Saturday, January 07, 2012

Is America Not Yet Accepting Of A Female President?

It was a sad day for me when Michele Bachmann finished last in the Iowa Caucuses and then decided to suspend her campaign. I thought that she was the best TEA Party candidate (although Sarah Palin would have been better - IMHO), and I agreed with most of her policies.   I was hoping that she would stay in the race up to and including the California Republican Primary because I would have loved to have voted for her.  But it was not to be, I guess.

It may be just my opinion, but I truly believe that America is not yet ready to elect a female presidential candidate as President of the United States. There could be a myriad of reasons for this, but the signals given by much of the electorate over the years leads me to believe what I'm thinking is true.

If you are old enough (like me) to recall back when Geraldine Ferraro ran as the V.P. pick of Walter Mondale, you probably saw much discrimination against her. I'm not a democrat and I wasn't a fan of either one of them, but I do recall their ticket being called "weak." And it was not just because Mondale was a weak candidate. I think that a lot of people saw his pick of Ferraro as the very first female V.P. candidate as a weak choice, too.

Fast forward to when Hillary Clinton ran in the 2008 Democratic Primary. The good ole' boys of the liberal left elitists didn't like that idea, either. They wanted Barack Obama, and they would do ANYTHING to get him elected. There were reports of fraud happening in the primaries which pushed Hillary aside and gave the nomination to Obama. Again, I'm not a democrat or a fan of Hillary, but there were MANY Democrats who were steaming mad (and formed the PUMA group) about this and let their anger become well known.  Hillary herself even admitted that the media ganged up against her.  Only The Fox News Channel gave her even coverage.

Also, the attacks against Sarah Palin, who was introduced to the nation because she was chosen by John McCain to be his V.P. running mate in 2008, were legendary. She was not only attacked because she is a beautiful, successful woman with a great family, but also because she is Christian, conservative, and a leader who helped get the TEA Party high recognition.

I know that millions of American were disappointed when Sarah Palin decided not to run for the Republican Presidential Nomination. But as a woman who obviously has her priorities straight, perhaps the time for her is not right. Some day, she may run and win the election! I think that it would a great day, indeed, for America if she were elected to the highest position in the land. America is in desperate need for a MOTHER to be in charge. I think that the positive changes would be absolutely wonderful for our nation!

It must be SO DIFFICULT for women to be involved in politics these days - especially here in the United States. Look at all the foreign nations that have had women at the helm and fared very well as a result! We could go as far back as Golda Meir of Israel, and as recent as Angela Merkel of Germany. There is a new film out about the Iron Lady - Margaret Thatcher - whose leadership is admired by many in the States. I hope that the film is fair and accurate about her life and career.

I think that people in America are currently accepting of  females serving our country in the Legislature, Judiciary, Military, State Governments, as Secretaries of State or other Cabinet positions, and of course, as First Ladies.

There is a stunning new book out about Michelle Obama which does not look to be very flattering about her. You can read about it over at Gateway Pundit:

posted by Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit - 47 minutes ago
Obama knew his limits. He sent his advisers to deal with the First Lady. A new book reveals how Michelle Obama raged at White House advisers. The book also tells how White House advisers were forced confro...
Some of what is said in the comments are distasteful - so be forewarned.  It is common knowledge in the blogosphere that Mrs. Obama has spent too much money in her role as First Lady.  Most knew that she had  expressed hatred for America (we knew shortly after the election when she said, "for the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of my country.")    As recently as 9/11/11, Mrs. Obama continued to express her distaste for the American Flag during a ceremony where she was filmed leaning over and speaking into her husband's ear.  Lip readers agreed that she had denigrated the flag of our country when she said, "all this for a f****n flag?"  We know that back in 2008, she said that she and Barack will "need to change our history,"  "fundamentally transform America" etc.  If you love someone (or something) you don't usually tell them that they need to be "fundamentally transformed."  There is much, much more I could share but suffice it to say that the image often portrayed of her in the liberal left media/magazines was more positive than the actual life and attitudes that she holds about this country.

