Thursday, June 30, 2011

Esquire Mag Opens Obama Eligibility Lock Down

While reading at this morning, I found out that Esquire magazine may have, as the article states, "Opening the Back Door to the Obama Eligibility Lock Down." This would certainly be GREAT NEWS! Even if the usurper isn't kicked out of office immediately, just the exposure that this court case causes  may very well derail any chance of an Obamination second term!!

Hope The site doesn't mind that I present their post in its entirety here:

The Courts, Congress and for the most part the Mainstream Media have effectively closed the door to any serious legal challenges to Obama's lack of constitutional eligibility. That is about to change.

Unknowingly Esquire Magazine has opened the door to have the evidence of fraud presented in a federal court when they wrote in their satire disclaimer about their story about Joe Farah pulling Jerry Corsi's book off the shelves, “(a)re its author and publisher chastened? Well no. They double down, and accuse the President of the United States of perpetrating a fraud on the world by having released a forged birth certificate. Not because this claim is in any way based on reality, but to hold their terribly gullible audience captive to their lies, and to sell books. This is despicable, and deserves only ridicule.”

Joe Farah, Jerry Corsi and, now have the unique opportunity to present to the world the evidence that the document is in fact a fraud. And there is nothing Esquire or Obama can do to stop it. Since Obama will not be mentioned as a defendant, he has no cause to have his wonderful government lawyers intervene, in fact his personal lawyers can not do anything. The fact is Obama simply will be told what we have been told, he has no standing. Divine justice is not only just, it is sweet.

What can Esquire do? The only option they have is to settle out of court, but that requires all parties to agree and for some reason I do not think Joe is going to settle out of court for any price. Perhaps all those nasty things the left been saying about him are true, you know that he is (OMG) a Christian! And you all know the motto of those pesky Christians, “and the truth will set you free.” I think Joe will go for the truth instead of the money.

Joe will establish that he has reasonable doubt of the April 27, 2011 release of the so-called long form birth certificate and have those experts that he has published testify to this fact. Come to think of it, thanks to Esquire this action will give WND the right to get a federal court order for the original birth certificate on file with the Hawaii Department of Health to have it examined to substantiate their claim that the document produced on April 27th is in fact a forgery and that Esquire is intentionally lying about it to damage the reputations of Joe Farah, Jerry Corsi and WND.

Saul Alinsky said ridicule is the best weapon, and this is what Esquire Magazine tried to do to Farah, Corsi and WND, but it only works on those with no or little courage.

Esquire made a blunder with the initial article, and perhaps all Joe Farah had to sue them over is trying to restrict the sale of Jerry Corsi's book. Okay at best that might cost Esquire a couple of million, but then they screwed the proverbial pooch and said Joe was intentionally lying about the birth certificate being a fraud to scam the WND audience. This just cost the media their blackout on the facts, this is priceless.

Esquire, on behalf of all the Birthers nationwide all I can say to you is, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Yes Esquire! Thank you for your blunder!!!

To see the National Press Club videos, go to World Net Daily:
Eligibility takes center stage at National Press Club
Even portions of 'establishment media' take note of heating dispute

Hat Tips to both links.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. Give the liberal establishment enough of their own rope and, eventually, they will become so tangled in it, it will hang them. Amen.


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