Monday, October 18, 2010

Satan's CEO [Update]

Received my copy of Dr. David Jeremiah's new book, The Coming Economic Armageddon, CD's of the entire series, and the study guide that comes along with the $85.00 package. Can't wait to read it!

Yesterday, Dr. Jeremiah's sermon was entitled, "Satan's CEO." Please go to the link and click on "This Week's Broadcast" to watch the latest installment of this intriguing series on Bible prophecy!

Given the dark figures throughout human history, it is hard to imagine one still darker who is yet to appear. He will be the personification of the devil on earth--empowered by Satan to wage final war against God and His people. But like Satan, the fate of the Antichrist is sealed.

Hat Tip:



Update 10/18/10

Woke up early this morning to read The Coming Economic Armageddon. Found the final four paragraphs in the Introduction quite illuminating!

Dr. Jeremiah writes:

When he (the Antichrist) finally appears, the world will embrace him. He will have all of the answers to the pressing problems of mankind. He will be the ultimate financial czar -- Satan's CEO, and he will deceive the world with a promise of stability and order. When the whole world is singing his praises, he will unveil his master plan for the destruction of all those who refuse to fall down and worship him.

In those final months of his evil reign, no one will be able to buy or sell without his special identification mark implanted in his or her forehead or hand. Using the technology that is already powerful enough to accomplish his plan, the Antichrist will control the financial destiny of every nation and every individual.

From his center in the ancient rebuilt city of Babylon, the Antichrist and his partner, the False Prophet, will regulate the commerce of the world until Almighty God brings it all to an end "in one hour" (Revelation 18:10, 17, 19).

Then there will at last emerge the ultimate one-world government and a one-world economy that will be the fulfillment of the long-desired utopia. The bible assures us that a golden age of unprecedented peace and prosperity is coming. What the Antichrist will have failed to do with his militaristic and computer surveillance, Jesus Christ will do by His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. For one thousand years Jesus Christ will preside over an idyllic age of peace and prosperity.

With these events facing the world, we ask the question posed in a book title by the late revered apologist Francis Schaeffer: How should we then live? In light of all that is happening, and all that is going to happen, how should we organize our schedules and live our lives? I have called the last chapter of this book, "Keep Your Head in the Game and your hope in God." This is the instruction that God has etched upon my own heart. In these desperate days, this is my prayer for you!


  1. Hey Christine;
    This is a great post and I may purchase the cd's myself.
    I do want to caution folks; even though the fate of the Antichrist is sealed, we need to be vigilgant. This person will deceive the entire world, Christians and non-Christians alike. Weak and deceived pastors will lead their entire flock into the same deception, and that is a very frightening thing.

    I hope you and yours are doing well.

  2. Hi Steve!

    Thanks for always coming over here and commenting. I really appreciate your input! What great points you have made!

    Dr. Jeremiah talks about the apostasy that will come in the last days. (see 2 Timothy 4:3,4)

    The Jews had a falling away in the OT, too!

    Scoffers will come in the last days. People will make more and more fun of prophecy! There are commentators who post here that do that already!

    I really like Dr. Jeremiah's teachings. He's truthful, honest, and biblically accurate in his exegesis of the meaning of Scripture.

    There are far to many pastors who are now "church lite" - meaning that they reject certain aspects of the Gospel in order to be more appealing to the unsaved.

    I just received a great little pamphlet written by Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason that discusses "pluralism." That is such a terrible problem these days.

    My family is doing well - a few aches and pains but nothing serious. Hope you and yours are doing well and still celebrating the joy of the Lord - even in the midst of this earthly chaos!

  3. At $85.00 per person to buy his stuff, obviously Dr. Jeremiah himself won't be affected by this "economic Armageddon"!

    Scoffers are not a product of the 'last days'. They have always been around. In the past they were met with ostracism, or exile, or the stake. They were subjected to those things by believers, who were afraid to hear that it was possible to not believe.

  4. GMpilot,

    The $85.00 is a donation to the ministry. Obviously, the items are not that expensive to manufacture. The bulk of the money is being used for spreading the Gospel message around the world. Do you realize how expensive it is to maintain a T.V. broadcast ministry?

    According to what I recall about Turning Point Ministries, 25%-30% is used for missionary work.

    The book (alone) can be purchased at cheaper prices either at Costco or

    The video presentations can be seen at no cost at

    Of course, scoffers have always been around. However, the increase in scoffers are signs of the last days.

    You wrote:

    "In the past they were met with ostracism, or exile, or the stake. They were subjected to those things by believers, who were afraid to hear that it was possible to not believe."

    Are you talking about Islam here? Oh...wait. Islam is closer to atheism/skepticism/agnosticism so I guess not.

  5. Update 10/18/10

    Woke up early this morning to read The Coming Economic Armageddon. Found the final four paragraphs in the Introduction quite illuminating!

    Dr. Jeremiah writes:

    When he (the Antichrist) finally appears, the world will embrace him. He will have all of the answers to the pressing problems of mankind. He will be the ultimate financial czar -- Satan's CEO, and he will deceive the world with a promise of stability and order. When the whole world is singing his praises, he will unveil his master plan for the destruction of all those who refuse to fall down and worship him.

