Saturday, January 28, 2012

Rick Santorum: Faith, Family and Freedom

As a Christian Conservative (note what comes first in that label), it is true that I cannot expect to have the luxury of voting for the perfect candidate in 2012. As I had stated previously, I wanted to cast my vote for Michele Bachmann in the Republican primary here in the state of California, but she has since dropped out of the race. I also liked a lot of what Herman Cain was saying in the earlier debates, but the scandal (true or untrue) shoved him out of the race. I am now left with a choice between four men - two of which are now considered "front runners," and two others who have night and day differences (Santorum; Paul) in many policy issues.

I have hated seeing the bickering at the last two debates between Romney and Gingrich. They should be aiming their fire against Obama - not each other!!

I am now leaning towards voting for Rick Santorum. I love the slogan he chose for his campaign: Faith, Family and Freedom.. I think that he holds many of the views that I and the TEA Party Patriots (at least those that I protested with against Obama in 2009) hold dear in our hearts, minds, and souls.

The thunder of success for Santorum wasn't realized immediately after the Iowa Caucuses because Romney was incorrectly announced as the winner. Romney appeared to squeak by in first place with just 8 or 9 votes over Santorum's tally. But after a recount, Santorum was declared the winner with a much larger vote margin.

I watched Rick during an interview with Sean Hannity last night. I liked everything he said during the recent CNN debate and I personally think that he won the debate - hands down. Even though the bickering front runners always seem to get all the publicity, Rick trudges along and has no intention of dropping out of the race. He was so excited to announce that his campaign had recently raised $250,000.00. He has had the least amount of money, but has done, and continues to do, all the hard work (like in Iowa) to get people at each primary stop to listen to his message. I have been listening all along, too, and I like what I am hearing from him. He is straightforward, truthful, and unafraid to express his conservatism on social issues (e.g. pro-life, pro-traditional one man and one woman marriage) no matter how much the leftie lunatics tear their hair out and scream their bigotry at him.

Some of the television pundits are saying that Mr. Santorum doesn't have a chance to win the nomination. Really? What's more, they claim that if he did win the nomination he would lose to Obama. Is that so? How do they know?

Living in the state of California is a surreal experience. There are many Christian Conservatives in my area, but other parts of the state are so virulently progressive leftist, our state always turns out handing our electoral votes to the Democrat. Some of these "I will vote for Obama no matter how much he has trashed our country these past 3 years" can be spotted because they still have Obummer stickers from the 2008 election on their cars.

Back when Gray Davis (Democrat) was ousted as governor, so many Republicans voted in Arnold Schwarzenegger. I just could not pull the lever in the booth for him. I knew he was a RINO - or even worse a Democrat in RINO clothing. I voted for Tom McClintock, even though people said, "he doesn't have a chance." They were correct. People were going for the 'celebrity' on the ballot and look at what a absolutely awful financial catastrophe that clueless 'celebrity' ended up causing in our state! His personal life as a dirt bag cheating husband was awful, too.

I look back at that time and can STILL say that I am still proud of my vote for McClintock.

Ironically, I was reading some comments in a thread about Newt Gingrich over at Legal Insurrection, and found some people discussing Arnold and McClintock:

Rose | January 27, 2012 at 3:59 pm
I would add that we elected Schwarzenegger in California because he was ‘electable’ and look what happened… Dem light. No strength. None of the principles he articulated so beautifully in his speeches. We thought he was one who ‘got it.’ But – in the end, nothing.

We missed our chance to have elected McClintock – who was the real deal, who had the actual knowledge and commitment to do the right thing. Who had walked the walk and done the work in the trenches.

I have no doubt that Mitt Romney is a good and honorable man, and a good businessman – but Newt knows how Washington works, and how to get things done, and he has enough personal arrogance to stand up to any who try to derail his efforts to reform the government to actually get the job done.

I’m not in favor of voting in another Schwarzenegger.

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Log in to Reply JimMtnViewCaUSA | January 27, 2012 at 4:14 pm
Oh man, that brings back painful memories.
I still wince when I think that I voted for Ah-nold instead of Tom McClintock when I had the chance. Ouch, ouch ouch!

When I recall voting for Ah-nold vs voting for the Dem hack-of-the-month, I don’t feel regret though.

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Log in to Reply Sherlock | January 27, 2012 at 4:19 pm
I voted for Arnold too, not because I didn’t like McClintock better but he really had no chance. In retrospect, Grey Davis wouldn’t have been worse..

