Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Spy Behind Enemy Lines

The title of this post comes from a paragraph within an essay written my Jack Cashill over at American Thinker.  He is the WND reporter that exposed the clear evidence that Obama didn't actually write the book "Dreams From My Father."  The evidence that he gathered revealed that the author was most likely the domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers.

Anyway, within the article below, Cashill reveals Obama's bloviated and trumped up former career resume, as well as the fact that the statement, "behind enemy lines" was also used in Bill Ayer's other book:


The most interesting "tell" in the 1991 Acton & Dystel brochure relates to what was said about Obama's career in the business world. Obama, the reader learns, "worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation."

In Dreams from My Father, Obama inflated his stint at Business International even more and transformed it into a faux moment of racial awareness, one of at least a half-dozen concocted racial melodramas in the book. As Obama tells the story, a "consulting house to multinational corporations" hired him and promptly promoted him to the position of "financial writer."

Here, he felt like "a spy behind enemy lines," and a guilty one at that. "As far as I could tell," he adds, "I was the only black man in the company." He does not boast of his racial uniqueness. Rather, in full grievance mode, he considers it "a source of shame." Indeed, the whole experience troubled him:

I had my own office, my own secretary, money in the bank. Sometimes, coming out of an interview with Japanese financiers or German bond traders, I would catch my reflection in the elevator doors-see myself in a suit and tie, a briefcase in my hand-and for a split second I would imagine myself as a captain of industry, barking out orders, closing the deal, before I remembered who it was that I had told myself I wanted to be and felt pangs of guilt for my lack of resolve.
As early as July 2005, however, former co-worker and Obama fan Dan Armstrong revealed Obama's whole account to be a "serious exaggeration." Obama worked at not a multinational corporation, but a "small company that published newsletters." He was not the only black person who worked there. He did not, as claimed, have his own office, wear a jacket and tie, interview international businessmen, or write articles. He mostly just copy-edited business items and slipped them into a three-ring binder for the company's customers.

Are we supposed to believe that Goderich not only changed Obama's birthplace from Hawaii to Kenya, but also transformed him from a grunt filling three-ring binders into a "financial journalist and editor"? /unquote

Also note:

In Fugitive Days, Ayers' 2001 memoir, he uses the phrase "behind enemy lines" almost literally to describe his and his comrades' quiet infiltration of the opponent's position. Wife Bernardine Dohrn has said the same in public. When the Weather Underground declared its state of war with the United States in May 1970, Dohrn warned that people fighting "Amerikan imperialism" all over the world "look to Amerika's youth to use our strategic position behind enemy lines to join forces in the destruction of the empire."

The bottom line is this: Obama has been creating and shifting identities his entire adult life. If the agency brochure was a snapshot of the 1991 Obama, Dreams captured him in his 1995 pose: hip, black, progressive, wounded by racial slights but able to overcome them, just the man to lead Chicago into the 21st century, then the extent of his and Ayers's ambition for him. /unquote

Excerpt from Cashill's American Thinker article:

May 19, 2012

Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No 'Fact Checking Error'

No sooner did the literary agency brochure in which Barack Obama was said to be Kenyan-born surface than the media went to work to deep-six it.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me - an agency assistant at the time," Miriam Goderich, now a named partner in the literary agency, Dystel & Goderich, wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News, which was then picked up ABC News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

This confession rings false to the point of preposterous for any number of reasons. Let us start with the obvious. At the time, 1991, the Acton & Dystel agency listed 90 clients, Obama among its least significant. How likely is it that Goderich would have remembered enough about a 1991 "error" to know it was hers, especially since it went uncorrected through several revisions until changed in 2007? To make this claim credible, there would have to be an existing paper trail leading to an Obama submission in which he lists an Hawaiian birth. I am confident that there is no such submission.

Former publisher Tom Lipscomb does not buy Goderich's explanation for a New York minute. "As someone who has run a number of top bestseller publishers, I think this is an amazing MIRACLE," writes Lipscomb emphatically on Power Line. "It is the ONLY case I have ever heard of in which an editorial assistant INVENTED a biographical detail. I have heard of typos, wrong dates, misspellings of names. But to pick a really weird country of origin like Kenya for an author?"

The Breitbart people followed up with a piece by Steve Boman, a Jane Dystel client in the mid-1990s, who noted, "All material she used in our proposals came directly from me and my writing partner." This is standard. In the eight books I have written under my own name, I have reviewed all biographical information sent out about me either by agent or publisher. Like most authors, I have let a little fluff pass, but not much.

