Wednesday, April 25, 2012

GBTV‘s ’Rumors of War III’ Examines Strategic Islamist Penetration of U.S. at The Highest Level [Update 5]

I watched GBTV's Rumors of War III tonight and it was quite shocking to see how far the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government at the highest levels!!

Here is the two minute trailer:


Hat tip for videos: Pat

You can sign up for a FREE 14 day trial of GBTV  and see this documentary.

Rumors of War III Target U.S.

PLEASE view this important documentary!!  And then share it with everyone you know!

More information at: The GBTV‘s ’Rumors of War III’ Examines Strategic Islamist Penetration of U.S. at The Highest Level

Hat Tips:


Also see: Glenn -  General Boykin: Terrorist Front Groups Gaining Influence in America


Update 4/26/11

While viewing Diana West's blog, I found out that there was a National Press Club broadcast that included Frank Gaffney, LTG William G. "Jerry" Boykin (USA ret.) and LTG Harry Edward Soyster (USA ret.) I am searching for a link to the video.   [Update:  Have not been successful at finding a video of the National Press Club broadcast.  Requesting help from anyone who knows where it can be found.]

Also, Frank Gaffney has a FREE 10-part course on The Muslim Brotherhood in America.

We must educate ourselves people!!!

Please at least read key findings: Muslim Brotherhood in Key Findings

I urge everyone reading here to watch the documentary and then spread this story far and wide to warn people of the dangers involving Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in America  that his current administration is trying to hide from the public!!!

Update 2:

Another video can be seen here:


Update 3:

Michelle Bachmann on Glenn's radio show this morning:

Glenn Michelle Bachmann on Rumors of War III


Update 4:

The Blaze: Want to Know More About the Militant Islamist Groups Exposed in ‘Rumors of War III’? This Companion Profile Tells You


On Wednesday evening GBTV unveiled the highly anticipated special, “Rumors of War III, Target U.S.” The documentary examined how radical Islamist groups including Hamas, Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood, are gaining a foothold in America, be it via the growing threat of Mexican drug cartels or the infiltration of Muslim Brotherhood mouthpieces in the U.S. government. Given that the Obama administration has essentially declared the war on terror over, it seems some have chosen to dismiss the power, reach and actual motivations of these militant groups. In order to understand the threat, however, one must understand who these Islamists really are — their roots, ideology and ultimate stated goals.

(Related: Want to Know Just how Close the Muslim Brotherhood Is to the Obama Admin?)


Update 5

American Thinker: Frank Gaffney's Warning and Video Lesson for America


  1. I'll watch it.

    Let's see if it makes my eyes bleed.

  2. I would watch it ... but I have too many major problems with Mr. Beck. There's no doubt the Muslim Brotherhood has a very real presence within our government. Sigh, it's just too bad that the greater threat for the U.S. is occupying the White House right now ...
    If Obama gets four more years what he's done in the first four will be nothing.
    Hope you're having a good week.

  3. GM,

    Glad to read that you will watch the documentary. I plan to watch it again because there is so much information to absorb the first time around. It will be interesting to see your opinion on what is presented.

  4. Steve,

    I understand. But does it make a difference to know that Beck isn't even in the documentary? Those interviewed in the film include David Horowitz, Rep. Allen West, General Boykin, Diana West (to name a few) plus many others who had access to knowledge (like incidences at the border) about the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood. The media is NOT covering ANY of this.

    After the documentary, Beck had a panel discussion with Boykin, Diana West, and two others. It was very eye-opening to find out what is going on behind the scenes because the media of mass deception refuses to report it. It now makes more sense to me that the Obama admin. changed the War on Terror to that lame "Overseas Contingency Operation."

    Anyway, if you change your mind, I would love to hear your opinion on it.

    P.S. It will be interesting to see if Bill O'Reilly, former "buddy" of Beck's, will talk about this on his show. I doubt it because the Saudi owners at Fox probably won't allow it.

  5. Update added to front page:

    While viewing Diana West's blog, I found out that there was a National Press Club broadcast that included Frank Gaffney, LTG William G. "Jerry" Boykin (USA ret.) and LTG Harry Edward Soyster (USA ret.) I am searching for a link to the video.

