Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Republican Debate Blog Essays

Newt Gingrich's debate answers were some of the best in his career! The Fox News Channel debate was by far, the best of all of the previous debates.

The Legal Insurrection blog asks Who do you want taking on Obama, the Honey Badger or the kitten?
A good video to see on the Honey Badger!

More of Ron Paul's lunacy when it comes to foreign policy was exposed:

Ron Paul gets booed in debate:Southerners don’t want hands off approach with Islamic terrorists. - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2cb27SDmk0 Darn, I missed a really good moment in last nights debate. It’s about time that an audience let Ron Paul know how they...

Rick Santorum unleashes a devastating ad against Romney:

Although I'm leaning against voting for Perry, his answer to this topic in the debate was great:

Rick Perry: TinkleGate – Beheading Daniel Pearl - In last night’s debate, Fox News moderator Bret Baier asked Rick Perry about Marines urinating on dead Taliban. Perry had a strong, strong answer that drew...

And here is some information about Mark Levin's new book release today.  It will be a great textbook to alert the public exactly why Obama MUST BE DEFEATED in 2012!
Juan Williams GOT COMPLETELY OWNED by Gingrich!

Rick Santorum: Staying out of Poverty – How its Done: Obama Regulates At-Risk-Girls: GOP SC DebateVideo - Fox News moderator (Democrat operative) Juan Williams just can’t stop his continual blaming of the poor on Republicans. In South Carolina’s GOP debate last...

Newt Gingrich to Juan Williams: Capitalism Is Not Racist - A funny thing happened in the GOP debate in South Carolina last night. FOX NEWS’ Juan Williams implied racism in Speaker Newt Gingrich’s defense of capita...


Michele Malkin thought that Romney "deflects" and "stumbles" in the debate:
South Carolina: The final five; Update: Non-Romneys attack, Romney deflects, stumbles - Another Republican debate showdown. Fox News Channel hosts the final five GOP in Myrtle Beach, S.C. starting at 9pm Eastern. The hosts: Bret Baier of Fox N...
American Thinker asks the appropriate questions:

Mitt Romney: The Last Republican President? - If ever a candidate mirrored the mindset and approach of George H.W. Bush, it is Mitt Romney. This is the last hurrah of the Republican establishment.

Because of the failures of the Obama regime, the world has become a much more dangerous place with the Middle East is now fully dominated by the radical element of Islam. As in the Balkans in the early part of the twentieth century, a minor misstep or misunderstanding in this region could ignite another global conflict. China, despite its own internal fault lines, is determined to exert its power and influence not only in the Far East but throughout the globe. A worldwide financial meltdown in the next 12 to 18 months is not out of the realm of possibility.

At no time in the past 150 years has the nation needed a bold and decisive leader that could not only initiate change but be honest with the American people.

Yet the current governing class and in particular the Republican establishment is treating this election cycle as if it were no different from any other during the past sixty years. Their reaction to the Tea Party movement is indicative of this mindset, as they choose to denigrate and dismiss this grassroots uprising as just another passing crusade by conservative ideologues. They fail to understand that the appeal of Ron Paul is that he is willing to stick it to the ruling class. The primary concern of the establishment, either Republican or Democrat, is to retain power through the control of the purse strings, and to put off any difficult decisions while "compromising" with the opposition.

The campaign strategy of Mitt Romney mirrors that of all the past moderate nominees chosen by the Party. The formula: speak the language of the conservative majority in the Party, claim only a moderate can get elected, divide the vote among the conservatives running for the nomination, mobilize the media to destroy any real conservative challenger, and overwhelm these same challengers with money from the deep-pocket establishment contributors.

The only criterion for people running for president should be: what have they actually done and accomplished in their previous jobs or positions? If there is one lesson to take from the Obama 2008 campaign, it is that relying on words and image can result in choosing a man that is a disaster for the country.

Mitt Romney, by his actions in Massachusetts both campaigning for the U.S. Senate and as Governor, has shown himself to be more than willing to compromise with the Left and the Democrats. He has proposed and passed the socialist RomneyCare policy, pro-abortion regulations, and gun control, and raised numerous taxes and fees while increasing spending dramatically. During the current campaign he refuses to call Barack Obama what he is; instead Romney refers to him as just "being over his head."

If ever a candidate mirrored the mindset and approach of George H.W. Bush, it is Mitt Romney.

This is the last hurrah of the Republican establishment. The conservatives and libertarians will vote for Romney in November, but only because he is not Barack Obama. There will be no enthusiasm, which will hurt the down ballot contests for the U.S. Senate, the House and state governorships. Despite the factors weighing against Obama in this upcoming election, it will be a much closer contest that it should be; perhaps a razor thin victory for Romney.

If Romney were to lose the election, there will be a grass-roots revolt against the Republican Party which will spell its demise. If he wins and the nation, through the mis-directed policies of Romney and the Republicans in the Congress, continues on its current path of compromising and nibbling around the edges of the nation's problems, then Romney will be the last Republican president and the specter of the Democrats re-assuming power will be a reality.

This is not only the most important election for the nation in over a century but also one that will determine the fate of a political party founded in 1854 in opposition to slavery and the corruption in the Democratic Party.

Hat tips to all links.

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