Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Religion Makes You Blind - Jesus Makes You See [Update]

“Because if grace is water, then the church should be an ocean
It’s not a museum for good people, it’s a hospital for the broken
Which means I don’t have to hide my failure, I don’t have to hide my sin
Because it doesn’t depend on me, it depends on Him.”

Awesome....simply AWESOME! God bless this young man! God is rising up young men and women like him to speak the truth in today's culture of sin, evil, and death. Individuals like Jefferson Bethke and Tim Tebow, who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives, have taken  their commitment even further than most. They put their deep faith out on the world stage for all to see and are not afraid to proclaim THE TRUTH to an oftentimes skeptical world! These young men are involved in sharing the gospel in such a way that it will reach their peers in a deeply and heartfelt way! Acknowledgement of biblical born-again Christians shows the truth being shared is genuine Christianity. At the same time, the perceived disapproval of liberal "Christians," and/or those of different religions who purposely or ignorantly dismiss God's Word, will most likely object to what the young man is saying. Those who reject the Bible, for whatever reason, might see what such true warriors for Christ are doing as "dangerous" to their fraudulent "religion." There is no doubt that such individuals (look at all the hoopla and anger spewed against Tim Tebow, for example) drive the media of mass deception absolutely crazy! But the good news is that these young saved Christians are reaching the LOST! Those who are lost but GENUINELY SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH may have previously been searching for God in all the wrong places. Whatever they had been doing (or are still doing)in regards to the their individual search for the one true God of the universe - DIDN'T WORK! But the Bible tells us that when we truly search for God - we will find Him! And the Bible tells us that we find Him through His Son, Jesus!

For more about this young man named Jefferson Bethke, and the great discussion that this video has generated, also see:

Glenn Beck.com: Jesus > Religion

Hat Tips to all links.


The controversy goes on regarding this video. Take a look at this pastor's critique:

The Gospel Coalition: Does Jesus Hate Religion? Kinda, Sorta - Not Really.

Hundreds of comments there! Here's mine:

I'm a bit surprised at this criticism, Pastor DeYoung. After all, the young man is not a pastor and I think that his video is more of a testimony than a sermon for all to follow.

Jesus DID criticize the Pharisees who appeared to be "religious" on the outside, but they were in actuality, more like white-washed tombs. This is the type of religion that Mr. Bethke seemed to be referring to - at least that is how I see it when I view the video.

Mat 23:27 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead [men's] bones and all uncleanness

Pastor, you wrote:

"I think the line about “religion says do, Jesus says done” can be misleading. Too many people hear that as “relationship not rules” when we’ve already seen that Jesus wants us to do everything he has commanded (Matt. 28:20). But if “do” means “do this to earn my favor” then the contrast is very appropriate."

I think that you overlooked the point that Mr. Bethke made about being involved in religion - going to church, and then looking at pornography - as evidence that relationship with Christ transformed him - not the rules of the church.

Of course, I'm just another person with an opinion here and you plus many others may disagree with me. It's just that I feel like you have acted like a teacher who corrected a love letter from one of the faithful in Jesus Christ.


  1. Hi Christine…

    I like the “hospital for the broken” idea.

    I recently told my Sunday school class that the CHURCH is NOT a hospital for the SICK… I said it is a living, growing BODY of the Messiah, and the MESSIAH (the ONE G-D of ISRAEL) is NOT sick!

    As a former lesbian (passive and active) for more than 20 years and a former drunk for more than 30 years, it is easy for me to say the power of God delivered me, healed me and made me well.

    It is not so easy for me to tell about how many years my transformation took as the healing from deep wounds of neglect and abuse continue to heal. The renewal of our minds is a continuous action by the miracle working power of the Holy Spirit.

    Loving you and all your worldwide readers this sunny day from the east to the west! (ss)

  2. Hi Susan,

    I agree - "hospital for the broken" applies better than using the term "sick."

    It took years of transformation for me too, and the Lord isn't done with me yet!

    As you had mentioned, we are continually being "transformed by the renewing of our minds" through the power of the Holy Spirit, as Paul wrote in Scripture. Another term for it is sanctification. Such a thing is never done - this side of heaven. But the act of redemption for us IS DONE - through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! All that is needed by each individual is to confess and repent of their sin, ask Jesus to forgive us and enter into our hearts as Lord and Savior of our lives, and live for Him all of our days.