    Also, Frank Gaffney has a FREE 10-part course on The Muslim Brotherhood in America

    We must educate ourselves people!!!

    I urge everyone reading here to watch the documentary and then spread this story far and wide to warn people of the dangers involving Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in America  that his current administration is trying to hide from the public!!!

  6. Okay, just for you and no one else!
    I'll try to check it out this evening if I can get outta here some time today! I started at 1 a.m. and it's almost 3 p.m. right now with no end in sight!
    Oh well, I can't/won't complain at all!

  7. Readers:

    Please see updates done on the front page; including videos posted and links to additional webpages and videos.

  8. Wow Steve - you are overworking yourself! Get some rest!

    Check out my original post again. I have added two video excerpts from the documentary and many more links to written information about it all.

  9. When a guy is in bed with every enemy America has, it's only reasonable to assume that he too is an enemy--president or not.

  10. Hi Bob Mack!

    Excellent point! I took a look at your blog and put it on my "Important Daily Reads" list.

    I see that you are a veteran. Thank you for your service to our country.

    I pray every day that the enemy in The People's House will be charged with treason and led away in handcuffs to jail. If Sheriff Joe Arpaio's investigation gains enough momentum, maybe my prayer will be answered. But if that doesn't happen, then the next best thing is to vote him (and all the commies in the Senate and House) out.

  11. Okay, I watched it and my eyes didn't bleed.

    It's actually quite good, in that it raises a lot of profiles that might otherwise remain submerged, but it still smells too much like a 1950s ”Red Menace”-type documentary.

    The dream of an Islamic Caliphate will remain a dream as long as there can never be agreement about who will lead it. It's been tried before, in other clothes (Holy Roman Empire, anyone?), and it proved to be a useful fiction which was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire. It did not unite Europe, it did not ensure peace amongst its members, and it took Napoleon to finally put an end to it. What does a land like Serbia have in common with Indonesia, really? Islam notwithstanding, nothing. The Muslim nations tend to be even more tribalistic than the Western ones.

    David Horowitz says Islam is “a religion which is attempting to create holy governments, holy states, that follow Islamic law as interpreted by Islamic theologians and religious leaders.” Maybe it's just because I'm a 'god-hating' skeptic, but I don't see any real difference between that definition and the one Christian Reconstructionists declare.
    Frank Gaffney noted in the video that Americans' ”...concept of freedom is not, and never can be, consistent with the political forces sweeping across the Middle East.” Gee, if he'd said that ten years ago, we could have saved many lives and even more money! Instead, we used some excuse to 'liberate the Iraqi people' after we failed to find the WMDs we supposedly went there to seize. I don't recall hearing of any Iraqis, anywhere, asking us to liberate them before 2004. Do you?

    Gaffney's key points (which you referred to) reinforce my view: there's just not that much difference between Reconstructionism and sharia. Each claims a divine mandate to infiltrate society, and subvert and eventually usurp all elements of that society. Each has a holy Supreme Book which will regulate all laws and supersede any others. Each claims an agenda to extend its reach across the planet, and all who resist it are to be converted or destroyed.
    And of course, neither system allows for people like me; either way, my only choice would be death by decapitation or death by stoning.

    I told you two years ago what the results of an EMP attack would be. I still don't understand why you claimed Obama might be planning to 'shut down the internet' using such a method!

    (more to come)

  12. (concluding)

    Rep. Allen West, interviewed before he 'outed' fellow Congressmen as Commies, sounded like a reasonable, concerned guy in this documentary. Maybe he still is...but since he didn't name any names, why should anyone believe him? Surely he isn't afraid of being sued for slander, is he? I also noticed the fish symbol on his desk nameplate, so I don't suppose his outlook is, um, dispassionate.

    One thing I accuse the producers of not following up: this Mr. Hussein who was appointed to the State Department in early 2010. Assuming he was uncovered, who found him out? Has he been formally charged, and what exactly are those charges? Most importantly, is he still at State? Those are natural questions to ask, and RoW3 doesn't attempt to answer them.
    Yes, some of what is mentioned here should be more widely known. Some of the rest has been known for a long time. But despite the sinister background music and quick cinematic cuts, at the end of the day all we're left with is...rumors. Just like your god said there would be.

