Tuesday, September 06, 2011

A Wake Up Call For God's People

Have you heard about the upcoming  A Wake Up Call event on Sunday, September 11, 2011? If you are a Christian, it is very important that you view and/or participate in this event. Ann Graham Lotz and Joel C. Rosenberg have created this special broadcast event so that it can be seen via several venues.

A Wake Up Call For God's People with Anne Graham Lotz and Joel Rosenberg

A Wake Up Call for God's People with Anne Graham Lotz and Joel Rosenberg from AnGeL Ministries on Vimeo.

Event Dates:

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Watch as a church fellowship, community group, or on your home computer. This evening of teaching messages by Anne Graham Lotz and Joel Rosenberg, knit together with authentic worship music led by Selah, we pray, will be used by God to wake up His people. Join us as we consider the times in which we live, refocus on Jesus as our Hope for the future, and ask God to re-ignite such an intense longing for His return that we live the rest of our lives with no regrets.

I also recommend that you read Joel Rosenberg's blog on a daily basis. Here is a copy of his latest post:

More than ever, Israel needs leaders like the “sons of Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” (I Chronicles 12:32, NIV) Israel also needs faithful friends who will show unconditional love and unwavering support for the Jewish people, while also showing love and compassion towards the Palestinians. These are increasingly difficult times for Israel, and Christians around the world need to be even more faithful in prayer for peace and more determined to bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus, as The Joshua Fund seeks to do faithfully every day, with your help.
Evidence of a gathering storm continues to mount in the epicenter. Consider the latest:
Please continue to pray for the Lord to protect Israel and give her leaders wisdom at this time. Please also consider making a financial contribution to the work of The Joshua Fund as we educate and mobilize Christians around the world to bless Israel and her neighbors, as well as provide humanitarian relief to the poor and needy in the epicenter.

Dear Readers: If you are planning on viewing this special event and if you think that you may be interested in posting comments about it here at Talk Wisdom, please write a brief comment after this post to let me know. I would like to have an open dialogue blog post up for discussion purposes regarding this Wake Up Call event.

Are YOU AWake?

I would also encourage you to spread the news about this event at your blog, website, via email, Face Book etc. so that more of God's people will become aware of the Wake Up Call event. God bless you!

~ Christine

Hat Tips:

Anne Graham Lotz.com

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

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