Saturday, August 11, 2012

Paul Ryan as Romney's V.P. - Great Choice!

Last night, I read a variety of blogs that were speculating that Republican Presidential Nominee, Mitt Romney, has chosen Representative Paul Ryan as his running mate.


I think that Ryan is a great choice!  He is very intelligent, articulate, wise, and an economic genius who will change the current EVIL government of mass deception under Obama into one that works FOR WE THE PEOPLE - NOT AGAINST US!

Of course, the naysayers are already at work against Ryan:

The inexperience of Obama has taken us down a tragic road over the past 3 1/2 years!!!  The Alinsky/Cloward Piven method of hoisting upon one's own petard (e.g. claiming things about your opponent's V.P. that DEFINITELY has aleady been shown to apply to the current pResident in the White House) is truly laughable at this point.  You know the old saying, "you can fool some of the people some of the time...."  Hopefully, most voters won't get fooled that easily again.
I thought that Ryan's speech was wonderful!!  I got the "ahhh...back to normalcy" feeling as he stated how important honesty, integrity, sound judgment, fiscal responsibility, economic stability, A SOUND BUDGET, more freedom and liberty,  less government intrusion, and common sense all need to return to Washington, D.C.!!

Several blog posts to peruse:


Romney Officially Introduces Paul Ryan as His Running Mate - NORFOLK, Va. (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney introduced Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his vice presidential running mate on Saturday...

Charles Krauthammer: “I Think Paul Ryan Has That Reagan-Like Quality” (Video) - Charles Krauthammer on Paul Ryan for VP: “The best analogy I think is the late 1970′s when Reagan became the candidate and people thought, Democrats though...

Rumor Mill: Our New VP Will Be Paul Ryan – Announcement Coming 9:00 a.m.Tomorrow UPDATE: Make that 8:45 UPDATE II: AP: It’s Ryan - You’ll get no argument out of me. I’ve been on the Paul Ryan bandwagon since March of 2010, but of course, back then I was hoping it would be Paul Ryan for...

Paul Ryan’s prepared remarks. - If you missed the speech, that was a shame: nice balance of positive sentiments, and fully-deserved scorn for this current, quite feckless and incompetent..
Last but not least, see how Paul Ryan's (now prophetic) intelligent and articulate arguments against Obamacare gets treated by the child-in-chief.  You will see Obambi flip the bird at him near the end of this video:

Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending 

There are conservative bloggers who fear that Obama will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING - legal or illegal - to stay in office.  No kidding!   I do not doubt that he and his sniveling, conniving desperately evil surrogates would even kill (oops...they already have done that!) to sway the election in their favor. 

 But I do think that sending up prayers on a daily basis can help ease such fears.  After all, the ObaMARXIST regime has it's boot on the throats of the media to broadcast what THEY WANT - in essence - delving into mind control over the people.  It may have worked in 2008, but I don't think it will in 2012.  Too many people have wised up to the shenanigans and they won't get fooled again.
I wouldn't be surprised to see an landslide victory by the Romney/Ryan ticket!

During the introduction of Paul Ryan to the podium for the V.P. announcement, Romney inadvertently said, "Paul Ryan, the next president of the United States."  I'm sure that the liberal left lunatics in the media will have a field day with that mistake.  But it is understandable that Romney said that.  He has been on the campaign trail for months asking for votes to be "the next president of the United States" so that line was ingrained in his mind.  Let the liberals laugh...because Republicans will have the last laugh after all is said and done.  And, maybe Romney's brief error (corrected before Ryan spoke) will turn out to be prophetic!  After 8 years with Romney at the helm, it would be deeply satisfying to have Ryan for the following 8 years as the new president in 2020!!  It will probably take close to two decades to unravel all of the harm and destruction that Obummer and his ilk have wreaked upon our beloved nation!

I'd like to sent a "shout out" to my friend MaryAnn's husband, Jerry.  After Obama was elected in 2008, he stated, "Let's hope that he (Obama) does such a terrible job that Republicans will hold the presidency for the next 20 years!!"  Jerry?  I hope and pray that your little epiphany becomes reality!
Hat tips to all links


What a GREAT AD against Obama!!!




  1. CJW: “There are conservative bloggers who fear that Obama will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING - legal or illegal - to stay in office. No kidding! I do not doubt that he and his sniveling, conniving desperately evil surrogates would even kill (oops...they already have done that!) to sway the election in their favor.”

    Um...where's the evidence, and why haven't you gone to the DoJ with it?