    Jesus said:

    Jhn 14:15 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."

    A deliberate act of the will and our love for our Savior helps us to desire to keep His commandments! Even when we stumble or fail to live up to this, His mercy and grace is enough to cover us! What a wonderful Savior!

    I am still reading through Edward Hindson's book - "The Book of Revelation: Unlocking The Future." This must be the fourth reading for me. I'm in the 5th chapter which is about "Worthy is the Lamb." The chapter is so great that it is difficult to choose just one paragraph, but here goes:


    "As John the apostle turns to see Christ, he recognizes the Savior as having been "slain" (Rev. 5:6). There in the midst of the throne, John sees the only man-made things that will ever enter heaven: the wounds of Christ! He and the other apostles had seen them before on the risen Christ in the upper room (John 20:20-27). But now, the apostle sees them in the glorified Christ in heaven. The nail prints and the spear mark are still there to remind us of God's eternal love." /unquote

    There is NO GREATER LOVE! Amen?

  3. Amen “little” Sister, and of course the “little” applies to your fleshly age as compared to mine; however, we both know the Living WORD of GOD tells us about comparing:

    “For we are not bold to class or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves; but when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding” (2 Corinthians 10:12, NASB).

    The ONE CHURCH is becoming more and more powerful as we march across the Promised Land side by side in unity of SPIRIT. WE are beginning to have ONE EAR that hears the voice of the Holy Spirit.

    Last Shabbat (Saturday) when I wrote this week’s newsletter, I felt compelled to use Scripture from Revelation 5. Hope you have the time to read it. You and all your readers are loved! (ss)

  4. For some unknown reason, I didn't receive your newsletter. Could you please re-send it to me? Thanks!

  5. My words evidently were not clear to your understanding Christine… I skipped a week with the newsletter for a little break before my internship interview this week.

    The newsletter I wrote last Shabbat (Saturday) will be transmitted this coming Friday (Shabbat begins at sunset on Friday, or to be more traditional according to Jewish tradition… Shabbat begins when one can see THREE stars in the sky on Fridays.)

    Hmmm… wonder what that number 3 means??? You will receive the newsletter Friday via email… I feel privileged to have you as one of my readers. (ss)

  6. The controversy goes on regarding this video. Take a look at this pastor's critique:

    The Gospel Coalition: Does Jesus Hate Religion? Kinda, Sorta - Not Really.

    Hundreds of comments there! Here's mine:

    I'm a bit surprised at this criticism, Pastor DeYoung. After all, the young man is not a pastor and I think that his video is more of a testimony than a sermon for all to follow.

    Jesus DID criticize the Pharisees who appeared to be "religious" on the outside, but they were in actuality, more like white-washed tombs. This is the type of religion that Mr. Bethke seemed to be referring to - at least that is how I see it when I view the video.

    Mat 23:27 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead [men's] bones and all uncleanness.

    Pastor, you wrote:

    "I think the line about “religion says do, Jesus says done” can be misleading. Too many people hear that as “relationship not rules” when we’ve already seen that Jesus wants us to do everything he has commanded (Matt. 28:20). But if “do” means “do this to earn my favor” then the contrast is very appropriate."

    I think that you overlooked the point that Mr. Bethke made about being involved in religion - going to church, and then looking at pornography - as evidence that relationship with Christ transformed him - not the rules of the church.

    Of course, I'm just another person with an opinion here and you plus many others may disagree with me. It's just that I feel like you have acted like a teacher who corrected a love letter shared by one of the faithful in Jesus Christ.

  7. OK thanks Susan! I look forward to reading it this coming Friday!

  8. I once heard a man of God preach from a pulpit in one local congregation here in Columbia, South Carolina.

    He said, "Self-discipline is NOT legalism." One trait of the ONE fruit of the Spirit is self-control (Galatians 5:23).

    I am thankful for the written Word of the ONE God of ISRAEL. The WORD became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14).

    "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His NAME" (John 1:12).

    Enjoy the sunshine today Christine. The LIGHT is brignt in South Carolina this bright morning! (ss)


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