Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Norway Terrorist

The New York Times liars just cannot help themselves. They are LIARS who try to pass off their horrid ideological agenda as "truth." They are so far from the truth that all we can do is pity them. They have adopted Rahm Emanuel's Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals tactic of "You never let a serious crisis go to waste."* What an oxymoron that sentence is! When have we ever seen a "good" crisis? A serious crisis is always a sad state of affairs which often includes evil, mayhem and death. Who in their right mind would ever claim that a serious crisis should not go to waste? Answer: The father of lies.

Jesus speaking:

Jhn 8:44 "You are of [your] father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own [resources], for he is a liar and the father of it.

We also have these verses from 1 John:

1Jo 1:6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth

1Jo 2:4 He who says, "I know Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him

The unholy alliance of the Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals, Anti-Israel, Pro-Islam radicals all demonstrate their combined mindsets against Pro-Israel advocates, Conservatives, Christians, and Constitutional Republic TEA Party Patriots. They would do and say ANYTHING to try and anger the world against us. In this instance, they have found their blue-eyed, blond-haired, white, terrorist in order to show that not all terrorists are from radical Islam. They ignore the fact that MOST of the terrorist attacks ARE Muslim, of Arab descent, and belong to one of several radical Islamic terrorism organizations.

Brigitte Gabriel of ACT For America.org has written an essay that reiterates how the twisted thinking of reporters and editors from the New York Times often get the information wrong during such tragedies:

The Norway Terrorist

By Brigitte Gabriel, President, ACT! for America

We in ACT! for America join those around the world who are shocked and deeply saddened by the mass murder spree in Norway. We grieve for those killed, for their families, and for their friends.

This touches me very personally. I have seen friends murdered by terrorists and I have felt the unspeakable pain of that loss.

We also join those around the world who condemn, in the strongest words possible, the unconscionable actions of Anders Behring Breivik.

Not surprisingly, Brevik’s 1,500 page manifesto is being combed for clues as to why he would perpetrate such a heinous act of terrorism.

For instance, a New York Times article states Breivik was “deeply influenced by a small group of American bloggers and writers who have warned for years about the threat from Islam…” He also frequently quoted the Unabomber.

Predictably, and sadly, there are those who have started the drumbeat that rhetoric critical of radical Islam is the cause of this tragedy. We have seen ludicrous online posts conjuring up comparisons to Breivik and conservative American political leaders that I won’t dignify by reprinting here.

This is reminiscent of what happened after the Tucson shooting spree, when many in the press jumped to conclusions that Jared Loughner was a “right winger” or a “tea party activist.”

A column by Mark Tapson in FrontPageMagazine has some very important points in this regard.

Breivik is a terrorist. His targeting of helpless schoolchildren makes him no better than the slaughterers at Beslan…. There is no connection between the legitimate, courageous, lawful work of notable anti-jihadists and such evil. No true Christian, conservative, or responsible critic of jihad would condone Breivik’s despicable, cowardly acts or deem them to be in accordance with our beliefs and values. Much less would we celebrate those acts, unlike our Islamist counterparts.

In my home country of Lebanon I saw first-hand what happens when terrorism and violence is used to undermine democracy. When 9/11 happened, I made a vow that I would not allow what happened to my country of birth happen to my adopted country.

This is why the mission of the organization I founded, ACT! for America, has ALWAYS been and will ALWAYS be a call to constructive, peaceful and democratic citizen action through education, community action, and legislation.

Always devoted,

Brigitte Gabriel

*Complete quote below.  It was as if Emanuel realized that what he was saying would be greatly criticized (No kidding!  What an idiot!), so he attempted to soften the statement a bit:

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.
Rahm Emanuel

Yep...fits the bill alright. The "things you think you could not do before" in this instant is to unfairly demonize political and religious opponents on the right. I think Emanuel and all of those of his ilk fail miserably. Just like the puppet-in-chief he once served under. They are both a complete disaster for this nation.  Since Emanuel was fired, it's one down, one to go!  Can't wait for Obamagone - 2012!


  1. So now the evil socialists and multiculturalist have found ONE white non Muslim terrorist. Now what about the other 17,000 acts of terrorism since 9-11? What's worse, this terrorist went on a rampage because his country is bringing in more terrorists from Islamic countries. Talk about irony. Is this a sign of the future? I hope not, but I fear as we continue to live in the surreal with regards who are enemies truly are and why, I fear it will.

