Monday, February 28, 2011

Obama & RINOS: Lethal for America

To be honest, I don't really know whether or not this "Ulsterman" character has any genuine inside information about the White House and Obama. I don't know whether or not he is telling the truth. I don't know whether or not he can be trusted. But one thing I do know is that I was just as angry and surprised to read about Congressman Darrell Issa's 180 degree turn to NOT investigate many of the crimes that have occurred with this far leftist socialist Marxist thug of a pResident in the White House and his puppeteer cronies. The constant activities that are going on to destroy our economy, capitalism, our freedoms and liberty, and keep many Americans unemployed so that they will be forever dependent on government; the adding of trillions to the debt, the desire to keep spending, the refusal to repeal ObamaSCARE despite the FACT THAT IT WAS RULED UNCONSTITUTIONAL BY A FLORIDA FEDERAL JUDGE shows that these people in charge are not loyal patriotic Americans. They are out to destroy our way of life.

Before I post the link to the Ulsterman article, how ironic is it that Obama finally allowed one company to resume drilling in the Gulf after ignoring a judge's orders for 7 months; but about one hour before Glenn Beck was going to report and expose this on his show, the ban was lifted? It's such a coincidence that makes you go hmmmmm!!

Back to Issa. I don't usually read the newspaper, but when I read a back issue a few days ago and found out that Issa now wants to support this pResident, I almost choked on my coffee!!! What an absolute disappointment RINO Issa has already turned out to be!!!!

Because of the above article, I am led to believe that this "Ulsterman Insider" might be the real deal. However, who can trust anyone anymore in this bizarro world of the fraud a.k.a. the Islamofascist ObaMarxist and his anti-Israel, anti-American, anti- U.S. Constitution, pro-deficit antics to destroy our nation and his anti-drilling, job killing policies who should be in jail rather than in the Oval Office of the people's White House? [I know that sentence is a grammatical atrocity, but so is ObamaFRAUD so I'm keeping it as is.]

Newsflavor:White House Insider: Republicans are a Bunch of Spineless Pukes

Obama thuggery and RINOS are a lethal combination for the future of America.

I truly pray that Americans who aren't paying attention, or, are not yet concerned about the huge amount of dangers we are witnessing from this dreadful administration will WAKE UP before it's too late!

Hat tips to all links.



Just after writing this post, I was led to continue reading "Decision Points" by George W. Bush. The last time I picked up the book, I left off on page 368. The following is what I just read this evening:

I drew strength from family, friends, and faith. When we visited Camp David, Laura and I loved to worship with military families at the base's chapel. The chaplain in 2006, forty-eight-year-old Navy Lieutenant Commander Stan Fornea, was one of the best preachers I've ever heard. "Evil is real, biblical, and prevalent," he said in one sermon. "Some ignore it, some say it doesn't exist. But evil must not be ignored, it must be restrained." He quoted Sir Edmund Burke, the eighteenth-century British leader: "The only thing needed for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Stan believed that the answer to evil was freedom. He also knew that there would be a cost. "There has never been a noble cause devoid of sacrifice," he said in one sermon. "If freedom is worthy of defense only to the point it costs us nothing then we are in desperate need as a nation."

Above all, Stan was an optimist, and his sense of hope lifted my spirits. "The Scriptures put great premiums on faithfulness, perseverance, and overcoming," he said. "We do not quit or give up. We always believe there is no such thing as a hopeless situation."



  1. Christine,

    I approve your clear thinking on the dangers of RINOs. But there is now a more fitting acronym that you may like to use on some occasions.

    I sponsored a cash prize contest at the end of December through the end of January to rebrand the RINOs.

    SKUNC was the winning entry submitted by Guy S.

    Here are the last two links to help explain exactly how fitting and while SKUNC is worth adopting.

  2. Thanks for sharing a link to this post at my blog Pascal. What an accurate and humorous acronym for the traitors of the Republican party!

    The turning of Darrell Issa was one of the most disappointing results of the 2010 mid-term election. I would imagine that he and his family must have been extremely threatened - e.g. with death. I wouldn't doubt that the Obama thugs would carry it out.

    However, Issa has the money to protect himself and his family. For someone like him to go belly-up while our country is in serious peril is unconcionable.

    Not sure if I posted my update after you posted your comment yesterday, but here is a portion of it:

    "Evil is real, biblical, and prevalent," he said in one sermon. "Some ignore it, some say it doesn't exist. But evil must not be ignored, it must be restrained." He quoted Sir Edmund Burke, the eighteenth-century British leader: "The only thing needed for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

    Stan believed that the answer to evil was freedom. He also knew that there would be a cost. "There has never been a noble cause devoid of sacrifice," he said in one sermon. "If freedom is worthy of defense only to the point it costs us nothing then we are in desperate need as a nation."

    That quote was in reference to the Iraq war, but it certainly can be used in describing what we are up against from these enemies within the borders and government of the U.S.A.