I could be wrong, but outbursts and attitudes like Michele Obama's at the White House might make many people feel that women are too emotional to hold the position of president.  I think that is truly sad;  very sad, in fact.  It gives a bad impression about women in general, and a bad impression about black women in particular.  It is people like her (and her husband) that unfortunately, will likely set back race relations for decades.
Nice Deb is already reporting on the race card being played again during this upcoming 2012 election season:
posted by nicedeb at Nice Deb - 11 hours ago
Race. The race card. Racism. Race-race-race. It’s all they (expletive) got to run on these days. The word is out – Newsbusters: NYT Editorial Page Editor Calls Boehner Racist for Asking Obama to Delay Spe...

Back to the original purpose of this post.

A few months ago, I saw a film that was made in the 1940's or 1950's that was about two presidential candidates. I was a bit surprised to learn that the lobbying and corruption involved in election campaigns happened way back then, too. I can't recall the name of the movie. I did a search, thinking that the movie was called "The Candidate," (or maybe it was entitled, "The Campaign") but I still could not find it. While hunting for the  film, I searched through dozens of pages at the TCM - (Turner Classic Movies)  movie website. There are over 500 pages of films to go through!

Anyway, the point of bringing up that particular film is the fact that during a discussion about elections far into the future, one man claimed that, "one day a black man (but I think he said "Negro") will be elected president [here in America]." Next, he claimed that, "one day perhaps a woman will be elected president." I found it a bit ironic that he had predicted the order correctly.

We will just have to wait and see when the second half of that prediction comes true.


  1. Christine said: “America is in desperate need for a MOTHER to be in charge.” She also mentioned: “I could be wrong, but outbursts and attitudes” . . . “at the White House might make many people feel that women are too emotional to hold the position of president.”

    I like your boldness, and your honesty, Christine. Of course there are some who might call one who practices such straight talk a female canine.

    Not long ago, I told an elder’s mother-in-law in the congregation where I worship that a woman who is bold and honest is called a “bitch,” but if the exact same words are spoken by a man, then he most likely would be called an assertive leader.

    The elder’s mother-in-law simply said, “That is the double-standard we live under.” She then made me feel very good by telling me she loved my passion!

    Shabbat Shalom to you and your worldwide readers Christine. The light is shining much brighter on the east coast of the USA today. Keep shining on the west. You are loved! (ss)

  2. Ha ha Susan! A female canine - how nice of you to soften a label that many assertive women have been called. What woman hasn't been called that? I certainly have (unfortunately) but it was mostly hurled at me over some silly argument and such.

    The elder's mother-in-law shared some great wisdom with you! The "double standard we live under" is always there - rearing its ugly head. I'm so glad that she complimented you for your passion!

    I hear that it is warmer over on the east coast today. Enjoy!

    God bless you for always being such a positive influence in my life via this blog!

    Love in the Lord Jesus,

  3. Dear Christine,

    I love it when the ONE’s chosen people are marching step by step, side by side across the Land for such a time as this! (ss)

  4. Yes Susan, I wholeheartedly agree!

    I am reminded of what Paul said in Ephesians 6 shortly after he described "putting on the whole armor of God."

    Ephesians 6:20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. [emphasis mine]

    For such a time as this, we do NEED to speak BOLDLY; as we ought to speak for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

  5. There is a woman head of state more recent than Merkel of Germany: Julia Gillard of Australia. You also didn't mention Indira Gandhi, who like her famous father, was murdered by people who did not like her words and deeds.

    It is certainly true that women who have run for President have not gotten a fair shake from the media—FOX News included. I also agree that there are a number of reasons for this.

    ”The good ole' boys of the liberal left elitists didn't like that idea... They wanted Barack Obama, and they would do ANYTHING to get him elected. There were reports of fraud happening in the primaries which pushed Hillary aside and gave the nomination to Obama.”

    That's a surprisingly sympathetic statement from you, considering how many of your blogs in early '08 were focused on how Hilary must be stopped. You got your wish; she was...right?
    But what stopped Palin's ascendancy? It seems the good ol' boys of the conservative right elite decided she wasn't ready for prime time, which she showed by revealing how little she knew of the world outside Alaska. Among other things.
    The Republicans had Elizabeth Dole, Christine Todd Whitman, and Condoleeza Rice, among others. All smart, all experienced in large-scale politics, all well-read and well-traveled—and they offered us Palin? They deserved to lose!

    But could you tell us exactly why you think the nation has a 'desperate need' to have a MOTHER in charge? What changes do you perceive happening in this country if our leader had a uterus? Would it reduce the number of wars (or abortions)? Does being a mother give special insight on the economy that Milton Friedman and John Kenneth Galbraith don't have?
    No man is ever asked how he manages to balance both his business and his family. It's always assumed that he does. When women stop being asked that (and when they stop allowing others to ask it), there will finally be some measure of sexual equality in our politics. For now, there isn't.