  2. Good points, Madmath 1! Of course the NYT's neglected to mention any of the information you shared. Is it because they have an agenda? Yes. And, who are they against? Take your pick from the list I previously quoted.

    So...the DHS will still instruct the screeners at U.S. airports to remove the diapers from both babies and the elderly.

    If only our gov't would smarten up and screen passengers the way Israel does.

  3. Note to GMpilot -

    Post your comment without the live link.

  4. For more on this topic, please read The Blaze.com: Liberal Theologian Blames Christianity and Conservatism For Oslo Violence.

    The excerpt that differentiates between someone who labels him/herself as a "cultural Christian" vs. a Bible-based born again Christian (who is genuinely committed to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior) can be plainly seen in the murderer's own words:

    Quote from the Blaze: "Contrary to early reports, Anders Behring Breivik is not a Christian. In fact in his 1,518 page manifesto, the perpetrator of the atrocities in Norway has specifically disavowed any real commitment to Christ. In his own words":

    Quote from the manifesto: "A majority of so called agnostics and atheists in Europe are cultural conservative Christians without even knowing it. So what is the difference between cultural Christians and religious Christians?

    If you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God then you are a religious Christian. Myself and many more like me do not necessarily have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God. We do however believe in Christianity as a cultural, social, identity and moral platform. This makes us Christian (p. 1307)."

    Hmmm....sounds more like he resembles the beliefs of an atheist/skeptic/agnostic, doesn't it?

  5. A priceless comment over at The Blaze:

    Posted on July 26, 2011 at 5:28pm
    Thistlethwaite is a heretic as far as Christian theology is concerned and so is Wright as well as that whole denomination. she is against Jesus Christ His person and His work and an enemy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Only the demented, wicked, purveyors of ignorance and hate that is our “lamestream media” organizations could present this Screwtape servant as a credible source on anything but Marxist/ Leninist/Stalinist religious theology. Which continues to prove that our media embraces every evil thought and calls it good and theyare totally worthless for any truthful statements, just like BHO’s speech last night, they are destroyers of what is good, right, enduring Godly moral values and they are so ignorant and so thoroughly indoctrinated in the Marxist socialist religion that they now have a diminished mental capacity equivalent to Pavlov’s lapdogs oh meant lab dogs and they react instantly when their Bolshevik Democrat party leaders speak. The polls are now beginning to reflect who they really are just Americans are finally figuring out what the Obama Bolshevik Democrat party is!

    Wish I could post over there. My screen name and login got screwed up somehow while registering and I cannot comment. Tried to re-register and it didn't work. Oh well.

  6. "Momprayn" over at The Blaze exposes Satan's tactics in all of this and how he uses people who do not know Jesus Christ or the Word of God:

    Posted on July 26, 2011 at 5:25pm
    “If you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God then you are a religious Christian. Myself and many more like me do not necessarily have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God. We do however believe in Christianity as a cultural, social, identity and moral platform. This makes us Christian ”
    No, dear. I thought I had heard about all of satan’s tactics but this is even more mind boggling…it’s beyond twisted, nonsensical, evil. The power he has over our thinking is totally amazing. And sadly, people believe this – just read the same kind of rhetoric on Huffington Post. It’s spreading, as planned. I think satan is trying to push that ppl who read and believe some of what is in the Bible/Jesus are in danger of wanting to do these murderous acts; therefore, ppl shouldn’t read it…..and pushes his agenda of fear and hate towards anyone who says they are “Christian”. Another twisted thinking – since he says he doesn’t have a relationship with Jesus (which of course is not a real Christian) – but this is used to confuse….which he’s expert at. These people’s minds are full of confusion and lies. So the many people who don’t know the Scriptures (which are too many), believe it. Very disturbing….keep this in mind, fellow Christians – need to know about all these strategies & be prepared."

  7. Yay! I was able to reset my password and log in at The Blaze today!

    Lots of really good comments and additional links over there. I just added Sultan Knish to my blogroll today!

  8. The matter is easily settled for anyone who cares to do the research. Can you go to the Quran and find where it tells observant Muslims to kill, convert, or enslave non-Muslims? Yes. Can you go to the Bible and find Christ telling Christians to kill Muslims or any non-Christian or Christian? No.

