Friday, October 12, 2012

The Paul Ryan/Silly Bully [er...Biden] Debate

Hi Readers,

As they say, a picture (or cartoon in this case) is worth 1,000 words!

Cartoon by: Glenn McCoy

Will be back later to create a more detailed post about the Paul Ryan/Silly Bully [er...Biden] debate.  For now, I'd like to point all of you towards my blog friend Steve's thoughts over at Cry and Howl:


The moderator asked Biden, “Wasn’t this a massive intelligence failure?” He didn’t answer that and then when she asked why they didn’t supply the requested security force … He flat-out lied when he said there was no request for more security in Benghazi. He said, “We weren’t told they wanted more security. We did not know they wanted more security there.” The moderator didn’t call him on his lie and we can’t really check with Ambassador Stevens. A few minutes later he said he wasn’t into (I couldn’t make out the actual word he used) talking about classified information … I think these people would disagree with that claim. A few minutes later he scoffed and dismissed the idea that Iran is getting close to developing a nuclear weapon. He claimed that the U.S. and Israel hold the identical position that Iran cannot produce a nuclear device. That claim is another blatant lie. He got much more belligerent and cocky as the debate went on. And I suppose he felt that if he was stern enough in his statements that would make them true.

My comment there:

Hi Steve,

Pressed for time this morning but had to read your post about the debate last night.  Thanks for posting that cartoon!  I'm going to use it and link back to your great post here!

As they say, "a picture is worth 1,000 words."  Biden's annoyingly white dentured grin, fake "smiles," nasty demeanor, and disrespectful interruptions (82 times????), made him look like a silly bully!!  Did you notice that he mostly talked about himself and not B.H.O.??  Whereas, Paul Ryan stated the facts, had a pleasant and respectful demeanor, ANSWERED THE QUESTIONS, and shared what President Mitt Romney would do in deep contrast to the current corrupt Obummer BADministration and their ilk!

Just glanced at at my sidebar before coming here but one blog is reporting that Romney is up by 7 points in Virginia!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Our national nightmare of the Barack Insane Obama criminals will soon - and FINALLY - be over!!

 Keep praying!

~  Christine

Hat Tip: Cry and Howl


Update from Commie Blaster:

Biden was Most Disrespectful Debater Ever

Biden Interrupted Ryan 82 Times"Unlikeable", "Rude"

CNBC: 56% Ryan, 36% Biden, CNN: 50% Ryan, 41% Biden

Biden Lies About Libyan Security During Debate
Beck Walks Through Libya Timeline - Describes ‘Massive Cover-Up …Bigger Than Watergate’


  1. Hey Christine!
    I have to tell you, I watched the debate early this morning here at work and I suffered through as much as I could. I couldn't stand the arrogance reeking from Biden. I finally shut it off when I couldn't take any more. Man, arrogance like that rubs me wrong! I later edited my post borrowing your video. I surely hope you are right about our nightmare being over soon!
    Woo Hoo! (you're funny!)

  2. My husband and my friend couldn't stand watching the whole thing either!! LOL! I suffered through it all and thought that Biden ended up looking like such an arrogant creep!! Whatever his "knowledge" was on some issues (many of it was lies!) his infantile smirking, laughing (the RNC already made a great ad about that!!) and arrogance, and sometimes dour faces showed the audience his bi-polar-like awful demeanor. To think that this guy is a heartbeat away from the presidency makes me very nervous.

  3. ...And all the while Lyin' Ryan smirked like some college senior who got caught cheating, and was being dressed down by the Dean. That's not bullying, that's comeuppance.

    Ryan's had this reputation as the financial wonk; he's The Man With The Figures, and they never lie, right? Unlike the GOP's last VP candidate, Ryan actually reads stuff. Traditionally, VP contenders always act as attack dogs during a campaign, so I was really looking forward to seeing them go at it.

    Ryan agrees on our date to leave Iran and Afghanistan, but feels we should not announce it. Did he mean the Taliban won't notice when they see all those planes land and soldiers get into them, but no soldiers come out? Does he think that after ten years of war, we'll just tell the local forces, “All right, we've driven them out; it's up to you now to keep them out” and then leave the next day?
    Part of the reason we're in this economic hole is because we're borrowing money to fight; two days' worth of expenditures in Afghanistan equals all the money PBS gets in a year.
    I was eagerly awaiting his description as to how seniors (and others) would have their medical costs paid for after the ACA is revoked, and how much more they, and the rest of the public, might have to pay when it is. PLUS increasing the military budget, PLUS continuing the tax cuts for the wealthy. Where's the money going to come from? I wondered; Radditz asked; Biden questioned. Ryan, the man with the numbers? He was as silent as the Sphinx.

    Sure, you righties can boo-hoo about Biden's behavior; I think he overdid it some. But it shows that he was ready for this, and his mannerisms showed contempt for Ryan's claims. Well-deserved contempt. Ryan held his own, but he got bloodied, and he knew it. I can tell because on nearly all the right-wing sites there's bitching about what Biden said, not about what Ryan didn't say. Style nearly always counts over substance, especially on television, but it helps to have both. Biden's style was a bit off—he's famous for that—but his substance wasn't.

  4. GMPilot said: ...And all the while Lyin' Ryan smirked like some college senior who got caught cheating, and was being dressed down by the Dean.

    Previously you identified yourself as a materialist. Now if all that exists is matter, then God, heaven, hell, angels, demons, soul and mind (spirit) do not exist, which logically means that thought, reason, conscience, and will do not exist either.

    For you GMPilot, thought is an illusion caused by chemical reactions and the firing of neurons in grey matter. This means that when you think you are thinking you are really just experiencing an illusion.

    By extension, if you think you know the truth you don't---you're just experiencing an illusion caused by the chance firing of neurons and chemical interactions in your grey matter.

  5. Anon: ”Previously you identified yourself as a materialist. Now if all that exists is matter, then God, heaven, hell, angels, demons, soul and mind (spirit) do not exist, which logically means that thought, reason, conscience, and will do not exist either.”
    Um...actually, God, heaven, hell, angels, and demons all are reported as being existent outside oneself, while soul, mind, thought and the rest are supposedly internal. We know there's such a thing as thought, just as we know there's such a thing as belief. But the results of one are often better to...materialize, you might say...than the results of the other.

    ”For you GMPilot, thought is an illusion caused by chemical reactions and the firing of neurons in grey matter. This means that when you think you are thinking you are really just experiencing an illusion.”
    The same might be said about those who talk with gods, or are harassed by demons. It could also mean that I'm not even a real person—just someone you've invented in your own mind who builds theological strawmen in order for you to burn them. See how that works?

    In any case, just what does this have to do with the subject of this thread? This is supposedly about Biden vs Ryan. If you want to duel, just call me over to your site, if you have one, and we can thresh it out.
    Stay on target!


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