    ”...during a discussion about elections far into the future, one man claimed that, "one day a black man (but I think he said "Negro") will be elected president [here in America]." Next, he claimed that, "one day perhaps a woman will be elected president." I found it a bit ironic that he had predicted the order correctly.”

    I can't imagine why you'd find it ironic. The key words in that statement were “black man”. Yes, even a black man over a woman. And if the general preference runs that way now, how long do you think it will be before an African-American, or Hispanic American, or Asian-American woman ever becomes President?
    I fear the Republic is more likely to end before that happens.

  6. GM,

    Thank you for adding those additional women to the head of state list. I was recalling (off the top of my head) a few of the more notable women who have lead their respective countries. It wasn't an exhaustive account - just a few examples.

    We could also add Benezir Bhutto of Pakistan to the list. She was murdered for the same reason that Indira Ghandi was - certain people in the country didn't like her politics; and many Muslim men probably hated having a woman lead the country.

    You are correct. I was sympathic to the UNFAIRNESS that Hillary endured - but I still vehemently disagree with her political stance. Many Democrats want her to take Obama's place and run in this election. But her loyalty to Obama is evident.

    Even though I do not like Michele Obama's politics, I still wish that First Ladies and children were left out of the political craziness, vitriole, criticism, and LIES that often surround presidential (and V.P.) candidates. It was so disgusting when the pro-Democratic media lapdogs and bloggers mocked Sarah Palin's downs syndrome son, Trig.

    GM, I think that you have fallen hook, line and sinker for the lies put forth about Sarah Palin in the media of mass deception. If you took the time to view the independent movie about Sarah Palin's life - "The Undefeated," I think that you might have more respect for her leadership skills. Then again, maybe not. Your last sentence in your comment is a good indicator that you have a terrible bias towards any women who might become a leader of our nation.

  7. Dear Christine,

    Do you think “misogyny” could possibly be a politically correct term to use sort of like female canine? Words are very powerful.

    “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander” (Matthew 15:19).

    “Words from a wise man's mouth are gracious, but a fool is consumed by his own lips” (Ecclesiastes 10:12).

    “But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean'” (Matthew 15:18).

    Of course most scriptures mean “mankind” not simply males when the word “man” is translated. Most likely it is wise not to leave women out of Holy Scripture as well as other stuff…

    No question about the following:

    The ONE G-D of ISRAEL does not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power and love and self-control (2Timothy 1:7).

    He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood and His NAME is called the WORD of GOD (Revelation 19:13).

    Much love to you and your worldwide family, Christine. I remain yours in Christ. (ss)

  8. Hi Susan,

    Looked up the meaning:

    mi·sog·y·ny   /mɪˈsɒdʒəni, maɪ-/ Show Spelled[mi-soj-uh-nee, mahy-] Show IPA
    hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women.

    I think that some men would absolutely hate to see a female president running the country. It is a fact that some men dislike women. I also think that many men (and, unfortunately, women) would mistrust a female president - ESPECIALLY if she is a Christian, conservative Republican!

    The lies and mis-information that swirled around Sarah Palin for the last 4 years has done much damage in the minds of many voters who don't know the truth about this remarkable woman! The people who did see the film (I mentioned above to GM) about her life and accomplishments had a direct positive impact upon the doubters who first entered the theater, thinking that Palin was some kind of dunce - or worse.

    Do you know that many people STILL think that Sarah said, "I can see Russia from my house" when in actuality, the actress Tina Fey said that line (while mocking Palin) in an SNL episode?

    I keep track of Sarah via her Face Book page. Her writings are spot on! Especially when it comes to the criticism of the policies of the ObaMARXIST admin.!

    GM asked why I thought that a mother would be beneficial as the leader of our country. A simple answer would be - because of the multitasking skills a mother has. Raising good, competent, educated, Bible-lead, Christian, compassionate, loving, helpful, giving, caring, independent, self-sufficient, career oriented, ambitious, kind-hearted, America loving, children into adults is one of the most honorable and difficult jobs. Add to that the skills of managing a budget, running a household, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, caring for various animals, plants, maintenance of appliances, bill paying, decorating, health care provider for the family, paying attention to what is happening in the government, those with military experience, knowing about current events and keeping an eye on foreign policy, the ability to delegate certain tasks to the right people, having a career or running a business, making a payroll etc. - we can see how certain women could easily handle the job of president.

