Friday, March 02, 2012

What Is Right About Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer | FrontPage Magazine

I never thought that I would ever hear about a Daily Kos Kid making a 180 degree turn from his radical leftist/pro-Islamist ideology! But today, I found one!

Mr. Eric Allen Bell has written an absolutely riveting account of his journey from the the left's "romance with tyranny and terror" through discovering what two political warriors (Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer) on the right of the blogosphere have done to expose what Islam is REALLY all about. This man has put down the CAIR propaganda Kool-Aid.  In his essay over at FrontPage Magazine, he reveals how has used his own research to back up his decision to abandon his "not-thinking" ideology so often spewed by the political left, and tells how the often painful journey actually freed him from the errors and mindset that the left used to keep him in darkness and away from the truth .

What Is Right About Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer FrontPage Magazine


[Editor's note: The article below is written by Eric Allen Bell, a filmmaker who was recently banned from blogging at  the “Daily Kos” because he wrote three articles that ran afoul of the mindset there, specifically naming “” as a “terrorist spin control network.” Don't miss Eric Bell on Frontpage's television program, The Glazov Gang.]

I write this mainly for the benefit of so many of my Liberal friends.  I know you have good hearts, but have been badly deceived by your peers and leaders when it comes to the threat of Jihad, and the character of those few brave individuals, who have had the courage to risk everything, to stand up for liberty and human rights…

In the summer of 2010 I was invited to write an article for Michael Moore.  I was in production on a documentary I was calling “Not Welcome” regarding the backlash against construction of a 53,000 square foot mega mosque in the middle of the American Bible Belt.  His endorsement gave me a huge boost with the Hollywood crowd.  Having worked in the entertainment industry for years, this was not my first film, but it was to be my first documentary.  So when I went on to write a few more articles for the wheels were greased for me to get into a room with the right people, and secure the finishing funds I needed to complete post production.  And if there is one thing Hollywood loves (almost as much as congratulating itself), it’s the story of an innocent minority group being wrongly persecuted, preferably in the South, especially if the antagonist happens to be the Religious Right.  And as my editor and I assembled the first 25 minutes, of the 300 hours of footage shot, this film promised to deliver just that.  “Wow, I really wasn’t expecting this.  I would like to thank the members of the Academy, Michael Moore and the Prophet Mohammed for making all of this possible…” 

But then the winds changed direction.  It seems that fate had issued a Fatwa against my perfect plan.  The Arab Spring sprang into action and ruined everything, as it degenerated disappointingly into the Islamist Winter.  It was as if I had been slapped upside the head by reality, thus knocking off my blinders and causing me to ask a lot of inconvenient questions.  I was left wondering if there was perhaps more to the story of so-called “revolution” than what had been portrayed on Al Jazeera and “Democracy Now with Amy Goodman”.  You can read more about this in an article I wrote for Front Page Magazine here: “The High Price of Telling the Truth About Islam”.

I took a second and more critical look inside Islamic scripture, comparing and contrasting the countless acts of Islamic terrorism, with specific commands to carry out these violent and barbaric attacks on innocent infidels as ordered in the Koran, the Hadith, and the Sunnah.  And after much difficult soul searching I had realized I was making more than just a documentary.  I was making a terrible mistake.   So I went back to my backers and told them how I had changed the outline of the documentary, to include a critical examination of the violent dimension that informed so much of the Islamic world today, and throughout history, and how desperately this story needed to be told, and I consequently lost the backing to my film.
As a writer who had written over a hundred articles for The Daily Kos, a liberal blog which receives about a million visitors a day, I wrote 3 articles outlining what I had learned about Islam, it’s execution of homosexuals and how hundreds of millions of women around the world were living under Islamic gender apartheid.  I called attention to this as a human rights issue, human rights being in theory a big concern among Liberal audiences.  The warm reception that followed included being labeled a “bigot” a “right winger” and an “Islamophobe” in the hundreds of subsequent reader comments, demanding that my “hate speech” be banned.  And after that the Islamophobia watchdog site, created a link for readers to write directly to the editors of DKOS, demanding my voice be silenced.  And I was immediately banned from ever writing for The Daily Kos.

In the weeks that passed I received many “goodbye” texts and emails from friends letting me know that we were no longer friends.  I saw my name get smeared in print – lies, misquotes, distortions, character assassination. named me the “Loon At Large”

(UPDATE: Since appearing on the Michael Coren show and telling my story about how Loonwatch put my name out on the street in the Islamic world, Loonwatch has since pulled that article from their site.  Thank you very much Michael Coren!).

My friend count on Facebook took a hit.  My blog, which has had over 23 million visitors and  usually receives at least a million visitors per month, got hacked over and over for weeks before my traffic rebounded.   And, many of my subscribers left the site, telling me that I was “spreading intolerance and ignorance”.  On donations and ad revenue I took a massive financial hit.  For so many who had known me for so long, I had become nothing more than an “intolerant hate monger”

In the process of defending myself from all of these accusations, in a desperate attempt to distance myself from those names that had become synonymous with “Islamophobia” at least in my circle, I made critical remarks about Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller – comments meant to distinguish myself from the real “hate mongers” but comments that turned out to be uninformed and just simply just not true.  I thought they were true at the time.  But having only recently sipped from the well of knowledge, I had not yet flushed all of the Kool Aid out of my system.

For example, in a Daily Kos piece (before my excommunication for blasphemy) I wrongly lumped Pamela Geller in with Pastor Terry Jones, a religious zealot who preaches burning the Koran.  A simple YouTube search will yield no shortage of remarks made by Geller, stating she opposes the burning of books, all books, and that furthermore she is not anti-Muslim, does not advocate persecution or hatred of Muslims, and even goes so far as to point out that it is in fact Muslims themselves, who are the biggest victims of Islamic violence.  The number of times she has spoken out for the hundreds of millions of Muslim women, who suffer under gender apartheid alone, is evidence that Pamela Geller is not a hate monger, but rather a fearless advocate for human rights – including the rights of Muslims.

It is amazing, the human capacity for seeing only what we want to see.  And it is especially humbling, I can tell you, when one identifies that unattractive quality within oneself.  But the freedom that comes with trading in your cozy conclusions for difficult questions is well worth the cost.  Everything is up for grabs.  You evolve.

[Continue Reading HERE.]


Knowing that there are currently hundreds (if not thousands) of liberal leftists in our government running (more specifically -  RUINING) our country through their drunken, propagandized CAIR Kool-Aid stupor should be HIGHLY ALARMING to the majority of the American people.

As the author of the video (that I have shared several times on this blog) had stated regarding Of Mosques and Men: Reflections on the Ground Zero Mosque" :

"Come out of the cave America - it's dark in there."

How great it is to know that at least one former cave dweller took his advice! It is up to us to share his story. Would you now do your part and consider sharing this post with everyone you know?

God Bless!

~ Christine

Hat tips to all links.


In a related story, I find it appalling, but not surprising, that the Daily Kos BIGOTS would reveal their collusion with the Westboro Baptist "church" crazies.  But they just did!!  Recall that the media of mass deception never revealed (except for Fox News) that the "leader" of the hate group (which isn't genuinely Christian or genuinely Baptist) is a Democrat???

Mr. Bell must be gratified that he had " sipped from the well of knowledge," and has now flushed all of the Kool Aid out of his system.
He admitted (in his article):
It is amazing, the human capacity for seeing only what we want to see.  And it is especially humbling, I can tell you, when one identifies that unattractive quality within oneself.  But the freedom that comes with trading in your cozy conclusions for difficult questions is well worth the cost.

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