  3. The reason that Issa will not investigate the place of birth of Obama is that he, along with Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Speaker of the House John Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and apparently all the other Senators and Congressmen (none of whom are calling for an investigation of Obama's place of birth) are all convinced that Obama was born in Hawaii. That is what his official birth certificate from Hawaii shows, and that fact has been confirmed repeatedly by THREE Republican officials in Hawaii.

  4. You admit that you don't know if Ulsterman's sources are genuine; you admit you don't know if he's telling the truth; you admit don't know if he or its sources are trustworthy. But that doesn't matter to you. In your blind hatred of all things Obama, you are grabbing at anything you can use as a weapon against him, and anyone who attempts to work with him is by default an Enemy of Freedom.

    Not to mention your foaming-at-the-mouth screed in your response to Pascal Fervor:

    ”I would imagine that he and his family must have been extremely threatened - e.g. with death. I wouldn't doubt that the Obama thugs would carry it out.”

    I would imagine you have evidence to support the death threat hypothesis, right? Or does that divine ordinance about not bearing false witness apply to everyone else but you?

  5. Anonymous,

    This post isn't only about Obama's lack of being a natural born citizen (if, in fact, his father was Obama Sr.). It is about all of the other crimes he and his horrible administration have inflicted upon the American people. They are far to numerous to mention here, so go read The Obama File.

    I could name dozens of additional blogs that have covered the criminal activities of Obama and his radical cohorts. Just check out my sidebar.

    The corruption runs very deep.

  6. GM,

    Do you live under a rock or what? Plenty of people have been threatened with death. Sarah Palin, for example. Michele Bachmann too. Obama's thugs don't care if the victims would be men or women.

    BTW, I thought that you, of all people, would be happy about the exposure of RINOS (or SKUNCS). That means they are on your side.

  7. Christine,
    Sorry for your comment's delayed appearance at my blog. I do not use monitoring, yet Blogger shifted your comment to moderation!

    Beware of Blogger -- remember that it's a Google Product and that means Blogger is a potentially hostile environment for anything not strictly Left wing.

  8. This website contains non-compasionate, neo-con, rightwing articles that has compromised the message of what used to be caring Christians. Yes, I am certain the authors of this website are Christian, but your being overtaken by the neo-con religious right compromizes your message. To each his own, however and I thank God for the blessed option of not reading it. You just cannot minister to me or others I know are seeking truth, nor are you capable of being a resource to address the issues that divide us today. I am praying you come into the knowledge of understanding and caring for those who are struggling to overcome. Lambasting with judgemental neo-con speak does not get it. Praying for your increased compassion. "But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love." Nehemiah 9:17

    Dea. Steve Johnson
    4696 Quarton Rd.
    Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

  9. Christine, I've seen more than a couple of reports threatening death against Obama, too, and it's worth noting that the one member of Congress to have actually been shot in recent times has been Gabrielle Giffords—a Democrat. Is your memory as short as your hairdo?

    Was it the Dems who were making noises about 'Second Amendment solutions' last summer? Or “Don't retreat—reload!” Or is it simply that Rethuglicans simply don't exist in your world?

    I care little about RINOs, or SKUNCS, or any other party-affiliated label. All I know is what I see—and what I see is too many Democratic congressmen, too many Republican congressmen, and not enough United States congressmen. We seem to have forgotten that in the past 25 years.

  10. Well Steve Johnson, obviously you did read some of what is written on this blog or you could not have formed your negative opinion on it. But the question is, how much did you read? Just this post?

    I glanced at the link provided through your screen name and was surprised that you could be so judgmental of me when your myspace page has a racy sexual advance comment given towards you by some woman. Hmmmm....

    As I scrolled down, I saw that you are an avid Obama fan. Therefore, I can use the same words that you used towards me:

    You just cannot minister to me or others I know are seeking truth, nor are you capable of being a resource to address the issues that divide us today.

  11. GM wrote:

    "All I know is what I see—and what I see is too many Democratic congressmen, too many Republican congressmen, and not enough United States congressmen. We seem to have forgotten that in the past 25 years."

    Soooo.... you actually DO agree with Pascal and I?

  12. That's O.K. Pascal. I know that blogger isn't the best place to have a blog but after almost six years, I guess I'm just too lazy to transfer everything over to another blog community.

    I would imagine that a blog like mine would be one of the first to be eliminated whenever the new version of the "Fairness Doctrine" comes into effect or when the new "kill switch" that Obama had created is used.

    I know of plenty of bloggers who have had their sites hacked and they were from different blog communities. My blog is very small time, so it's probably still under the to speak. Several of the popular, big time bloggers on my sidebar have had trouble in the past so I know that they have been targeted by "the detractors that be."

  13. need we remind you GM that it was a daily kos member who actually had targetted giffords for being too conservative?