    In those final months of his evil reign, no one will be able to buy or sell without his special identification mark implanted in his or her forehead or hand. Using the technology that is already powerful enough to accomplish his plan, the Antichrist will control the financial destiny of every nation and every individual.

    From his center in the ancient rebuilt city of Babylon, the Antichrist and his partner, the False Prophet, will regulate the commerce of the world until Almighty God brings it all to an end "in one hour" (Revelation 18:10, 17, 19).

    Then there will at last emerge the ultimate one-world government and a one-world economy that will be the fulfillment of the long-desired utopia. The bible assures us that a golden age of unprecedented peace and prosperity is coming. What the Antichrist will have failed to do with his militaristic and computer surveillance, Jesus Christ will do by His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. For one thousand years Jesus Christ will preside over an idyllic age of peace and prosperity.

    With these events facing the world, we ask the question posed in a book title by the late revered apologist Francis Schaeffer: How should we then live? In light of all that is happening, and all that is going to happen, how should we organize our schedules and live our lives? I have called the last chapter of this book, "Keep Your Head in the Game and your hope in God." This is the instruction that God has etched upon my own heart. In these desperate days, this is my prayer for you!

  6. GM,

    "They were subjected to those things by believers, who were afraid to hear that it was possible to not believe."

    Agreed. Millions in Communist China and Russia did not believe that a life without God controlled by the state was in their best interest. The atheist state replied by killing them by the million.

  7. BTW GM,

    I'm still waiting for you to show some evidence of your declaration that my assertion failed under test. As was said in "Monsters, Inc.": I find your silence very reassuring.

  8. Yes, hostess, I'm talking about Islam, too. The Catholic authorities of the Inquisition condemned the entire population of the Protestant Netherlands to death in 1568. Through modern history, religious suppression of many books has taken place—not only of Darwin's books, but works by Galileo, Copernicus, and John Stuart Mill.

    Even belief in a God doesn't help, if it's the 'wrong' God; William Penn (the Quaker founder of Philadelphia), Martin Luther, Voltaire, Thomas Paine. The author of Zorba the Greek also wrote The Last Temptation Of Christ, and yep, the latter got banned. Even Islam's condemnation of Salman Rushdie isn't new. Kahlil Gilbran, whose most famous work is The Prophet, had an earlier book banned in the USA twice--first for the Arabic edition in 1908, and again for the English edition 39 years later.

    No, hostess, Islam is no closer to atheism than your faith is. Both share a belief in a SuperDaddy in the sky, but diverge from that point.

    Blank Compact Discs are very cheap. It's the knowledge Jeremiah claims to put on them that makes them worth $85, but what if the EA never occurs? Will he refund the money? Of course not. If he really believes what he's selling, he'd do better to invest in Adam Smith and Boy Scout Handbooks.

  9. GM wrote:

    "No, hostess, Islam is no closer to atheism than your faith is."

    Oh yeah? How so?'ll help you. Take another look at what you wrote here:

    "Even belief in a God doesn't help, if it's the 'wrong' God."

  10. Hey there, if you like this, you'll LOVE Tom Horn's material, which is completely researched, biblical... Tom is a former pastor. Check out his site and

    I'm having him on my show in a month. Meanwhile enjoy David J., he's MILD in comparison. :)

    Stacy Lynn Harp, Active Christian Media

  11. Hi Christine,

    GM's comments may have some factual content. What they lack, of course, is context. While he wales about the victim status of non-believers of the past, he studiously ignores that in modern history Christian believers face far more danger from "non-believers" than vice versa. As previously noted on this blog, atheists were responsible for the majority of cold blooded killings in the twentieth century, with Russia, China, and various other atheist republics killing more in peace time than Christian nations did in war. And throughout it all, their fellow athiests and elitists continued to sell anyone who would listen on how wonderful these regimes were.

    I can understand his emotions. An atheist is simply someone who has decided to make himself his own God, and naturally he resents the competition. And like Kevin, and countless others, he continually criticizes Christianity from the safe social environment so common in Christian nations and yet so rare in other parts of the world. Japan is a notable exception, but China, Russia, good portions of Africa and South America, the Middle East, would all give them a much worse life, and they know it. Simply small dogs yapping from safely behind the fence.

  12. Hi Stacy!

    Nice to see you back here! How are things going for you?

    Thanks for the links! I plan to check them out this weekend!

  13. Thanks Gary. Well said! It seems that no matter how many times you share such truth, it doesn't get through to GMpilot. There are none so blind as those who REFUSE to see!

    I think you are correct that many atheists/skeptics make themselves out to be their own "god." When a person thinks his/her own wisdom and knowledge is correct yet ignores/rejects the truth, wisdom and knowledge of God that has been revealed through God's written Word - the Bible, and His Living Word - Jesus Christ, then the only chance for their redemption from sin and reconciliation back to God in this life is lost.

    I shake my head in sorrow when I see someone who has heard the truth yet rejects it. Jesus explains why:

    "because men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil" (John 3:19).

  14. There are many free teachings I've downloaded from and anyone can listen to teachings for free from which streams pre-recorded Christian radio programs and praise music. There are many ministries listed at which allow you to download or stream teachings for free.

    I'm sure there are Christian ministries on Pandora but I haven't gotten there yet.



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