Thursday, September 27, 2012

Banned Video! MSM Won’t Show This!

I must admit to readers here that I had always been a bit confused about why many Jews support the Democratic Party and their leaders here in the United States of America.  I guess that I naively thought that the social and political issues they held dear must have trumped the safety and security of their homeland, Israel.  I also thought that since they were far away from the homeland created in 1948 [after the atrocities, horrors, and deaths of millions of Jews at the hands of the Hitler's Nazi regime (which also included Christians, the cast aways of the lame and mentally ill, and all of those deemed unworthy by the Aryan race) of the Holocaust!] by the United Nations and first recognized by then U.S. President Harry Truman; that perhaps they just didn't care (for some reason) about the Nation State of Israel.

Obviously, THAT United Nations doesn't exist anymore.  To witness and hear the spewing of hatred against Israel by Ahmadinijad at the UN meeting in NYC was disgusting - to say the least!  In years past (when a Republican President was in office) the U.S.A. delegation got up and left the room rather than sit there and listen to the madman puppet of Iran spew his horrid rhetoric against God's Blessed Nation of Israel!!!

Well, today I discovered a video over at Before It's News that apparently, has been banned from broadcast on network stations (over the course of five years!!!) here in the United States, Israel, and Europe! I was so shocked by the content that I had to watch it a second time in order to believe what I was seeing and hearing!!!

Now it all makes more sense!!

There are certain Jews (named Neturei Karta Rabbis - NKR) who AGREE with the Iranian madman Mahmoud Iminajihad (Ahmadinijad) and the mullahs of Iran that Israel does not deserve and/or should not keep the land that was given back to the Jews after the Holocaust of World War II.

Another disturbing fact to realize in this meeting of the NKR with the puppet leader of Iran is that Ahmadinijad has publicly stated the bizarre belief that the Holocaust "never happened," yet he meets with the NKR and listens as one of the Rabbis states that the Holocaust was a fact of history!

Of course the NKR Rabbi continues on, stating that "Zionism started 100 years ago" and that it is different from Judaism. He claims that there is a "materialistic, godless goal for nationalism" inherent in Israel's fight for their nation and people's very existence!!

Readers, I admit that I need to do more research on this, but I have to say that I was shocked to learn of the existence of Neturei Karta Rabbis. They appear to be possibly a sect of Orthodox Judaism (Susan S. - if you read this perhaps you can comment on it?) but I don't know how far reaching such beliefs are amongst the Jewish people.

But this revelation (to me, at least) surely explains another big reason why so many Jews (being so pro-Palestinian for example; and probably having an outright dislike of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) might agree with the Democratic Party platform here in the United States!

When I tried to view the video on YouTube, I got a different video of  that despicable Ku Klux Klan member and supporter, David Duke, spreading his own kind of propaganda!! Therefore, I guess the video is not available at the YouTube site.


Hat tips: [Where I first found the link] to:
Before It's News


  1. Dear Christine,

    Falsehood cannot stand against truth. Thank you. Few believers know how to SPEAK TRUTH.

    Most likely most Ultra-Orthodox Jews hate the modern/post-modern manmade government of Israel. Some refuse to vote and despise the IDF, yet they have immigrated, because of the ONE true God we worship. May his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    “Comfort, comfort my people!” Says our God “Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her, that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned, for she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins” (Isaiah 40:1-2)

    Love to you and all your worldwide readers. I remain yours in the Messiah. Susan Smith

  2. Well stated, Susan! Thank you for your input today.

    I haven't had a chance to search for so many of the Old Testament Scriptures that talk about Israel being given, by God to the Israelites (Jews today)!!!

    If I understand what you are saying, it is as if the Ultra-Orthodox Jews dislike Zionism because they think it was man-made? What about the Bible verses that tell us that the land was given by God to the Jews??? How about the prediction by the prophet Jeremiah? I think, (don't have time to look it up) where Israel became a Nation State again on the exact day predicted?? How about this verse in Exodus?

    Exd 19:6 'And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These [are] the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel."

