Tuesday, January 04, 2011

That's Hilarious!! [Update]

Glenn Beck has made a commitment to "up his charitable giving" this year. He thought that the following quote would make a great T-shirt for sale at GlennBeck.com:

"Liberal media, I've upped my charitable giving. Now up yours!"

Ha ha ha ha haaaaa!!! I laughed through the entire commercial!

Of course, there was much more shared during the program.

The complete video should be up sometime this evening at Watch Glenn Beck.com

Update: The video of the complete show is now up.

Video of The Day

• Ninth Circuit: War Memorial Cross Unconstitutional

On this morning's radio program, Glenn Beck Announces his "E4" Solution

In June of 2009, Glenn appeared on ABC's 20/20 and was interviewed by now-Fox Business host John Stossel

From The Video Vault..


Left Calls for Revolution

Pelosi: If Every American Loved Their Healthcare, We'd Still Take it Over

• A Message From Glenn Beck for 2011

Glenn Beck Show- January 4, 2011

Tonight: In 2010, Glenn said some pretty unbelievable things that are now coming true all across the world. It's a new year and Glenn Beck is back with a new attitude and a challenge for Americans in 2011. America is at a crossroads.

The government already controls health care, much of the financial and auto industries- and now the FCC has approved a plan to regulate the internet. The national debt has now surpassed fourteen trillion dollars. Gas prices, food prices and unemployment are on the rise. America needs a fundamental transformation. Tonight, learn how we'll get there with "E4"

You can hear part of his radio show Here.

Glenn Beck Announces "E4" Solution From: TheDailyBeck January 04, 2011 186 views

From the January 4th, 2011 edition of the Glenn Beck Radio Program:

Glenn Beck returned from his holiday vacation this morning and announced a new division of his company, Mercury Radio Arts, called "E4 Experiences".

The 4 E's consist of: Enlightenment, Education, Empowerment and Entrepreneurship.

How refreshing! Sounds very God honoring, Ronald Reaganish, Constitution supporting, and filled with common sense!

HT's to all links.


  1. Really?

    The only E4 Experiences I've had with Glenn Beck have been Erroneous, Excruciating, Eerie and Execrable.

    Your mileage may vary, of course.

  2. Really?

    The only E4 Experiences I've had with Glenn Beck have been Erroneous, Excruciating, Eerie and Execrable.

    Your mileage may vary, of course.

  3. GM - At least you are watching the show...heh.

  4. Anonymous,

    The only One who will bring peace on earth (finally) is Jesus Christ.

  5. Stamping Out Harold Camping

    Is Second Coming date-setter Harold Camping worthy of death? He already has a zero batting average after his September 1994 prediction fizzle and, according to the Bible, is a false prophet.
    Nevertheless that California shaman, who should be ashamed, claims he's found out that Christ's return will be on May 21, 2011 even though Matt. 24:36 says that no one knows the "day" or "hour" of it!
    A Google article ("Obama Fulfilling the Bible") points out that "Deut. 18:20-22 in the Old Testament requires the death penalty for false prophets."
    The same article reveals that "Christians are commanded to ask God to send severe judgment on persons who commit and support the worst forms of evil (see I Cor. 5 and note 'taken away')."
    Theologically radioactive Harold Camping and his ga-ga groupies (with their billboards featuring "May 21, 2011") should worry about being "stamped out" if many persons decide to follow the I Cor. 5 command.
    The above article concludes: "False prophets in the OT were stoned to death. Today they are just stoned!"

    {just saw above web bit. Ruth)

  6. If the truth be told, we are all worthy of death except for the grace and mercy afforded to us by Jesus Christ!

    That last remark is both tragic and quite humorous at the same time!

    People like Camping may fool some, but he will never be able to fool the very elect. Why? God's word says so! Therefore, no worries for the genuinely saved. However, we must be vigilant in correcting such heresy for the sakes of the unsaved.

    IMHO, Oprah has done far more damage via heretical errors professed because she is so well known.

  7. With regards to Anonymous's first comment, I would say it was a load of crap, but in line with his (her?) sympathies, I'll say it's a load of compost.


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