  14. No, I do not agree. I don't know exactly what Pascal is trying to say; I do know what you are trying to say. For three years now, you've been screaming about Obama's “illegitimacy”, both personal and political, yet neither you nor your sources have produced one piece of evidence that has withstood close scrutiny.
    Now you are referring to this Ulsterman fellow, whose information and sources cannot be confirmed. As I said before, you don't know if Ulsterman's sources are genuine; you don't know if he's telling the truth; you don't know if he or his sources are trustworthy. You admit to this. But you're using it anyway. Lying in the name of The Truth™ does NOT help your case.

    RINOs are simply politicians looking out for the main chance. Most of them (in either party) want only two things: to implement whatever policies appeal to them, and to get reelected so they can continue to
    implement whatever policies appeal to them. They are not on 'my side' any more than they are on yours.

  15. Pascal Fervor: ”need we remind you GM that it was a daily kos member who actually had targetted giffords for being too conservative?”

    Yes, you do. If you can provide an article which describes that, post the link here and teach me.
    It does not change the fact that it was a Democrat who was shot, at a time when it was Republicans and their sympathizers making the violent remarks.

    BTW, the constant lower-case writing only worked for e.e. cummings, because archy couldn't reach the Shift key. You obviously know how, because you got my name right. Work harder on that punctuation.


    GM's trolling is about lame as this malfunctioning keyboard. Portions of that link's headline is suitably applicable to asinine trolls.

  17. "Was it the Dems who were making noises about 'Second Amendment solutions' last summer? Or “Don't retreat—reload!” Or is it simply that Rethuglicans simply don't exist in your world?"

    Dems don't make noises about the 2nd Amendment because they hate freedom. However, if you take a look at the rallies and protests where violence and lawlessness breakout, you find they are consistently in support of Democrat causes.

    The shooting of Ms. Giffords was a terrible thing, and I believe the investigation showed that it was by someone who criticized her for being too conservative in the past. As the current situations with President Obama and the Dems in Michigan and Indiana show, modern liberals feel quite free to disregard the law if they feel it is to there advantage.

  18. Pascal Fervor:

    This 'troll' was invited to this blog (challenged to come, really) by our Hostess here, several years ago. She seems to believe my arguments shall be squashed by the people here, who are much more active than those on her older forum.
    She may yet be right, and I shall be sent packing by some brilliant God-drenched statement I cannot possibly refute; but I doubt it will come from a flyweight like you.
    Watch Mr. Baker, and learn.

  19. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God bless, Lloyd

  20. "Dems don't make noises about the 2nd Amendment because they hate freedom."

    Stupidest. Comment. Ever.

  21. Pascal,

    Although GM is correct about being invited here, I disagree that "his arguments will be squashed by the people here." Actually, his arguments are routinely squashed by the Word of God that is posted via believers who utilize the Bible to counter his hatred of God, Jesus Christ, and any aspect of the Christian faith in general.

    Many non-believers who previously posted comments here have come and gone over the years. But then we get people like John who show up every few months or so and make dopey comments like the one he just posted.

    What John and many like him do not recognize is the reality of those on the left who are the enemy within. I'm not claiming that all Democrats belong in that category. In fact, some RINOS and SKUNCS belong with them! But if you watch the Glenn Beck show or listen to conservative talk radio, you will have the undeniable truth about who the enemies within are and how they are attempting to turn the hearts, minds, and souls to the dark side (i.e. Islamism, Socialism, Marxism, Progressivism etc.) that is designed to destroy America and our way of life.

    Unfortunately, there is an army of clueless and ignorant people out there who are oblivious to the peril that we face from these people (just do a search on all of the leftist organizations billionaire atheist George Soros runs and supports) and the trained leaders of such organizations that brainwash (more like brain-dirty) our vulnerable youth.

    This is why my blog covers political topics as well as topics related to faith in Jesus Christ. I do not think that Christ would want his followers to ignore what is happening all around us today. We are to be beacons of light to those "who are perishing." We also need to warn them of the tribulation going on today as well as warn them of the Great Tribulation that will happen after the Rapture and before Christ's second coming.

    I certainly appreciate your presence here and I hope that you will continue to comment. I enjoy your blog very much and will frequently check in there.

    God bless,

  22. Hello Lloyd!

    Welcome to my blog! I have checked out your blog and will add you to my favorites list. I see that you have a LOT of followers at your blog. What a blessing! So glad you found Talk Wisdom so that I could now follow your excellent posts at your blog!

    In Christ,

  23. Hey Gary,

    You wrote:

    "The shooting of Ms. Giffords was a terrible thing, and I believe the investigation showed that it was by someone who criticized her for being too conservative in the past. As the current situations with President Obama and the Dems in Michigan and Indiana show, modern liberals feel quite free to disregard the law if they feel it is to their advantage."

    Excellent point! Notice how John completely ignored that part of your comment.


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