Sunday, December 19, 2010

Why Christmas Conquers Fear

David Why Christmas Conquers Fear

Special Holiday Programming
Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year. As we move into the wintery month of December we surround ourselves with warm fires, twinkling lights, shiny decorations, the delicious smells of cookies and holiday treats, and joyful Christmas music. For a whole month (at least) our senses are filled with the magic and wonder the season brings. But for Christians the joy of the season is more than an outward, sensory-induced happiness, it is a spiritual joy rooted in our hearts. We know that the joy of Christmas is in the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!

Mary was the first to experience this Christmas joy. The Angel Gabriel appeared to her and told her that she would concieve the Son of God! She broke out in praise of her mighty Savior: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior… For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and Holy is His name.”(Luke 1:46,48). She was overwhelmed with joy and thanksgiving for the wonderful work God was doing in and through her life.

That is the spirit we need to emulate this season; an irrepressable joy and admiration for our Lord and thankfulness for the gifts he has given us.

During this month of broadcasting we will focus on Jesus as the real reason for the season. We’ll explore the importance of Bethlehem, why God chose Mary, and how He used each individual associated with the Christmas story to bring about His will. Most importantly, we will discuss how the birth of Jesus impacts eternity.

Many people have phobias that control their actions and lives. But God designed a plan and a purpose for each of us that will provide the peace to overcome any apprehension. Dr. Jeremiah offers solutions for the anxious in “Why Christmas Conquers Fear.”

Dr. David Jeremiah
“Why Christmas Conquers Fear”
Selected Scriptures
December 19, 2010
Luke 1:12
Luke 1:29
Luke 2:9
I. God Still Answers Prayer – Luke 1:5-14
Hebrews 4:14-16
II. God Still Keeps His Promises – Luke 1:26-31
Matthew 1:21-23
Psalm 27:1
Isaiah 41:10
Psalm 27:10
Hebrews 13:5-6
III. God Still Has a Purpose – Luke 2:8-11
Luke 1:13-14
Luke 1:46-47
1 John 4:18
2 Timothy 1:7
John 3:16

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