Tuesday, September 04, 2012

The Christian Concept of Servant Hood

In the midst of this current season surrounding us and leading us towards the big Election of 2012, I have been thinking about what made Ronald Reagan such a great president. We could all rattle off many of his accomplishments as president, but I think that the real key to his greatness was the fact that he genuinely saw himself as a servant to the people of the United States of America. Perhaps he is one of the last presidents who genuinely took the admonition of Jesus Christ to heart:

Mar 9:35 And He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, "If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all."

The concept of servant hood is often lost among certain politicians these days. Few can be found amongst the chattering elites and clanging gongs that often dominate the airwaves.

 The politicians who use the "I" word most often are usually the ones that put you (the taxpaying citizen who trusted them enough to put them in office in the first place) LAST once they gain the office they are seeking.


I urge you to look closely at each and every candidate that you intend to vote for and see if that person has genuinely led a life in service to others.  Has he/she been a servant to God?

This page on Blue Letter Bible describes the fact that many famous biblical persons were (and also considered themselves) servants of God.  We would be wise to imitate their examples of servant hood towards God and man.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of our lives for all of eternit,y was the holiest and most righteous servant. All that he did was in servitude to God the Father.  Jesus stated, "not my will, but Your will be done" when speaking about God the Father and the mission he was given on this earth.

  I love the portion of Scripture in Mark where Jesus speaks of the little children:

Mar 9:36  Then He took a little child and set him in the midst of them. And when He had taken him in His arms, He said to them,

Mar 9:37   "Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me."

Pay special attention to what Jesus said in Mark 9:37:

"Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me."

In other words, ONLY those who receive Jesus Christ will be able to be received by God the Father!  That may not be a "politically correct" statement; but it is the truth.

Politicians - no matter who they are -  will always disappoint us in some way.  They could never be perfect because only Christ led the perfect life.  But there are those politicians who would do more harm than others.  Sometimes, unfortunately, it turns out to be a choice between "the lesser of two evils."

We are all evil - to a certain extent. 

While Jesus talked about those who are evil giving good gifts to their children, he stressed  how much more would our holy and righteous Father in heaven give to those who ask Him?

Mat. 7:11 - "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

Luke describes the perfect gift from God as being the Holy Spirit:

  Luke 11:13 - "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more   will [your] heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!"

I think that is significant. There is no greater love - no greater gift than the gift of God's Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ our Savior!

If you don't know Christ, please see this page: Angels Helper: Becoming a Christian.

Take the "good" test on that page and see how you do.

If you are a Christian and your are reading this page, please consider the servant hood factor of the candidates when getting into the voting booth this November.  I think that if we seek to elect those (like Ronald Reagan) who genuinely desire to be a servant of the people (rather than served by others for their own political benefits of power, wealth and prestige); we will be back on the road to the Constitutional Republic that was given to us by our Founding Fathers over 230 years ago.


  1. CJW: ”The concept of servant hood is often lost among certain politicians these days. Few can be found amongst the chattering elites and clanging gongs that often dominate the airwaves.”



    Very often that 'certain job' we voters hire them to do is a job unworthy of them...or us.
    Redrawing a district so only the “right” people are represented is often one of those jobs.
    Obtaining (or retaining) money for some groups at the expense of others is often one of those jobs.
    Taking (or postponing) actions that lead to disaster is often one of those jobs.

    If we 'hire' them and that is what we end up with, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

    ”...many famous biblical persons were (and also considered themselves) servants of God. We would be wise to imitate their examples of servant hood towards God and man.”

    But no one elected God to his position, did they? His 'servants' weren't appointed to their positions either. They were anointed—that is, chosen—by a sovereign who doesn't have to answer to anyone. It includes men like Moses, who led people to freedom, and men like Joshua, the first great 'ethnic cleanser' of recorded history. According to accounts, both of them acted on the sovereign's orders, right?
    I like our system better. Here, NO ONE is above the law, not even our leaders...at least in theory.

    Did Reagan ever attend church services during his Presidency? He raised taxes 11 times in eight years, something his fan base seems to have forgotten; but I'm sure he felt he was still serving the people by doing so.

    In this country, politicians place their hand on the Bible and swear to uphold the Constitution. They do not place their hands on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible. This means their servant hood belongs first to—surprise!--the people, not God. Jesus was aware of this, and he described the consequences of those who carried it out badly (Mat 25: 41~45).

  2. Hi GMpilot,

    Sorry about the delay in releasing your comment. For some unknown reason, it ended up in the spam box. Plus, I was busy in the a.m. and out most of the rest of the day.

    You agreed on that first quote of mine above. Do you also agree that Ronald Reagan was more of a servant kind of president than most who followed him into office?

