, but "agreed to disagree" about comments Jeremiah made last week about the president's economic policies and the direction those policies are taking the U.S.

The phone conversation with Joshua DuBois was brought on by a OneNewsNow story in which Dr. Jeremiah described the president as a "globalist" and argued Obama was not an "asset" to the country, was moving the country toward socialism and, in that respect, was a "dangerous person."

Following his conversation yesterday with DuBois, Jeremiah released this statement to OneNewsNow:

"I talked with Joshua DuBois....He is a terrific young man who loves the president and his family. We had a very cordial conversation about the article that appeared in OneNewsNow last week, and we agreed to disagree on the issues reflected in that article.

"In this important dialogue about the future of our country and the resolution of the issues that we are currently facing as a nation, there must be room for criticism and debate, and each of us should feel the responsibility to speak out. Joshua knows of my concerns and left the door open for further discussions in the future.

"Please remember to pray for our nation and for our president!"

Just prior to his discussion with DuBois, Jeremiah appeared on American Family Radio's Today's Issues, sharing that he had no regrets about what he said in the initial article and did not offer the comments in a mean-spirited way. "It was my opinion that that's where we're going. Nothing that I know of that's been brought to the fore...has made me change my mind about that. I am very concerned about where this country is going." (See earlier article)

Jeremiah is senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California. DuBois is executive director of the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.




  1. Free Republic is talking about it!

    Note these comments:

    To: Cindy
    Oh wow Cindy....I listen to Jeremiah and recently got his new book “The coming Economic Armaggedon”. It’s an eye opener. So the White House thuggary is going after him...hummm..like they stopped Franklin Grahmn having the national day of prayer...looks like they are after Christians.

    4 posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 1:14:14 AM by caww


    To: caww
    ...”White House thuggary is going after him...hummm..like they stopped Franklin Grahmn having the national day of prayer...looks like they are after Christians”...

    It is out of Saul Alinsky’s handbook..Isolate and destroy and any Christian who does not believe that this bunch is out to persecute is just not informed and paying attention. Christianity says that God is God and that human beings cannot play God over the life of anyone. It is as simple as that..THEY envision themselves as being the controllers over who can have life, who can have liberty and who can enjoy happiness. God says every man/woman is unique and has the right to make those choices and bear those consequences for themselves. Despots have never changed throughout history..Today’s carbon copy is nothing new.

    8 posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 3:02:30 AM by jazzlite (esat)

  2. People...what is it called when the Thug-in-chief in the White House targets a very respected Christian Pastor and most likely sends one of his goons to make a phonecall in order to threaten the pastor because he wrote a Bible-based book on the dangers of the Global economy and shared an honest opinion about ObaMAO being a dangerous man?

  3. It's called another lie from OneNewsNow. What a surprise that 58% of the idiots who read this fanatical far right wing rag think the White House fears that most Americans agree with this fear mongering quack. My prediction...nothing, absolutely nothing will come of this. But you go ahead and buy into yet another conspiracy theory.

  4. John...long time no radical left-wing angry spewing by you! So...this is the post that made you crawl out from behind the socialist wall crevices where Alinskyite roaches often like to hide?

    What is it about an OPINION POLL that you don't understand?

    The article shared the facts about what happened. Facts can be verified, so just who is the guilty one of spreading lies?

    The White House placed that call for a reason. I'm certain that it wasn't to congratulate him on his excellent ministry or his new best-selling book!

    I would say that the reason this was done was for intimidation purposes.

    Still drinking that ObamaBorgBot Kool-Aid...huh?

    If you want to claim that someone is a "fear-mongering quack" you'd have to look at your thug-in-chief puppet of a pResident and his puppeteers - like George Soros.