  9. There's no question in my mind that women can 'multitask'. I've seen it often enough, from my childhood on. My mother; my sisters (who raised eight children between them); the female officers I served under during my service career; the many other women I've known.
    But that long list you gave doesn't have a single reason why you believe a mother would be better for the job than the many fathers I've known. All those things you mentioned can be done by anyone. An extra X chromosome isn't qualification enough to run a country.

    You'd better reread my last sentence in context to the one preceding it. Maybe Americans are amenable to the idea of a woman Chief Executive...but not yet, and not with the candidates offered so far. You had nothing to say about my three examples, but anyone who would choose Palin over any one of them is choosing style over substance. Even you must realize that Hilary, for all her flaws, has a better understanding of government than Palin.

    In any case, my opinion is that the US may never see an 'ethnic' woman become President. Personally, I do not care; qualifications, not reproductive organs, determine good national leaders. It's been less than a century since women even got to vote; some feel that they're moving too fast already. Those same people probably also believe Obama is “uppity”.

  10. GM,

    Where did I say that "a mother would be better for the job than the many fathers" out there? I was trying to make the point that perhaps having a mother in office would make some positive changes that haven't been previously done by male inhabitants of the office.

    Today I was reading an issue of "Women's Health" dated back in October, 2008. There were a lot of tidbits of information about the upcoming [2008] election on the back page; including a fact that I had not previously known that the very first woman to have run for U.S. president was someone by the name of Victoria Woodhull, in 1872!

    Perhaps the things I listed can be done by anyone. But how many can do them all well? Narrows down the choices, doesn't it?

    I think that your ideology gets in the way regarding Sarah Palin. You obviously won't view the documentary "The Undefeated" in order to get educated on what you do not currently know about her history. That's too bad.

    Anyway, I still think that many men would dislike being led by a female POTUS. Just my opinion, though.

  11. CJW: ”Where did I say that 'a mother would be better for the job than the many fathers' out there? I was trying to make the point that perhaps having a mother in office would make some positive changes that haven't been previously done by male inhabitants of the office.”

    That may be the point you wanted to make, but what you said was “America is in desperate need for a MOTHER to be in charge.” All of the people who have been in charge in the US have not been mothers (but most have been fathers). You still haven't explained how having a mother in charge might result in 'positive changes' that a male President could not initiate.

    ”I think that your ideology gets in the way regarding Sarah Palin.”

    Hostess, when you can post a political blog report without saying


    and similar slurs...

    Then, and only then, can you chide me about my 'ideology getting in the way'. You've got that beam in your eye again.

  12. ”Anyway, I still think that many men would dislike being led by a female POTUS. Just my opinion, though.”

    ...Oh, I agree: many men would dislike being led by a female POTUS. But for 95% of us, it wouldn't make any difference. It wouldn't lower the price of bread, and it wouldn't affect arms control.
    As I told you before, the Sergeant-Major is still the Sergeant-Major, no matter who the CinC is.

  13. Hey Christine!
    Personally I thought Michele Bachmann was the most trustworthy of all the Republican candidates. I do have a problem with her when she was asked about Obama's citizenship and she simply said something like "He showed his birth certificate and that's good enough for me." But watcha gonna do?
    Anyway, I just had to stop by and say I hope you and your family had a great Christmas and that the new year brings countless blessings for you and yours.
    From Steve
    in Texas

  14. GM,

    Let me ask you this. Do mothers make a difference within the family unit? Are such differences because they offer separate qualities than fathers do? There is nothing wrong with noting the differences between mothers vs. fathers and what each can offer that may be different from one another. Political correctness, rabid leftist feminism, anti-feminism, the push for equality in all areas of life (where such equality would be nearly impossible) intuition (or the lack thereof), faith, hope, love, honor, consistency, honesty, frugality, and an entire dictionary of differences between not only a man and a woman, but people in general, can result in positive changes that may not have been reached previously.

    I think that there can be a female version of Ronald Reagan, one of our finest presidents, but she will have obvious differences (not just physical) from Reagan.

