Wednesday, November 17, 2010

DWTS Upset

I was curious to read some of the frothing-at-the-mouth opinions about Bristol Palin making it to the finals in Dancing With The Stars. Rarely do I ever venture over to the HuffPo blog, but there is a rant against Bristol over there which shows how upset the liberals are about her success in getting into the finals. If you want to read it, do a search. I do not wish to link to them. At the time I viewed that blog post, there was only one comment that said (paraphrased), "if Bristol wins in DWTS, I will NEVER watch that show again!"

I know how the commentator feels. My husband and I thought that Taylor Hicks didn't deserve to win at American Idol.

Another blogger likened Bristol to the competitor named Sanjaya a few years back on American Idol. Perhaps all the teeny-boppers across the U.S.A. kept him in the running.

I must admit, I thought that Palin was going to be eliminated last night. Brandy deserved to be in the final (and I thought that she was going to end up the winner) more so than all three who are now in the final. But this contest includes what the judges think and how they vote, as well as what the audience thinks and how they vote.

I do recall Brandy being very nasty to her dance partner in the beginning weeks of the show. During the clips of her dance rehearsals, the censors needed to bleep out her curse words. I'm sure that both her nastiness towards Maks, her hissy fit walk-out during rehearsals, as well as her cursing didn't endear her to people who were not already fans.

IMHO, Jennifer Gray is a professional dancer. She appeared in "Dirty Dancing" many years ago with Patrick Swayze. Swayze was a pro - and he taught her the moves during the filming. I didn't think it was fair for her to be in the contest to begin with.

IMHO, either Bristol Palin or Kyle Massey should win. Why? Because wasn't the concept of this show to take someone with little or no experience in dance and teach them to blossom into a performer worthy of receiving that mirror ball trophy?

Hat Tip:

Dermorae All Buzzing Information


  1. I never watch the show myself, so I'll take you at your word.

    It's all the same to me if Bristol Palin wins or not; a single mother has to do whatever she can to get by.
    With her hoofing on stage and her mother romping with (protected) bears in a travelogue, the family name is getting lots of publicity again—and this time, it's positive.

  2. Wow GM - did you take a nice pill today? heh heh

    In my own neck of the woods, I have found that most heterosexual men don't watch DWTS. A survey that I heard about recently stated that more Republican/Conservatives watch the show than Democrat/Liberals do.

    I thought that Sarah Palin's Alaska was excellent! Very entertaining and decent - unlike the usual skanky "reality" shows out there. I include "Wife Swap" in the skanky type shows. I briefly watched part of one show where the extremely tattooed and head shaved atheist woman (who happened to be white) forced a Christian family (who happened to be black) to get rid of all of the religious (Christian) symbols that the devout Christian family had around the house. The young children were in tears over it! I guess it is their own fault for going on such a show but did that woman have to do that to them?? Dumb. Simply a dumba** show if you ask me.

    Why couldn't they make it a positive experience for the families? The show Undercover Boss has been able to show positive results!

  3. ”...I briefly watched part of one show where the extremely tattooed and head shaved atheist woman (who happened to be white) forced a Christian family (who happened to be black) to get rid of all of the religious (Christian) symbols that the devout Christian family had around the house. The young children were in tears over it!”

    Hmm. Do more Republican/Conservatives watch 'skanky dumba**' reality shows than Democrat/Liberals do? You sure seem to know a lot about them: from Desperate Housewives several years ago to Wife Swap now.
    But as I say, it's all the same to me if Bristol wins or not. I've nothing against her, and if she relies on her dancing skills and not her name, then she will. N.B.D.

  4. The purpose of dancing with the stars is to take "celebrities" with little to no dancing experience and make them dancers. While Jennifer Grey is a wonderful dancer, she has an unfair advantage because she was in Dirty Dancing. Kyle and Bristol both started from scratch, which is the true purpose of the show.


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