    So, Paul Ryan's the man of the hour.
    A bold move, and a great risk.

    The conservative press (Wall Street Journal, Weekly Standard)certainly approves of Rmoney's choice. With ten years in the House, Ryan's economic proposals in the past two years, and his personal confrontations with Obama, have gained him superstar status in the GOP. He's young, and bouncy, and won't get tongue-tied in front of the press, unlike the last Republican VP nominee.

    But his budget is a sitting target for the Dems, and anyone who hasn't heard of it before will certainly hear it now. Ryan will now need to explain exactly what he means by 'overhauling' Medicare and Social Security—especially since many of those who'll be voting for him are, or soon will be, affected by such an overhaul. Even Newt Gingrich, whom I heartily dislike, described it as 'right-wing social engineering'. Ryan is on record as saying that he didn't approve of Rmoney's healthcare plan in Massachusetts, and doesn't see Obama's version as very different.
    He's unlikely to make dark hints about his running mate's 'death panels', though.

    Well, at least the VP debate(s) will be more substantial.

    After Mitt's attempts to look 'presidential' in Europe and the Middle East last month, and the flareup over Andrea Saul's remarks, he needed to do something to get his mojo back; picking Ryan just might be it.
    In 90 days it'll all be over. May the better team win.

  2. Well...look who is back. Still on the Obot bandwagon?

    Do a search on the deaths of two gay men from the Trinity Church in Chicago and read all about it. Holder is covering for Obama in the Fast and Furious scandal, just like he would (and does) in every other scandal. Also...what happens in Chicago...apparently stays in Chicago...especially when it points in the direction of Obama. Others suffer the consequences, but not BHO.

    There are dozens more mysterious deaths surrounding this evil administration. Do a search on that, too.

    From what I recall of the Ryan budget and Medicare plan, no one over the age of 55 will be affected. However, the younger generation would have the choice of establishing their own private accounts (I'm guessing that the worker and the employer would contribute to a savings plan) or keeping their Medicare as it is today. If changes aren't done, it will go bankrupt just a few years down the road.

    Obama and his ilk have done NOTHING to solve this huge problem. In fact, Obamacareless takes half a trillion dollars out of Medicare! Why aren't you complaining about that?

    They are all too busy campaigning for a second failed term in office. As Ryan said, they care more about re-election than about the next generation.

    Just this morning on Fox News, analyst Frank Luntz shared that the "granny over the cliff" leftist garbage super-pac ad doesn't have people fooled. In fact, most people were very offended by it! The leftists idiots think that most Americans are too stupid to see through their propaganda. Americans are tired of the class warfare of Obama and his ilk. They want someone to tell them the truth - as dire as it is - and to get going to solve the problems in this nation. The left's Alinsky/Cloward-Piven scare tactics aren't working anymore! Millions have wised up and see through the stinky smoke screen that the left is trying to put up before their eyes. Not buying into it!

    About the death panels. Turns out that Sarah Palin was correct about that. And, BTW, Palin won the debate against Biden in 2008. Ryan will make him look like an absolute buffoon - and do it politely with policy arguments - not personal attacks.

    Obama's campaign has tried to steer the conversation away from his terribly failed policies by attacking Romney with lies and false accusations. Harry Reid looks like such a fool and it will be great to get a Republican majority in the Senate to boot him out of power. Reid is holding back voting on dozens of bills passed by the House. Hasn't passed a balanced budget in 3 1/2 years! Doesn't that bother you, GM? Probably not. Perhaps you think like Nancy PeLIARsi that "unemployment checks and food stamps stimulate the economy." Her socialist mindset came through with that dingbat quip.

    My husband mentioned to me that he heard and analyst state that it is going to take 40 years to undo the economic damage that Obama has wreaked upon this nation. That is truly a sad state of affairs. I hope that the American people are waking up and listening. If Obama wins again, we will end up kissing our restoration back to a Constitutional Republic goodbye. But I guess you are OK with that - as long as your Barack Hussein Obama stays in office - you will be happy. I can't believe how blind you are to his deliberate destruction of America. Truly sad...

  3. CJW: ”Do a search on the deaths of two gay men from the Trinity Church in Chicago and read all about it.”
    I did. There was no solid Obama connection, just innuendo and speculation. Anyway, why should you care about the deaths of any gay person? If you object to their deaths, that's one thing; but it's well-known you abhor gays, so I don't see why you'd care about that. I knew someone who died violently, but that doesn't indicate I had a hand in his death.

