Monday, October 31, 2011

News Roundup

Dear Readers,

I have been away from blogging for about 11 days. So much has happened since then that it is difficult to choose just one topic. Therefore, I thought that I would share a news roundup this morning.

First, I would like to acknowledge Dr. David Jeremiah's new book, I Never Thought I'd See The Day - Culture At The Crossroads. It is now listed as a #1 New York Times Bestseller! I urge everyone to get this book and read it!!

Dr. Jeremiah states, "We must understand that we are in a war for the very heart and soul of civilization or the consequences will be catastrophic."

The good news is that
in "I Never Thought I'd See The Day!, Dr. Jeremiah identifies the nine major indicators of this looming disaster and then issues a strategy for turning the tide and equips us with the weapons we need for the battle ahead. Above all, he brings a message of hope that our "culture at the crossroads" can be put back on the right path.
Just as Dr. Jeremiah's The Coming Economic Armageddon book helped to biblically explain what was going on during America's (and the global) economic near-collapse, Jeremiah's new book focuses on how our nation has changed so drastically due to the destructive cultural trends that started in the 1960's and continue on to this day.

What In The World Is Going On: 10 Prophetic Clues You Cannot Afford To Ignore is another must read!


The Bible has much to say about the end times. Yet it is hard to piece together all that information in a way that gives a comprehensive picture of what that time period will look like. That's why so many theories abound. And that's why Dr. David Jeremiah has written What In the World Is Going On?, a unique book that cuts through the hundreds of books and numerous theories to identify the essential 10 most important bible prophecies. There is no other prophecy book like this. You'll find it the ultimate study tool for understanding the future. And this book will also motivate readers to live a more holy life and make greater efforts in evangelism. If bible prophecy as always been a mystery to you, Dr. Jeremiah's book will help you solve the mystery.

Christians know that Bible prophecy points directly to Israel as being the focal point before, during and after the end times!

Another book that I would recommend is John MacArthur's The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception.

All of these books will give you biblically-based information and answers from the Scriptures.

Each of us only needs to watch the news and look around at all that is transpiring in the world today. Have we ever known such uncertainty, chaos, evil, and deception? Perhaps when we look back at all the wars - especially World War II and the War On Terror - we can all recognize that the battle for truth is raging.

On the back cover of John MacArthur's book, Albert Mohler writes:

"[The postmodern age] is the age of no truth, an age that has reached a point of deadly fatigue when it comes to facing the truth--a generation that no longer believes truth can be known. Dr. John MacArthur knows better, and he is armed with the courage to confront this age with a bold defense of truth.....His argument is compelling, his defense of truth is brilliant, and his concern for the church is evident on every page. The evangelical church desperately needs this book, and it arrives just in time." --R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

On to the News Roundup.

If you have been a reader here since 2007, you will know that the very first objection I had against Barack Obama as a candidate for president was the fact that he was (and remains) rabidly pro-abortion. In order to remain consistent, I must choose who to vote for in the Republican primary based on his or her pro-life views. My first link it to Neil's Eternity Matters blog, where he asks the question, Did Herman Cain Lie About Planned Parenthood?. When you go to that link, you will see some concerns I recently had about Cain's position on this issue. Hopefully, Neil and others will reply to my comment.

If you read my comments at Neil's blog, then you will see that I do not trust Mitt Romney. There are many, many reasons for this. Here is an email excerpt that I recently received from Conservative Action Alerts:

In past campaigns for Governor of Massachusetts and U. S. Senator, Romney has been FOR gun control, FOR abortion, FOR socialized medicine, FOR same-sex marriage, and FOR amnesty for illegal aliens. He says, NOW, that he has changed his views on all of those issues. But can we trust Mitt Romney to support Reagan Republican principles?

The email was written regarding support for Herman Cain. Here is the entire email:

Dear Conservative Activists,

If you support Herman Cain for President, prepare to be outraged.

