Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Diane Sawyer Is Factually Inaccurate About Islam on 20/20

Oh my gosh!!! I am only through the first nine minutes of the video Answering -
Whitewashing Islam: 20 Errors on 20/20
, and it is UNBELIEVABLE HOW FACTUALLY INACCURATE hostess Diane Sawyer and the entire group of people being interviewed on the segment were on the ABC program!

Just goes to show how terribly WRONG the media of mass deception can be when they DON'T REALLY KNOW THE SUBJECT MATTER or, are TRYING TO PROMOTE A PROPAGANDIST TYPE OF PROGRAM to an unsuspecting public!

While typing this, I have been listening to the rest of the video. It's such a propaganda tool FOR Islam and the terrorism that is used both overtly, and covertly, in order to lull the American public into complacency about the so-called "religion of peace." The misnomer of "myths" about Islam included in the broadcast would be humorous if this wasn't such a serious topic!! The 20/20 program was so unbelievably biased against America and FOR Islamic lies -  it is ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDING!!!

Unfortunately, I am currently unable to re post the video at this blog, so please visit Answering - Whitewashing Islam: 20 Errors on 20/20 and view the video.  I encourage you to return to this blog with your thoughts, comments, and opinions about what you saw and heard on the video!

Hat tip:

Answering Muslims


  1. Anony from 09 here again-- (Thanks for adding the link, Christine!)

    The only reason I'm suprised by the level of ignorance/taqqiya in this video is how long it has been since 9/11, or even 7/09 (London) and STILL the leftists can't get it through their heads that islamists want to kill us. They tell us so, they tell their own community daily, kill the kufir, kill the Jews. Leftists think that trying to be nice to muslims will change anything? Look at history. Just look at it. Then, if you have the stomach, read the koran. (The real translation, not the taqqiya fluff pushed by CAIR or ISNA.) Peaceful? Tolerant? Nope, you're not gonna find it there.

    Leftists either 1) have their heads in a place that isn't on top of their necks; or 2) think they can ally themselves with islam to destroy Western civilization. The problem with that is that the lefists seem to believe that islam will let them alone to be all progressive & "enlighted" and they won't have to deal with nasty religious types any more. Um, well, just ask the Copts how well siding with the muslims against the Jews in Egypt worked out for them.

    Not so much.

    And we've got politicos from ALL points of the spectrum taking money and supporting/encouraging this continuing whitewash of a danger the Feds are *bringing* to our country. (Hey, yeah, great idea! Let's import villages of somali muslims wholesale and settle them all in the same cities!)

    I am so tired of this, but we have to keep speaking out with truth. And have a different slate of politicos voted in this year.

  2. Anony,

    You are most welcome regarding the link!

    What a terrific comment on the subject of leftists thinking that they could be so "politically correct" about Islam and not end up being stabbed in the back by the radical element that wants to kill us ALL!

    Back in 2010, I posted a photo from an anti-Israel rally in San Fransicko. See this post:

    Thank You S.F. Liberals - You Die Last

    I think that the photo explains, in just one picture, what you have stated:


    "Leftists either 1) have their heads in a place that isn't on top of their necks; or 2) think they can ally themselves with islam to destroy Western civilization. The problem with that is that the lefists seem to believe that islam will let them alone to be all progressive & "enlighted" and they won't have to deal with nasty religious types any more. Um, well, just ask the Copts how well siding with the muslims against the Jews in Egypt worked out for them.

    Not so much."

    That sign and it's meaning is a visual image of the IGNORANCE of leftists who think that they can get Islam "on their side," pursue their lousy progressive crapola here in the U.S., and then live to celebrate it!

    I must admit, when I first saw that sign, I wondered why someone like that would march alongside thousands of San Fransicko liberals in the same parade and brazenly hold such a sign. It didn't make much sense. I didn't completely understand it. I thought it was odd. I wondered if it was just a joke? Then, I learned about the taqiyya ways in Islam and it all made sense!

    Here is another post that describes the unholy alliance between Bilderberg and Islam:

    Chilling Thought: Islam or Bilderberg?

    This morning, Fox has a story about Islam infiltrating our public schools:
    Colorado student quits high school choir over Islamic song praising 'Allah'

    Where will the INSANITY end???

    Thanks for stopping by and adding so much to this post! I hope you will continue to visit and comment here!

  3. When I talk with people who are just starting to catch on to what is REALLY happening all around us, they get this very scared look on their faces. Previously, they probably poo-pooed the idea that radical Islam or the Bilderberg group are pulling strings behind the scenes because the media of mass deception keeps the TRUTH away from their broadcasts.

    For those who are not familiar with the Bilderberg group, it is just one branch of the New World Order that is at work spinning its evil plans to take down America.

    If you go to this site:

    Commie NEW WORLD ORDER and scroll down about 2/3rds of the way, you will see many postings about the Bilderberg group on the right side of the page.

    Hmmm....I just tried to view the video link provided that said, "Ron Paul Comments on Bilderberg Meetings" and it reads:

    "This video is no longer available because the uploader has closed their YouTube account.
    Sorry about that."

    I wonder why? What was Ron Paul's position on the Bilderberg meetings?

    I know that several of my fellow bloggers in my sidebar support Ron Paul for the GOP nomination, but I can't do it. His stance on foreign policy is terrible and quite naive. His attitude that "if we just leave the Muslims alone - they will leave us alone" is, quite frankly, foolish, ill-advised and actually childish!

    Anyway, the Commie site is chock full of information that you certainly wouldn't find out from the lamestream media. Of course, you need to weigh what is written at the links with what is known as truthful analysis, but much of what they link to there shares information that the progressive-owned media WON'T SHARE WITH YOU!


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