Friday, November 18, 2011

Tim Tebow: Not Ashamed of Jesus

Admittedly, I'm not a big fan of football. I watch it occasionally and have attended a few games over the years at the stadium; but sitting through an entire game being broadcast on T.V. is not one of my favorite things to do on a Thursday night.

However, last night my husband called out to me from the other room and said,  "Honey you've got to see this!" He had re-wound the segment where Tim Tebow and players from both teams were on bended knee in a circle after the end of the game, praying to Jesus Christ!

I noticed a blog post tonight over at Now The End Begins: Is Tim Tebow Playing Football Or Bringing Revival?

Obviously, Tebow is doing both! He is playing football; despite the fact that many pundits wrote him off earlier in his career because his passing percentage is a low 44%.  But more importantly, in the realm of things eternal, Tebow is also bringing revival in the country simply because he is paying honor to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

This may sound a bit off-topic, but I think it fits here to describe another person who easily shared her faith with others through her successful company. Decades ago, when Mary Kay Ash - founder of the Mary Kay Cosmetics direct sales business - was being interviewed, she was asked by CBS's Morley Safer of 60 Minutes, "Are you, in fact, using God to sell cosmetics?" Mary Kay answered, "I hope not. I certainly hope not. I hope that He is using me instead."

Brilliant response! And knowing what I know about the woman (met her several times back in the 1980's) I could tell that her answer, and her faith in Jesus Christ was genuine.  God rest her soul.

I brought this up because I think that Tim Tebow might have given a similar answer to anyone who would question why he wears his "faith on his sleeves" as so many might label it. It is not for Tebow's glory - but for the glory of God in heaven through the power of faith in Jesus Christ!

Excerpt from article:

Something is happening in the Mile High city of Denver

“That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven, and [things] in earth, and [things] under the earth; And [that] every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Phillipians 2:10,11

I saw something on television last night, that in all of my years of watching professional football I have never seen. Last night during Denver’s miracle win against the Jets, and immediately following the game, I watched a movement of the Holy Spirit of the God of Israel. Right there on the field.

I know we live in a cynical world. We have seen it all, done it all, won it all, lost it all. We are a people who are not easily impressed anymore. It is fashionable for athletes and movie stars to win the game or receive the award, and start the “I just want to thank Jesus” speech. Most of the time it fails to ring true. We usually see people who don’t live a Godly life, thanking God for His blessing, and paying what amounts to mostly lip service. Our ears have grown numb to it, for the most part we have stopped listening.

Then someone like Tim Tebow shows up, and everything changes.

By now, we all know his story. When his mom was pregnant with him, complications arose and she was urged, at the risk of her own life, to not bring the baby to term, but to abort it. She chose to trust God, and Tim Tebow was born. He was raised by Godly, Christian parents, and along the way rose to fame as a college football player in Florida. He seemed to be the Next Big Sure Thing. Then he got to the NFL and hit a brick wall that was wrapped in concrete, and reinforced with re-bar. Everything came to a grinding halt
Drafted to the Denver Broncos by a coach who then got fired, Tim Tebow seem banished to the Phantom Zone behind quarterback Kyle Orton. Then Orton imploded, and John Elway was forced to use Tebow. Only problem is Tebow is extremely shaky as a passer, with a 44% completion rating. Everyone in the league “knows it”. Even his own coach says it. But a funny thing happened on the way to “what everybody knew” would happen – Tebow is on one, wild hot streak, and winning like crazy. Huh? does that happen?

But this is not an article about football, this is an article about the Holy Spirit.

I agree. That article is about the Holy Spirit of God working within the life of one of his faithful, saved followers!

Tim Tebow is a living example of one of the great Bible verses:

“That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven, and [things] in earth, and [things] under the earth; And [that] every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Phillipians 2:10,11

God bless him for his faithfulness and his willingness to use his football career in order to share his steadfast faith in Jesus Christ for all the world to see!

Hat Tip and photo credit:


  1. YOU are beautiful Christine. I have forwarded this to a licensed counselor friend (LPC/LMFT).

    The Messiah is Lord of heaven and earth (football too)… Shabbat Shalom. (ss)

  2. ”...Tim Tebow seem banished to the Phantom Zone behind quarterback Kyle Orton. Then Orton imploded, and John Elway was forced to use Tebow.
    (…) But a funny thing happened on the way to “what everybody knew” would happen – Tebow is on one, wild hot streak, and winning like crazy. Huh? does
    that happen?”

    Seems obvious to me: nothing happens without the action of permission of God (or so most Christians tell me). So, God made it so Kyle Orton 'imploded', and 'forced' John Elway to use Tim Tebow. He's also responsible for Tebow being a mediocre passer, because all the time Tebow has spent training can't seem to improve him.
    It just makes good sense that Tebow would want to acknowledge his patron. Athletes have done that for thousands of years: a prayer here, a libation there, a slaughtered dove somewhere else. But I'm not required to join them, and I shouldn't expect to pay for sports and get a worship service instead.
    At least he had the decency to do it after the game, when those who wanted to stay and pray were free to do so. I guess the Holy Spirit of the God of Israel hasn't anything more important to do.

  3. Thanks so much for using my article on Tim Tebow. The Lord gave it to me in a pretty special way and I am glad it is ministering.

    Now The End Begins

  4. Geoffrey!

    I didn't know that was your blog! Your posts are excellent! Keep up the GREAT work sharing the TRUTH! God bless!

    In Christ,

  5. Oh GM...

    I just re-read your comment and it made me chuckle.

    You wrote:

    ...and I shouldn't expect to pay for sports and get a worship service instead.

    Now that made me laugh!

  6. I would like to say hi and I am glad I stumbled on your blog! I think it is very sad some of us can state our opinion and the rest of us get into hot water if we offend non believers! I think if people don't like what we have to say they should go away! I have found many blogs that were not my cup of tea. Too much gimme gimme, me me me stuff! I am very refreshed to see you here. Thank you!
    I often feel when people don't like my thoughts they can always go somewhere else. We should all be able to agree to disagree!
    Yet Christians who take a stand are a shining example of Christ and His love for us. I get lots of folks at my blog who feel Tebow is an excellent role model! I have to agree.
    Have a terrific weekend!
    Blessings Anne


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