Crass political manipulation by Mitt Romney and his supporters in Florida threatens to undermine Herman Cain's chances of winning that critical early primary state.

It's all about the money. With his liberal fat cat Wall Street supporters, Mitt Romney has it in spades.

He raised $19 million in the last quarter.

Herman Cain raised just $2.8 million in the last quarter. But, his daily fund raising receipts were growing rapidly near the end of the quarter.

Mitt Romney has another serious problem— about 75 percent of Republican voters do not want him as the nominee of the party.

For over a year, every voter survey has shown Romney's support at between 20% and 25% of Republicans. Nothing more, nothing less.

The surveys also show that the vast majority of Mitt Romney's support comes from two groups--the moderate/liberal wing of the Republican Party, and those who say that they DON'T identify with the "tea party” movement.

Herman Cain's support comes from the heart and soul of the party—Ronald Reagan conservatives, and "tea party” Republicans.

The truth is that Mitt Romney is out of step with most Republicans. Since Mr. Romney ran for, and lost, the Republican Presidential nomination four years ago, we have witnessed the rise of the "tea party” movement. This time, Romney is running as a conservative, but that was not always so.

In past campaigns for Governor of Massachusetts and U. S. Senator, Romney has been FOR gun control, FOR abortion, FOR socialized medicine, FOR same-sex marriage, and FOR amnesty for illegal aliens. He says, NOW, that he has changed his views on all of those issues. But can we trust Mitt Romney to support Reagan Republican principles?

Most Republicans say no.

Despite the ups and downs of the other candidates, Mitt Romney has failed to rise above the level of support that he had a year ago.

When Donald Trump flirted with running for President, he shot up in the polls past Romney. When Trump dropped out, his support went to the other candidates or the undecided category— NOT to Mitt Romney.

When Michele Bachmann entered the race, she skyrocketed to first place, and she won the Iowa straw poll.

When Texas Governor Rick Perry entered the race, much of Michele Bachmann's support shifted to Perry, NOT to Romney, and Rick Perry took the lead in the polls.

Then, Rick Perry's poll numbers tumbled into the basement after two disastrous debate performances, but Romney's level of support DID NOT change. He failed to pick up any trace of Perry's former supporters.

Finally, Chris Christie and Sarah Palin both announced that they were not running for President, and their supporters, along with most of Perry's, stampeded over to the Herman Cain campaign.

Clearly, Republicans are looking for someone other than Mitt Romney to be the standard bearer of the party.

Herman Cain now leads Mitt Romney in the polls nationwide, and in four of the first five states that will be choosing delegates in January and early February, 2012.

Mitt Romney, and his advisers, recognized that their candidate's inability to go above 25 percent support was a serious vulnerability for their campaign.

Romney's campaign team knew that the one advantage that they had was money. But that wouldn't last forever if another candidate caught fire with the voters. A surge in support would eventually mean a surge in contributions.

To maintain their money advantage, they devised a strategy to shorten the amount of time available for fund raising before the voting began in the early states.

Unfortunately for Herman Cain, the plan worked.

Romney supporters in Florida succeeded in moving the date of the primary election from March 6, 2012, to January 31, 2012.

This set off a chain reaction among the other early voting states, because they were determined to maintain their influential early positions on the calendar. As a result, Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina will all select their delegates in January, before the Florida Primary takes place on January 31, 2012.

The entire early primary and caucus schedule was advanced by over a month because of the change in the Florida Primary date.

This gives Mitt Romney a significant advantage, because Herman now has 36 fewer days to raise the money necessary fund a statewide media campaign in Florida.

Florida is, by far, the largest, and most important, state in the early voting, so it is a must win for both Romney, and for Herman Cain.

Florida's population is over 18,000,000 people. It is not possible to run a statewide campaign without television and radio advertising. A media budget of $5 million, or more, will be necessary to advertise statewide for the final three weeks of the campaign.

