Wednesday, August 29, 2012

RNC Convention - Breath Of Fresh Air!

Last night, the RNC Convention speakers absolutely ROCKED THE HOUSE!  What an AWESOME breath of fresh air from intelligent, articulate, engaging, individuals who love America and want to turn us away from the failed policies of this awful administration back to fiscal sanity, economic prosperity, job creation, and a great future for our children and grandchildren!

From Congressional hopeful Mia Love all the way through to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, each and every speaker added to the shining light of a new day to come once BHO and his ilk are out of office!! 

Ann Romney's speech stole the show!  I also heard (from my hubby) that Rick Santorum's speech was awesome.  I had to walk the dogs at that point so I need to see what he shared via DVR.

I must say that C-Span did the best job.  It was free of the commercials, talking heads, and the haters that so many of the liberal left lunatic media of mass deception allow to spew their despicable rhetoric whenever a conservative has the chance to speak on a national level.  My son clicked over to MSNBulls**t Creeps to see what they were spitting out, and, of course, blowhard Chris Matthews didn't disappoint the liberal lefts loonies tuning into that despicable channel:

A$$hat Chris Matthews Slams GOP Chairman For Playing Invisible Race Card (Video)
Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit - 2 days ago

This was horrible. Chrissy “Tingles” Matthews lashed out at GOP Chairman today for playing the race card… because Romney cracked a joke about Obama’s birth certificate. What an unhinged idiot. Because only Barack Obama can make jokes about his birth … Continue reading →

Even C-Span got spammed by some haters via a few Twitter messages near the end at the bottom of the screen.  But such screechers could not abate the excitement, enthusiasm, and excellent points made by the speakers.  They had no good argument against the business owners who squelched Obama's "you didn't built that" idiocy with commentary of their own.  The haters and their awful beliefs could not hold a candle to all the attendees who celebrated, cheered, prayed, sang along with "Amazing Grace,." and clapped for each segment and speaker during the evening. 

I avoided looking at blog posts until today at 12:30 p.m. PT.  I wanted to bask in the nice feeling I got watching the RNC Convention on C-Span.  But today, I got an eye-full of the hate that the left has for anyone who doesn't agree with their FAILED POLICIES, ABORTION - NO MATTER WHAT MINDSET, GLOBAL WARMING HOAXES, FOOD STAMP, UNEMPLOYMENT HORRID ECONOMIC NON-AGENDA, RADICAL  HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA, ANTI- TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE, SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST/MUSLIM SYMPATHIES, AND...the list could go on and on!

I was hoping that Mia Love would not be attacked for standing up for the conservative values that she believes in and holdS dear.  Of course - she was:

RNC Tuesday Night Open (Update – attempt to deface Mia Love Wikipedia page)
William A. Jacobson at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 19 hours ago

The line up is packed tonight, including Mia Love, who just finished her speech: If you haven’t contributed to her Money Bomb, what are you waiting for? Need more motivation, read what some smug creep at The Nation says about people like Mia, RNC Schedule: Tokenism Extraordinaire. Tokens? People like that writer are the real racists, they [...]

I was hoping that Artur Davis (who has since switched political parties from Democrat to Republican and gave a great speech yesterday) would not be hatefully attacked by the liberal leftist freaks - but of course he was too (as evidenced by what he said on Fox News today).  But look at what MSNBC DID:

Isn't it strange how liberal lunatic TV commentators don't get called "raaaccccisssst" when they overtly and obviously ignore a man who happens to be black, conservative, and articulate about why he spoke out against Obama and supports the GOP candidate Mitt Romney?

And then, there is this:

Good God: Parents of Fallen SEAL Members got FORM LETTERS From Obama – Not Even Personally Signed By Him - My disgust for this abysmal “Commander in Chief” is so off the charts it can not be measured quantifiably. On August 6, 2011, in an accident many say shoul...
2 hours ago

Like I've said many times before, I think that Obama is going to lose in a landslide!!

No man is perfect and Mitt Romney will not be a perfect president.  But I think that he will be a HUGE improvement over what we are suffering with today in BHO's failed occupation in the people's Oval Office of the White House!

Now....let's see who is first to come over here and call me RAACCISST for, once again,  telling the truth about BHO!!

Hat tips to all links.


  1. Rrrrraaaaccciiissstttt!!!!
    Hey Christine! Geez lady, you've had me worried! I've been checking here every day ... a few times a day to see if you're around. Thank the Lord you're here!
    Great post! I'm not a big fan of very many of the Republicans but I admit, if they stick with what they say, the real change will be great. I have major problems with Condi Rice ... but you know me by now ... I'm never satisfied; well not never. I just vividly remember her lying through her teeth to Congress in her testimony regarding 9/11. But it was a long time ago. There are some things I can't let go of and that's one of them.
    Good to "see" you again. Next time don't be gone so long. You'll worry this old man to death!

