Thursday, November 03, 2011

We Need A True TEA Party Candidate! [Update]

When Sarah Palin announced that she would not seek the Republican nomination for president in 2012, I have to admit that I was quite disappointed. However, I certainly could understand her reasons. I wrote the following on her Face book page:

God first, family second, and job third is a great philosophy to live by and I can certainly understand your prayerful decision, Sarah. Many are disappointed, but with God's guidance, you have made your decision. If things change between now and election day, perhaps you might find God leading you to reconsider your decision. Whatever you decide, you have my admiration and respect. The political climate is so awful. The hatred being spewed towards conservative Christians has been ramped up since ObaMAO got into office. Praying that a TRUE conservative Christian will step up and save this nation!

I thought that Herman Cain might be the candidate that the TEA Party has been looking for, but who knows whether or not his candidacy will survive the sexual harassment scandal?

There was some buzz over on Sarah Palin's Face book page that she may be reconsidering running for president, but she hasn't commented about it yet. According to her page, she is planning on making a speech in Florida soon, but I don't think that it has anything to do with reconsidering her position to run in 2012.

If she is reconsidering a run for the presidency in 2012, perhaps she sees that the Cain scandal (whether it is fair or not) might derail his run for the nomination. I recall doing a post at my blog many months ago where she supported his candidacy when he originally announced his run for the Republican nomination.

I really thought that Cain might be the non-political hack type of candidate that the TEA Party needs, but with his flub on the abortion issue during a liberal cable station interview, and now this sexual harassment scandal, I don't know if he will survive and make it to the nomination. There has been some speculation that Rahm Emanuel is behind the exposure of the sexual harassment scandal. If so, then perhaps ObaMAO fears that Cain could beat him?

The media of mass deception has done over 50 reports on Cain's "scandal," whereas they only did 3 on each of Clinton's sexual scandals (far more serious I might add). Recall Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broderick? (forget her last name) who was allegedly raped by Clinton?

I don't think that Cain is the political elitists' choice for the Republican nomination. Karl Rove is certainly trying to get people swayed toward Romney (barf!). I don't think Newt is electable, no matter how smart he is because of his sordid past. The elitists are dismissing everyone else too. So who do they want? If they want Obama re-elected, then the Communists/Socialists/Islamo-fascists/Anarchists/ have certainly made it known that they plan to take over and will do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING to get Obama re-elected.

A LOT of people have awakened to the farce of Dem vs. Republican, but the question remains, will we have the candidate to finally kick the elitists out who are intent on destroying our Constitutional Republic and Capitalistic economic system? I certainly hope so! I pray every day for God to have mercy on our nation and allow our people to wake up and elect a true conservative Christian who supports the Constitution and our Capitalistic economic system into the office of the presidency!



More about Sarah Palin reconsidering running for president at:

A Time For Choosing: Breaking: Sources Tell Dr Gina Louden Sarah Palin Is Reconsidering a Presidential Run.


Update 11/5/11 re: Herman Cain!

Legal Insurrection reports:

All of the sudden, Politico wants to be fair and balanced

Copy of post (go to link for additional links):

After spending a week portraying Herman Cain as a sexual predator, allegations which so far have resulted in NO FACTS sustantiating the innuendo, Politico now wants to be fair and balanced and tell us that Cain actually led industry efforts to fight sexual harassment, Under Herman Cain, NRA launched Sex Harassment Fight:

With Cain at the helm as CEO in 1998, the [National Restaurant] association created a video to explain sexual harassment laws to its members – and created a sample sexual harassment policy for individual restaurants to use, according to a Chicago Tribune story at the time.

The NRA’s Educational Foundation began offering a training program for member restaurants called, “What’s the Big Deal? Sexual Harassment Prevention Program,” in addition to its ServSafe safety and alcohol training materials. Today, according to the ServSafe website, restaurants can purchase employee and manager training brochures, as well as DVDs to explain acceptable practices.

Scher, who observed the NRA’s actions at the time and has read about them since, said the organization’s actions were, at the time, a proactive step.

And in a prophetic statement, Cain also warned of the consequences of frivolous suits:

Industry officials saw it coming — none other than Cain himself warned as far back as 1991 that changes in federal law resulting from the hearings could cause problems for employers.

“This bill opens the door for opportunists who will use the legislation to make some money,” Cain, then CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, told Nation’s Restaurant News. “I’m certainly for civil rights, but I don’t know if this bill is fair because of what we’ll have to spend to defend ourselves in unwarranted cases.”

Indeed. But at least you didn’t have Politico in 1991.