It comes down to this. If Herman Cain wins the Florida primary, he will be well on his way to winning the nomination.

Herman Cain clearly has the momentum in Florida.

Not only did Herman trounce Romney in the recent straw poll of Republicans held at the Florida GOP convention in Orlando, he has now come out on top in two consecutive surveys done by two different polling groups. The American Research Group poll of Florida Republicans showed Herman 6 points ahead of Romney, and the NBC/Marist Poll shows Herman leading Romney by 1%.

The question is: Will Herman Cain lose because the rules were changed in the middle of the game? Will Romney's overwhelming money advantage be the deciding factor?

We don't have to let it happen. There is enough time to rally behind Herman Cain, and to help him create a winning campaign in Florida.

In consultation with experienced political pros in Florida, ones who helped elect Marco Rubio to the U. S. Senate last year, we have mapped out a strategy to help Herman Cain win the Florida primary.

A statewide media campaign must start on January 10, 2012, and run for three weeks, straight until election day on January 31st--that's less than three months away.

The email goes on to request donations for Cain's campaign. I am still waiting before I make my final decision regarding whom I will ultimately support. But the Romney money machine (and all the liberal elitist Republicans who want him as their candidate of choice) eerily reminds me of how Obama came to power.

Another reason I don't trust Romney (for the position of president) is the fact that Mormonism is not a genuine, biblical, Christian faith. If you are a secularist reading this, Romney's religion may not matter to you. So be it. But in this critical election climate where we are at war for the soul of our nation (including individual souls for Jesus Christ!), I am praying for God's grace to shine upon a true Christian conservative to become the next President of the United States!

Received an email from Brannon Howse where he stated two things:


I will include more information about why Mormons are not Christians later today or tomorrow.

Also see:


Brannon Howse has a video (I think you purchase it) which involves Exposing The Heresy of the Word of Faith & Prosperity Gospel Preachers Through Their Own Words.

So you see my friends, new and regular readers of this blog, we must be VERY CAREFUL who we support in ministry! The best advice I can give you is to MAKE SURE that any pastor, preacher, or teacher of the Bible does NOT go against what is written in the Scriptures!

[this section to be continued...]

One more link to share. Do you think you know what is going on at these Occupy rallies around the country? Think again!

Please see this detailed blog post from Mass Resistance about:

What the media isn't telling you about the "Occupy Boston" protest.

It is just one example of why so many Christian authors are warning us that as Christian believers, we are to watch, wait and WORK before the coming of the Lord!  Those of us who see the chaos all around us,  but may believe that resistance is futile,  would be wrong to think that way!

This is why I started this blog post with Dr. Jeremiah's important message:

Dr. Jeremiah states, "We must understand that we are in a war for the very heart and soul of civilization or the consequences will be catastrophic."

The good news is that in "I Never Thought I'd See The Day!, Dr. Jeremiah identifies the nine major indicators of this looming disaster and then issues a strategy for turning the tide and equips us with the weapons we need for the battle ahead. Above all, he brings a message of hope that our "culture at the crossroads" can be put back on the right path.

Hat tips to all links.


  1. Christine said: “Christians know that Bible prophecy points directly to Israel as being the focal point before, during and after the end times!”

    It is a privilege to know you Christine. It seems to me like believers are feeling the baptism of FIRE (Matthew 3:11) from the Messiah all over the earth today… as well as unbelievers.

    What’s the difference? Those who believe have HOPE!

    You are a blessing to the ONE body of Christ, because of the ONE God you serve… the ONE GOD of ISRAEL! Much love to you and your worldwide readers. (ss)

  2. Sorry I'm late, hostess.
    If this unspecified 'disaster' is looming, then God is going to do whatever he wants to do, and nothing any Christian can do will stop it. Disasters are always attributed to 'God's will', especially so-called normal ones like tsunamis or earthquakes. Six months ago, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas called for three days of prayer to end the state's long drought; instead, they got wildfires.
    I have no doubt that there was a lot of prayer going on when the Romans besieged Jerusalem. Those prayers delayed the Romans not one hour; God had a 'plan' for the Jews, and losing their city was part of that plan. What makes Jeremiah (and you) think the USA is any more special than they?