    ”There are dozens more mysterious deaths surrounding this evil administration. Do a search on that, too.”
    Again: if there's so much evidence out there, why have these brave souls notified only the right-wing media? Why haven't they called the Justice Department? Why haven't they taken out 'insurance' against their own deaths, especially in this age of the internet and Wikileaks? They can't even show that he wasn't born in America, so how can they show that he's behind 'mysterious deaths'?

    ”Obama's campaign has tried to steer the conversation away from his terribly failed policies by attacking Romney with lies and false accusations.”
    Like Bain Capital's vulture culture, you mean? Or the unreleased tax records?

    ”Reid is holding back voting on dozens of bills passed by the House. Hasn't passed a balanced budget in 3 1/2 years! Doesn't that bother you, GM? Probably not.”
    Remember Mitch McConnell's words from 2010? Here they are: “Our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term.” So, now. The GOP has held the House (hostage) since the midterms, holding back nearly every proposal, including the budget, made by the Administration.
    If your party wants the President to fail, and you brag about it, then you can't really complain when the President blames your party for it!

    ”My husband mentioned to me that he heard and analyst state that it is going to take 40 years to undo the economic damage that Obama has wreaked upon this nation. That is truly a sad state of affairs.”
    I once heard an analyst state that it would take decades to balance the budget after the Reagan years, too, but there was a surplus in the Treasury when Clinton left office. Maybe that analyst was the same one your husband heard.

    It's fascinating that I was talking about Ryan and all you can talk about is Obama, Obama, Obama. You are an even bigger “Obot” than you believe I am! You told me months ago that you'd hold your nose and vote for Romney if it would get Obama out; but if you're willing to sniff around him, don't complain about the smell.

  4. CJW: ”Do a search on the deaths of two gay men from the Trinity Church in Chicago and read all about it.”
    I did. There was no solid Obama connection, just innuendo and speculation. Anyway, why should you care about the deaths of any gay person? If you object to their deaths, that's one thing; but it's well-known you abhor gays, so I don't see why you'd care about that. I knew someone who died violently, but that doesn't indicate I had a hand in his death.

    ”There are dozens more mysterious deaths surrounding this evil administration. Do a search on that, too.”
    Again: if there's so much evidence out there, why have these brave souls notified only the right-wing media? Why haven't they called the Justice Department? Why haven't they taken out 'insurance' against their own deaths, especially in this age of the internet and Wikileaks? They can't even show that he wasn't born in America, so how can they show that he's behind 'mysterious deaths'?

    ”Obama's campaign has tried to steer the conversation away from his terribly failed policies by attacking Romney with lies and false accusations.”
    Like Bain Capital's vulture culture, you mean? Or the unreleased tax records?

    ”Reid is holding back voting on dozens of bills passed by the House. Hasn't passed a balanced budget in 3 1/2 years! Doesn't that bother you, GM? Probably not.”
    Remember Mitch McConnell's words from 2010? Here they are: “Our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term.” So, now. The GOP has held the House (hostage) since the midterms, holding back nearly every proposal, including the budget, made by the Administration.
    If your party wants the President to fail, and you brag about it, then you can't really complain when the President blames your party for it!

    ”My husband mentioned to me that he heard and analyst state that it is going to take 40 years to undo the economic damage that Obama has wreaked upon this nation. That is truly a sad state of affairs.”
    I once heard an analyst state that it would take decades to balance the budget after the Reagan years, too, but there was a surplus in the Treasury when Clinton left office. Maybe that analyst was the same one your husband heard.

    It's fascinating that I was talking about Ryan and all you can talk about is Obama, Obama, Obama. You are an even bigger “Obot” than you believe I am! You told me months ago that you'd hold your nose and vote for Romney if it would get Obama out; but if you're willing to sniff around him, don't complain about the smell.

  5. Ah yes! Barack Obama, one of the greatest minds in America ...

  6. FYI - GM

    An "Obot" is one who supports Hussein Obama no matter what evil he wreaks upon America. Pointing out the obvious about him doesn't make me a "bigger" Obot.

    The smell of dirty politics, voter fraud, rampant scandals, lawyering up to cover up his past, Black Panther and Chicago criminality, Commie activities, radical Islamic sympathizing, deaths to cover up Obama's private life, deaths of those who would expose him; are just the tip of the iceberg concerning the odor surrounding Obama and his ilk.

  7. Ha ha Steve!! That video of Obama being a flake really exposes the fact that the "powers that be" are running the show and using ObaMAO as their bumbling teleprompter puppet.

    The fictional character of Forrest Gump has more brains than Obummer!


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