Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hearings On Radicalizing American Muslims [Update 2]

I watched most of the hearings today on the problem of how Islamic extremists are radicalizing American Muslims. Simply put, terrorist-related organizations are turning American citizens into home-grown terrorists.

Jay Sekulow of the ACLJ put it bluntly in an email that I received today regarding the hysteria surrounding those who are against these hearings:

There is no greater threat to our safety and the safety of our homeland than a radicalized American citizen intent on doing us harm.

For having the boldness to bring this emerging threat to light and trying to conduct a civil and rational discussion about this significant threat, the Homeland Security Committee Chairman, Representative Peter King, has been accused of racism, McCarthyism, and more. The ACLU and several other liberal groups have been trying to stop this hearing in the name of political correctness.

This is not about offending a group of American citizens - this is about understanding the clear and present danger that radicalized Muslim American citizens pose to our nation.

I watched the proceedings via the Fox News Channel live stream at their site on the Internet. I was absolutely riveted when the man whose son became gradually radicalized "under his family's radar screen." By the time they saw how much he had changed, it was too late.

It is so unfortunate that liberals at the hearing had to pull the same old political correctness stunts and disparage and harass those who did not deserve to be bashed. I, for one, am so glad that this problem is finally seeing the light of day and will be addressed over the course of several additional hearings on the issue.

Any thoughts from those of you who saw the hearings? Did you see it all or just some clips of what was said?


Update 3/11/11:

There was something about that Muslim Congressman, Keith Ellison, that made me think he was shedding crocodile tears during his testimony at the hearings yesterday. It turns out that my intuition was correct!

Read this:

Gateway Pundit: HORRIBLE… Rep. Ellison’s Sobbing Jag at Radical Islam Hearing Was All Based On a Lie (Video)

I sincerely hope he gets called out on it by Congressman King at the next hearing. What a LIAR Ellison is!


Also, be sure to read:

Pajamas Media: Why Do Islamic Groups (like CAIR) Fear Hearings on Islamic Radicalization?

Short answer: "Because they are the radicalization problem."

Read the eye-opening article!


  1. Seems to me like most of the hysteria concerning these hearings are from those conducting them.

    Imagine if this was any other group in the nation: Jews, Episcopalians, Mormons, people with red hair, people from the Southwest. Imagine being told by certain high officials that “they” are radicalizing a certain segment of the population, and must be put down to keep the rest of us safe.

    Make no mistake: that's what this could lead to, and quite easily. It's always selective: during World War II we placed tens of thousands of citizens under detention because their ancestors were Japanese. No such steps were taken toward those of German descent--if it had, we'd have lost the talents of Dwight Eisenhower, Jesse Oldendorf, Chester Nimitz and Carl Spaatz for certain, and maybe many more.

    ”There is no greater threat to our safety and the safety of our homeland than a radicalized American citizen intent on doing us harm”, Sekulow claimed. What of Eric Rudolph? What of the KKK? How about Stormfront? Oh, they don't count; they are not so easily identified as 'radicalized', and anyway, they generally don't have swarthy skin and read some other god's book.

    ”This is not about offending a group of American citizens - this is about understanding the clear and present danger that radicalized Muslim American citizens pose to our nation.”
    Sekulow is a liar—this is about not only offending, but disparaging, a group of American citizens. I suppose when Dinesh D'Souza gets assaulted for being part of the 'wrong' group (such things have happened before), these super-patriots may reconsider their views...then again, probably not.

    In the past nine-and-a-half years, we have had color-coded alerts, launched two wars, doubled our waiting time at airports when we dared to travel, and submitted to being touched in places normally reserved for our loved ones or our doctors—all in the name of national security. It hasn't worked. If it had, there would have been no need for this circus. So how will these hearings do what all those other measures haven't?

  2. Christine, I need to contact you privately. How can I reach you? It's regarding a post you made sometime last year.

  3. Angela,

    You can go to my old forum site:

    Talk Wisdom Forums

    Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page. On the right side, see "Contact Us." You can send a message to me that way.

  4. "What of Eric Rudolph? What of the KKK?"

    As is so often the case with liberals, they negate their own argument. The reason that the KKK was investigated and its unlawful activities were stopped was because it was a threat.

    "Sekulow is a liar—this is about not only offending, but disparaging, a group of American citizens."

    It also amazes me how liberals consider themselves the infallible arbiters of truth, when they so often distort and ignore it. Last time I checked, someone needed a good deal of evidence to substantiate a reasonable guess as to a person's motivation.

    " It hasn't worked. If it had, there would have been no need for this circus."

    Another hallmark of modern liberalism is claiming that something has failed after they do everything to create a climate where it cannot possibly worked. Liberals have bent over backwords to ignore the fact that nearly all of the identifiable religious terrorism affcting the western nations is perpetrated by Muslims. No, not all religious Muslims are terrorists, but when you run across a religious terrorist, you have a 95+% chance that it's a Muslim. PC types have prevented this discussion, even as Britain and France have adopted "No-go" zones for non-Muslims in London and Paris. We can address the problem now, or suffer the same fate, or face worse later.


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