    It's amazing how so many Christians are being led around by a man most of them wouldn't call a Christian! It was wise of Glenn Beck not to appear on camera; he knew people would take this rather less seriously if he had. So...we've got a Mormon media superstar influencing tens of millions of non-Mormons, and a Mormon who is more-or-less officially the GOP's contender for President.
    Infiltrate the society, subvert its citizens, influence its laws...gee, doesn't that sound like...?

    BTW, Diana West plainly said that “Islamo-fascist” is a nonsense term. If you want to keep on using it, I can't stop you--but it'll give me reason to believe that it's not the only nonsense you speak.

  13. GM,

    Regarding the Islamo-Fascist connection, I guess you didn't read my reply to your comment in the previous thread, so here it is:

    Christinewjc said...
    I don't even need to explain the connection between radical Islam and Fascism. Pat Dollard exposes it!


    Excerpted from The Blaze: On Wednesday evening GBTV unveiled the highly anticipated special, “Rumors of War III, Target U.S.” The documentary examined how radical Islamist groups including Hamas, Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood, are gaining a foothold in America, be it via the growing threat of Mexican drug cartels or the infiltration of Muslim Brotherhood mouthpieces in the U.S. government. Given that the Obama administration has essentially declared the war on terror over, it seems some have chosen to dismiss the power, reach and actual motivations of these militant groups. In order to understand the threat, however, one must understand who these Islamists really are — their roots, ideology and ultimate stated goals.

    The Muslim Brotherhood: “Jihad is our way”

    Founded in 1928 by Egyptian schoolteacher and staunch Adolf Hitler admirer, Hasan al-Banna, the Muslim Brotherhood is no new-comer to the game of radical Islam. In fact, the Sunni group is considered the oldest and most powerful Islamist organization in the world to date. It is the ideological predecessor of Hamas, Hezbollah and even al Qaeda. Active in at least 70 countries around the world (some estimates claim 100), the Brotherhood’s long-stated purpose is to provide resistance to the secularization and westernization of Islamic nations by promoting the tenets of the Quran and its “legal” framework, Shariah law. Further, its ultimate goal was to be the destruction of non-Islamic states through jihad — or holy war — resulting in the establishment of an Islamic caliphate — one that would eclipse the whole of the western world and beyond.

    April 26, 2012 1:16:00 PM PDT

  14. TB: ”Given that the Obama administration has essentially declared the war on terror over...”

    Yeah? Like the same way the Bush Administration declared victory in Iraq? (No, I haven't forgotten that lie.)

    Hasan al-Banna may have been an admirer of Hitler, but the only part of Hitler's ideology he adopted was the “death to the Jews” part. In any case, Fascism originated in Italy, not Germany. Given your poor grasp of history, I'm not surprised you don't know that.
    Nor did you answer my request. I didn't ask for a 'history' of Islamo-fascism, I asked for an definition of it. If you can't explain it, you shouldn't be using it—especially when an author you like to quote describes it as a 'nonsense term'.

  15. Ms. West is entitled to her opinion about the term Islamo-Fascism. I don't agree with her that it is a "nonsense term." The fact that Hasan al-Banna was an admirer of Hitler shows by whom he was influenced.

    You always claim that Hitler was a Christian. In your view then, he combined Christianity with Fascism. Of course, true Christianity is anathema towards Fascism, but true Islam can easily be partners with Fascism due to it's cruelty and brutal ideology.

    Islamism is more than a "religion." It is a political movement that is intent on destroying Jews and Christians, as well as all other infidels.

    You accuse me of having a "poor grasp of history." Well, it appears that you don't know much about Islam and their methods of fooling so-called "friends" via the doctrine of taqiyya (a.k.a. lying for the sake of their ideological advancement) and their stated goals that were summarized in this paragraph:

    the Brotherhood’s long-stated purpose is to provide resistance to the secularization and westernization of Islamic nations by promoting the tenets of the Quran and its “legal” framework, Shariah law. Further, its ultimate goal was to be the destruction of non-Islamic states through jihad — or holy war — resulting in the establishment of an Islamic caliphate — one that would eclipse the whole of the western world and beyond.

    Take the blinders off and come out of the cave, GM. It's dark in there.

