Tuesday, May 15, 2012

True Discernment: Jesus, The Days of Noah, and Same Sex Marriage [UPDATE!!]




In Christ,


I find it quite interesting that some black pastors have been bold enough to state that their congregations won't vote for Obama again because of his obvious flip-flop over "gay" marriage.  A narcissist like Obama would think that he has most of the black vote "in the bag" because 95% of black voters voted for him in 2008.  However, now that Obama has turned his back on God's Word concerning this matter, we are seeing that the reason why is not because of any kind of "evolution" about the issue (Obama was for homosexual "marriage" back in the 1990's, but shifted his position for political reasons when he ran for senator and then president), it was done for the purpose of raising huge amounts of money for his re-election campaign.  With millions of blacks unemployed, underemployed, and living in poverty (because of Obama's failed economic policies), Mr. Zero knows that he needed to go where the money is - rich homosexual supporters.

Joe Fuiten, pastor of the Cedar Park Church in Kirkland, Wash., said Obama's support for gay marriage will not change deeply held beliefs. "He decided he had to do it to get his liberal base behind him again," said Fuiten, "but it's not going to play well in the country."

I think it had more to do with the fact that going gay means more green - as in the color of money - for Obama's campaign. Obama would sacrifice some of the black vote for all of the gay vote; simply because there is more money to be had by doing so.

According to BuzzFeed, an online journal:

Already, gay donors, mostly men, reportedly constitute 1 in 6 of Obama's top fundraisers known as bundlers. And in the first 90 minutes after the news broke Wednesday, the campaign received $1 million in spontaneous contributions, a Democrat told BuzzFeed.
Most observers think of the Obama campaign as cash-flush, but campaigns -- particularly failing ones -- tend never to have enough money. And if Mr. Obama's fundraising network includes more than a few gays as bundlers, it doesn't hurt to energize these super-activists.

Moreover, the gay marriage issue resonates throughout liberaldom. And young people are more inclined to support -- or tolerate -- gay marriage. Hence, the president is hoping for ancillary benefits from flipping and flopping.

One interesting note from the Washington Post after the 2010 midterm elections. Jonathan Capehart reported that, per exit polling, 3% of the ballots cast in 2010 congressional elections were cast by gays. Nearly a third of the gay vote went to Republican candidates. That represented a 4% increase in support by gays for Republicans from 2008 (and an 8% increase from George Bush's 2004 tally).
In other words, the trend line, however modest, has favored increased support for Republicans from gay voters. Gays care about jobs, the economy, and government debt, too.

That slippage in gay support for Democrats was noted at a lesbian online journal back in December 2011, which anticipated Obama's gay marriage about-face.

Obama claims to be Christian. But almost everything he does in his political life turns out to be the most startling, anti-Christian, anti-Bible, anti-Christ, anti-moral-values types of moves that are typical of those who hold to political expediency over true faith, convictions, and obedience to the God of the Bible.   Obama would go so far over the cliff that he has announced his intention of repealing The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)!

To the liberal minded, such an obvious disconnect between Obama's professed claim to Christian faith and the total lack of Christian values doesn't really matter. However, there are some Democrats who are alarmed about Obama's chances for re-election. When the Kool-Aid drinkers notice how quickly Obama is losing ground in this election, then we KNOW for a fact that his re-election campaign is in deep trouble.

I think that Obama is in serious trouble.

Most biblically-based Christian voters will not vote for him in 2012. Why? Because God's Word means more to them than "coolness," "color of skin," "likability" or whatever other reason they may think might be a reason to vote for him in 2012.

Bible-based Christians know how the God of the Bible regards marriage as a foundational institution created by Him for the purpose of bringing together one man and one woman to be "as one."   We are to procreate within the bonds of life-long matrimony. Children need a mother and a father and are raised better within that most ideal situation. Please know that my purpose in stating this is not to disparage single moms or dads. But it is a fact of life that children do better when their parents are married; especially when they are raised in a good Christian home setting.

Back to why certain biblically-based black pastors reject homosexual "marriage."

I have written several blog posts about this subject over the years, but one of the most powerful discoveries that I have found is in my post entitled As In The Days of Noah Revisited. You will also find several important additional links within that post.

One of the most startling discoveries (for me, personally, highlighted in bold below) can be found in the following excerpt:

1. True Discernment: Jesus, The Days of Noah, and Same Sex Marriage informs us further:


Jesus said in Luke 17:26-30, “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when Son of man is revealed.”

Jesus being a first century Rabbi, like most Jewish teachers, coupled Sodom with the flood generation as a typical image of evil. His intent was to inform his audience that at His second coming the conditions of the world would mirror Noah’s days and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

As in the Days of Noah

The Midrash Rabbah Genesis is a specific form of rabbinic literature of ancient Judaism commentaries of the Hebrew Scriptures. It is based on the interpretation of the Torah (Old Testament). It speaks about the subject of same-sex marriage during the days of Noah.

