Friday, May 25, 2012

None Dare Call It Conspiracy

No comments from readers on my previous post so far...even with that catchy headline!

I can't blame anyone for not being willing to sit and listen to the 2 hour radio show podcast link at Youtube regarding the ILLEGAL, thoroughly anti-constitutional executive order that Obama signed back in March. Besides the dozens more complaints about what is in it (all important, of course), would it surprise readers to learn that it literally gives Obama dictatorial capabilities to declare martial law and confiscate food, water, energy, etc. from residents personal property when an "emergency" is declared?

Don't believe me? Then you will need to listen to the podcast to see how dire a situation it would be for ALL AMERICANS if the implimentation of that executive order happens! It would effect EVERYONE, people!

This is NO JOKE and I fear that Obama will use it to somehow create either a reason not to hold the election in Nov. 2012, run a false-flag operation here in the homeland, manufacture another crisis (like Soros did with the economic crisis in 2008), start a war, or any other type of event that would give him the power to become the new Hitler here in America.

You can label me a "conspiracy theorist" if you want to. But I think that Obama and his ilk would do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to maintain the power, wealth, and influence that he now seems to enjoy - to the detriment and destruction of our beloved country!

During the podcast, I heard of an author named Gary Allen who wrote a book years ago that might be considered prophetic today. It is called, "None Dare Call It Conspiracy." I plan to get the book and read it.

All I can say to readers regarding this post is - what you don't know WILL hurt you!

There are several great reviews at the site, but this one is one of the best:

20 of 20 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars Wake Up!, February 6, 2010

By Brian (Tacoma, WA) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: None Dare Call It Conspiracy (Hardcover)

Beginning in October 2008, several private Wall Street banks received taxpayer bailouts totalling over $6 trillion (and counting). This is not by accident. The word "conspiracy" has gotten a lot of bad press; it is an idea which has been targeted for ridicule. It is a word we have been conditioned to recoil from. We have been trained to reject anything called a "conspiracy" instinctively, without considering the merits of the information being presented. In most aspects of our lives, we recognize it is in our best interest to ask questions, be skeptical, and base our decisions and actions on as much information as possible. "Caveat emptor" (buyer beware), "look before you leap", etc... are well-known principles. Yet if somebody suggests that many of the problems presently facing our nation are due to the influence of a highly secretive banking cartel, we have been trained to dismiss this idea with no further investigation. Sadly, it is the case. It is a matter of public record that the Federal Reserve Bank system is not a government institution (no more "federal" than Federal Express), rather privately owned by a handful of very wealthy families.

Have you ever heard of an organization called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)? If you look into it, you will discover that ever since the 1960's, every Presidential administration- Democrat or Republican- has had a large percentage of CFR members on their staff. What does this signify? Considering the power they wield, why isn't more attention paid by our "watchdog" media?

Did you ever wonder why Democrats and Republicans bicker endlessly, but once they are elected to office, they basically follow the same policies? When a politician comes along who differs with the narrow Right-Left monolith, (s)he is ridiculed or ignored. (e.g. Ron Paul, Tammy Duckworth, Dennis Kucinich).  [I would add Sarah Palin ~ Christine.]

Did you know that the Russian Revolution was primarily funded by Western bankers? On the face of it, that is absurd, since Communists claim they would take the assets of the wealthy, and redistribute them to the poor! What could possibly explain such behavior?

Were you aware that while millions of people lost their fortunes in the stock market crash of 1929, a small clique of the very wealthiest families in this country (Rockefellers, Morgans, Melons, Loebs, and Harrimans) were safely out of the markets when the crash hit? What did they know that the rest did not?

I could go on all day. There are literally thousands of instances I could point out which show clearly that the worlds of politics and finance do not operate as they claim to. Their driving principles have been obscured from the public. This book explores the history, philosophy, and function of the shadowy, secretive, insular, and unaccountable institutions which really run the world: the Federal Reserve System, the Bank of England, the CFR, and their international counterparts in the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and countless others. The ultimate goal of all these groups is to centralize wealth and power into the hands of a very small number of American and British banking elites. The book elucidates how worldwide socialist movements over the past 100 years were intentionally created or supported by this Western banking cartel, for the purpose of establishing a world political-financial system.

The European Union, NAFTA, CAFTA, the African Union, and the widely discussed (sometimes denied) North American Union are all manifestations of this concerted effort. Gary Allen's insightful narrative describes many (not all) of the milestones this effort has passed over the past century, including the the secretive drafting of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, passage of the graduated federal income tax, establishment of tax-free "charitable" foundations (by the Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford families), and the 1907 stock market crash- which was planned and executed by (Rothschild collaborator) J.P. Morgan.

In this age of the Trans-Texas Corridor, discussions about replacing the US dollar with a multinational "Amero", and $750 billion taxpayer bailouts of private Wall Street banks, it is very late in the game. President George H.W. Bush spoke of an imminent "new world order" in a speech in 1991. That phrase has been discussed for decades in private think tanks. However it has been packaged to us (usually as a United Nations-led "partnership for peace" or a "brotherhood of nations"), this new order has at its heart a monopoly on the creation of currency in the hands of a small banking cabal. As has been shown in nation after nation, if this is allowed to happen, monopolies in manufacturing, communication, transportation, and all other significant economic activities will follow, and that is itself just a transitional stage on the way to estabilshment of a world totalitarian dictatorship.

The book is a short 138 pages, but if you read it, you will never see the nightly news in the same light again.

One more:
35 of 40 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars None dare take it seriously, August 9, 2005

By Luna Dante "luna dante" (USA) - See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)

This review is from: None Dare Call It Conspiracy (Hardcover)

This is one of those subjects so maligned and so ridiculed in the ultra-liberal university system, it's taken for granted that what is discussed here is paranoid fabrication.

I read this first as a teenager. Futher reading on the various connections made, studying world history, and keeping up with world events has made me realize that it was one of the most important things I've ever read.

A lot written on the subject of conspiracy is hysterical misinformation. This book is the antithesis of that. It is simple, serious, and very calmly put forth.

When you read about the Tower of Babel, Alexander the Great, and Napoleon, you clearly see that people don't change; nothing has changed, only the cast of characters.

As I write this, we are one step closer to the objective. As you read this, we'll be closer than that. Everyone chooses what to believe instead of believing what's always been true.
Any readers here recall Obama's comment that was captured on tape via a phone call where he stated, "The powers that be want Romney."

Now, it depends on what was meant by that. Did it mean that these "powers" believe that Obama can defeat Romney at the polls? Did it mean that Romney is, (as Soros was quoted as saying) "not much different than Obama?"


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