Wednesday, September 07, 2011

I Never Thought I'd See The Day!

The title of today's post is borrowed from Dr. David Jeremiah's upcoming new book, I Never Thought I'd See The Day. Many conservative Christians have been saying that for decades. However, ever since Obamafraud got into office, the ratcheting up of, corruption, sin, nefarious deeds, evil and dangerous political power and outright lies that suffer no consequences has escalated evil  to a nightmarish level!

Here is a copy of the email I received today:

Dear Christine,

I've arranged a special opportunity for you ...

My brand-new book, I Never Thought I'd See the Day! goes on sale in bookstores worldwide on October 4 --

But you can pre-order it now, through this LIMITED-TIME opportunity and receive free and immediate access to our exclusive interactive Online Resource Library that contains 107 downloadable stand-alone chapters and Bible study excerpts -- there is nothing else like it!

As I wake up and scan today's headlines, I am often tempted to think, just like that famous line from the movie The Wizard of Oz, "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." When I look at the changes that have occurred in the land I love -- and in the Church I love even more -- just in my lifetime, I have to pinch myself to see if it's a dream gone bad. Atheists are shaking their fist at God, spiritual warfare is intensifying, and the Bible is disrespected. No wonder Christians aren't sure how to live faithfully amid such pervasive spiritual decay.

I have been studying these signs of the decline of Western civilization for the past few years, and have come to this conclusion: "We must understand that we are in a war for the very heart and soul of civilization -- or the consequences will be catastrophic." This study led me to write my brand-new book, I Never Thought I'd See the Day!This book details the numerous signs of moral and social decay (nine shocking issues engulfing our world today) ... and brings you biblical hope and practical application for reversing the trend and rescuing a culture at the crossroads.

I feel certain that He is going to use this book to change your perspective ... to deepen your relationship with Christ ... and to inspire you to "keep on keeping on" for Him.

But on a broader scale, this book and accompanying evangelistic outreach campaign is for people in your community ... and this land we love. We CAN see change. We CAN be the change that is needed in this dark world, with Christ and His Word as our guide.
Who ever thought we would see the day when ...
  • Jesus would become a cultural curiosity
  • Marriage would be considered obsolete
  • America would lose her moral compass
  • The Church would be perceived as irrelevant
  • America would turn her back on Israel

Can this downward spiral be reversed? Yes! I Never Thought I'd See the Day! points the way ... from the pages of God's Word. This is an inspiring message of hope!I want to help you know what God's Word says about the cultural and spiritual changes impacting America and the Church today, and also how to live faithfully in the midst of them.

Pre-order I Never Thought I'd See the Day! now, and discover the extraordinary opportunity to help reverse the destructive trends and call America back to faith in God, back to the solid foundation of His Word.
God bless you,
David Jeremiah Signature
David Jeremiah

Please go to the website and view the first video introduction that will start the new series on Turning Point T.V. this Sunday, September 11, 2011. It is called "The Account." [Note: Scroll down halfway at the link and click on the Preview link there.]

Hat Tip:


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