The rabbis wrote in the Midrash Rabbah Genesis that the flood in Noah’s day was primarily triggered when males starting writing marriage deeds with other males, and between men and beasts (bestiality). Based on the account of Midrash Rabbah Genesis, same-sex marriages took place during the days of Noah. There was nothing new under the sun and this is stated by Solomon in Ecclesiastes 1:9. Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah is synonymous with the destruction of the flood generation in Midrash Rabbah Genesis. It states in the Midrash Rabbah Genesis that Lot pleaded all night for mercy for the Sodomites, and that the angels permitted him to plead for them. But once the people said, “… bring them out [the angels] so we may have sex with them,” mercy ran out. The angels told Lot, “for now on you have no right to plead anymore.” Judgment was sent upon Sodom. Flood water was the judgment of God on the people in Noah’s day. Fire and brimstone was the judgment against Sodom and Gomorrah.

The blog author explains that the book of Enoch is not inspired, and thus not part of the canon of Scripture, however the book of Jude contains some quotes from it. Enoch is being used by the author as a good reference resource.


The book of Enoch was written before the birth of Christ and although it is not an inspired book, it is a good resource. Parts of it are quoted in Jude 14-15. 2nd Enoch 34-1, 3-4 states, “God convicts the persons who are idol worshipers and sodomite fornicators, and for this reason he brings down the flood upon them. And all the world will be reduced to confusion by iniquities, wickedness and abominable fornications. That is, friend with friend in anus, every other kind of wicked uncleanness which is almost too disgusting to report, and the worship of the evil one. And that is why I shall bring down the flood onto the earth, and shall destroy everything, and the earth itself will collapse in great darkness.” Second Enoch states that perverse homosexual relationships were the main cause of the flood. Both Midrash Rabbah Genesis and the second book of Enoch state that God frowns on homosexuality in cultic prostitution, and in so-called “loving consensual” homosexual relationships. So don’t believe the liberal Christian theologians, gay-affirming churches and inclusionists. Homosexuality and same-sex marriage are an abomination in God’s eyesight.

I was pleased to see that the author linked to my blogging friend DL Foster's GCM Watch: Why Gay Marriage And Why Now?

John, the blog author concludes:

GCM Watch’s article on June 24, 2008, “Gay Marriage: the ‘days Noah’ return” examined the fact that same-sex marriage caused the flood in Noah’s day in the Babylonian Talmud. The Talmud is the interpretation of the Hebrew scriptures 1000 years before Christ.

The True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is the prophetic voice to this world. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! We must be prepared to start looking up for our redemption draweth nigh. We must get the gospel message out and call sinners both in and out of the church to repentance. Acts 3:23 says, “And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which shall not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed among the people.” That Prophet is Jesus.


Jeremiah 6:10 says, “To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they hear? Behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the Lord is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it.” If you continue to believe that same-sex marriage is right, if you scoff at the Word of God, if you ridicule the true Bible-believing Christians as ignorant and small minded, let the Sword of the Spirit circumcise your spiritual ear to receive the truth…or believe a lie and be damned.

So you see, dear readers, as Solomon so wisely stated there really is "nothing new under the sun" when it comes to the homosexual agenda!

I know friends and relatives (some Christian, some I'm not sure about) who don't see what the big deal is about this subject. It is as if their minds have been seared with anything but the truth of God! When the God of the Bible tells us that homosexual behavior is sin and that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, who are we to try and change such truths?

But people still try. They use every weapon of human error in order to get their way here on this earth. But every person who dismisses what I am sharing here must ask themselves this question, "what about how it will affect your eternal destiny?" Isn't that even more important than the here and now? I think so.

Hat tips to all links.


UPDATE 5/18/12

The following is an essay written by Peter Jones on May 13, 2012 which contains a related message on this blog topic!


The Official End of Christendom?
Fox News journalist, Shep Smith, welcomed President Obama into the 21st century and declared those who still oppose same-sex marriage to be on the wrong side of history.

May 9, 2012 was indeed an historic moment. Though President Obama bathed his decision in Christian principles: "…our faith…is not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf but it's also the golden rule…treat others the way you'd want to be treated…" For the first time ever, a sitting US president, considered the most powerful political leader in the world, has endorsed a marital arrangement that formally constitutes the pagan "worship of the creation rather than worship of the Creator" (Romans 1:25).

"How do you get there?" you may ask. My statement is neither panic nor exaggeration, since it comes from the theological reasoning of the inspired Apostle Paul: "For this reason," he says, "God gave them up to dishonorable passions [of lesbianism and homosexuality] contrary to nature" (Romans 1:26–28). The "reason" to which Paul refers is what he stated in the previous verse (25), namely the exchange of the truth for the lie, and the worship of creation rather than the Creator. That process includes an exchange of sexuality for a practice "contrary to [created] nature."

Historian Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, once a radical Marxist feminist, observed (as a chastened older observer of the Cultural Revolution in which she had enthusiastically participated): "within a remarkably brief period …has occurred a cataclysmic transformation of the very nature of our society."