    Your feelings about Herman Cain and Mitt Romney are your own business. Just remember how your prayers against Hillary Clinton went four years ago.

    I consider Mormons to be Christians the same way I consider you to be one. If you say you are, that's all right with me. If you act in accordance with your interpretation of you holy book, that's fine too. In some respects, you're more of a True Christian™ than Romney is; but Fred Phelps is more of a True Christian™ in some ways than you are. I'll let you guys settle this; for nearly 2000 years different Christian sects have been claiming to be the One True Faith, and it's still going on.

    I'd guess Mass Resistance is screeching about what's happening in Boston because they're in Boston. That does not explain why there are similar “Occupy” protests in New York—by far the biggest one—or cities such as San Diego, Cincinnati, Seattle, Memphis, Las Vegas, Juneau, and at least 65 other cities. Similar ones are taking place in foreign cities as well. This is the kind of public response the TEA Party can only dream of. I think they're envious!

    It's no surprise that I think Dr Jeremiah is wrong, even dangerously wrong. So it's no surprise that I feel it necessary to oppose ideas like his. You can attribute this to any reason you like; you'll probably call it “Satan's influence” or “spiritual blindness” or some such. But expect to be opposed.

  3. Thanks Susan! No matter what happens on this earth, we know Who owns the future in eternity! And Jerusalem in Israel is where the final act will happen!

    God bless you!

  4. Pressed for time so just a brief response.

    Of course you would lump Mormons in with Christians simply because you haven't done your research on the differences between them.

    You think that I would be envious of the class warfare Radicals, Communists, Fascists, Islamists, anti-Semites etc. - who apparently think it's OK to urinate and defecate in the streets while getting paid for their ugly and disgusting protest appearances by billionaire George Soros? Thanks for that laugh!

    Ultimately, it is Jesus Christ that you oppose - not me. I'm just your excuse to oppose Him.

  5. I'll be equally brief.
    I have studied the differences between Christians (your kind) and Mormons (Christians of another kind). The differences aren't nearly as sharp as the similarities: belief in a divine Overlord, fantastic tales from the distant past, unrelenting hatred toward anyone not of their circle, struggles to become respectable in the world while remaining apart from it, belief in an eternal post-death Happyland where they get to reign and rule beside the Overlord, etc.
    But both you and they claim the mantle of how are we to know who really is true?

    SHHHH!! Don't go dissing Soros like that, or he'll put bad juju on your computer again like he did last month...heh heh!

    No, I really don't oppose Jesus. I oppose what some people claim for/about Jesus. Don't flatter yourself; you are a poor excuse for me to oppose him, but you're an excellent reason to oppose those claims.
    Just how did all that prayer work out for Texas, anyway? Is the drought over? If it's not, that doesn't speak well for Perry among the anti-Romney crowd.

  6. GMpilot wrote:

    "I have studied the differences between Christians (your kind) and Mormons (Christians of another kind). The differences aren't nearly as sharp as the similarities [snip]."

    OK - so share the differences that you have learned from your studies.

    GMpilot wrote:

    "But both you and they claim the mantle of how are we to know who really is true?"

    That's easy.

    1. Know Jesus Christ who is God's Living Word.

    2. Know the Bible which is God's written Word.

    3. Don't add or subtract from either.

    ['s a hint of difference concerning the Mormons...they added their own book!]

    GMpilot wrote:

    "No, I really don't oppose Jesus."

    Jesus Himself would disagree with you.

    Jhn 3:18 "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

    Jhn 3:19 "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

    Jhn 3:20 "For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.

    Jhn 3:21 "But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God."


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