  16. Like I said, fascism did not originate in Germany. Yes, Hitler did combine his version of fascism with his version of Christianity. The result was National Socialism. The Bible cursed the Jews, and the Nazis took it to its logical conclusion, by killing them. Does not the Muslim Brotherhood despise Israel, and seeks to kill Jews as well?

    Yes, of course 'true Christianity is anathema towards Fascism'. So, what is true Christianity™, and who has it? Why don't all the other sects calling themselves Christian have it? They pray to the same god, they read the same book (well,'d know about that personally), they have the same beliefs that God is three-in-one, that he created the universe, that he'll eternally torture those who reject him, etc. Or are you claiming that there are only true Christians, rather than true Christianity?
    It sure is funny hearing you talk about 'true Islam' when all you can say about it is that it's a cruel and brutal ideology. No, it isn't. It's a cruel and brutal religion, differing only in degree from some other religions I could name.

    CJW: ”Well, it appears that you don't know much about Islam and their methods of fooling so-called "friends" via the doctrine of taqiyya (a.k.a. lying for the sake of their ideological advancement)...”

    Yeah...I wonder, who taught 'em that? Christians have for centuries said the very same thing about Jews (and cherry-picked quotes from the Talmud to 'prove' it); there was never any of this 'Judeo-Christian' talk until well after WWII.
    Actually, in Islam, Muhammad allowed for three (and only three) exceptions to the rule of truth-telling:

    Lying is not permitted except in three cases:
    (1) a man’s speaking to his wife to make her happy;
    (2) lying at times of war; and
    (3) (3) lying in order to reconcile between people.

    No, I don't know much about Islam. If I knew more, I couldn't reject it more. Like I said, I'm damned by both your cults.
    But I'm getting off track. You wanted to know what I thought of WoR3; now you do. Some of what's in it needs to be circulated more; some of it is paranoid fantasy, fed by someone else's paranoid fantasy. They should just put the facts out there, and let the viewers draw their own conclusions, instead of trying to steer them one way or another.

  17. GM,

    Arguing over who is right about the Islamo-Fascist designation won't get us anywhere. What I would like to ask you is - don't you think it is troubling that the MSM isn't reporting on this issue? That includes Fox News! Since O'Reilly is still friends with Beck and has him appear on The Factor occasionally since Glenn left Fox, I wonder whether or not Bill will allow Glenn to share any information about the documentary?

    My guess?

    A big fat NO.


    Because the Saudi investors at Fox probably will prohibit it! So much for "the no-spin zone."

    Do you ever watch MSNBC? They are in the tank for Obama and "steer" their audience away from any decent debate of the Republican/Conservative views and agenda. They head straight towards the far liberal leftist ideology on all of their news shows. When another point of view is brought up, they only ridicule and spew hatred. So much for honesty and allowing viewers to "draw their own conclusions."

    Did you look up the definition of taqiyya?

    Please go educate yourself about the use of this deceptive tactic over at Answering Muslims.

  18. CJW: ”What I would like to ask you is - don't you think it is troubling that the MSM isn't reporting on this issue? That includes Fox News!”

    Yes, I think it is. I think that certain people IN the government are thinking about it, and possibly even trying to do something about it, but I also think the government as a whole is more concerned about not alarming the populace. That's not necessarily a good thing.
    You're of the opinion that this Administration isn't merely bad, but actively evil! You call it a 'gangsta government', you accuse the President of actually colluding with the enemy, you deny his legitimacy in every way you can. A 'mass event' (that's the fashionable phrase now, right?) would play favorably in the GOP's hands, wouldn't it? Obama failed in his job to protect the citizens of the country... that's what I'd hear all over the airwaves.

    Do you ever watch FOX News? They are in the tank for the GOP and "steer" their audience away from any decent debate of the Democratic/Liberal views and agenda. They head straight towards the far right ideology on all of their news shows. When another point of view is brought up, they only ridicule and spew hatred. (“Cut his mike!” is not a phrase associated with anyone at MSNBC.) So much for honesty and “fair and balanced" reporting.
    See, Christine, that knife cuts both ways.

    However, the networks that own the news no longer appear to be interested in informing us. They exist largely to sell us cars and toothpaste and investments and a thousand other things we never had before, we don't really need, and can't live without. The last outpost of truly impartial electronic media, to me, is PBS—and every year people try to cut its budget because something they report on offends someone.