    Would it be fair to compare them to the Amish here in the States? They don't vote either, and they live a simple life. However, the Amish don't get political like the Ultra-Orthodox Jews who seem to be siding with sworn enemies of Israel for a "peace" that they won't EVER have via any Muslim government!

  3. Hmmm, I like the Exodus 19:6 from the older covenant… it reminds me of 1 Peter 2:9 in the newer covenant.

    “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9, RSV)

    Believers are a special race or tribe (Hebrews 7:14) from every tongue, people group and nation (Revelation 5:9). WE are ONE!

  4. CJW: ”I guess that I naively thought that the social and political issues they held dear must have trumped the safety and security of their homeland, Israel.”

    You didn't say which Jews, Christine. The ones here in the USA tend to think of themselves as Americans first and Jews second, like other ethnic Americans do. The Jews who live in Israel have little to complain about, either: we've been pumping money and/or weapons their way for six decades, no matter which party holds the Presidency, through good times and bad, no matter what they say or do in Tel Aviv. So yes, you are naïve.

    ”Well, today I discovered a video...that apparently, has been banned from broadcast on network stations (over the course of five years!!!) here in the United States, Israel, and Europe!”

    Over five years, eh? Then you can't blame that on Obama.

    ”...Ahmadinijad has publicly stated the bizarre belief that the Holocaust "never happened," yet he meets with the NKR and listens as one of the Rabbis states that the Holocaust was a fact of history!”

    Ahmadinijad is not alone in believing that the Holocaust never happened, and one doesn't have to be a Muslim to think so. There are lots and lots of Holocaust-deniers out there; most are in North America and Asia. In Europe, where it actually happened...not so many. That's why the Germans left Dachau standing, as a reminder to themselves that such horror took place...and they did it.

    ”But this revelation (to me, at least) surely explains another big reason why so many Jews might agree with the Democratic Party platform here in the United States!”

    Again: which Jews? There are almost as many in Florida alone than in the whole of Israel, I'd guess, but the Israeli Jews can't vote here, and some are trying to make sure the ones living here can't vote either. There's also the fact that Netanyahu has been trying to be more belligerent with Iran, and wants the US to hold his hand while he does it.
    Perhaps you might learn just why NKR feels Israel should not be on the land it occupies (especially since Yahweh told them they would own land as far as the Euphrates River in Iraq), and tell us about it. Do the rabbis object on religious grounds, or legal ones? It would be nice to know. And no, it would not be right to compare these zealots with the Amish.

    It's been reported that most of the Israeli people don't want war with Iran. Fighting with them would immediately involve every nation in the region. Syria, Jordan, and Iraq—all of whom have their own problems—would just love to have warplanes zooming back and forth over their territory, since Tel Aviv and Tehran are about 1000 air miles apart. None of them would take kindly to land battles fought on their turf, either.
    Don't expect the idea of “jihad” to gain much traction--to half of Syria, the enemy is Assad, not Israel. Iraq is exhausted by the ten years of war we brought them. Jordan will hunker down and hope it'll pass them by. And let us not forget that Israel already has nuclear weapons, but being first to use them will make them look bad.

  5. Great verse, Susan!

    I knew that there were "liberal" Jews that might succumb to the anti-God, anti-Bible truths, but it did surprise me that a sect of Ultra Orthodox Jews would have ANYTHING to do with radical Islamic puppet leaders and their ilk!

  6. GM,

    If you read the paragraph before the quote you stated at the beginning of your comment, you would have seen that I was referring to the Jews that support the Democratic party.

    GM wrote:

    "The ones here in the USA tend to think of themselves as Americans first and Jews second, like other ethnic Americans do."

    Well... why don't blacks refer to themselves as "American Africans" then?

    See how your non-argument falls apart?

    Did you even read the post GM? The second comment about which Jews refers, once again, to the Jews that agree with the Democratic party.

    If you want to know more about the Neturei Karta Rabbis, see the link in the blog post text (paragraph 8) that takes you to Wikipedia.

    NO ONE WANTS war with Iran. But if they get too close to creating a nuclear weapon, Israel's existence would be in jeopardy. I don't blame the Israeli leaders for stating that they may need to strike first. Striking "second" wouldn't be an option - for obvious reasons.

