Friday, July 15, 2011

One More Step Away...

Brandon Heath's new CD has a hit song called, "Leaving Eden." The lyrics describe so well what many Christians feel about the culture here in the United States. So much sin, evil and death is obvious to us all. But, perhaps, it is the subtle, little things that also add up and take us "one more step away" from Eden - away  from what our God of the Bible wanted us to have before sin entered the world. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life - no one comes to the Father but by Him. And each step that is taking people away from such truth takes another soul away from the saving grace of Christ.


  1. I seem to remember reading that man was kicked out of Eden, not just walked out. Have I been wrong about that?

  2. Ah! But you left out why they were "kicked out." Afraid to use that word - sin?

    Listen to the song again. You will notice that the writer (and singer) of the song is making a good point about how much of mankind continues to walk away from the will of God today.

  3. Whenever I hear this song, I think of how Christian feel it is okay to pratice yoga. Yoga, no matter what you call it, is just another step away from Christ and accepting new age thinking.


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