The speed of this "cataclysmic" change takes our breath away. At the same-sex Stonewall riots of 1969 few people had even heard of homosexuality. Just forty-three years later, a president publicly announces support of same-sex marriage. In the 1960s, thanks to the Beatles and the hippies 1960s "Christian America" discovered for the first time the spirituality of the East. In August 2009, Newsweek announced: "We are all Hindus Now," as yoga studios outnumber Starbucks cafes in New York City, and we massage our karma with mantras and meditation.

The "cataclysm" is due to the invasion into the "Christian" West of pagan spirituality, with its strident intention to "eliminate the binary." The foremost "binary" is the distinction between the Creator and the creature. Other binaries then fall like dominos-the binary of right and wrong, for example. "We must beware of thinking of good and evil as absolute opposites," says a leading theorist. Modern psychologists tell us that a binary view of reality (as made up of opposites) produces guilt, the hallmark of neurosis. The Hindu notion of Advaita, "not two," dominates spirituality and "non-dual spirituality" is taught even in some "evangelical" schools. Lesbian activists ask: "Can We Put an End to the Gender Binary?" (The Advocate.com) because "there is no one way a person should be."

On all these levels we see Two-ism (theism) undermined for the promotion of a One-ist worldview. Of course, it is said that same-sex "marriage" will not harm anyone. However, its legalization will introduce a God-denying civilization that will erase 2000 years of Christendom based on Two-ism. The past will be labeled "homophobic." Nursery rhymes, literature and art that consider heterosexuality normal (including the Gospel) will be declared illegal and obsolete. Christians will be outside the law. Already the fifteen Christian groups (Catholic and Protestant) at Vanderbilt have been kicked off campus for refusing, by principle, to allow gays on their leadership teams. This is a classic preview of what the future holds.

May 9th 2012 is in many ways the final "sacralization" of the Sixties, where behind the pretext of the Golden Rule, the "revolution" fraudulently covers its unrestrained libido in the white robes of bridal purity.

We must not panic or exaggerate, nor cease to love homosexual individuals. But we must not re-interpret "Christian" love, so that our contemporary culture can reject God the Creator in favor of self-serving desires. The Gospel love story of creation and redemption must be heard via a clear witness to the biblical worldview, as Paul articulates it in Colossians 1:19–20:

For in Christ…by whom all things were created…[God] through him reconcile[d] to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

The President's "Christ sacrificing himself" is not a decorative element of the Faith but the very essence of all things, expressed distinctively in male/female marriage as the love of the other for the different. In this way, Christ the Creator loves his people. Paul in Ephesians 5:32 calls this a "mystery," the deep meaning of all things on earth and in heaven. The radicals rightly call their same-sex marriage "the sacrament of monism," and see in it a pagan celebration of One-ist sameness and of the divinity of self-creating Nature. Alas, Paul would call this a part of "the mystery of lawlessness" (2 Thessalonians 2:7). /unquote

Distributed by www.worldviewweekend.com

By Peter Jones

Email: peter@cwipp.org


  1. As one who is delivered from a death style practiced by choice for more than 20 years, and also as one who is delivered from more than 30 years of drunkenness by the grace of God… I would like to a share a tiny bit of my story.

    Back before 1988 when I used to join fellowship with those who identify themselves as “gay” in multiple gay bars here in the capital city of South Carolina, I was a bit puzzled at the very narrow vision expressed by some of my friends during more than one election season.

    My secular stance during those abominable years of my life is sort of like the stance I have today. It does not matter how much “freedom” one has to practice whatever one chooses if another country whips our butts, and we are subjected to a dictator and worse governmental system than we have now.

    Scripture tells me: “For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs (1 Timothy 6:10, NASB).

    Also: “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you’" (Hebrews 13:5).

    My current internship site for clinical counseling includes working with the poor who have lived in government housing for generations and also working with the homeless. My bible tells me Jesus is the way to go (John 14:6). May all of God’s chosen people choose the right path today.

    Happy Mother’s Day Christine with much love to you and all your readers this day from the east to the west! (ss)

  2. Thanks so much for sharing that Susan. People need to know that the power of Jesus Christ can transform us from the inside out. The world wants to conform us from the outside in.

    Thank you for your kind Mother's Day message! Appreciate you!

  3. CJW: ”...some black pastors have been bold enough to state that their congregations won't vote for Obama again because of his obvious flip-flop over "gay" marriage.”
    You mean they can say that about their entire congregations? That the pastor told them who to not vote for, and they'll do it?? Wow. Talk about mind control.

    ”However, now that Obama has turned his back on God's Word concerning this matter,...”
    How can you say that when you've always expressed doubts about his being a Christian anyway? You repeat that very point later in this very post! If he is the 'socialist Islamo-fascist' you've always said he is, then obviously the Word of God™ isn't high on his to-do list, now is it?