    I disagree that "our system is better." Because of sin and evil, there will be those who ruin what the Founders envisioned for our country. Back then, most people at least respected the God of the Bible even if they didn't necessarily believe in Him. Today, the atheists/agnostics/skeptics are downright hostile towards God and biblical Christians. Most other religions "get a pass" (like Islam, Hinduism etc.) because they don't appear to be as much of a threat as Christianity. The Cross of Christ is a hindrance to those who are perishing. They can't stand the sight of it or the reason for Christ's sacrificial death on the cross. All other religions are, in some way, benign to them and they don't think of them as being as offensive.

    Just like the fact that you hate God because He doesn't "live up" to your finite imagination of what a real God should (or could) be.

    Your statement that "no one is above the law" is laughable. The crimes surrounding Obama and his ilk are so egregious that it is unimaginable to think that they could all get away with so much. Perhaps in this world, they will escape justice. But they certainly won't escape justice in eternity.

    Jesus was speaking about leaders, too, GM. When the disciples asked him which of them would be greater in the kingdom, Jesus told them outright that "the first shall be last." That is an example of servanthood; not only to man, but to God FIRST.

    You must keep in mind other Scripture to correctly surmise the Christian concept of servanthood. It helps to keep all of these Scriptures in mind:

    Mat 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

    Luk 12:31 "But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you.

    Mar 9:35 And He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, "If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all."

    Mat 6:24 "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

    Luk 16:13 "No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."

    Hbr 12:28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.

  3. If I agreed with everything else you said about Ronald Reagan, I would have said so. I didn't.

    ”Back then, most people at least respected the God of the Bible even if they didn't necessarily believe in Him.”
    Not so. Ever read some of the things that some of the Founders said about the God of the Bible? I can supply quotes if you want; I won't do it here. In any case most non-believers in our history respected that god because they feared his followers. In more tolerant communities, the unbeliever was usually moved to the edge of local society; the guy you didn't want your children to talk to. In less tolerant communities, he would become a pariah, and blamed for the crop failure, the death of livestock, and anything else that went wrong. That would usually be enough to get oneself run out of town, if not killed.
    I don't see many clergymen being run out of town, even today.

    You still on with that nonsense about me hating the BibleGod? Why? If I were a threat to him (how?), he could destroy me with less effort that you or I could blow out a match. I simply don't believe there is such a being; and that he has all the power of Sauron or Darth Vader; that is, none. How can I hate someone I don't believe exists? Why should I waste time hating a boogeyman?

    I have no problems with the cross. I just don't worship there. I find no other religion any better. Islam is both more and less barbaric than Christianity. Buddhism is barely a religion at all, more of a code of ethics. Hinduism I find even more incomprehensible than Christianity (and is far older, nearly as old as Judaism, which is the root of your own faith (and yet you don't believe in). Some Christians believe that Catholics aren't Christians, or that Mormons aren't Christians. I ask myself, how do they know? And I laugh, because I know they don't.

    ”...Perhaps in this world, they will escape justice. But they certainly won't escape justice in eternity.”
    Why should we have to wait for “eternity” to see justice done? What good will it do us then?

    You claim that Obama's 'crimes...are so egregious'. Well, I happen to think that his predecessor should be standing in the dock somewhere, too. We'll agree to disagree about that. But Nixon (and Reagan, and Clinton) all had their day in court. I never said that justice was done; but the fact that they were there means that no one is above the law, despite what you think.

    ”When the disciples asked him which of them would be greater in the kingdom, Jesus told them outright that "the first shall be last." That is an example of servanthood...”

    For about three centuries in this country, black people were in the 'last' position. They learned about the Bible from their masters and missionaries, and adopted the symbols of hope they saw therein. Moses is the obvious example. They are still a long way from reaching the 'first' position, but whoa! A black man becomes president of the USA, and suddenly people are writing books about his “hidden rage” or his being a Muslim (which he isn't), or some such bu**sh**, when he's just doing the best he can for everyone, as all politicians (and other leaders) are supposed to do.
    At least he hasn't claimed that BibleGod told him to 'smite' a foreign leader...not even Osama bin Laden. But he got smitten, anyway.

    Nice quotes you have there. Care to interpret that part about 'godly fear' from Hebrews 12:28, and how it differs from the 'reverence' in the same verse? It can't mean the same thing, otherwise there'd be no need to write it that way.