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Log in to Reply Rose | January 27, 2012 at 8:49 pm
Gray Davis was way worse, another nasty campaigner. Schwarzenegger had potential, but he turned – into a Democrat.

But we can’t blame the governor – any governor – it is the fault of the legislators who have driven the state into bankruptcy. They set the budget, they decide on the spending, they decide to steal the money from counties and then dole it back in the form of grants, raking off the top, and decimating county budgets, pass spending mandates that cannot possibly be met… and yet they get reelected over and over again.

The Democrats should be run out of office on a rail, not to return for 50 years, as punishment for what they have done here.

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danihgh | January 28, 2012 at 3:22 pm
That is what happens when you accept liberals who are pretending to be conservatives in order to get into power. Schwarzenegger was never a conservative and didn’t turn in to a democrat he was always a democrat, just pretending to be something else.

When I look as Mitt Romney, I see Arnold Schwarzenegger. I big government progressive who is playing conservative until he gets in office and then his true colors will come out.

I will not vote for Mitt Romney, the GOP establishment needs to be taken out, even if that means 4 more years of Obama.

If Mitt Romney wins the nomination everything we fought for in 2010, all the rallies, all the establishment Republicans we defeated in the primaries, etc.. will be for nothing.

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Log in to Reply MadCon | January 27, 2012 at 4:03 pm
And then California tried to run the “electable” Meg Whitman against “Moonbeam” Jerry Brown and Whitman got beaten by 13 points.

Romney=Whitman and Moonbeam=Obama.

Ahh yes! The Whitman vs. Brown election will now inflict even MORE taxes on our heavily burdened (and one of the highest levels) state. *Sigh* wonder the state is so "blue" - matches the sadness of our residents when the fruits and nuts of this state continually lead us in the direction of Sodom and Gomorrah, death to unborn babies, and financial crisis year after year after year!!

Back to a happier topic - my discussion about Rick Santorum.

I also think that Rick Santorum's wife would be a wonderful First Lady!

No matter what happens, I pray for a special blessing upon Rick Santorum, his lovely wife, their children, and their campaign efforts in this volatile election year of 2012. May God continue to bless them, may God bless and save our beloved nation, may God bless our military, and may God bless our nation's people - even though we don't always deserve His great mercy and grace!


  1. CJW: ”...People were going for the 'celebrity' on the ballot (Schwarzenegger) and look at what a absolutely awful financial catastrophe that clueless 'celebrity' ended up causing in our state! His personal life as a dirt bag cheating husband was awful, too.”

    ”I have no doubt that Mitt Romney is a good and honorable man, and a good businessman – but Newt knows how Washington works, and how to get things done, and he has enough personal arrogance to stand up to any who try to derail his efforts to reform the government to actually get the job done.”

    Hmmm...nothing about Newt Gingrich's personal life as 'a dirt bag cheating husband'. I guess the personal life of the candidate doesn't matter as long as the ideology is agreeable to you, eh?

  2. I am also praying for Rick Santorum. It drives me NUTS that those who claim to be TEA party conservatives turn around and endorse Romney or Newt. Meanwhile, Rick Santorum is being ingnored. And, how do the pundits know who will or won't beat Obama. I believe that they only way Obama will win is if Republican "sore losers" refuse to vote if their candidate is not running. God help us if Obama gets another four years. God bless Rick Santorum.

  3. Hi Darlene,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I guess the TEA Party members are a diverse bunch and will probably never agree on a candidate. Some are more concerned with beating Obama, and will take any RINO in order to do so. It's a sad state of affairs. I agree that Obama needs to be defeated. Our nation will not survive as a Constitutional Republic if he gets four more years to destroy America.

    There is an article out that GeorgEVIL Soros thinks that Romney is a like a clone of Obama! Now THAT'S a scary thought!

    Speaking of RINOS and fake Conservatives, do you find this meeting disturbing? The explanation of the meeting sounds fishy - unless the "meeting of power brokers" is another Bilderberg one - then it makes sense. I will probably be discussing all of this in my next post.

    Back to the topic.

    There is an article about Rick's daughter who was hospitalized recently. He had to cancel some of his events this morning to be with her. It was heartbreakiing to read the article about his daughter Bella. It brought me to tears. Here's the link:

    Santorum takes break from campaign trail as daughter is hospitalized

    Sometimes it is difficult to get a true sense of someone's heart, but this statement tells me a lot about Rick and his relationship with his disabled daughter:

    "I look at the simplicity and love she emits," Santorum said in a web video his campaign released after his scheduling drew questions, "and it's clear to me we're the disabled ones."


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