Friday, February 03, 2012

A Proud Moment for Senator Rick Santorum in 1999

Another great reason to support former Senator Rick Santorum for the Republican nomination for President of the United States. On the heinous subject of abortion - he is the exact polar opposite (thank God!) of Obama!

Nice Deb writes:

I’ve always said that President Clinton’s most shameful legacy was his two vetoes of the partial birth abortion ban, after it was passed by Congress. Yes, there was quite a bit of competition for the “most shameful legacy of the Clinton Legacy” award, but the partial birth abortion ban vetoes were especially despicable.

Hat Tip:

Nice Deb


"And where does a decision like this come from? It comes from the poisonous well of keeping something like this legal!"

The Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act was finally passed, and signed into law by President Bush in 2003.

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