    ”Obama would go so far over the cliff that he has announced his intention of repealing The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)!
    The DOMA, in my opinion, never went far enough. If you're going to 'defend' marriage, you should make it harder to get married, enforce strict penalties on those who don't marry, and above all, make divorce illegal. Oh, but that would be 'social engineering', and we know how much you don't like that.
    Conservatives prefer to ignore the fact that Ronald Reagan was the first divorced President to sit in the Oval Office. Conservatives tried to ignore the fact that Newt Gingrich is a serial adulterer; he married the women he cheated with, true, but...maybe he wanted Callista to more of a European-style First Lady. And of course, conservatives' champion this election year is a member of a Church whose male members had to renounce polygamy in order for their state to become part of our Union, and some members of whom still practice it, in secret.
    Conservatives decry marriage as being 'under attack', but it's only from people that they don't want getting married. In the good old days, slaves were allowed to marry, but the law was not obliged to acknowledge it.

    Keeping certain members for society from getting married runs counter to the desired results.
    The late Susan Denise Atkins (one of Charles Manson's drug-crazed murderers) was allowed to marry in prison, and she was not unique. Other people who will never be allowed back into society again are allowed to marry while in jail, so it makes no sense that law-abiding citizens who do contribute to society are forbidden to marry just because they're gay.
    Is homosexuality more offensive to Christians than murder is? Does their Founder see any difference?

    The fact that Republicans are trying to stay focused on jobs and the economy means that they have already yielded this ground to Obama; they know the numbers have turned against them on it. Maybe it has to do with money; gays are only about 7% of the population, but they often do have more disposable income. Then again, there are far more rich, straight people, too; the Koch brothers come to mind, as well as most Senators and Congressmen.
    Did DOMA contribute to an increase in marriages, or a decrease in the divorce rate? No? Then it needs to go, and allowing people who want to marry to do so is a good idea.

  4. Good morning Christine. It's good to see you're back and I hope you and your family had a great weekend!
    I see your friend GMpilot is in true liberal form as always. It is comforting to know that liberals are consistently predictable in that they have the ability to take something and subtly add things to it that aren't there. I didn't see where you said the pastors "told their congregations" not to vote for Obama ... so I think that's somewhat presumptuous of Mr. GM to say that ... but to make his point of "mind control" that had to be added. As far as the "entire" congregations not voting, I surely wish liberals wouldn't take something stated as to mean "overall" and twist such a minor thing. It's like saying Republicans won't vote for Obama; any reasonable person knows that doesn't mean ALL Republicans, because some will surely vote for the guy.
    So, Reagan had been divorced? Hmmm ... dastardly bastard! GM could have mentioned the shining example of monogamy Bill Clinton demonstrated ... oh, that was only "sex", if you know what "is" means.
    This whole thing about gays getting married is kind of ridiculous to the point of even having the DOMA to begin with. Gays can marry. Just not each other. I mean come on, even without the fact that men on men, women on women, etc is against everything the Bible teaches ... common sense and human decency tells us the same thing. (of course "decency" is a matter of interpretation I suppose)
    Christine, you and I know that B. Obama is not a Christian. Me standing in my garage doesn't make me a car (or pickup in my case). Every move he makes, every statement, every decision is geared to get re-elected.
    Well, that's all I have time for right now little lady. I really need to do some things around here at work! Have a great day!

  5. Thanks Steve! We did have a good weekend. However, I was ill the past two days. Now I am much better.

    I agree with everything you wrote in countering GMpilot. You pointed out why his comments are often filled with hypocrisy.

    A blogging friend named Gary used to do battle with GM. But he joined an active blogging community a while back and I'm sure that is keeping him too busy to visit here anymore.

    I really appreciate your input! I know that you are busy with work and your own blog, so thank you for coming here and sharing some wisdom when you can!

    Last night, O'Reilly had a black pastor on who did every dance known to man to be able to ignore Obama's abysmal policies and then "cheer" his stance on "gay" marriage. Just because someone labels themselves as a "pastor" or "reverend" doesn't mean that they truly follow Jesus Christ. Many choose to ignore the warnings in the Bible about the various aberrant behaviors that steal the souls of men. It is sad, but true, that such individuals are leading their congregations (or, the public) astray. One day, they will have to answer to God for their willful disobedience and how they led people away from the true God of the Bible.

    Well, don't work too hard! Enjoy your day as well.