It is looking more and more feasible that this sexual harrassment story has been trumped up to destroy Cain's character and candidacy. Isn't it possible that these women may have used Cain to get money through frivolous claims? It is also very telling that one of the accusers refuses to go before the public - so she sent out her lawyer who didn't reveal much detail anyway.

It will be interesting to see just who was initially responsible (Rahm Emmanuel??) for attempting to destroy Cain - just because he isn't a leftist black who toes the liberal Democratic line.

Also see:

posted by nicedeb at Nice Deb - 9 minutes ago
Herman Cain, in case you haven’t heard, has beaten the vague, anonymous, not necessarily sexual harassment rap in what has turned out to be a one week fakestorm. The lib media gave it their best, throwing every vague innuendo they could muster at the wall to see what would stick, but the wall stands tall and unblemished among the huge piles of slime that surround it. His poll numbers are soaring.


  1. The one deed we know Clinton did—with Monica Lewinsky—got him a writ of impeachment, led by a Speaker of the House who was himself doing the same thing at the time. That is the main reason why Gingrich will never be more than a visitor to the White House. There are other reasons, but that's the biggest one.

    The fact that it was a 'liberal' cable station interview that Cain flubbed his abortion views on is a lame excuse. If he'd had a firm position, his answer would have been the same even if Sean Hannity had asked it (not that Hannity ever would have, of course). It seems Cain doesn't have such a firm position, given his statements of the past week.
    Every election season you champion your great GOP hope. So far it's been Palin, then pseudo-birther Trump, then Cain (how could you, a committed Christian, ever vote for a guy named Cain?), and now, Palin again.
    There's nothing wrong with supporting your favorite candidate, but...aren't you the one who told me ”We should never put our hope in men; only Jesus Christ!” Since Jesus was/is not a US citizen and cannot run for President, you can't have it both ways.

    Sarah Palin as a candidate? Seriously?? She resigned from office under a cloud that still hasn't completely blown away. If she'd shown the pit-bull characteristics she's supposed to be famous for, she'd have stayed in and swatted away her critics. If she just up and quit as a state governor, who's to say she won't do it again as Chief Executive of the nation?
    What has she done since then? Commentator for FAUX News, hostess of a TV series about Alaska, author of yet another book, and rider of a bus that was supposed to travel to all the lower states but somehow ran out of gas long before that...not exactly the moves of a serious politician, but that of a political mercenary. She's a wannabe statesman who's not willing to work for that position, because it gets in the way of making lots of money.

    If Sarah Palin does decide to jump into the race, it practically guarantees Obama a second term. She'll split the loyalties of the TEAbaggers across herself, Rick Perry and Herman Cain, turning the convention floor into chaos; none of the three will get enough delegates. Romney will present himself as a level-headed alternative to them. Even if Romney gets the Party's blessing, and defeats Obama (which he won't, because the True Christians™ will make sure everyone knows the TRUTH about the LDS), you'll wind up with four years of another president whom you despise. I wonder how the birthers of today will spin themselves then.

    So only a 'true conservative Christian' supports the Constitution, eh? I dispute that claim.

  2. GMpilot wrote:

    "The fact that it was a 'liberal' cable station interview that Cain flubbed his abortion views on is a lame excuse."

    Why are you labeling my comment about that a "lame excuse?" I got the feeling that Cain was trying to get some liberal votes there, so he tried to make his abortion position more palatable to the audience that day. That reminded me of Obama, and I don't want another pro-abortion president (secretive or otherwise) in the Oval Office!

    Where did I champion pseudo-birther Trump? I liked a lot of what he was saying regarding the economy and how China will eventually own our nation if we don't get out of this crippling debt problem. But I don't recall saying that I think he would be a good nominee for president. If I did write that previously, I have certainly changed my mind since then.

    As more and more negative information comes out about each Republican nominee, don't I have a right to change my mind about them?

    I still like Cain - a lot! But like I said before, I don't know if he will survive the onslaught of negativity being hurled at him because of claims (which are probably false!) about sexual harrassment. It isn't like false claims against well-known and/or not-so-well-known men hasn't happened before! Recall Tawana Brawley? Remember the false claims against that lacrosse team by a stripper?

    GMpilot wrote:

    "There's nothing wrong with supporting your favorite candidate, but...aren't you the one who told me ”We should never put our hope in men; only Jesus Christ!” Since Jesus was/is not a US citizen and cannot run for President, you can't have it both ways."

    It's kinda funny that you followed up that statement with a hateful rant, bashing my favorite candidate, Sarah Palin.

    Of course no one is perfect, except Jesus Christ, and he won't be an earthly ruler until the Millennium. But Christians are instructed in the Bible to defend the faith, seek the truth, and share it with others. This message doesn't just evaporate when it comes to politics, GM.

