Thursday, June 09, 2011

Did Weiner Convert to Islam? [Update]

Are you sick of Weinergate yet? I certainly am. I have not listened to the usual news programs on Fox News Channel as much as I used to because, unfortunately, they are shifting more leftist as each week goes by. I really hate to hear all of the pundits (like Krauthammer, Rove, etc.) spouting how they think that Sarah Palin should not run for president. What's their problem? Jealousy over her popularity? Geez. She is a Fox New Contributor and she is relentlessly being back-stabbed by these RINO, anti-female conservative sexist boobs. If she wants to run, SHE WILL RUN. Let her be!! Let her decide!! Why are they picking on her? It's disgusting and revolting! More about this in another blog post.

Back to Weiner.

Despite the firestorm that still rages in the press about Weiner's sleazy sexual perversion habits, I must admit that something else caught my eye about him today while reading other blogs.

When I heard the name of Congressman Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, and then saw what she looked like I thought that she resembled someone of Arab descent. Then, I read a blog post that claims she is Muslim. The blog Expose Obama asks, "Did Weiner Secretly Convert to Islam to Marry a Muslim?

Most Muslim women are taught to only marry Muslim men.   Why would she marry a Jew - even if he is considered a "secular Jew?" Weiner is (or was) a Jewish man, once. Did he convert to Islam in order to be able to marry Huma Abedin? It's a good and logical question, especially when the Expose Obama blog links to an article at Floyd reveals that Omar Abu-Namous is the imam of the Islamic Cultural Center in New York and he is encouraging Huma Abedin – a practicing Muslim – to stand by her husband, New York congressman Anthony Weiner.

When you read the entire post at that link, you may have the same questions in your mind that are stated at the conclusion of the post:

Did Abedin reject Weiner [note:  at first] because he was not Muslim? Why is a New York imam with ties to the ISNA and Feisal Abdul Rauf defending a non-Muslim male with a Muslim female?

Perhaps there is a more important question that needs to be answered. Did a secular Jewish man convert to Islam or did his (still) practicing Muslim wife abandon her religion by marrying him?

I think it is much more logical to believe that Weiner converted to Islam. What do you think?

Hat tips to all links.


More blog posts about this issue:

Free Republic: Did Anthony Weiner Convert to Islam?

Before It's News: Anthony Weiner's Muslim Wife

Red County: Did Anthony Weiner Convert to Islam and who is Huma Abedin?

London Muslims: Congressman Anthony Weiner's Muslim wife Huma Abedin is Pregnant

Found this tidbit interesting! Excerpt:

LM cannot think of many Jewish Muslim political marriages however, with Weiner being a major supporter of Israel who introduced the Saudi Arabia Accountability Act supporting the halting of US aid to Saudi while Abedin used to edit the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs this oddball marriage is strange to say the least.


  1. This would explain a lot. He wasn't being a naughty boy then, he was looking for wives number 2 to 4. Everything Muslims do they do in the spirit of deceit and disdain. Your logic seem impeccalbe, given she truely is a practicing Muslim. But since we're not allowed to ask about the faith of what I see is a obvious Muslim in the White House, I doubt we will be able to about this as well.

  2. Good point, Madmath1.

    Isn't it strange that NO ONE in the Media of Mass Deception is bringing up this topic? Why not? They talk about and bash Christians and their beliefs all the time. Why be silent about this?

    I have added some additional links to the front page. Still doing more research. I wonder if Weiner's political views have changed since his marriage and possible conversion to Islam?

    While reading some comments at one of the links, it was brought up that Weiner has remained silent on the Ground Zero mosque controversy. He also skipped out on some Jewish organization rally (or meeting?) this year. He used to attend every year. And then there is this excerpt from one of the new links I posted on front page:

    "LM cannot think of many Jewish Muslim political marriages however, with Weiner being a major supporter of Israel who introduced the Saudi Arabia Accountability Act supporting the halting of US aid to Saudi while Abedin used to edit the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs this oddball marriage is strange to say the least."


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