  5. Right...no "spewing" from me. I've been trying to stay away from as many hate sites as possible...just bad energy! And of course you'd say it was for intimidation purposes that's how the paranoid mind works and when you're proven wrong, which usually happens...you ignore. Good "conservative christian" tactic. By the way your cute little sayings reminds me of high school! LOL

  6. Oh...I see! You have been avoiding the hate sites run by Moulitas (whatever his name is) and HuffPo?

    How about that Joyless Behar? She has quite the potty-mouth doesn't she! Calling a candidate that she disagrees with "a b**ch who should go to hell!" Nice people you have there in your progressive cult.

    Speaking of "paranoid minds" did you know that liberalism is a mental disorder?

    And... when did you graduate (if you did...) from high school? Last year?

  7. Not even worth responding to...sorry.

  8. And your allegations were?

    BTW, Joyless just did it again. She received flowers from Sharon Angle because her first spewing of hate towards the candidate brought $170,000 into her campaign. Joyless proceeded to call her a b**ch once again. Nice cohorts you have there in your camp.

  9. Original post has been updated! See Dr. Jeremiah's response to the White House!

    The interest in this topic has been tremendous. Here is a list of the searches (as of 10/27/10 at 3:11 p.m. PT) that led people to this little ole' blog:

    Referrer url New Vis. Visitors Pages V. Ppv Tpp bounce
    1 (com): david jeremiah white house 2 2 2 1 - 100%

    2 (com): david jeremiah president obama 2 2 3 1.5 3'18" 50%

    3 (com): david jeremiah barack obama 2 2 3 1.5 2'11" 50%

    4 (com): :charles stanley" and "cain and able" 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    5 (com): talkwisdom 0 1 1 1 - 100%

    6 (com): david jerimah wh representative 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    7 (com): david jeremiah obama comments 1 1 2 2 4'40" 0%

    8 (com): trickle up poverty 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    9 : "w.g. boykin" reverend wright 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    10 (com): "reagan quote" "political enemies" 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    11 (com): bring every thought to the obedience of christ 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    12 (com): presdient obama on david jermemiah 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    13 (ca): davis jeremiah economic armageddon youtube 1 1 2 2 5'49" 0%

    14 (com): floyd nolan jones - ex-atheist 1 1 2 2 7'19" 0%

    15 (com): dr. david jeremiah contacted by white house 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    16 (com): baar isue the discoverie of poterie jerusalem from jeremiahs time 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    17 (com): meaning of katrina 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    18 (com): barack obama david jeremiah 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    19 (com): possibility thinking"apostasy" 1 1 2 2 2'35" 0%

    20 (com): trickle up poverty review 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    21 (com): "dr david jeramia calls president a danger" 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    22 (za): oprahs false religion 1 1 2 2 5'58" 0%

    23 (com): katrina meaning 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    24 (com): a liberal commentator would most likely try to sway public opinion in favor of this. 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    25 (com): david jeremiah talk out president 1 1 2 2 3'3" 0%

    26 (ca): erwin lutzer story of a demon possessed girl flurry of wings 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    27 (com): robert schuller is stiff necked against the gospel, god says bankruptcy and destroyed ministry 1 1 3 3 26" 100%

    28 (com): chronological movement towards a global economy 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    29 (com): dr. david jerimiah and the white house 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    (con't next post)

  10. 30 (com): david jeremiah white house news 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    31 (com): dr david jeremiah obama white house response 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    32 (com): david jeremiah interview 1 1 3 3 4'30" 0%

    33 (com): 1 hour economic collapse david jeremiah 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    34 (com): pastor david jeremiah comment about obama 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    35 (com): christine a watson, mount laurel, nj 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    36 (com): dr david jeremiah and obamma 1 1 4 4 1'48" 0%

    37 (com): "welfare fraud at its worse" in illinois 1 1 2 2 47" 0%

    38 (com): white house call to david jeremiah 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    39 (com): dr. david jeremiah 10/22 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    40 (com): "trickle up poverty" transcripts 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    41 (com): cogic alabama keith ellison 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    42 (com): david jeremiah vs. obama 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    43 (com): dr. david jeremiah and white house meeting 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    44 (com): chris stigall red meat tour 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    45 (com): joy behar is hopelessly ignorant! 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    46 (com): david jeremiah's meeting with whitehouse 1 1 2 2 1'42" 0%

