Friday, November 11, 2011

Despicable Sandusky Child Sexual Abuse Case

If you are confused (like I was) about the Sandusky pedophile rape case of young boys that was allowed to occur over the course of 13 years, then this article may help answer many questions. A Patriot-News Special Report: Who knew what about Jerry Sandusky? There were many missed chances to investigate as early as 1995.

This is SO AWFUL!! And it is unbelievable that this disgusting creep got away with abusing young boys for so many years.

It pains me to see Penn State coach Joe Paterno end his career in such a terrible and despicable way.

I had met Joe Paterno several times back in the late 1970's when my brother played football at Penn State. In fact, I can still recall Coach Paterno showing up at our home to recruit my brother. I had seen Joe several times over the course of my brother's college football career. As every one already knows, Joe Paterno was a beloved legend at Penn State and earned the title of one of the "winningest college football coaches" of all time.

More recently, Joe Paterno gave a surprise visit to my brother's classroom when he was a teacher (now retired) in a public school. Paterno was there to recruit a football player at the school and stopped in during one of my brother's senior level government classes. The students had not known that my brother was a former Penn State college football player in the 1970's. They were mightily impressed when they learned this fact about their teacher!

But now, the stature that Joe Paterno had enjoyed for all these years has been SEVERELY tarnished because he didn't report the rape of that 10 year old boy that was witnessed in the Penn State locker room by then intern - Mike McQueary. Think of all of the boys who could have been spared from horrendous abuse if Sandusky was stopped and jailed back then!

How awful it is to realize that this pedophile sexual predator was involved with a charity called "The Second Mile," which he obviously used in order to approach young boys in order  to sexually abuse them! How absolutely DISGUSTING!!!

What a HORRIBLE way for Joe Paterno to end his career! It goes to show how the gross sins of others can negatively affect so many people - especially the young victims who grew up to be adults and obviously learned that the "hold" Sandusky had over them to convince them not to tell was a weak excuse that allowed this evil creep to continue abusing boys. This has absolutely sickened the entire nation!

Jesus had strong words against those who would harm young children:

Mat 18:6 "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Mar 9:42 "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea.

Luk 17:2 "It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

I pray that the victims will find healing and strength. I pray that Jesus will comfort them in their grief, terrible memories, and sadness; especially now that the perpetrator has been caught and will be punished ( in this world and in eternity) for his perverted, sick, grotesque, cruel, brutal and inhuman assaults.

Hat tip to Penn Live link.


  1. CJW: "I pray that Jesus will comfort them in their grief, terrible memories, and sadness; especially now that the perpetrator has been caught and will be punished ( in this world and in eternity) for his perverted, sick, grotesque, cruel, brutal and inhuman assaults."

    I think I understand it all now. Jesus doesn't choose to prevent such monstrous events (mustn't interfere with a person's free will and all). Instead he comes after they've already happened—sometimes years after they've happened—to comfort the victim(s). Is it worth the wait?

    Penn State officials didn't wait for the season, or even the month, to end; they fired Joe Paterno immediately, as they should have done. Good for them.

    I suppose many of the students there must have been as confused about it as you were. Nothing else could explain why they rioted over Paterno's dismissal:

    Certainly it couldn't have been because they cared more about their school's sports record than a few victimized boys...besides, that was so long ago.
    That's probably why you didn't mention it either.

  2. God did sent many individuals who COULD have IMMEDIATELY reported the abuse of boys to authorities. But such people chose not to; perhaps for the very reason that you cited in your last sentence.

    God does not interfere with human free will, whether such a person's "will" leads them to evil or good - just like in the fact that He obviously hasn't forced you to believe in Him.

  3. GM: ”That's probably why you didn't mention it either.”

    CJW: ”God did sent many individuals who COULD have IMMEDIATELY reported the abuse of boys to authorities. But such people chose not to; perhaps for the very reason that you cited in your last sentence.” (emphasis mine)

    Do you ever actually read what you write, Christine, or were you so eager to trip me up that you lapse into nonsense (again)? Whassamatta, didn't get enough sleep last night?

    Oh, by the way:
    ”God does not interfere with human free will, whether such a person's "will" leads them to evil or good - just like in the fact that He obviously hasn't forced you to believe in Him.”

    But he forced himself upon Pharaoh, and Saul of Tarsus. They didn't believe in him either, but he took care of that.
    Since he hasn't done the same to me, I can only conclude that (1) he slated me for the eternal Auschwitz long ago; (2) he doesn't care whether I believe in him or not; (3) he doesn't exist.


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