  4. Hello Christine!
    What a great piece you've put together here. I enjoyed it immensely. I think GM's comment was well thought out and typical of someone who has a problem accepting the thought that there is something smarter and much more powerful than men, but that's understandable.
    Through over four decades of studying the Bible and pondering the things written therein the "servants" heart is one thing that stands out to me and one which should be the most sought after for Christians, in my humble opinion. It's a genuine rarity even among pastors and religious leaders sad to say. Our Lord set the example ... lead by example, yet His sacrifice (which sacrifice was much more than his death on the cross) seems to have been ... I don't know if forgotten is the right word ... or maybe corrupted; none the less few follow His example.
    Anyway another characterization that impacts me probalby more than the servants heart is something that could only be attained by having that, and be "moved up" so to speak ... and that is to be like Daniel, a man "greatly beloved" by God. Oh to have that ...
    Daniel chapter 9 shows us just how humble this servant of God really was, and why he was "greatly beloved".

  5. GM,

    Funny you should ask about Hebrews 12:28. It is certainly a good question and the answer is much more involved than what meets the eye in the English translation of that verse. My concordance demonstrates just how rich the Greek language really is compared to English. (BTW, as a side note have you ever seen the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding?" In it, the Greek father of the bride states that if you give him any word in English, he could find the root word in Greek. Probably, true I would venture to say. No wonder the Greeks have such pride in their heritage and language!)

    Here is what I found regarding the meaning of the term "fear" in that verse:

    2124 eulabeia from 2126; prop. cauthion, i.e. (religiously) reverence (piety); by impl. dread (concr.) - fear (-ed).

    2126 eulabes from 2095 and 2983; taking well (carefully), i.e. circumspect (religiously, pious); - devout.

    2095 eu, neut. of a primary eus (good). (adv.) well: - good, well (done).

    2983 lambano; a prol. form of a primary verb, which is used only as an alt. in certain tenses; to take (in very many applications, lit. and fig. [ properlyobj. or act, to get hold of; whereas 1209 is rather subj. or pass., to have offered to one,; while 138 is more violent, to seize or remove]): - accept, + be amazed, assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come on (X unto), + forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (x after), take (away, up).

    My NIV Bible says:

    Hebrews 12:28-29 - Therefore, since we are recieving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire."

    The portion in quotes is from Dt. 4:24.

    The notes (for Hebrews 12:27-29) read:

    Eventually the world will crumble, and only God's kingdom will last. Those who follow Christ are part of this unshakable kingdom, and they will withstand the shaking, sifting, and burning. When we feel unsure about the future, we can take confidence from these verses. No matter what happens here, our future is build on a solid foundation that cannot be destroyed. Don't put your confidence in what will be destroyed; instead, build your life on Christ and his unshakable kingdom. (See Matthew 7:24-29 for the importance of building on a solid foundation.)

    It is very good to be reminded of Christ's kingdom which cannot be destroyed - unlike the government(s), powers, principalities etc. (which often are, unfortunately, of darkness) that often plague us here on this earth. Those verses make Obama (and any other human leader) look small and insignificant in comparison to the awe, inspiration, promises, and salvation that God reveals in His written word, the Bible, and His Living Word, Jesus Christ.

  6. Hi Steve!

    So glad you enjoyed it. I enjoyed writing about the subject. When things on this earth try to get me down, I find that the reminders of the promises of God in the Bible do two things. They make me realize that worry is unnecessary and that God ultimately has it all under control. Even when things look grim, we know just Who wins in the end!

    You wrote, "I think GM's comment was well thought out and typical of someone who has a problem accepting the thought that there is something smarter and much more powerful than men, but that's understandable."

    You will love seeing what my hubby sent me via email today. I'm putting it in my next blog post. I will probably need time to write additional commentary about it later, but I am going to put the quote he sent me up right now. Feel free to comment!

    What you said about man's heart is true. Even though a person can be a great servant, he/she STILL falls short of the glory of God.

    The stumbling block of many non-believers is not only the cross of Christ (which reveals that they are perishing), but also their disdain for the fact that Christians (excuse the cliche') "aren't perfect, just forgiven by a God who is."

    Christian believers can strive to be perfect (as Jesus said, "be perfect, just as my Father in Heaven is perfect) but it is a goal that can't be reached this side of heaven. If we COULD be perfect here, then we would not have needed Christ's perfect sacrifice on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins.

    But all of this is often lost to the minds of non-believers. Their refusal to acknowledge God, and their refusal to accept what Christ did to reconcile us back unto our Holy and Righteous God is what keeps them in bondage to the enemy of our souls. Such a shame...isn't it?

    All we can do is continue to share the Gospel and pray that those who hear the message apply it to their lives and become saved.

    I need to re-read Daniel chapter 9! We can ALL learn a lot from a servant like Daniel who was humble and "greatly beloved" by God!

    Thanks so much for sharing such an awesome comment!


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