Wednesday, March 14, 2012


On March 27, Kirk Cameron’s new film “Monumental: In Search of America’s National Treasure,” opens in 550 theaters nationwide for a one-night screening he hopes will move Americans to defend their nation against tyranny.

The “Monumental” trailer:

WorldNetDaily article excerpts:

In the film, Cameron traces the suffrage of the Puritans, who were persecuted like Catholics, by British King James I. As most Americans know, eventually some Puritans braved the Atlantic Ocean and fled to America. Those who survived the brutal sea voyage then had to brave other hardships in their new country.

Cameron’s movie title comes from a little-known monument commissioned by the U.S. government, which says: “National Monument to the Forefathers. Erected by a grateful people in remembrance of their labors, sacrifices and sufferings for the cause of civil and religious liberty.”

Cameron’s film also opens on the second day of Supreme Court hearings about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed into law by Barack Obama. Numerous plaintiffs, including 26 states, will argue the law is unconstitutional. Some, such as Liberty University, believe the law violates their First Amendment rights to good conscience and religious liberty.

Cameron didn’t time his movie release for the Supreme Court hearings, so WND asked the Christian filmmaker if he thought the date came about due to God’s providence.

“Ultimately, I think that everything is providential but clearly this is very, very interesting to see that these cases are being heard at the same time that this movie comes out,” he answered. “I think it can only help to bring awareness to the subject that our country’s headed down a road that is very scary and if we don’t wake up and get involved and pay attention to what’s going on, and follow the recipe that our forefathers – the men and women who built this country – left for us, there are laws of cause and effect in place.”

To that end, Cameron opens “Monumental” by saying: “There is something seriously sick in the soul of our country. If you leave a nation long enough, history tells us that eventually there will rise up some kind of tyrant, some kind of leader, who will enslave his people.

“Why would America be any different?” he asks.

“I’m hoping that people will get a sense of excitement to walk in their shoes, so-to-speak, and feel they understand who our heroes were.”

What, then, is America’s national treasure? In Cameron’s eyes, it’s her people
On March 27, “Monumental” premiers in movie theaters nationwide at 7:30 PM ET, 6:30 PM CT, 5:30 PM MT and 8 PM PT – and tickets are available online.

Read it all at WorldNetDaily

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