The most interesting "tell" in the 1991 Acton & Dystel brochure relates to what was said about Obama's career in the business world. Obama, the reader learns, "worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation."

In Dreams from My Father, Obama inflated his stint at Business International even more and transformed it into a faux moment of racial awareness, one of at least a half-dozen concocted racial melodramas in the book. As Obama tells the story, a "consulting house to multinational corporations" hired him and promptly promoted him to the position of "financial writer."

Here, he felt like "a spy behind enemy lines," and a guilty one at that. "As far as I could tell," he adds, "I was the only black man in the company." He does not boast of his racial uniqueness. Rather, in full grievance mode, he considers it "a source of shame." Indeed, the whole experience troubled him:
I had my own office, my own secretary, money in the bank. Sometimes, coming out of an interview with Japanese financiers or German bond traders, I would catch my reflection in the elevator doors-see myself in a suit and tie, a briefcase in my hand-and for a split second I would imagine myself as a captain of industry, barking out orders, closing the deal, before I remembered who it was that I had told myself I wanted to be and felt pangs of guilt for my lack of resolve.
As early as July 2005, however, former co-worker and Obama fan Dan Armstrong revealed Obama's whole account to be a "serious exaggeration." Obama worked at not a multinational corporation, but a "small company that published newsletters." He was not the only black person who worked there. He did not, as claimed, have his own office, wear a jacket and tie, interview international businessmen, or write articles. He mostly just copy-edited business items and slipped them into a three-ring binder for the company's customers.

Are we supposed to believe that Goderich not only changed Obama's birthplace from Hawaii to Kenya, but also transformed him from a grunt filling three-ring binders into a "financial journalist and editor"?

READ IT ALL: American Thinker

Cashill concludes:

No one would have challenged Obama's biography had he not gone beyond Chicago, but he did. And so where he was born matters, and whether he even wrote his own biography matters, too. As much as I know about Obama, I don't know pretend to know the answer -- at least to the first of those two questions.
"The Spy Behind Enemy Lines" is highly descriptive of Obama.  It helps explain and describe Obama's attempt to completely dismantle the United States of America and turn it into a socialist/Marxist/ Islamo-fascist dictatorship under his "rule."  God forbid!!!  He's done enough damage already - he needs to be booted out of office PRONTO!
Hat Tip:  American Thinker and all links.


More to read:

WND: Arpaio Reacts to Latest Obama-Kenya Connection

WND: Cashill: BHO'S Ever-Changing Story



  1. It is amazing to me that there are conservative bloggers that refuse to lood deeper into the matter for fear of being labled a "birther." Thanks for keeping the fires of truth seeking alive.

  2. I agree, Barb. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

    Getting to the truth about Obama probably won't happen until he is out of office and the executive order that he signed regarding keeping his past hidden will expire.

    The media of mass deception didn't do its job in 2008, and they won't do it now in 2012. Thank God that millions of people have been awakened to this monster's treasonous activities via the Internet blogs and talk radio.

    Obummer and his ilk have been exposed. More and more Americans are learning of this administration's determination to undermine our way of life in order to dismantle the U.S.A.

    I keep praying that the "powers that be" (Bilderberg?) will fail in their attempt to install this fraud again in 2012.

  3. I like the fire of truth (Matthew 3:11).

    Shabbat Shalom! (ss)

  4. Hey Christine;
    Yesterday I heard Rush Limbaugh claim that Obama himself falsly claimed to have been born in Kenya so that he could take advantage of opportunities not available to regular black U.S. citizens.
    Another guy, Doug Ross said about the same thing. That claim is about as ignorant as it gets. Conservatives won't question this fraud. You know you gotta wonder just what kinds of threats and intimidation people like Limbaugh, Levine, Beck, Hannity etc have been subject to about Obama's birth records ... to never bring it up. I will say this that it's gotten to the point that Obama could hold a press conference and announce that he was born in Russia and he's gonna burn the United States down if he's reelected ... and the same folks will vote for him and the media will just convince everyone that he just mis-spoke.

  5. I like Steve’s line of reasoning. Scripture tells us about Jesus, the Messiah:

    “…and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Revelation 5:9).

    “After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb” (Revelation 7:9).

    Christ is the answer for everyone in the world today, no matter what race or ethic group. My prayer this hour is for the ONE God of heaven and earth to give us eyes to see and ears to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. (ss)


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