    Unfortunately, there can be a female version of Obama, Carter, or even Woodrow Wilson (one of the earlier progressive presidents who did so much damage to our Constitutional Republic) who would wreak havoc (as the three examples above have already done) upon our nation.

    So you see, ideology DOES play a big role in leading our country in the proper direction. The far left policies that have been forced upon the American people by Obama will take years, if not decades to repair.

    BTW, do you recall that the White House Christmas tree had the image of Chairman Mao on an ornament back in 2009? Usually, people place ornaments on a tree that represent who they believe in (for me, it's Jesus Christ), what their ideology is, or who they believe was a "great leader." If Obama was in agreement to place that ornament there, then we can see that he agreed with, and/or admired, a Communist tyrant who murdered over 70 million people.

    Obama is turning our nation into what he deems as the "fundamental transformation of America," and we have seen the horrible results of his philosophy being implemented. So, the play on words of "Obamination" truly fits.

    Obama has been involved in so much corruption, which includes fraud (fraudulent birth certificate, use of a fraudulent social security number - the list is endless) so that name fits too.

    Obama believes in Marxist policies. He told the nation when he said to Joe the plumber before the 2008 election that he wants to "spread the wealth around." That was only the beginning of our woes with the big "0" as the leader of this nation.

    You know what the old saying is - if the shoe fits...

  15. Hi Steve!

    Nice to see you back here! We had a wonderful Christmas! Hope that you and your family had a blessed Christmas as we look forward to a great new year! The day that "O" (a.k.a. "zero") is voted out of office in November, 2012 will be a great day indeed!

    I agree that Michele Bachmann was one of the most trustworthy candidates. It is so unfortunate that she didn't do well enough at the Iowa Caucuses to stay in the race.

    I think that the birth certificate issue is one that most politicians do not want to touch. However, there is a new challenge in Georgia to keep "0" off the ballot there because he is not a natural born citizen. It doesn't focus on the BC, but on the fact that his father Obama, Sr., was NEVER a U.S. citizen and therefore, he cannot qualify for the position of POTUS.

    At the end of this post, I included links to some important blog posts about this:

    "We the People"
    Court: Obama must be ‘constitutionally’ eligible: Arizona, NH, TN and others to follow?

    The Right Side of Life
    GA Court Dismisses Obama’s Motion to Dismiss Ballot Challenge - Many who have opposed questioning Obama’s eligibility for President have often referred those who have questioned to legally begin questioning such eligibi...

    The Steady Drip has an excellent video presentation about it all:

    The Steady Drip

    GUARANTEED Proof that Obama is a USURPER ~ 100% sourced w/govt documents and the Founders writings! - *GUARANTEED Proof that Obama is a USURPER ~ 100% sourced w/govt documents and the Founders writings!*

    Wouldn't it be great if "0" would be deemed ineligible to run for a second term?

  16. There is an additional story at "We The People":

    The Untold Story: Elena Kagan has been running interference on Obama eligibility hearings

    The web of lies, corruption, illegality, and deception continues to be spun in this horrible administration!

  17. CJW: ”Let me ask you this. Do mothers make a difference within the family unit? Are such differences because they offer separate qualities than fathers do?”

    Of course mothers make a difference, but one does not require the other. Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu wasn't a real mother (or a real Teresa), but she made a difference. Another, real mother also made a difference—but not in a good way. Her name was...Kate Barker, I believe.

    ”BTW, do you recall that the White House Christmas tree had the image of Chairman Mao on an ornament back in 2009? Usually, people place ornaments on a tree that represent who they believe in (for me, it's Jesus Christ), what their ideology is, or who they believe was a "great leader." If Obama was in agreement to place that ornament there, then we can see that he agreed with, and/or admired, a Communist tyrant who murdered over 70 million people.” (emphasis mine -GM)

    Yeah, I remember that. The accusations came from all the usual drum-beaters; WND, FOX News, The Blaze. First, are the images genuine? One conservative website decided to look into that:
    I know you're “blinded by the Right”, but I invite you to read it anyway.
    Second, you weasel-word your way out of it with “If Obama was in agreement to place that ornament there...” Do you know that he was?
    We're not talking about a secret plan to fund foreign insurgents in defiance of government policy, unknown to the President. I ask you, DID Obama agree to put the ornament there? Even assuming the photo is legitimate?
    It was only a few weeks ago that you called for politeness from me on this blog. When I see it displayed by you, I'll be glad to contribute to it.


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