  2. Ha ha ha Steve! Glad it was you calling me that (kiddingly, of course) rather than Samantha the ObamaBorgBot liberal. A funny thing happened after Sam's visit to my blog. I got over 200 spam comment posts! They all showed up on my cell phone at the time. Had to delete them there and also here.

    The reason for my absence is that I am taking care of my 88 year old mom who, unfortunately, ended up in the hospital for two days last weekend. She is recovering now, but I am devoting most of my time to her and my family.

    I wanted to do a blog post on Sunday but didn't get to it. It was on what I DON'T agree with in the Republican platform this election year. The blog
    Now The End Begins has the story.

    Dr. David Jeremiah did a sermon this past Sunday that was really great - especially because he mentioned that fact that Israel and it's capital - Jerusalem - must NEVER BE DIVIDED. Man may continue to attempt to do so, but he invites calamity upon himself when he does.

    Here is a link to the sermon:

    David Hope: The Anchor of Life

    Thanks for your concern and friendship, Steve! Appreciate it! God bless!


    P.S. Realized that I can't skip forward on that site so try LightSource: <a href=">LightSource: Hope: The Anchor of Life</a> If you skip to about the 35:00 minute mark, you will hear about God's covenant with Abraham that he would have a son. It goes on to discuss Abraham's willingness to sacrifice His Son. But Abraham also took Hagar and she bore Ishmael. God promised Isaac (not Ishmael), so the swearing of this promise, significance of it and the confirmation of it was all God's doing. God doesn't need an "oath." Nobody is above Him. He condescends to us to make us feel the sense of His truth. See Hebrews 6:17.

    Jeremiah goes on to describe God's promises are a certainty, just like the promise made to Abraham. Whether we see it or not, it will happen. Abraham had to wait 25 years for Isaac.

    At 42:52 in the video, Jeremiah describes a picture that is awesome. Hebrews 6:19-20 is described. The word Hope in the Bible is different from man's hope.

    Hope in the Bible is not like ordinary human hope (this is why Obama's "hope" mantra became such a disappoint to millions).

    In the NT hope is a fact upon which you can lay hold, face and hold true. Christ is our hope - the hope of glory. It's likened to an "anchor." Our lives and hope is like an anchor. Our lives are like ships being tossed to and fro in a turbulent sea. Only a strong anchor cast out of the ship can save it from death, it must be strong and connected to something that won't move. Sailors anchor was cast down into sea. Believers anchor is cast upwards towards where Jesus is up in heaven. Jesus is our anchor. Want to maintain stability in life? - connect to Jesus - he is the anchor within the veil.

    When Jesus died on the cross, the veil was torn in two - the Holy of Holies was thrown open so that every believer has access to God that high priests only used to have. We have it every day of our lives. Beyond the veil, in the heavens, the Lord Jesus Christ is there, and he is our Anchor. We have a stability in our lives - it's not an "anchor" that goes down to sea below - it Goes up to heaven and Jesus.

    ...where the forerunner is before us...


  3. At 49:00 the description of a forerunner taking the anchor first, carrying the ships anchor was the pledge that the larger ship would one day head into the harbor safely. Christ Himself is our pledge, our forerunner, our anchor - one day where He is, that is where we will be. It enables you to stay calm in the storm. The Anchor is already place there! My Anchor holds!

    Even though Dr. Jeremiah uses "The Message" for the Romans scripture, it is very descriptive in the NIV too:

    Rom 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

    Rom 8:32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all--how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

    Rom 8:33 Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies.

    Rom 8:34 Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died--more than that, who was raised to life--is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

    Rom 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?

    Rom 8:36 As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." [fn]

    Rom 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

    Rom 8:38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, [fn] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,

    Rom 8:39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Some of my favorite portions of Scripture!

    Well, looks like I turned a comment into a blog post! LOL!

  4. Trying again to get a live link to LightSource:


  5. Well, at least we agree on one thing, hostess: C-SPAN is the place to go.

    Take good care of your mom, okay?

  6. Thank you so much, GM for the good wishes regarding my mom. It is certainly a full-time job, but she is definitely worth it. Family is one of the greatest blessings on this earth - and in eternity, too.

  7. For Samantha, GMPilot and any other Obots who come along to spout the "Ryan lies" mantra. Please fact check yourselves here:

    The Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: Here‘s a Break Down of the Claims Bashing Paul Ryan’s Speech

    In order to find one of the biggest LIARS on the planet - please see Barack Hussein Obama's LIES!


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