  6. Just read a great quote that was posted on my blogging friend Bill Muehlenberg's FaceBook page:

    “The desire to please may be commendable enough under certain circumstances, but when pleasing men means displeasing God it is an unqualified evil and should have no place in the Christian's heart. To be right with God has often meant to be in trouble with men.”
    -A.W. Tozer

  7. Hey Steve! Found a blog post that suggests Obama's phony "conversion" to Christianity while not renouncing Islam:

    GateWay Pundit: Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam (Video Report)

    For the benefit of new readers, please see the impossibility of a "dual" type of religion:

    Why Muslims Don't Worship the Same God as Christians

  8. Hello, Steve!
    You don't have to triangulate through our hostess; I'm right here. If you have a point to make, you can make it directly to me.
    Yes, I could have mentioned the 'shining example of monogamy' Clinton was. But then I'd also have to mention that Gingrich led the charge to impeach Clinton while he was doing the very same thing that Clinton had done. Like I said: serial adulterer.
    In the mythical 'good old days' of America, divorced people were often looked at with suspicion; in that America, a divorced man could not have become President. But divorce is quite common now, and sooner or later there had to be one in office. Reagan just happened to be the one.

    ”This whole thing about gays getting married is kind of ridiculous to the point of even having the DOMA to begin with.”
    I agree. The DOMA was ridiculous to begin with. There was (and is) no plot to overthrow marriage; only to expand it to some other people who want to marry. That idea upsets some people. In all times, in all places, under all governments, under all conditions, people get married. I know that marriage is an institution with the worst public relations in the world, but its business has always done amazingly well.
    I ask again, do you Christians consider homosexuality to be more repulsive than murder? Is a single, law-abiding gay person inherently worse than a married, convicted felon?

    Don't be too hard on me, Steve. Christine designated me her 'favorite nemesis' years ago, and I have a duty to fulfill. But if you want to be her new champion, feel free to step forward.

  9. The quote by A.W. Tozer is right on. However there isn't a more clearer statement than the scripture:
    "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."
    Pro. 14:12

    You know Christine, all these people insist on pursuing their pernicious unrestrained lifestyles and rail on good people for warning them of the consequences. I know full well that we, as Christians are to warn them, as it says in Ezekiel:
    "When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
    Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul."

    But, and I'm probably wrong for this, I grow weary trying to convince people such as GM. So I take comfort in Ecc.11:9,
    "Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment."

    So my answer is to those like GM that may want to marry another man ... 'get after it' ... but know this: "God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."

  10. GM,

    On a blog, people can address anyone they choose to address about any subject having to do with the original post. Why is it that you don't get that?

    Of course Steve can speak for himself, but I can't help but notice how you twisted what he meant regarding the DOMA law. In the past, it was a fact that marriage ALWAYS represents the union of one man and one woman. Any other relationship was labeled differently - e.g. the term "poligamy" for a man with more than one wife. I think that if homosexuals want their "unions" to be secularly recognized, then they need to come up with a term that is different from the term marriage. But the activists don't want that. This proves that their agenda is more than just wanting to "get married." It proves that they want to impinge upon the God-given term for such a union and then use it to bash Christian believers who follow Christ and the Bible on such matters.

    The more "rights" gays are given, the more rights are being taken away from those who don't agree with such a lifestyle - precisely because of their religious beliefs.

    There is more at stake here than just the imagined "right" for gays to "marry." It is a huge wedge issue designed to crush traditional marriage and the centuries old beliefs that the Bible teaches the followers of Jesus Christ.

    I recently read somewhere that there is a new homosexual "bible" that either subtracts or adds to God's Word in order to conceal what it says about the sin of homosexual behavior. Such behavior breaks the commandment not to commit adultery. Twisting the Scriptures in such a way is a very dangerous thing to do because it leads people straight to hell.

    As far as the idea that "Christians consider homosexuality to be more repulsive than murder" goes, you must realize that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." A sin as "big" as murder can be forgiven at the foot of the Cross of Christ, just as the sin of homosexual behavior can be forgiven. But those (in either case) who refuse to confess, repent, and ask Jesus Christ to forgive their sin and to enter into their hearts as Lord and Savior of their lives will have to die with that sin on their souls and pay the penalty for it when they are ultimately judged at the Great White Throne Judgment.

    Christ paid the penalty for all on the cross at Calvary. Whether you want to believe that or not is your business. But I, and millions of other Christians believe it wholeheartedly! Born-again believers agree that engaging in any type of unforgiven sinful behavior; in fact - NOTHING - in this world is worth the cost of rejecting Christ as Lord and Savior.

  11. Thank you for your most welcomed reply GMpilot! I've attempted to visit your blog site but was unsuccessful ... don't know what the problem is. So, I suppose any "triangulation" will have to be done here for the time being. "Nemesis"!!! Moi? Ah, you slay me GM! I'm no nemesis ... just a regular Texan that enjoys visiting Christine's blog whenever I can.
    I do think you're somewhat hard on ol' Newt because of his hypocricy during the Clinton 'thing' ... as there were others, "Rev" Jackson for one guilty of the same laciviousness ... at the same time. I mean we could sit around here all week and find some Democrats and some Republicans participating in pernicious acts ... so it's really a waste of time. Personally, I think all, yes, I said all are guilty of violating their oath of office ... Now the marriage oath? I dunno ... don't care about it.

    Now, your questions:

    "do you Christians consider homosexuality to be more repulsive than murder?"