    Can you please try and be polite on this blog? There is no need to use a derogatory label for TEA Party Patriots. If you want to spew such disgusting homosexual terms because of your hatred of people like me - go find a liberal anti-God blog and have at it! I will not post your comments if you continue to use that word.

    GMpilot wrote:

    "So only a 'true conservative Christian' supports the Constitution, eh? I dispute that claim."

    Now you are spinning my words. I didn't write what you claim I did in the above statement.

    Christine wrote:

    "I pray every day for God to have mercy on our nation and allow our people to wake up and elect a true conservative Christian who supports the Constitution and our Capitalistic economic system into the office of the presidency!"

    You can apologize now for misrepresenting my statement.

  3. Legal Insurrection reports:

    All of the sudden, Politico wants to be fair and balanced

    Copy of post (go to link for additional links):

    After spending a week portraying Herman Cain as a sexual predator, allegations which so far have resulted in NO FACTS sustantiating the innuendo, Politico now wants to be fair and balanced and tell us that Cain actually led industry efforts to fight sexual harassment, Under Herman Cain, NRA launched Sex Harassment Fight:

    With Cain at the helm as CEO in 1998, the [National Restaurant] association created a video to explain sexual harassment laws to its members – and created a sample sexual harassment policy for individual restaurants to use, according to a Chicago Tribune story at the time.

    The NRA’s Educational Foundation began offering a training program for member restaurants called, “What’s the Big Deal? Sexual Harassment Prevention Program,” in addition to its ServSafe safety and alcohol training materials. Today, according to the ServSafe website, restaurants can purchase employee and manager training brochures, as well as DVDs to explain acceptable practices.

    Scher, who observed the NRA’s actions at the time and has read about them since, said the organization’s actions were, at the time, a proactive step.

    And in a prophetic statement, Cain also warned of the consequences of frivolous suits:

    Industry officials saw it coming — none other than Cain himself warned as far back as 1991 that changes in federal law resulting from the hearings could cause problems for employers.

    “This bill opens the door for opportunists who will use the legislation to make some money,” Cain, then CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, told Nation’s Restaurant News. “I’m certainly for civil rights, but I don’t know if this bill is fair because of what we’ll have to spend to defend ourselves in unwarranted cases.”

    Indeed. But at least you didn’t have Politico in 1991.

    It is looking more and more feasible that this sexual harrassment story has been trumped up to destroy Cain's character and candidacy. Isn't it possible that these women may have used Cain to get money through frivolous claims? It is also very telling that one of the accusers refuses to go before the public - so she sent out her lawyer who didn't reveal much detail anyway.

    It will be interesting to see just who was initially responsible (Rahm Emmanuel??) for attempting to destroy Cain - just because he isn't a leftist black who toes the liberal Democratic line.

  4. CJW: ”As more and more negative information comes out about each Republican nominee, don't I have a right to change my mind about them?”

    Of course you do! And I have the right to speak my mind about them, too. Even you admit that Herman Cain has waffled on abortion, and I say his position on that is either nonexistent, or so flexible that he can no longer appeal to ideological puritans in the GOP.

    CJW: ”I still like Cain - a lot! But like I said before, I don't know if he will survive the onslaught of negativity being hurled at him because of claims (which are probably false!) about sexual harrassment. It isn't like false claims against well-known and/or not-so-well-known men hasn't happened before! Recall Tawana Brawley? Remember the false claims against that lacrosse team by a stripper?”

    Sure...I recall all the false claims against Obama, too. Just as much vapor as the others.

    Okay. My opinion is that Sarah Palin is a political mercenary, and a wannabe statesman who's not willing to work for that position, because it gets in the way of making lots of money. Other than that, I said nothing in that paragraph that was not true. If she does decide to enter the fray, there's a good chance that what I said will happen. You didn't dispute it, Christine, and you certainly would have if you could. Instead you called it a 'hateful rant' when all I said was what she did (or didn't do). She QUIT halfway through her term. Am I wrong to wonder if she wouldn't do it again?

    CJW: ”Can you please try and be polite on this blog? There is no need to use a derogatory label for TEA Party Patriots. If you want to spew such disgusting homosexual terms because of your hatred of people like me - go find a liberal anti-God blog and have at it! I will not post your comments if you continue to use that word.”

    Oh, I see. Only YOU get to spew hateful, disgusting terms on this blog! Shall I go to some of your posts and quote a few?