    47 (com): what is a genuine person 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    48 (com): david jeremiah called to white house 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    49 (ca): wisdom talks 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    50 (in): narcoterrorim - uk 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    51 (com): david jeremiah interview with white house 1 1 2 2 40" 0%

    52 (com): kent nugent review on trickle up poverty 1 1 1 1 - 100%

    53 (com): david jeremiah speaks against obama

  11. Hey Christine;
    I happen to love your "hate" stie and I really have to contain what I want to say to your 'friend' John ... but I see you've handled him well by "comforting the feeble minded".

  12. Ha ha Steve! Thanks! "John-boy" hasn't been around here in quite a while. Was surprised to see him show up here again.

    He has never been civil to me - only rants against the posts that apparently irk him. He's a typical leftie. Can't present a legitimate argument. All he can do is make a false claim about "hate" with those in whom he disagrees. I pity him.

  13. Update and warning! I am wondering if this is an attempt by someone to keep people from visiting this blog and reading this particular blog post???

    IMPORTANT! The second link LISTED in this search [NOTE: THIS SEARCH LINK IS SAFE!] for my Talk Wisdom blog post about this story is labeled as "ch82.com" and my anti-virus settings warns that the link is UNSAFE! As you can see, (if you visit the link above and observe the second link listed there), it includes information about my blog post here at Talk Wisdom.

    Any techies out there that can inform me about why this has happened?

    Is it an attempt to prevent people from coming to this blog and reading this story? Of course, the first link in the search list (which is a direct link to my Talk Wisdom blog) is ENTIRELY SAFE, AS ALWAYS.

  14. Steve,

    Please give me your definition of hate.

    Romans 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good


  15. I used to think socialism was a good thing, till I grew up and started thinking for myself. Which is important, since socialism/
    communism/Marxism doesn't allow free-thought/speech.
    Obama and his ilk want to suppress free speech, which is why peaceful opposition is under attack. Strangely, we don;t seem to see Islam being silenced by B Hussain Obama. Wonder why.

  16. Re - This comment post:

    Update and warning! I am wondering if this is an attempt by someone to keep people from visiting this blog and reading this particular blog post???

    IMPORTANT! The second link LISTED in this search [NOTE: THIS SEARCH LINK IS SAFE!] for my Talk Wisdom blog post about this story is labeled as "ch82.com" and my anti-virus settings warns that the link is UNSAFE! As you can see, (if you visit the link above and observe the second link listed there), it includes information about my blog post here at Talk Wisdom.

    The unsafe link has been removed from the google search.

    My stats here at Talk Wisdom have shown continuous high traffic of new visitors EACH DAY via search engines who are interested in the "Dr. David Jeremiah phonecall from the White House" story.

    I think that this incident may help sway undecided voters towards Conservatives, Tea Party Candidates, Conservative Republicans etc. and away from the "status quo" career politicians - especially those who voted for the horrible bills that ObaMarxist and his progressive/Marxist cohorts in Congress passed against the will of WE THE PEOPLE!

    Dr. Jeremiah's undeserved persecution from the thugs in power will turn into a blessing for America!!

  17. Hello Hugh Watt,

    Welcome and thanks for posting your comment! It is so heartening to hear that you have changed your viewpoint about socialism!

    Good point about Obama's eerie lack of attempting to silence Islamists. He usually doesn't even say anything bad about radical Islam!

    The recent events regarding the bombs being planted in the UPS cargo shipments seems suspicious to some bloggers. I need to read more about it, but some things are not adding up. Could it have been staged to make Obama look better in homeland security issues? At this point, I wouldn't put ANYTHING past this evil, lying, America-destroying administration!


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