    "Is a single, law-abiding gay person inherently worse than a married, convicted felon?"


    No. They are the same.

    They are the same for this reason:

    ..."but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment."

    You see my friend, it isn't about fitting into society and being "comfortable" in our lifestyle. For Christians, it's about doing what pleases God.
    Now, if a person doesn't believe in God or judgement ... that's cool enough for me. Like I said above, I've grown weary trying to convince most people. (and I'm just talking for myself) So my attitude is, very soon we'll find out for sure who's right and who's wrong. Personally, I'd hate like Hell (literally) to be wrong.
    Thanks for "listening" GM.

  12. Yes Steve, Proverbs 14:12 succinctly sums up what will happen to those who reject Christ and go their own way - thinking that they know better than the TRUTH that is revealed in God's Word.

    The Bible tells us that there will always be people who will reject Christ and we are to "leave that house and shake the dust off of our sandals" as we go on and witness to others who ARE willing to listen.

    It is always my prayer that people who come across this blog via a search engine on a particular topic or via FaceBook or from another blog will read something that will help them to at least consider the claims of Christ for themselves. Many visitors choose not to comment, but I hope that they will take away the truth claims posted here about Christ and the truth of the Bible.

    The Bible study I am doing discusses God's judgments in history. The judgment on the angels who sinned and fell with Satan, the judgment on the unbelievers at the time of the Flood, and the judgment on the cities of Sodom and Gommorrah are three examples. People who think that God's future judgment won't befall them are dead wrong. But we do see God's mercy where Noah's family (who listened to God) and Lot's family (who practically had to be dragged out of Sodom) were saved from the judgments in each case. Even though Lot's family was weak and reluctant, their righteousness as the elect people of God saved them despite the lure of the filthy lives of men that they were escaping because of the angel visitors that told them to leave.

    Wrong beliefs bring about wrong actions. In 2 Peter 2:13-14, we learn that deceptive teachers live immoral lives. I think that "teachers" who claim to be Christian yet approve of homosexual behavior are described in the verse as those who "carouse in broad daylight...reveling in their pleasures," have "eyes full of adultery" and "seduce the unstable."

    The gay-affirming church "leaders" who never repent of their sins will have caused the destruction of many lives other than their own in the process of their wrongdoing. They are instructors in error and deceit and turned away from the path of righteousness (if they were ever on it in the first place) in order to follow their own devices.

    The nature of a false teacher instructs us, as believers, to continually read and study the Bible so that we won't be led astray from the true Gospel of Christ. The homosexual agenda claims to be a kind of moral liberation, but in actuality it is slavery to depravity. The Gospel frees believers from immoral behavior. False teachers try to drag people back into immoral behavior. That is one way to recognize them and serves as a great warning to avoid what they preach.

  13. You misread me Steve, about the “nemesis” part. Read it again. She called me that; a singular distinction that I've tried to live up to.

    Thank you for your straightforward answers. Christine doesn't seem to be able to give any.
    As for being sure that very soon we'll find out who's right and who's wrong...why wait? Once we're dead, we'll never know—and if some are 'wrong', knowing it will come too late to help them or anyone else. That's rather like finding out what question you got wrong on your final exam thirty years after graduation! Me, I'm just a guy from Pennsylvania who's not afraid of sometimes being wrong. Show me someone who's never been wrong, and I'll show you someone who's never been anything.

    Oh, by the way: I have no blog. I just respond to others.
    Thanks for playing.

  14. The fact that it's the word “marriage” is what incites you, is it? Even if it were to be called a union, or a domestic partnership, or something else, it would not satisfy many Christians. They would still call it the things they do now, AND still decry government for interfering with 'religious' matters. Fact is, in this country anyway, you're married because there's a civil document confirming it.
    I don't think government needs to be involved in the marriage business. But by the same standard, a couple who lives together for years 'without benefit of clergy' is considered married—it's called a common law marriage.
    You folks claim that your god can see into the hearts of men and know the truth, but you sure don't act like it, not in this case.

    CJW: ”The more "rights" gays are given, the more rights are being taken away from those who don't agree with such a lifestyle - precisely because of their religious beliefs.”
    One hundred fifty years ago, neither blacks nor women had the 'right' to vote. They didn't even have the
    'right' to decide what to do with their own bodies; and there were religious beliefs to support this. (Women, for example, were supposed to suffer in childbirth, in accordance with Gen 3:16. It was considered a scandal when doctors began using anesthetics to ease their pain.)
    That isn't the case any more. So, will you please explain how giving rights to people who didn't have them, takes rights away from those who disagree?

    ”I recently read somewhere that there is a new homosexual "bible" that either subtracts or adds to God's Word in order to conceal what it says about the sin of homosexual behavior.”
    As you like to say: give book, chapter, and verse. Otherwise, it's just a legend.

    ”A sin as "big" as murder can be forgiven at the foot of the Cross of Christ, just as the sin of homosexual behavior can be forgiven.”
    Yes, and I hear that your god demands death for both of them. But most people would rather reserve such wrath for murderers. How do you feel about that?