    ”I don't think that the eligibility issue will depose this radical Islamo-Fascist. anti-Israel, Fabian Socialist/Marxist puppet from office, but constant attention to it will help to keep Obama from re-election.” --30 Mar 11

    ”That title - 'The Fatal Conceit' sounds like a description of Obamafraud and his followers! Ha! ” --29 Aug 11

    ”If Obama ever succeeded in being re-elected (God forbid!), which is highly doubtful due to the utter and complete failings of his administration and all of the scandals it has wreaked upon our nation, I would not doubt that Obama would turn against Israel because he wouldn't have to worry about re-election ever again. Obama would continue to destroy our nation, too, in all ways possible: spiritually, economically, militarily, constitutionally, judicially, educationally and every other way that you could imagine. He would have nothing to lose at that point.” --21 Sep 11

    I rest my case. But since you've asked for politeness, I shall not use that term again. I hope you can be equally civil.

    (more to come)

  5. (concluding:)

    CJW: "I pray every day for God to have mercy on our nation and allow our people to wake up and elect a true conservative Christian who supports the Constitution and our Capitalistic economic system into the office of the presidency!"

    You can apologize now for misrepresenting my statement."

    If a candidate does not support the Constitution and our capitalistic economic system, that person is possibly an economist, or a foreign socialist...but could still be a 'true conservative Christian' (since the Bible doesn't endorse capitalism either). You likely wouldn't vote for such a person if they were. I stand by my words.

    CJW: ”...Christians are instructed in the Bible to defend the faith, seek the truth, and share it with others. This message doesn't just evaporate when it comes to politics, GM.”

    Christians are ALSO instructed in the Bible to Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, and also to Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king. (I Peter 2:13, 17)
    Your track record on that these past few years has been very poor.

    Nice talking with you again, hostess. I'd like to send you a PM now and then, but I don't suppose that's possible any more. I'll have to restrict my replies to this place, and keep them brief.

  6. GMpilot,

    Will respond in full another day. For now I just wanted to let you know that you can always post a comment and write "do not publish" next to it so that I know it is a "read only" comment meant for me.

  7. What I feared regarding Cain on the abortion issue is that he might have been speaking to the mostly pro-abortion audience during that interview and for some reason, thought that being more flexible on the abortion issue might help him with the pro-choice crowd. This reminded me of Obama, who did such a thing on almost every issue during the 2008 campaign. He tailored his messages just for the particular audience he was addressing. But now we know how far leftist he really is.

    What false claims against Obama? Most of the secrecy surrounding him is due to hidden and sealed records. Go take a look at the Obama File - which has been chosen for the Library of Congress archives. There must be something to the allegations in order for that organization to want to chronicle all that is written in The Obama File.

    BTW, have you seen the latest? Go to these sites:

    Citizen Wells

    Funny how the Resko/Blago crime files are so redacted to protect Obama:

    Static CBS Obama.pdf

    Here's another one: Blago Motion

    Here is "Bessie's" comment at Citizen WElls:

    and here is Blagojevich’s request for the 302′s…

    Zagle’s reasoning for denying the defense was that they had to show direct contact with Obama…That was made BEFORE the testimony of Tom Balanoff. The defense did not request the 302′s again even after Balanoff testified in the first trial…

    In the second trial of Blagojevich they made another request for the 302′s…This time Judge Zagel stated that he read the 302′s and there was “nothing there” so they could NOT have them…

    You couldn’t make this stuff up…No one would believe you.


  8. The gay men over at Hillbuzz have been on Obama's not-so-secret homosexual love affairs:

    BIZARRE: White House releases statement on breakup of Barack Obama and his boyfriend Reggie Love

    Takes a gay to know a gay...right?

    While searching for the second like I wanted to share from Hillbuzz, I found this:

    The Democrat-Controlled Media and Herman Cain: Who Are You Going To Believe?

    And these are men who supported Hillary Clinton in 2008 - sticking up for a conservative Christian Republican black man!

    Found ANOTHER link over at Hillbuzz which addresses the possible sexual harassment of gay males at the White House!

    10pm ESt/9pm CST — The HillBuzz & Mrs. Fox Show: Is Barack Obama Gay?

    When I have some time, I need to listen to that broadcast.

    Here's the one I read a while ago:

    Why won’t the agenda-driven media report on Barack Obama being gay, sexually harassing male actor Kal Penn, and frequenting Chicago bathhouse Man’s Country…you know, the way they leaped to trash Herman Cain with unsubstantiated sexual innuendo?

  9. Next, there is the information (again) that Obama might be the secret son of Malcolm X (Little), but with more evidence to back it up:

    Natural Born Citizen - A Place to Ask Questions and Get the Right Answers: Is Putative President Barack Hussein Obama II Really Bari Shabazz, Fugitive from Justice For 21 Years Following An Auto Accident in Honolulu County, Hawaii on March 12, 1982?