    It is a delicate and sensitive issue for many peoples - including Israeli citizens, U.S. citizens (of all walks of life), and people all around the world.

    The radical Muslim leaders in Iran believe that their "Mahdi" won't return until there is chaos all around the world. They are getting their wish right now. Chaos is occurring at an alarming rate!

    The trouble is, the Apple of God's Eye - Israel - will be protected one way or another because prophecy in the Bible tells us that God wills it.

    BTW, Israel has no beef with the people of Iran - it's their crazy Mullahs and puppet leaders like Ahmadinijad that they don't trust. If they acquire nuclear weapons, they would not hesitate to use them on the Jewish State. Israel, which has the weapons, would not use them on the civilians. They would most likely target bomb the nuclear reactors and facilities where the weapons are being made.

  7. CJW: ”Well... why don't blacks refer to themselves as "American Africans" then?”

    Just where have you been living the past thirty years? What do you watch? What do you read? Is it even possible that you've never heard the term? I understand it sounds a bit awkward in speech, but it's certainly used in the news and in magazines; “black” is simply more convenient. Do you call yourself “American Irish” (or whatever)? Do you know the rules of hyphenated terms?
    Or are there simply no African-Americans where you live?

    I'm not especially interested in what NKR says. The Holocaust happened; it's as certain a fact as water flows downhill. Anyone who says otherwise is just delusional.

    ”The radical Muslim leaders in Iran believe that their "Mahdi" won't return until there is chaos all around the world. They are getting their wish right now. Chaos is occurring at an alarming rate!”

    Gee, I hear the very same thing said by radical Christian leaders about the “Messiah”! Wow, what a coincidence!
    The Christians have nukes, the Israelis have nukes, and when the Muslims have them too, then the stage will finally be set for the Divine Showdown. Don't you want to see that? Many people do.

    ”The trouble is, the Apple of God's Eye - Israel - will be protected one way or another because prophecy in the Bible tells us that God wills it.”

    Then what the heck are you worried about? Given God's past record of how he treats his Chosen People®, I would worry if I were a Jew...but you aren't one either, and you're so sure that God will save them, so why are you concerned?

    ”BTW, Israel has no beef with the people of Iran - it's their crazy Mullahs and puppet leaders like Ahmadinijad that they don't trust.”

    More's the pity, then, because people don't start wars. Politicians and generals do, but it's always the people who suffer and die in them. Why would Iran be any different? Their last big war was in the 1980s, and they lost a million people, against a non-nuclear enemy. Ahmadinijad was alive then, he'd remember that. He might not care how many of his people die, but I think the Iranians themselves would.

    ”They [Israel] would most likely target bomb the nuclear reactors and facilities where the weapons are being made.”

    Oh, right. Bomb a nuclear reactor, without knowing if it contained nuclear material or not. And if it did, the result would make Chernobyl look like a minor mishap. Certainly many thousands would die from radioactivity in the air. Maybe Netanyahu knows that detail. Maybe the JCS does; I don't. But if he's wrong, Israel will become famous for poisoning a good chunk of southwest Asia for generations to come. If he wants to do that, I can't stop him. I just hope he can live with it.

  8. Good morning Christine!

    I looove your left-brain thinking.

    You get better and better!

    I am grateful to call you friend. You are my sister in the Messiah with no ifs, ands or buts! ~ss

  9. Hey Christine, Paulie (TMJ) might provide a little wisdom on the matter. I saw the video you're talking about and it is alarming. It's amazing that those Jews could even think for a second they would be spared after Israel's demise.

  10. I meant to comment a little more but was losing my internet connection here at work. Like I was saying I think Paulie knows quite a bit about the subject. I was talking with her on the phone a few weeks ago and we talked about this a little. I know there are differences in the use of the Talmud by modern Jews as opposed to the Tarah (honestly I'm not sure if I even have that right) and the differences result in the attitudes in American Jews towards Israel.
    I just know that Jews in America, in general are more "liberal" than they are Hebrew.

  11. Oh my gosh GM - do you have to be like Obama and see everything boiling down to race?

    My former pastor is black, married to a white woman. My current pastor is black, married to a black woman. What else do you want to know? How many blacks I sit next to in church or what?

