Monday, August 08, 2011

TEA Party Patriots in Congress Acted As a Check on the Power of the Executive Branch

And...the liberal leftists (especially all of those in the Media of Mass Deception who are also complicit in the lies against the TEA Party) who are trying to pin the S & P's downgrade and tanking stock market on the TEA Party, know that they are once again using the old Cloward and Piven and Alinsky Rules for Radicals methods to try and hide their evil plans (and, if they were decent people - their own guilt) in America's economic troubles.

When you know the truth, the truth will set you free.

However, it's going to hurt a bit to realize the truth.

The Blaze has a list of "must reads" posted. But before I list them here, I wanted to encourage Talk Wisdom readers to pay close attention to what Columnist Janet Daley has written in her piece today.


If we are to survive the looming catastrophe, we need to face the truth
The idea that a capitalist economy can support a socialist welfare state is collapsing before our eyes, says Janet Daley.

Which of these is the most important question to ask in the present economic crisis: how can we promote growth? Should we pay off government debt more or less quickly? Is the US in worse trouble than Europe? Answer: none of the above.

The truly fundamental question that is at the heart of the disaster toward which we are racing is being debated only in America: is it possible for a free market economy to support a democratic socialist society? On this side of the Atlantic, the model of a national welfare system with comprehensive entitlements, which is paid for by the wealth created through capitalist endeavour, has been accepted (even by parties of the centre-Right) as the essence of post-war political enlightenment.

This was the heaven on earth for which liberal democracy had been striving: a system of wealth redistribution that was merciful but not Marxist, and a guarantee of lifelong economic and social security for everyone that did not involve totalitarian government. This was the ideal the European Union was designed to entrench. It was the dream of Blairism, which adopted it as a replacement for the state socialism of Old Labour. And it is the aspiration of President Obama and his liberal Democrats, who want the United States to become a European-style social democracy.

But the US has a very different historical experience from European countries, with their accretions of national remorse and class guilt: it has a far stronger and more resilient belief in the moral value of liberty and the dangers of state power. This is a political as much as an economic crisis, but not for the reasons that Mr Obama believes. The ruckus that nearly paralysed the US economy last week, and led to the loss of its AAA rating from Standard & Poor’s, arose from a confrontation over the most basic principles of American life.

Contrary to what the Obama Democrats claimed, the face-off in Congress did not mean that the nation’s politics were “dysfunctional”. The politics of the US were functioning precisely as the Founding Fathers intended: the legislature was acting as a check on the power of the executive.

Continue reading here.

Let's read that last paragraph again:

Contrary to what the Obama Democrats claimed, the face-off in Congress did not mean that the nation’s politics were “dysfunctional”. The politics of the US were functioning precisely as the Founding Fathers intended: the legislature was acting as a check on the power of the executive.

Please don't listen to the Media of Mass Deception that is in the tank for Obama - no matter how much destruction Obummer and his evil cohorts wreak upon our nation and continue to spout lies against TEA Party Patriots both in office and within the electorate - that the "TEA Party members are "terrorists " and are responsible for the economic mess we are in." Contrary to such a completely ridiculous and obvious blatant lie, the TEA Party Patriots were DOING THE JOB THAT THE LEFTIST LOONIES (INCLUDING RINO REPUBLICANS) REFUSED TO DO - AND THAT WAS TO "ACT AS A CHECK ON THE POWER OF THE EXECUTIVE."

Over at The Blaze, Meredith Jessup has posted Monday morning must-reads:

We’ve been downgraded… and we could be downgraded again
The White House is amazingly quiet
Liberals blame conservatives
Cokie Roberts blames the U.S. Constitution
Barack Obama = Jimmy Carter 2.0
Timothy Geithner: Europe sure needs to get its fiscal house in order
Paul Ryan: Don’t count on new debt committee to accomplish much
Mark Steyn: Debt is a threat to liberty
A capitalist economy cannot support a socialist welfare system
China predicts the world will “discard” the dollar
Obama counts on Hollywood in 2012 for October surprise
Michelle Malkin: What were they thinking??
Newest human right: having a satellite dish
Not-so-subtle: Newsweek doesn’t seem to like Michele Bachmann.  What do you think?
For love of Christ & country, fallen SEAL was “willing to give his life”

Please people...PLEASE!!! Pass this information along to everyone you know to EDUCATE all of the those who don't really pay attention to what is going on!! We need an INFORMED ELECTORATE in November, 2012 to get the Obamafraud regime out of office!!!

Hat tips to all links.

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