    You say that I and others 'will have to die with that sin on their souls and pay the penalty for it when they are ultimately judged at the Great White Throne Judgment.' So be it. I think it's immoral that someone else take the rap for something I did. I wouldn't do it in school, and I wouldn't dream of doing it now; that's the act of a coward. I won't dance into heaven over someone else's bones.

  15. The bones of Jesus Christ have risen! That is the whole point...

  16. GM,
    Let not your heart be troubled. No one is going to have to "take the rap" for something you've done ...

    Ezekiel 18:20
    "The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him."

    That's about all I have to say, except to thank Christine for her inspiring blog site and thank you GM for "playing". My advice, for what it's worth is to listen to this little lady ... she's not just pretty, she's very smart too.

  17. You're quite right, Steve. No one is going to have to "take the rap" for something I've done. But I keep being told that someone did; and if I don't accept that, THEN I will have to pay. Why is that?

    Hosea 13:16~17: Therefore I will be unto them as a lion: as a leopard by the way will I observe them: I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I devour them like a lion: the wild beast shall tear them.
    Sounds suspiciously like payback to me.

    I've considered your advice, for what it's worth...but your advice about her pales before my experience of her. Conclusion: it's not very good advice. See ya.

  18. Well said, Steve. The Ezekiel verse hits right at the heart of the matter!

    Thank you for your very kind words. GM probably won't take advice from either of us because he is dead set on his own ideology. His purpose here is to either disparage Christians or try to change the minds of readers here towards his way of thinking. He hasn't listened to anything I have written for over 5 years now. I doubt that scenario will ever change. He asks the same questions over and over again; pretending like he hasn't received answers to them in previous posts. He asked:

    "So, will you please explain how giving rights to people who didn't have them, takes rights away from those who disagree?"

    The evidence is all around us. People losing jobs because they won't go along with the homosexual agenda. People being ridiculed day and night and being labeled as "bigoted," "homophobic," and "haters."


    Because Christians choose to follow Jesus Christ and God's Word, the Bible?

    He doesn't understand that we are not to "be of this world." We reject the things in it that counter God's Will for our lives. We choose to wholeheartedly follow in the way of the truth - that which was given to us by the Living Word of God - Jesus Christ, and the written Word of God - the Bible.

    I have explained why homosexual behavior is rejected by God and considered sinful. But GM has his own agenda and rejects the reasons why; while at the same time condemning God Himself and all believers for having such beliefs against homosexual "marriage."
    Unfortunately, GM chooses to be an enemy of God and proudly boasts about it.

    No matter how many times I quote a verse on any subject matter that GM disagrees with (that explains more thoroughly than I ever could), he continues to be ever hearing but not comprehending what is being shared. It is evidence that if he ever was a Christian (claims he was in the past) then he never was genuinely born again.

  19. I think it's somewhat amusing when people will go out of their way to make a point trying to find the "gotcha moment". And some through trial and error can eventually find what they think is some kind of loop hole or there is a "mystery" they perceive as being the weak link in God's plan. With all the advancement in technology and science I think human kind has grown to the point that it's not possible to imagine that there really is someone that's much smarter and much more powerful. We can't even comprehend eternity future ... how do these morons expect to comprehend eternity past and that God has always been? They can't so it's simply dismissed. That is too bad because eternity past does exist and eternity future is before us. We can't even comprehend what a million years is let alone say a billion, a hundred billion ... etc. Our finite brain is incapable of it no matter how smart we think we are. Remember it's the simplicity of the Gospel that confounds the wise.

  20. Oh...well...If '[W]e can't even comprehend what a million years is let alone say a billion, a hundred billion ... etc', and 'Our finite brain is incapable of it no matter how smart we think we are”, then why bother trying to comprehend it? Just shut up, stop asking questions and do what the nice Gospel tells us to do...right?
    I find that somewhat amusing too, but I shouldn't. Too many believers want to stop eternity from moving on.

  21. Comment from Susan Smith via email:

    Steve said, “…how do these morons expect to comprehend eternity past and that God has always been?” Steve sounds like a very smart man to me.

    Steve also said, “… eternity past does exist and eternity future is before us.” I like that, because NOW is what is in the middle (i.e. the balanced and sane soul).

    Finite minds are incapable of grasping the ONE God, the Holy ONE of ISRAEL.

    Stephen, oops that should be Steve, ended with an incredible sentence: “Remember it's the simplicity of the Gospel that confounds the wise.”

    What a joy to be in the ONE body of Christ (the Messiah) with two very smart writers! Love to you both from the capital city of South Carolina in the United States of America from the east coast to the west! (ss)

  22. UPDATE 5/18/12

    The following is an essay written by Peter Jones on May 13, 2012 which contains a related message on this blog topic!

