Monday, April 11, 2011

So...What Happened to Beck's Friday Show? [Update]

By now, most bloggers have already heard that Fox News is discontinuing Glenn Beck's daily T.V. program. It is not clear how soon he will depart, but from what I understand, his current contract runs out at the end of December.

So many of the rabid liberals are claiming "victory," but should they? The various Soros-led organization creeps have been trying to get Beck off the air for at least a year. Why would their continuous failures to utilize boycotts against Beck's sponsors for over 12 months suddenly change minds at Fox News now?

I've been thinking about this new development regarding Beck's show and I had a gut feeling that the REAL reason for Glenn's departure might be something other than Beck's successful exposure of the evil Soros and his communist "new world order" ilk. After all, even though there are claims that Beck's ratings went down, his show still trounced the competition in that time slot. So, what gives?

I wanted to write about it this weekend, but decided to wait to see what would be broadcast on Glenn's show today during his week-long absence (while he is on tour with a live show). Now that Beck's show has already been broadcast today and Judge Andrew Napolitano subbed for him, I can share my suspicions about the REAL reason Beck is leaving his daily show.

Let me back up a bit.

Over the weekend, I read a very interesting post via "Evil Conservative blog" that told a story that Rupert Murdoch's son (and heir apparent) has been elevated to the "number three" rank of company executives and is thought to already be calling some of the shots for the network.

Read about it here:

Diana West: Fox News: Connect the Dots Time?

OK. I have now set the stage for my theory.

On Wednesday (or Thursday?) of last week, I heard a segment of Glenn's radio show where he had a discussion with evangelist Pastor John Hagee. They were discussing Hagee's upcoming appearance on Beck's show (Friday, April 8, 2011). It was entitled "Standing With Israel." Hagee is well known for being a supporter of Israel and God's chosen people - the Jews.

Of course, Glenn's show was preempted on this particular Friday because of the budget battle crisis that was looming towards a possible shut-down of the federal government. That's understandable. However, Beck's Friday shows are usually taped in advance, so why wasn't it shown today (Monday, April 11, 2011)?

I wondered whether or not I may have missed the broadcast over the weekend, so I checked the Watch Glenn Beck website that usually has a video up of each day's T.V. program. As you will see, the last video up at the site is the broadcast of Thursday, April 7, 2011.

Diana West? I think that you are on to something!

If the show never does air, then we will know why:


What connects these disparate incidents? Beside a short time-frame, I don't know. I do know James Murdoch is known for his trash talk about Israel (sez the Palestinians "were kicked out of their f— homes and had nowhere to f— live"), his green enthusiasms (News Corp. is the first entertainment conglom to be "carbon neutral") and for being a former hip hop impressario (wow; not my dream date). The 38-year-old is also very, very close to 56-year-old Prince Talal, and was Talal's choice to succeed Murdoch (chalk one up for Talal).

Not one to let politics to get in the way of profits, I am sure, it is also the case that as a Talal-pal (not to mention everything else), James is likely to keep certain things out of the way of Fox politics. I would imagine that Hannity's recent maiden voyages into "sharia" talk (bet that's all over with) and Beck's ongoing explorations of sharia and Islam don't fit his bill.

Be sure to read the links provided at West's blog, especially THIS ONE!

Hat Tip:

Diana West

P.S. Diana West's comparison (view at link above) of James Murdoch to Zhivago's Strelnikov is quite accurate!! Striking resemblance both in features and disgusting mindset!


Update: The fan who posts Glenn's shows at Watch Glenn Beck wrote:

Also, last Friday's "In Defense of Israel" special with Pastor John Hagee that was preempted will be airing this Friday at 5:00 Eastern on Fox News

That's certainly good news!! This is one special Friday show that I have been looking forward to!

Based on what I have been reading about Murdoch Jr. and his rabid hatred for Israel, I worry that such special and positive shows about Israel will be a thing of the past.



More blog posts about Glenn Beck's departure from daily T.V. at Fox News:

Rumors of Beck’s Demise are Greatly Exaggerated.


Before Media Matters and the other leftists out there get overly giddy with their perceived victory, I have a few words of caution for you. Beck has not departed the national scene – far from it and his dance card is full. All of us – not just Beck – are gearing up to come after you ten times more than we have previously. We are not financed as you are, but we have something you don’t have – a love of country; a devotion to what is right and honest. Our research and our fight has just begun. When Beck says you will long for the days that he was on Fox, he means it. He will be reaching out to more and more to spread the truth to those who will listen. He is connecting with all those who will fight the bottom up, top down, inside out strategy of Obama’s goon squads. Soros’ victory over Beck is a false one – you have only encouraged him to follow his conscience and take the fight to a new level.

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