Sunday, August 05, 2012

Characters In The Movie of LIfe

A new series is starting at the Rock Church in San Diego today - Sunday August 5, 2012.  Here is the website description:

In The Movies

Pastor Miles McPherson

Have you ever watched a movie and realized there was a deeper meaning behind the story? In this new message series, we’ll see how God sets up characters and situations in our lives, moves in our journey, and then restores us through His redemptive power of grace and forgiveness.

You’ll learn that we are all characters in the movie of life, each of us experiencing drama, love, comedy, horror, and maybe even a little science fiction. Our journeys bind us together as our lives intersect, becoming part of God’s larger story and ultimately ending in a finale worth waiting for
You can watch each Sunday -  live, online.  Also can be seen by IPhone or Android. Click HERE.


Exploring Character: King David, a Villain and a Warrior
Pastor Ricky Page - August 5, 2012

Movie: Despicable Me

Scene: Super-villain Gru has a flashback of his childhood, remembering
how critical, disapproving and defeating his mom was to him.

 Scene one of David’s life reveals David as a child allowing
 the Lord to determine his calling - not his family’s opinion or his
 earthly position. -1 Samuel 16

Question: Are you allowing the Lord’s opinion to matter most?

Movie: Warrior

Scene: Wayward son Tommy returns home with a secret, a heart full of
hate and is driven by pain to take on an impossible challenge.

 Scene two of David’s life as a young man reveals that his
 passion and determination was driven by inner peace, and the
 peace provided supernatural power to do the impossible.
 -1 Samuel 17

Question: Are you driven by inner peace or is your heart conflicted with
unforgiveness, pain and hurt?

Movie: Despicable Me

Scene: Super-Villain Gru trades in his lifestyle of being a villain to take
on a new role as the adoptive Daddy of three orphan girls.

 In scene three of David’s life we find David face to face with a
 choice to do the right thing or do his own thing. His Godly
 conviction offered him healthy options. -1 Samuel 24

Question: Are you up against a choice to do the right thing or do your
own thing? Do the right thing, You will never regret it!

Movie: Warrior

Scene: Wayward son Tommy offers compassion to his recovering
alcoholic abusive father Paddy when he relapses after realizing his
mistakes of the past are here to haunt him.

 In scene four our hero King David is at the end of his life, sad
 and broken because he is reaping what he has sowed. The
 Lord has compassion on David, but he does not finish well.
 -Psalm 142

Question: Are you reaping what you sowed in life? Now is the time to
confess, repent and turn from regret. Finish well family!

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