    I know what Taqiyya is, but it's all the same to me; lying in the name of one's god is always considered honorable by that god's followers. I have no Muslim friends, and I'm pretty sure you don't either, but I'm pretty sure we'd be deceived by them just as much—or as little--as by any Christian.

  19. GM,

    I think that you are absolutely correct that "the government as a whole is more concerned about not alarming the populace."

    I think that this is the same reason why many will not discuss the Obama ineligibility issue. WND has a column up that tells the story about a GOP lawmaker: Eligibility too scary to take on

    Fears investigation would be 'biggest constitutional crisis since Civil War'

    I think that resolving that issue will only happen after Obama is out of office.

    At least Fox News has liberal viewpoints on their shows. MSNBC only has harpies for liberalism on. If a liberal bloviates (which often happens - it's just in there blood I guess) and dodges the actual questions, I think that the interviewer has the right to to challenge him/her on it.

    Doesn't PBS lean liberal? I don't watch it, but have often heard that it is a liberal bastion of propaganda. Doesn't Bill Moyers appear on that station? He is as rabidly liberal leftist as one can get!

    The difference between taqiyya in the Islam religion vs. "lying" in any other is the fact that taqiyya isn't considered going against the religious doctrine, but lying IS going against the Christian faith.

  20. I have been checking out my backlinks from my stats page and it appears that millions of posts have been placed on the Internet since the GBTV broadcast of Rumors of War III.

    Here are some examples of what people typed in to reach my blog post on this topic:

    gbtv rumors of war 3 .eu.

    That one only had About 32,400 results.

    But check this search out on Bing!

    glenn beck rumors of war iii

    That search came up with 21,600,000 results! Talk Wisdom is on page 2 in that search.

    Then there is a search for gbtv rumors of war iii, youtube. The results on that came to 13,800 results.

    Looks like there is a HUGE interest in this documentary! But again, will ANY network in the Lamestream media have the courage to cover it?

  21. Well of course a GOP lawmaker 'fears' an Obama investigation would be [the] 'biggest constitutional crisis since the Civil War'. A Democratic lawmaker, OTOH, might feel those words are just demagoguery.

    CJW: ”I think that resolving that issue will only happen after Obama is out of office.”

    Nope. First, because it's a non-issue, even now.
    Second, when Obama IS out of office, GOPpers will no longer want to pursue the matter, saying we should “put it all behind us” and “look to the future”. Especially if there is a Republican in the White House again. They won't want to set a precedent that may come back to haunt them in a future administration.
    Remember the Starr (aka Whitewater) Report? Seven years and seven million dollars spent on investigating Clinton, and after all that time the worst they could find was that he'd lied about Monica. No drug-dealings. No murder of Vincent Foster. No auctioning of government positions. The 'Pubs lowered the bar with that one; they have no desire to see those same attacks applied to them. They'll say, “Obama's gone now, let's forget about it” and no one will ever mention 'investigation' again.

    ”At least Fox News has liberal viewpoints on their shows.”

    Really? There used to be a show called Hannity and Comes on FOX; Comes isn't in the show, or the title,'s that so-called liberal viewpoint now? Has O'Reilly learned that cutting off the mike of someone with an opposing viewpoint is neither fair nor balanced?

    ”Doesn't PBS lean liberal? I don't watch it, but have often heard that it is a liberal bastion of propaganda. Doesn't Bill Moyers appear on that station? He is as rabidly liberal leftist as one can get!”

    If you don't watch it, then you don't know for yourself, do you? You don't know about PBS or Bill Moyers, then. Jim Lehrer also appears on that network, and I've never heard anyone accuse him of being a liberal. (As if that was a bad thing!)
    In any case, PBS still has to fight to maintain its funding every year, simply because they're not in the business of selling cars and toothpaste. If you're not accepting advertising money from Company X, then you're not obliged to say nice things about Company X.

    Paul seemed to think lying was okay, if done in the service of his god (1 Cor 9:20~22); just how different is that from taqiyya? Lying is lying, whether or not it's sanctioned by a religion. Wrapping it in a divine shroud doesn't change that.


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