    The media can claim anything they want about the man, but Christ never gave any commands that would have led to such a massacre. Muhammed issued many such commands, which is why Islamic lands are so full of violence.

  9. CJW:Note to GMpilot -

    Post your comment without the live link.
    I thought it was the liberals who don't want to hear the other side of the story!

    Take #2:
    From John W. Lofting's blog, 23 July 11:

    “Anders Behring Breivik Doesn't Represent True Christianity”
    So say various Christians about right-wing fundamentalist Anders Behring Breivik, suspected of the bombings in Norway that killed more than 90 people. Naw, of course not. Your Christianity is the true one. You have evidence for your faith. He does not. And surely everyone knows there is no precedent for this in the Bible or in the history of the church. So Christians one and all, come here and tell us which Christianity is the true one. We're all ears. But you can't come to a consensus because you have no better evidence than he does for his type of Christianity. Faith is the problem, which can and does lead to fanaticism. Admit it you schmucks, or stay in denial.

    After years on this blog, I'm quite sure that atheists would have been ripped to shreds if Breivik had turned out to be one of them. However, as his manifesto makes clear, he was attempting to start a “Christian war”. Well, some Christians have been calling for one for years—Breivik just put the words into action. He cited quote after quote from the Bible to back up his assertions. Even if it were true that Norway is 'bringing in more terrorists', how does that justify Breivik turning terrorist himself? Why did he choose to sacrifice (mostly) children in the altar of his beliefs?

    You do realize in the Jesus quote from John 8, he was addressing his fellow Jews, right? They were not true “Christians” either, and those words were used to justify all that was done to the Jews in all the centuries that followed. You need to find a better example...but of course you can't.

  10. Gary Baker: ”Can you go to the Quran and find where it tells observant Muslims to kill, convert, or enslave non-Muslims? Yes. Can you go to the Bible and find Christ telling Christians to kill Muslims or any non-Christian or Christian? No.”

    Christ, no. God, yes:

    You must kill those who worship another god. Exodus 22:20
    Kill any friends or family that worship a god that is different than your own. Deuteronomy 13:6-10
    Kill all the inhabitants of any city where you find people that worship differently than you. Deuteronomy 13:12-16
    Kill everyone who has religious views that are different than your own. Deuteronomy 17:2-7
    Kill anyone who refuses to listen to a priest. Deuteronomy 17:12-13
    Kill any false prophets. Deuteronomy 18:20
    Any city that doesn’t receive the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. Mark 6:11
    Jude reminds us that God destroys those who don’t believe in him. Jude 5

    You are aware, Mr. Baker, that Jesus takes up a fairly small part of the Bible. You also know that Christians generally accept both the Old and New Testaments as part of their belief. Now, if you're one of those New-Testament-only types it makes life a lot simpler, but it also means you can't cite all those Mosaic stories—they have no relevance to your faith. It's an all-or-nothing deal, like all religions are. You can't pick the parts of it you like and ignore the rest.

  11. GM - Since this is my blog, not yours, I have the right to request that commenters not post links to anti-Christian sites.

    Second of all, I know that Jesus was addressing the Jews. Jesus was a Jew during his missionary work here on this earth. The fact that his followers weren't called Christians at the time doesn't make a bit of difference. They were his followers. Period. Whether Jew or Gentile, those who believed in Jesus as the long-awaited Jewish Messiah accepted him as the Son of God, Lord and Savior of the world. Those who professed faith in Christ actually entitled their movement as "The Way." The title of Christianity, of course, came later.

    Thirdly, you asked:

    "Why did he choose to sacrifice (mostly) children in the altar of his beliefs?"

    C'mon GM. Be honest and don't play dumb here. I'm sure you can figure that out for yourself! (Hint: See my original post and the quotes - one from Jesus himself - where we learn about "the father of lies" and the fact that "there is no truth in him.")

  12. Good points, Gary. The difference between those who follow Christ and those who adhere to the violence of Islam couldn't be more stark!

    Christ is our risen Savior! Muhammed is just a dead (and false, evil, violent) "prophet." I want to put your quote on my front page!

    Gary wrote: "The media can claim anything they want about the man, but Christ never gave any commands that would have led to such a massacre. Muhammed issued many such commands, which is why Islamic lands are so full of violence."


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