    Only you could change a discussion about Jews who, unfortunately, are misguided enough to choose to appease a Muslim radical rather than standing up for their homeland nation of Israel into a RAACCISSTT rant.

    Secondly, I thought you didn't believe what the Bible says? Why would you talk about it as if you do believe what is prophesied?

    You seem to have so much confidence in your ObaMARXIST & Islam-loving pResident that you are blinded towards the danger this puppet and his handlers pose to our nation. You don't even care that this criminal administration is LYING TO YOU and all of America regarding the Benghazi attack on 9/11 that killed 4 Americans.

    What would you think if someone in-the-know told you that the LIES they were spreading about the anti-Islam video was actually made by terrorists and a false-flag operation and pretext for violence?

    Nah....can't be possible - right?

    To borrow a poignant phrase from the blogger at "Answering Muslims":

    "Come out of the cave's dark in there."

  12. Thanks Susan!

    I was away from the computer most of the day and just released comments close to midnight!

    God bless you and thanks again for your insight about this topic!

  13. Good point, Steve. We know that the old saying, "first they came for the _______ (fill in the blank) and I did nothing" is a scenario that fits well with this post. It's amazing how naive people can be. That sign we both posted a few days back that said "Thank you S.F. die last" should always be on the minds of non-Muslims. The fact that they admit to outright lying in order to fool trusting people and utilize the "taquiya" methods to "befriend non-Muslims; then stab them in the back" should be enough to keep us on guard for betrayal! Have you visited the "Answering Muslims" blog yet? A plethora of information is to be had there!!!

    Does Paulie post comments at your blog? I need to check that out.

    Recall the kamikaze pilots from Japan in WWII. They would willingly, aggressively, and deliberately die for the cause. That is exactly what radical Islamic terrorists are about. There is no chance for negotiating with them. It is totally naive for those Jewish Rabbis to think that they would be spared (like you had stated) after an attack on Israel.

  14. CJW: ”Oh my gosh GM - do you have to be like Obama and see everything boiling down to race?
    No, Christine: I merely noted that you have a problem with hyphenation. Jewish-Americans, Irish-Americans, African-Americans...notice what they all have in common? Americans!! The prefix merely declares their ancestry, but they're all American now. That's all I said, remember? ”The [Jews] here in the USA tend to think of themselves as Americans first and Jews second, like other ethnic Americans do.”

    ”Secondly, I thought you didn't believe what the Bible says? Why would you talk about it as if you do believe what is prophesied?”
    I don't believe it, but many others do. Some of them are in government, and sell to Israel F-15 fighters and GBU-28 bombs, because they believe there has to be an Israel in order for the End Times to come. You believe it, don't you?

    ”You seem to have so much confidence in your ObaMARXIST & Islam-loving pResident that you are blinded towards the danger this puppet and his handlers pose to our nation. You don't even care that this criminal administration is LYING TO YOU and all of America regarding the Benghazi attack on 9/11 that killed 4 Americans.”

    You seem to be ignoring the consequences of a new war in the Middle East. Iran probably feels it could survive a strike on their nuclear facilities, and we know they have IRBMs. They could drop those on Israel in larger numbers than Saddam did—they don't need nukes to destroy much of Israel. You seem to be ignoring seeing your beloved second country devastated. You seem not to care that the US simply cannot afford to be involved in a third war—and why should you? You won't be going there. Nor will your children. But your neighbor's children might. And you'll still have to pay for it.
    The previous administration was LYING TO US about the original 9/11 and who was involved in it. We are still paying for that lie: 3000 people over here, and 4500+ in Iraq alone. Why didn't you care about that?

    ”What would you think if someone in-the-know told you that the LIES they were spreading about the anti-Islam video was actually made by terrorists and a false-flag operation and pretext for violence? “
    You mean a terrorist who happens to be a Coptic Christian, using American liberties to make a video that would have gotten him arrested (if not executed) at home? Not that it helped, since he's been arrested anyway. Incidentally, he seems to have more aliases than Obama supposedly has.


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