Friday, June 22, 2012

Evil Pervert Sandusky Convicted on 45 Counts of Child Rape and Abuse

Pervert Sandusky found guilty of child rape of male boys and several other counts of child sexual  abuse, totalling a verdict of GUILTY on 45 of the 48 counts charged against him.

Fox News has the story.

He will face life in prison.


Jerry Sandusky was convicted Friday of sexually assaulting 10 boys over 15 years, accusations that had sent shock waves through the college campus known as Happy Valley and led to the firing of Penn State's beloved Hall of Fame coach, Joe Paterno.

Sandusky, a 68-year-old retired defensive coach who was once Paterno's heir apparent, was found guilty of Friday of 48 counts. He faces life in prison at sentencing, which is weeks away.
Sandusky showed little emotion as the verdict was read. The judge ordered him to be taken to the county jail to await sentencing in about three months.

Eight young men testified in a central Pennsylvania courtroom about a range of abuse, from kissing and massages to groping, oral sex and anal rape. For two other alleged victims, prosecutors relied on testimony from a university janitor and then-graduate assistant Mike McQueary, whose account of a sexual encounter between Sandusky and a boy of about 10 ultimately led to the Paterno's dismissal and the university president's ouster.

Sandusky did not take the stand in his own defense
He had repeatedly denied the allegations, and his defense suggested that his accusers had a financial motive to make up stories, years after the fact. His attorney also painted Sandusky as the victim of overzealous police investigators who coached the alleged victims into giving accusatory statements.

But jurors believed the testimony that, in the words of lead prosecutor Joseph McGettigan III, Sandusky was a "predatory pedophile."

There is so much that could be said regarding this evil predator. But I am sick to my stomach right now.

I will let the words of Jesus Christ that are recorded in the Bible describe what perverts like Sandusky deserve:

Mat 18:6 "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Mar 9:42 "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea.

Luk 17:2 "It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

  Hat tip: Fox News Channel


  1. Found the following information in a comment over at Legal Insurrection blog:

    Mary Sue | June 22, 2012 at 10:23 pm

    Penn State’s blog reports:
    Victim 1

    GUILTY 1. Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
    GUILTY 2. Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
    GUILTY 3. Indecent assault (felony)
    GUILTY 4. Unlawful contact with a minor (1st degree)
    GUILTY 5. Corruption of minors
    GUILTY 6. Endangering welfare of children (felony)

    Victim 2

    NOT GUILTY 7. Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
    GUILTY 8. Indecent assault (2nd degree misdemeanor)
    GUILTY 9. Unlawful contact with a minor (1st degree)
    GUILTY 10. Corruption of minors
    GUILTY 11. Endangering the welfare of a child (misdemeanor)

    Victim 3

    GUILTY 12. Indecent assault (2nd degree misdemeanor)
    GUILTY 13. Unlawful contact with a minor (3rd degree)
    GUILTY 14. Corruption of minors
    GUILTY 15. Endangering the welfare of a child (felony)

    Victim 4

    DISMISSED 16. Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
    GUILTY 17. Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
    DISMISSED 18. Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
    DISMISSED 19. Aggravated indecent assault
    GUILTY 20. Indecent assault (2nd degree misdemeanor)
    GUILTY 21. Unlawful contact with a minor (1st degree)
    GUILTY 22. Corruption of minors
    GUILTY 23. Endangering the welfare of a child (felony)

    Victim 5

    NOT GUILTY 24. Indecent assault (1st degree misdemeanor)
    GUILTY 25. Unlawful contact with a minor (3rd degree)
    GUILTY 26. Corruption of minors
    GUILTY 27. Endangering welfare of a child (felony)

    Victim 6

    NOT GUILTY 28. Indecent assault (1st degree misdemeanor)
    GUILTY 29. Unlawful contact with a minor (3rd degree)
    GUILTY 30. Corruption of minors
    GUILTY 31. Endangering the welfare of a child (misdemeanor)

    Victim 7

    GUILTY 32. Criminal attempt to commit indecent assault
    WITHDRAWN 33. Unlawful contact with a minors (3rd degree)
    GUILTY 34. Corruption of minors
    GUILTY 35. Endangering the welfare of a child (misdemeanor)

    Victim 8

    GUILTY 36. Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
    GUILTY 37. Indecent assault (2nd degree misdemeanor)
    GUILTY 38. Unlawful contact with a minor (1st degree)
    GUILTY 39. Corruption of minors
    GUILTY 40. Endangering the welfare of a child (misdemeanor)

    Victim 9

    GUILTY 41. Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
    GUILTY 42: Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
    GUILTY 43. Indecent assault (felony)
    GUILTY 44. Unlawful contact with a minor (1st degree)
    GUILTY 45. Corruption of minors
    GUILTY 46. Endangering the welfare of a child (felony)

    Victim 10

    GUILTY 47. Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
    GUILTY 48. Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
    GUILTY 49. Indecent assault (misdemeanor)
    GUILTY 50. Unlawful contact with a minor (1st degree)
    GUILTY 51. Corruption of minors
    GUILTY 52. Endangering the welfare of a child (felony)

    Here are the penalties Sandusky is facing for each charge:

    Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse – 1st degree felony – 20 years in prison – $25,000

    Unlawful contact with a minor – 1st degree felony – 20 years in prison – $25,000

    Indecent assault – 3rd degree felony – 7 years in prison – $15,000

    Endangering the welfare of a child – 3rd degree felony – 7 years in prison – $15,000

    Unlawful contact with a minor – 3rd degree felony – 7 years in prison – $15,000

    Corruption of minors – 1st degree misdemeanor – 5 years in prison – $10,000

    Endangering the welfare of a child – 1st degree misdemeanor – 5 years in prison – $10,000

    Indecent assault – 1st degree misdemeanor – 5 years in prison – $10,000

    Indecent Assault – 2nd degree misdemeanor – 2 years in prison – $5,000

    Criminal attempt to commit indecent assault – 2 years in prison – $5,000

  2. Hmmmmmm ... We were just discussing the amount of time this guy is getting. That looks like about 80 years. So, 80+68 ... oh, he'll be about 148 when he gets out! I'd say:

    Have a great weekend Christine!

  3. Heh heh Steve! I used to like Porky Pig cartoons. And the "That's All Folks" ending certainly applies regarding the perv Sandusky. I wonder how long he will last in prison? Convicts hate child molesters. Just count how many have been killed in prison!

    It was reported that Sandusky was so smug in the courtroom. And when the GUILTY verdicts were read, he sat there unemotionally staring at the jury (I guess). That is evidence of someone with a blackened soul, unrepentant to the end.

    His lawyers tried to defend this evil b*****d by claiming that he "suffers" from "histrionic personality disorder." Fortunately, Dr.Keith Ablow shot down that stupidity.

    Why is it that some people just refuse to believe there is a lot of evil in some criminals? Why do they try to "explain away" a perversion and try to make the perp a "victim" of some stupid jibber-jabber "disorder"? Call evil what it is! Call a crime what it is! Don't make excuses!

    I don't particularly like Shepard Smith. However, during a heated discussion on Sandusky he shot down the liberal doublespeak of that bespeckled poindexter panelist on his 12 noon show the other day. The idiot was calling Sandusky's child rape crimes "sexual acts." Smith ripped him a new one explaining that it was RAPE - not a sexual act. Adults don't have "sexual intercourse" with children - THEY RAPE THEM!!!

    Whatever happens to Sandusky in this world, and the next will finally be some justice for the victims. I can't believe that he got away with it for so long!

    I pray for closure and healing for all the victims and their families.


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