    If THAT story is true, then it cannot be argued that Obama is a natural born citizen. However, it would also mean that HIS ENTIRE LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE AND FABRICATION!

  10. GMpilot wrote:

    Oh, I see. Only YOU get to spew hateful, disgusting terms on this blog! Shall I go to some of your posts and quote a few?

    Quoting Christine: ”I don't think that the eligibility issue will depose this radical Islamo-Fascist. anti-Israel, Fabian Socialist/Marxist puppet from office, but constant attention to it will help to keep Obama from re-election.” --30 Mar 11

    ”That title - 'The Fatal Conceit' sounds like a description of Obamafraud and his followers! Ha! ” --29 Aug 11

    ”If Obama ever succeeded in being re-elected (God forbid!), which is highly doubtful due to the utter and complete failings of his administration and all of the scandals it has wreaked upon our nation, I would not doubt that Obama would turn against Israel because he wouldn't have to worry about re-election ever again. Obama would continue to destroy our nation, too, in all ways possible: spiritually, economically, militarily, constitutionally, judicially, educationally and every other way that you could imagine. He would have nothing to lose at that point.” --21 Sep 11 /quote

    I rest my case. But since you've asked for politeness, I shall not use that term again. I hope you can be equally civil.

    Describing someone's outward actions, policies, and associations to radical people (listed in my comment) is not "spewing hate." It is telling the truth about them! Just because YOU don't want to see it as such doesn't mean it's not true and not happening!

    GMpilot wrote:

    Christians are ALSO instructed in the Bible to Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, and also to Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king. (I Peter 2:13, 17)
    Your track record on that these past few years has been very poor.

    As Christians, we are to submit to the authorities as far as we can without compromising our consciences. Peter also wrote, "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29).

    Recall that the leader at that time was Nero - of the Roman empire - who was particularly cruel and tyrannical. What Peter was saying was that in most aspects of daily life, we were to live according to the law of the land. Here in the U.S. we live in freedom, whereas many Christians in dictator nations don't. They are persecuted horribly because of their belief in Jesus Christ. They are staying true to Christ - for Christ's sake - and not because of breaking any moral or civil laws.

    Romans 13:1-7 has more on the relationship of Christians and government.

    Briefly, some Christians think that the state is so corrupt that they don't involve themselves at all in them. Others believe that God has given the state authority in certain areas and the church authority in others. Still other Christians (like myself) believe that Christians have a responsibility to make the state better. They can do this politically, by electing Christian or other high-principled leaders. They can also do this morally, by serving as an influence for good in society. This is where church and state can work together.

    The Bible informs us that we CAN rebel against the government's laws and regulations if those laws quite clearly require Christians to violate the moral standards revealed by God. Abortion and homosexual indoctrination are just two examples.

    You choose to judge my "track record" as poor. So be it. You are entitled to your opinion. But I value God's Word more than any one man's opinion of me.

  11. I tried posting this yesterday. Let's see if it works now...

    I see a lot of claims posted here above. I don't see a single piece of evidence indicating that any of it is true. It's you Righties making the claims: Obama's a Muslim, Obama wasn't born in the U.S., that Malcolm X is is his real father, that he's spent $2 million to cover up his trail, that he is gay.
    If ONE single piece of evidence supporting ANY of this could be provided, WingNut Daily would have done it long ago. They haven't. No one has.
    With so many people searching so hard, either Obama's 'secrets' are hidden better than the Ark of the Covenant...or they simply don't exist.

    If you can make such statements without evidence, then I'm free to ignore them without evidence.

    For almost four years I've been reading such tripe on this and other pages, but there hasn't been a shred of evidence. The MSM whom you so despise didn't go easy on Nixon when the Watergate details became known, and I expect the same will happen to Obama IF (and only if) these things are true. (Being gay wouldn't be enough to boot him from office; non-citizenship would, but so far all we've seen from your side have been two different birth certificates, both forged.)

    So far, you haven't proven that you're right, only that you're delusional.

    Only once have you ever cared what I liked, and that was a long time ago. So I didn't expect you to be nice now. But I'm not impressed. You've just provided more of the same off-the-wall accusations, and not a single piece of evidence to support any of them. Obama's gay lover: WHO? The secret presidential prayer rug: WHERE? Two million dollars spent by him to hide his own past: WHEN? Malcolm X paternity: WHAT?!
    Give us facts and evidence, hostess. Not insinuations and drivel. If you can't, that's your problem, not mine. I'm not especially worried, since you'll probably have another four years in which to look.


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