    By Peter Jones
    Posted: 05/13 11:06:29/2012

    The Official End of Christendom?
    Fox News journalist, Shep Smith, welcomed President Obama into the 21st century and declared those who still oppose same-sex marriage to be on the wrong side of history.

    May 9, 2012 was indeed an historic moment. Though President Obama bathed his decision in Christian principles: "…our faith…is not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf but it's also the golden rule…treat others the way you'd want to be treated…" For the first time ever, a sitting US president, considered the most powerful political leader in the world, has endorsed a marital arrangement that formally constitutes the pagan "worship of the creation rather than worship of the Creator" (Romans 1:25).

    "How do you get there?" you may ask. My statement is neither panic nor exaggeration, since it comes from the theological reasoning of the inspired Apostle Paul: "For this reason," he says, "God gave them up to dishonorable passions [of lesbianism and homosexuality] contrary to nature" (Romans 1:26–28). The "reason" to which Paul refers is what he stated in the previous verse (25), namely the exchange of the truth for the lie, and the worship of creation rather than the Creator. That process includes an exchange of sexuality for a practice "contrary to [created] nature."

    Historian Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, once a radical Marxist feminist, observed (as a chastened older observer of the Cultural Revolution in which she had enthusiastically participated): "within a remarkably brief period …has occurred a cataclysmic transformation of the very nature of our society."

    The speed of this "cataclysmic" change takes our breath away. At the same-sex Stonewall riots of 1969 few people had even heard of homosexuality. Just forty-three years later, a president publicly announces support of same-sex marriage. In the 1960s, thanks to the Beatles and the hippies 1960s "Christian America" discovered for the first time the spirituality of the East. In August 2009, Newsweek announced: "We are all Hindus Now," as yoga studios outnumber Starbucks cafes in New York City, and we massage our karma with mantras and meditation.

    [con't next comment]

  23. The "cataclysm" is due to the invasion into the "Christian" West of pagan spirituality, with its strident intention to "eliminate the binary." The foremost "binary" is the distinction between the Creator and the creature. Other binaries then fall like dominos-the binary of right and wrong, for example. "We must beware of thinking of good and evil as absolute opposites," says a leading theorist. Modern psychologists tell us that a binary view of reality (as made up of opposites) produces guilt, the hallmark of neurosis. The Hindu notion of Advaita, "not two," dominates spirituality and "non-dual spirituality" is taught even in some "evangelical" schools. Lesbian activists ask: "Can We Put an End to the Gender Binary?" (The Advocate.com) because "there is no one way a person should be."

    On all these levels we see Two-ism (theism) undermined for the promotion of a One-ist worldview. Of course, it is said that same-sex "marriage" will not harm anyone. However, its legalization will introduce a God-denying civilization that will erase 2000 years of Christendom based on Two-ism. The past will be labeled "homophobic." Nursery rhymes, literature and art that consider heterosexuality normal (including the Gospel) will be declared illegal and obsolete. Christians will be outside the law. Already the fifteen Christian groups (Catholic and Protestant) at Vanderbilt have been kicked off campus for refusing, by principle, to allow gays on their leadership teams. This is a classic preview of what the future holds.

    May 9th 2012 is in many ways the final "sacralization" of the Sixties, where behind the pretext of the Golden Rule, the "revolution" fraudulently covers its unrestrained libido in the white robes of bridal purity.

    We must not panic or exaggerate, nor cease to love homosexual individuals. But we must not re-interpret "Christian" love, so that our contemporary culture can reject God the Creator in favor of self-serving desires. The Gospel love story of creation and redemption must be heard via a clear witness to the biblical worldview, as Paul articulates it in Colossians 1:19–20:

    For in Christ…by whom all things were created…[God] through him reconcile[d] to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

    The President's "Christ sacrificing himself" is not a decorative element of the Faith but the very essence of all things, expressed distinctively in male/female marriage as the love of the other for the different. In this way, Christ the Creator loves his people. Paul in Ephesians 5:32 calls this a "mystery," the deep meaning of all things on earth and in heaven. The radicals rightly call their same-sex marriage "the sacrament of monism," and see in it a pagan celebration of One-ist sameness and of the divinity of self-creating Nature. Alas, Paul would call this a part of "the mystery of lawlessness" (2 Thessalonians 2:7).

    About the author: Dr. Peter Jones is Director of truthXchange, and Adjunct Professor of New Testament, as well as Scholar in Residence, at Westminster Seminary California. He has written The Gnostic Empire Strikes Back (1992), Spirit Wars (1997), Gospel Truth/Pagan Lies (1999), Capturing the Pagan Mind (2003), Cracking DaVinci's Code (2004, co-author, James Garlow), Stolen Identity (2006) and The God of Sex (2006). Peter Jones is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America, and is married to Rebecca Clowney Jones. They have seven children and twelve grandchildren. For recreation, Dr. Jones enjoys playing jazz piano and golf.

    Distributed by www.worldviewweekend.com

    By Peter Jones

    Email: peter@cwipp.org


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