Thursday, March 22, 2012

Defeat Obama in 2012

What a GREAT sign! And, from what I have been reading at the two links below, 10,000 of them will be put up across the nation! WOO-HOO!! THAT ought to get the Dems panties in a twist!!

First heard about it here:

Sarasota City Responds to Defeat Obama Sign Controversy

Defeat Obama’ sign draws ire of Obama mega-fundraiser, mega support from readers
posted by William A. Jacobson at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 4 hours ago
Reader IGCBlogger sent an e-mail with the subject line “not a bumper sticker” and wrote: Prof: Sorry I’m not a particularly good photographer, but this says “Defeat Obama in 2012″. I took it a few days ago...

More about this story here:
Sarasota City Responds to Defeat Obama Sign Controversy


Caren Lobo, wife of an Obama administration official, requested Sarasota, FL, government remove the "Defeat Obama in 2012" sign, but the city attorney says it's not an election sign.

It's big, and it has the words Obama and 2012 on it, but what the "Defeat Obama in 2012" sign isn't is an election sign, according to Sarasota, Florida's city attorney.
As noted in the public email records for the City of Sarasota, City Attorney Robert M. Fournier has decided that the "Defeat Obama in 2012" sign located at 50 N. Tamiami Trail can stay because it is not considered an election sign meaning that it does not endorse a person running for office nor does it support a specific political party. The sign was installed by Bird Key resident and investor Michael Fox.

Read it all here:


I put that sign in my sidebar today!!!

Hat tips to all links.


Update: Just finished reading a comment by a Dem at this link:

Sarasota Democratic Party Chairwoman Rita Ferrandino issued a statement via e-mail saying: "Wealthy Sarasota investor Michael Fox spent a $1 million in January for a downtown property and then hangs Defeat Obama sign. No wonder why the 99% are so upset and support Obama."

Oh. MY. GOSH!!! Could we all just have a field day responding to THAT bunch of BULL**** AND HYPOCRISY???!!!

Let's start a "knickers in a twist" countdown!!!


  1. Ha haaaa! "knickers in a twist" countdown!! My dear Christine, I love it!
    I love the sign that guy put up, and yeah the left's panties are in a "twist" for sure.
    Did you notice the part where the Caren Lobo who's a Democratic fundraiser and the wife of an Obama administration official claims to be a "lay person"?
    And the not so subtle threats to the city attorney by Dick Lobo is typical of the left.
    Heck, I'll send Fournier and Fox some financial support if the weasels get outta hand.
    That's a good find Christine. Thanks for posting it.

  2. It's the best sign ever!! We can use it right now - even before the Republican nominee is revealed.

    Last night, I also found a story about how the Democrat Primary of 2008 was fixed in favor of Obama. Plus, the truth is that Bill and Hillary Clinton were the original "Birthers"!!

    Looking for the links now.

    Found it!

    I first heard about it here:

    Citizen Wells: Bill Clinton Barack Obama Not Eligible, Bettina Viviano Hollywood Producer interview, DNC Pelosi Dean Reid committed fraud, Obama stole 2008 election

    There is a long video interview with Bettina Viviano that reveals all who were involved with the fraud.

    A link to The Birther discussed that
    "Hollywood Producer Bettina Viviano: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not Eligible."

    Additional links from there include
    Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates?

    I wanted to do a post about this but didn't get around to it yesterday. It might be "old news," but yesterday was the first day that I have ever heard about Bettina Viviano and that video interview.


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